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ÔN LUYỆN THI TỐT NGHIỆP THPT NĂM 2011 – ĐỀ 003 I. VOCABULARY: a. Choose the right answer to fill in each blank: 1. Mike does not like______________ ; he prefers staying indoors to going out meeting friends. A. socializing B. gathering C. meeting D. attending 2. In this fame, you are not allowed to speak; you have to use_______________________ communication. A. non-word B. non-language C. non-verbal D. non-vocabulary 3. Such informal behavior is _____________ at an important ceremony. A. incorrect B. inexact C. unjust D. inappropriate 4. If you know the answer, please_______________ your hand. A. lift B. raise C. rise D. give 5. It is rude to whistle or clap our hands to __________________ a waiter’s attention. A. pull B. attach C. attract D. appeal 6. Jack gave me a_________ nod to signal his agreement. A. slight B. light C. mild D. minor 7. The commander signaled _______________the regiment ___________ attack. A. with, on B. to, for C. at, in D. toward, with 8. The librarian ____________at the book and asked me, “That one?” A. showed B. signed C. aimed D. pointed 9. We________ goodbye to Joe until the train was out of sight. A. snapped B. shook hands C. waved D. said 10. The girl kept smiling when ______________me. A. Coming B. approaching C. moving D. reaching 11. I prefer a slow ___________of life in the countryside. A. pace B. step C. move D. rhythm 12. I can_________you that living in urban areas is much harder. A. ensure B. make sure C. assure D. be sure 13. It is difficult to____________ teenagers to do what parents think is good for them. A. send B. lure C. persuade D. inquire 14. A lot of TV programs now are presenting and violence. A. competition B. aggression C. hardship D. argument 15. In order to win such contests, you have to be trained in _______________________. A. competition B. competitors C. competitive D. competitiveness 16. You are not allowed to drive________________ the influence __________ alcohol. A. in, of B. under, of C. on, with D. in, for 17. The teacher complained to the child’s parents about his_____________________ at school. A. misunderstanding B. differences C. misbehavior D. intensity 18. Hard work can easily health problems. A. result B. lead to C. exempt from D. combine with 19. Teenagers are_____________ by TV, newspapers, the internet… A. effected B. affected C. conflicted D. reported 20. Many student’s underachievement at school_______________from the home problems. A. influence B. raise C. appear D. originate 21. The stresses young generations now have are different from what the previous ones had to cope with. A. early B. assuredly C. vastly D. originally 22. The final test was_____________ easy; all of the students had been very worried. A. decidedly B. supposedly C. repeatedly D. unexpectedly 23. This balcony is ______________ dangerous, though the owner of the house does not want to rebuild it. A. allegedly B. insecurely C. remarkably D. repeatedly 24. Linda will be punished _____________ handing in the report late again. A. by B. with C. for D. into 25. The world’s problems are _____________ by the ignorance and irresponsibility of many citizens. A. lowered B. worsened C. affected D. degraded b. Word forms: Write the correct form of the words in the brackets. 1. During years of___________________(mature), children need appropriate guidance. 2. Teenagers have a lot of questions when they are to enter (adult) _____________________________. 3. Family problems have important influences on student’s (behave)_____________ at school, especially when (combine) ______________________________with the (society)_______________ and (academy) __ demands of school, the (certain) _____________________of a future job or education. 4. Many family conflicts are (seem)_____________________ minor problems, but they are not. 5. Your plan of the summer camp is really (origin) ________________________and (create) ______________ . 6. It is easier for teachers to (sympathy) ______________________ with the (generation) ________________ differences than for the parents. 7. Teaching career is (demand) ___________________ but (reward) _________________ . 8. After the quarrel, everybody felt uncomfortable with the (tense) _____________________________. 9. The terrorists have (intense)______________________ their campaigns of violence. 10. Julia was capable of working with greater (intense)___________________________ . II. GRAMMAR: PASSIVE VOICE and REPORTED SPEECH a. Change into Passive Voice: 1. Helen hates people talking about her behind her back. 2. They forecast that rain would last for another three days. 3. People believe that the tulip originated from Constantinople. 4. The boss wants us to reorganize the files and documents. 5. It is impossible to send the letter by 4 pm. 6. It is your duty to book the room for us all. 7. They think that the local committee will agree to the project. 8. Turn off the lights and lock the doors carefully before leaving! b. Choose the correct answers: 1. Jane asked me________________ to meet me at 6pm. A. if it is OK B. that it was OK C. would it be OK D. whether it was OK 2. The man asked my sister _________________ to drive from there to Bath. A. how long it would take B. how long would it take C. how long to take D. the time to take 3. Pete says______________ never gone to any college or university. A. that he had B. that he has C. if he has D. whether he had 4. The shop assistant asked _________________ to change another shirt. A. I wanted B. whether did I want C. if I wanted D. that I wanted 5. The man ordered Dick ________________ . A. that he cannot park there B. not to park there C. to not park there D. not parking there 6. Miss White asked the interviewee __________________ when he was at university. A. that he was majored in B. what he was majored in C. what was he majored in D. if was he majored in 7. Jane promised _______________by fax. A. sending the picture B. she will send the picture C. to send the picture D. that she send the picture 8. Dad told Mom _______________more ice-cream for the children. A. if she could buy B. whether will she buy C. what she would buy D. to buy 9. The woman told her little son ___________________ . A. to not touch that wire B. never to touch that wire C. don’t touch that wire D. no touching that wire 10. The spokesman said on TV____________________ the last day of the campaign. A. if the next day would be B. that the next day will be C. that the next day is D. that the next day would be III. READING Choose the best answer to fill in each blank: A (1) _____ by the Equal Opportunities Commission in the U.K found that sex stereotype has a big influence on young people’s lives. It affects their views (2) __________ home life, the subjects they study at school, and the jobs they choose after they (3) ______ . Fewer than 40% of girls (4) _ fifteen and sixteen agreed that boys and girls are treated (5) __ the same way in families to day.(6) ____ jobs around the home, girls generally help Mom with things such as ironing, cleaning and washing the dishes. However, boys help with jobs that Dad would normally do, such as household repairs and physical tasks like cutting the grass. At school, (7) ___________ girls choose math and science, as these are seen as subjects more for boys. Sex stereotyping also seems (8) _______ by many school career counselors. They advise girls to try (9) ______ careers in nursing and teaching (10) _____than become scientists or engineers. 1. A. statistics B. scan C. census D. survey 2. A. in B. on C. to D. at 3. A. go B. depart C. transfer D. leave 4. A. ageing B. aged C. at age D. at the age 5. A. exactly B. accurately C. correctly D. approximately 6. A. within B. to C. as for D. in case of 7. A. more B. less C. fewer D. rarely 8. A. to support B. to be supported C. being supported D. supporting 9. A. conventional B. customary C. habitual D. traditional 10. A. more B. rather C. better D. other ĐÁP ÁN Unit 3 I. a. 1. A 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.C 6.A 7.B 8.D 9.C 10.B 11.A 12.C 13.C 14. B 15.D 16.B 17.C 18.B 19.B 20.D 21.B 22.D 23.A 24.C 25.B b. 1. maturation 2. adulthood 3. behavior; combined; social; academic; uncertainties 4. seemingly 5. original; creative 6. sympathize; generational 7. demanding; rewarding 8. tension 9. intensified 10. intensity II. a. 1. Helen hates being talked about behind her back. 2. It is forecasted that rain would last for another three days. Rain is forecasted to last for another three days. 3. Tulip is believed to have originated from Constantinople. 4. The boss wants the files and documents to be reorganized. 5. The letter cannot be sent by 4 pm. 6. You are supposed to book the room for us all. 7. It is thought that the local committee will agree to the project. 8. The lights should be turned off and the doors carefully locked before you leave. b. 1. D 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.B 6.B 7.C 8.D 9.B 10.D III. 1. D 2.B 3.D 4.B 5.A 6.C 7.C 8.B 9.D 10.B Tên: Đinh Thị Nguyệt Ánh Lớp: 12A . ÔN LUYỆN THI TỐT NGHIỆP THPT NĂM 2011 – ĐỀ 003 I. VOCABULARY: a. Choose the right answer to fill in each blank: 1 indoors to going out meeting friends. A. socializing B. gathering C. meeting D. attending 2. In this fame, you are not allowed to speak; you have to use_______________________ communication. A make sure C. assure D. be sure 13. It is difficult to____________ teenagers to do what parents think is good for them. A. send B. lure C. persuade D. inquire 14. A lot of TV programs now are

Ngày đăng: 06/08/2014, 16:23