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TEST ON WORD FORMATION ( TEST 9 ) Exercise 1. Cho dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc. 1. One of the ( 1 – college ) _______ universities in Vietnam is Hanoi National University. 2. One aspirin should be ( 2 – suffice ) _________ to relieve the pain. 3. I was ( 3 – maze ) _______ at his ( 3 – expert ) _______ on the financial issues. 4. There are some stars that are ( 4 – vision ) ________ to all but the most powerful telescope. 5. After the divorce , he had to ( 5 – build ) _______ his life ( 6 – complete ) _________. 6. Einstein was one of the greatest ( 7 – think ) _______ of the 20 th century. 7. The former president’s attempted to ( 8 – gain ) ________ power. 8. Managers should be more ( 9 – respond ) ________ to their staff. 9. The ( 10 – important ) _____ of these ( 11 – find ) ______ cannot be ( 12 – estimate ) ______. 10. They give their children a great deal of ( 13 – liberal ) ________. Exercise 2. Cho dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc Learning to communicate in another language can be very difficult and ( 1 – frustrate) ____ at times, but it can also be one of the most ( 2 – reward ) __ experiences of your life. Being able to communicate in another language will open doors for you to experience a world of new people, places and ideas. It will offer you a look at cultures from every part of the earth. And if you have the opportunity to live in another culture, the experience will show you many things – above all, about your own culture. It will reveal cultural ( 3 – similar ) _____ and differences that you had never noticed in the past. In addition, the experience can show you a great deal about your own personal ( 4 – believe ) _______, attitudes, and ( 5 – perceive ) ________. Within a short time in another culture, you will find that you begin to learn a great deal about yourself and your own country and culture. While you’re studying English, you’re probably thinking about other educational ( 6 – possible ) _____, for now or for later. If you’re currently living in the US or planning to go, you will find an incredible ( 7 – vary ) ________ of alternatives for study. In terms of higher education, over 3,200 colleges and universities with four years programs operate in the US. They employ more than 650,000 teachers and ( 8 – administration ) _____ and teach 13,7 million students, over 400,000 of whom come from outside theUS. These colleges and universities range in size from 500 students to more than 55,000 students at one campus. Some charge over $15,000 annual tuition, while others charge as little as $450 per year. If you’re thinking about a shorter program, there’re around 1,300 community colleges in the US. Community colleges are different in three ways : They offer two – year ( not four – year ) degrees only : they normally have both academic and ( 9 – vocation ) ________ / ( 10 – technique ) ______ programs : and they are relatively inexpensive. The average tuition nationwide is around $ 600. Exercise 3. Cho dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc 1. The prospect of ( 1 – bankrupt ) ________ has now receded. 2. After five years in the job, he was beginning to feel ( 2 – rest ) _________. 3. She looked with ( 3 – proud ) _________ at the result of her work. 4. Our teacher told us a ( 4 – caution ) ________ tale about the dangers of careless driving. 5. Heavy smoking made him ( 5 – breathe ) ___________. 6. The new exam is longer and ( 6 – correspond ) ________ more difficult to pass. 7. Goods bought in the sale are not ( 7 – exchange ) __________. 8. He showed a riskless ( 8 – regard ) _______ for his own ( 9 – safe ) _________. 9. The play was given an ( 10 – enthuse ) _____ ( 11 – receive ) _____ by the ( 12 – criticism) ___ 10. Her ( 13 – ill ) _______ has made her completely ( 14 – mobile ) ________. Exercise 4. Cho dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc Exactly what is a family? In the past, the traditional American family consisted of a working husband, a wife at home, and children. ( 1 – Respond ) _______ were clearly ( 2 – devision ) _______. While the husband was earning a living, the wife was caring for the home and raising the children. Of course, there were exceptions, but this ( 3 – conceive ) _______ of the family was the general rule until the 1960s. Since the 1960s, however, the family has become more diverse, fragile and ( 4 – change ) _________. Americans’ve accepted differing concepts of families, including single – parent, blended, two – paycheck, interracial , childless and commuter families. Nowadays, people talk about their families, their ( 5 – describe ) _______ vary greatly. One ( 6 – teen ) _______ described her family structure as “ a dad, two moms, two sisters and two brothers, and a baby on the way, eighteen cousins, four – and – a half grandmas and five grandpas, five uncles and eight aunts”. ( Her half – grand – mother is a step – grand parents. ). Some critics believe that the American family has suffered greatly because of all the ( 6 – change ) ____ in ( 7 – social ) ________. According to these critics, the family had been much stronger before it began to struggle with issues such as divorce, working wives and mothers, gay couples, and unmarried ( 8 – relate ) ______. Today’s strongest critics feel that the traditional nuclear family will not be society’s basic unit in the twenty – first century. Exercise 5. Cho dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc 1. Don’t throw that cardboard box away – It may come in ( 1 – hand ) _________. 2. ( 2 – Fluent ) _______ in English and French is required for this job. 3. The land ( 3 – flat ) _______ out near the coast. 4. There’s no ( 4 – deny ) ________ that he’s qualified and ( 5 – experience ) __________ ( 6 – technical ) __________. 5. ( 7 – Low ) ________ interest rates could have ( 8 – disaster ) _______ consequences for the economy. 6. Belgium used to hold the ( 9 – preside ) ________ of the European Union. 7. Women who smoke risk giving birth to ( 10 – weight ) __________ babies. 8. Our ( 11 – perceive )________ of things is influenced by many ( 12 – subject ) ______ factors. 9. ( 13 – Succeed ) _______ government has failed to tackle the problem of drug trafficking. 10. All the ( 14 – participate ) _________ in the debate had an opportunity to speak. Exercise 6. Cho dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc Good health is not something you are able to buy at the ( 1 – drug ) _______, and you can’t depend on getting it back with a quick visit to the doctor when you’re sick, either. Making your body last without major problems has to be your own responsibility. ( 2 – Treat ) ________ your system by keeping bad habits, neglecting symptoms of illness, and ignoring common health rules can ( 3 – act ) ______ the best medical care. Nowadays, health ( 4 – special ) _______ promote the idea of ( 5 – well ) ________ for everybody. Wellness means achieving the best possible health within the limits of your body.One person may need many fewer calories than another, depending on metabolism. Some people might prefer a lot of easier exercise to more strenuous exercise. While one person enjoy playing seventy – two holes of golf a week, another would play three ( 6 – sweat ) _______, ( 7 – compete ) ________ games of tennis. Understanding the ( 8 – need ) ______ of your own body is the key. Everyone runs the risk of accidents, and no one can be sure of avoiding chronic disease. Nevertheless, poor diet, stress, a bad working environment, and ( 9 – care ) ________ can ruin good health. By changing your habits of the conditions surrounding you, you can ( 10 – low ) _______ the risk or reduce the damage of disease. Exercise 7. Cho dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc 1. Childen are so ( 1 – demand ) ________ : they need constant ( 2 – attend ) ________. 2. He showed ( 3 – remark ) _______ ( 4 – endure ) ________ through his illness. 3. It ( 5 – glad ) _______ my heart to see them all ( 6 – enjoyment ) ______ themselves last night. 4. New ( 7 – sea ) _______ markets for the products are being ( 8 – energy ) _______ pursued. 5. Smoking ( 9 – danger ) ________ yourself and those around you. 6. His speech did a very ( 10 – effect ) _______ ( 11 – demolish ) ________ job on the govrnment policy. 7. Tonight’s programme is an ( 12 – deep ) ______ look at the ( 13 – long ) ______ ( 14 – affect ) ________ of ( 15 – employ ) _________. 8. The movie had us all ( 16 – sit ) ___ on the edges of our (17 – sit ) ___ with ( 18 – excite ) ___ 9. Police are holding two men in ( 19 – connect ) ________ with last Sunday ( 20 – rob ) ______. 10. The United Nation’s trying its best to tackle the problem of ( 21 – wide ) ___ ( 22 – literate)___ Exercise 8. Cho dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc 1. The ( 1 – work ) _______ accused the company of ( 2 – fair ) _______ ( 3 – dismiss ) ______. They began shouting and the ( 4 – meet ) ________ broke out in ( 5 – order ) _________. 2. The ( 6 – extend ) _________ of the highway will take several months. 3. The road finally ( 7 – straight ) ________ out after a series of bends. 4. Gentle ( 8 – persuade ) ________ is more ( 9 – effect ) ________ than force. 5. On the way to the country we sometimes stopped to admire the ( 10 – picture ) _____ scenery. 6. I don’t drink much alcohol, just the ( 11 – occasion ) ________ glass of wine. 7. To an ( 12 – side ) _________ it may appear to be a ( 13 – glamour ) _________ job. 8. His ( 14 – analyze ) ________ showed great of ( 15 – perceive ) __________. 9. Constant ( 16 – critic ) _______ has ( 17 – death ) ________ their ( 18 – enthuse ) _________. 10. The ( 19 – emphasize ) _________ is on hard work, not ( 20 – joy ) _________. 11.If you like the picture , I can send you an ( 21 – large ) _________ of it. 12.Water ( 22 – erode ) _______ from the heavy rains has caused damage to the land. . TEST ON WORD FORMATION ( TEST 9 ) Exercise 1. Cho dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc. 1. One of the ( 1 – college ) _______ universities in Vietnam is Hanoi National University. 2. One aspirin. perceive ) __________. 9. Constant ( 16 – critic ) _______ has ( 17 – death ) ________ their ( 18 – enthuse ) _________. 10. The ( 19 – emphasize ) _________ is on hard work, not ( 20 – joy ) _________ riskless ( 8 – regard ) _______ for his own ( 9 – safe ) _________. 9. The play was given an ( 10 – enthuse ) _____ ( 11 – receive ) _____ by the ( 12 – criticism) ___ 10. Her ( 13 – ill ) _______

Ngày đăng: 06/08/2014, 19:21