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1 LUYỆN TẬP TỔNG HỢP 2 Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting. 23. Our supervisor finally noticed that it was we, Caroline and me, who always turned in A B C our reports on time. D 23. At the age of eighteen, William Shakespeare got married with Anne Hathaway, who was A B eight years older than himself. C D 24. I hope you looking over the new contract so I can know whether to sign it or not. A B C D 25. Of all seashore plants, seaweeds are best able to tolerate long periods out of water, A B followed by long periods covering by water. C D 26. It was nice of her to let me to borrow her personal computer. A B C D 27. Henry usually arrives lately for his Physics class even though he leaves his dormitory A B C in plenty of time. D 28. Most of the guests turned up two hours early, that took us by surprise. A B C D 29. Coastal and inland waters are inhabited not only by fish but also by such A B C sea creature as shirmps. D 30. If the ozone gases of the atmosphere did not filter out the ultraviolt rays of the sun, life as A B we know it would not have evolved on earth. C D 31. When they have been frightened, for example, by an electrical storm, dairy cows may A B C refuse giving milk. D 32. For the first time in the history of the USA, the person which was recommended by the A B president to replace a retiring justice on the Supreme Court is a woman. C D 33. The oxygen content of Mars is not sufficient enough to support life as we know it. A B C D 34. When the silkworm gets through to lay its eggs, it dies. A B C D 35. Since I have so many letters to write, I am going to buy several boxes of stationary. A B C D 2 36. Not one in one hundred children exposed to the disease are likely to develop symptoms A B C D of it. 37. George Gershwin not only composed popular songs for musicals also wrote A B C more serious concerts. D 38. Rocks can be broken apart by water that seeps into the cracks and freeze in low A B C temperatures. D 39. Many states do laws regulating production processes for different types of food A B C D products. 40. The lion has long been a symbol of strength, power, and it is very cruel. A B C D 41. Agronomists study crop disease, selective breeding, crop rotation, and climatic factors, A B as well soil content and erosion. C D 42. If you need to keep fit, then why not take on a sport such as badminton or tennis? A B C D Các thầy cô có thể xem thêm các dạng bài tập khác tại trang MASTER YOUR ENGLISH HERE: http:/violet.vn/thienhanh_2009 (còn tiếp) Answer Key 41 C 42 C 23 C/B 24 B 25 D 26 B 27 A 28 C 29 D 30 A 31 D 32 A 33 A 34 B 35 D 3 36 B 37 C 38 C 39 A 40 D . http:/violet.vn/thienhanh _20 09 (còn tiếp) Answer Key 41 C 42 C 23 C/B 24 B 25 D 26 B 27 A 28 C 29 D 30 A 31 D 32 A 33 A. 1 LUYỆN TẬP TỔNG HỢP 2 Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting. 23 . Our supervisor finally noticed that it was we,. it or not. A B C D 25 . Of all seashore plants, seaweeds are best able to tolerate long periods out of water, A B followed by long periods covering by water. C D 26 . It was nice of her

Ngày đăng: 06/08/2014, 16:23