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Version Control with Subversion phần 9 pps

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Name svnadmin hotcopy — Make a hot copy of a repository. Synopsis svnadmin hotcopy REPOS_PATH NEW_REPOS_PATH Description This subcommand makes a full “hot” backup of your repository, including all hooks, configura- tion files, and, of course, database files. If you pass the clean-logs option, svnadmin will perform a hotcopy of your repository, and then remove unused Berkeley DB logs from the ori- ginal repository. You can run this command at any time and make a safe copy of the reposit- ory, regardless of whether other processes are using the repository. Options clean-logs As described in the section called “Berkeley DB”, hot-copied Berkeley DB reposit- ories are not portable across operating systems, nor will they work on machines with a different “endianness” than the machine where they were created. Subversion Complete Reference 275 Name svnadmin list-dblogs — Ask Berkeley DB which log files exist for a given Subversion repository (applies only to repositories using the bdb backend). Synopsis svnadmin list-dblogs REPOS_PATH Description Berkeley DB creates logs of all changes to the repository, which allow it to recover in the face of catastrophe. Unless you enable DB_LOG_AUTOREMOVE, the log files accumulate, although most are no longer used and can be deleted to reclaim disk space. See the section called “Managing Disk Space” for more information. Subversion Complete Reference 276 Name svnadmin list-unused-dblogs — Ask Berkeley DB which log files can be safely deleted (applies only to repositories using the bdb backend). Synopsis svnadmin list-unused-dblogs REPOS_PATH Description Berkeley DB creates logs of all changes to the repository, which allow it to recover in the face of catastrophe. Unless you enable DB_LOG_AUTOREMOVE, the log files accumulate, although most are no longer used and can be deleted to reclaim disk space. See the section called “Managing Disk Space” for more information. Examples Remove all unused log files from a repository: $ svnadmin list-unused-dblogs /path/to/repos /path/to/repos/log.0000000031 /path/to/repos/log.0000000032 /path/to/repos/log.0000000033 $ svnadmin list-unused-dblogs /path/to/repos | xargs rm ## disk space reclaimed! Subversion Complete Reference 277 Name svnadmin load — Read a “dumpfile”-formatted stream from stdin. Synopsis svnadmin load REPOS_PATH Description Read a “dumpfile”-formatted stream from stdin, committing new revisions into the repository's filesystem. Send progress feedback to stdout. Options quiet (-q) ignore-uuid force-uuid use-pre-commit-hook use-post-commit-hook parent-dir Example This shows the beginning of loading a repository from a backup file (made, of course, with svnadmin dump): $ svnadmin load /usr/local/svn/restored < repos-backup <<< Started new txn, based on original revision 1 * adding path : test done. * adding path : test/a done. … Or if you want to load into a subdirectory: $ svnadmin load parent-dir new/subdir/for/project /usr/local/svn/restored < repos-backup <<< Started new txn, based on original revision 1 * adding path : test done. * adding path : test/a done. … Subversion Complete Reference 278 Name svnadmin lslocks — Print descriptions of all locks. Synopsis svnadmin lslocks REPOS_PATH Description Print descriptions of all locks in a repository. Options None Example This lists the one locked file in the repository at /svn/repos: $ svnadmin lslocks /svn/repos Path: /tree.jpg UUID Token: opaquelocktoken:ab00ddf0-6afb-0310-9cd0-dda813329753 Owner: harry Created: 2005-07-08 17:27:36 -0500 (Fri, 08 Jul 2005) Expires: Comment (1 line): Rework the uppermost branches on the bald cypress in the foreground. Subversion Complete Reference 279 Name svnadmin lstxns — Print the names of all uncommitted transactions. Synopsis svnadmin lstxns REPOS_PATH Description Print the names of all uncommitted transactions. See the section called “Removing dead trans- actions” for information on how uncommitted transactions are created and what you should do with them. Examples List all outstanding transactions in a repository. $ svnadmin lstxns /usr/local/svn/repos/ 1w 1x Subversion Complete Reference 280 Name svnadmin recover — Bring a repository database back into a consistent state (applies only to repositories using the bdb backend). In addition, if repos/conf/passwd does not exist, it will create a default password file . Synopsis svnadmin recover REPOS_PATH Description Run this command if you get an error indicating that your repository needs to be recovered. Options wait Examples Recover a hung repository: $ svnadmin recover /usr/local/svn/repos/ Repository lock acquired. Please wait; recovering the repository may take some time Recovery completed. The latest repos revision is 34. Recovering the database requires an exclusive lock on the repository. (This is a “database lock”; see The three meanings of “lock”.) If another process is accessing the repository, then svnadmin recover will error: $ svnadmin recover /usr/local/svn/repos svn: Failed to get exclusive repository access; perhaps another process such as httpd, svnserve or svn has it open? $ The wait option, however, will cause svnadmin recover to wait indefinitely for other pro- cesses to disconnect: $ svnadmin recover /usr/local/svn/repos wait Waiting on repository lock; perhaps another process has it open? ### time goes by… Repository lock acquired. Please wait; recovering the repository may take some time Recovery completed. The latest repos revision is 34. Subversion Complete Reference 281 Subversion Complete Reference 282 Name svnadmin rmlocks — Unconditionally remove one or more locks from a repository. Synopsis svnadmin rmlocks REPOS_PATH LOCKED_PATH Description Remove lock from each LOCKED_PATH. Options None Example This deletes the locks on tree.jpg and house.jpg in the repository at /svn/repos $ svnadmin rmlocks /svn/repos tree.jpg house.jpg Removed lock on '/tree.jpg. Removed lock on '/house.jpg. Subversion Complete Reference 283 Name svnadmin rmtxns — Delete transactions from a repository. Synopsis svnadmin rmtxns REPOS_PATH TXN_NAME Description Delete outstanding transactions from a repository. This is covered in detail in the section called “Removing dead transactions”. Options quiet (-q) Examples Remove named transactions: $ svnadmin rmtxns /usr/local/svn/repos/ 1w 1x Fortunately, the output of lstxns works great as the input for rmtxns: $ svnadmin rmtxns /usr/local/svn/repos/ `svnadmin lstxns /usr/local/svn/repos/` Which will remove all uncommitted transactions from your repository. Subversion Complete Reference 284 [...]... 301 Subversion Complete Reference Name svnlook uuid — Print the repository's UUID Synopsis svnlook uuid REPOS_PATH Description Print the UUID for the repository the UUID is the repository's universal unique identifier The Subversion client uses this identifier to differentiate between one repository and another Examples $ svnlook uuid /usr/local/svn/repos e7fe1b91-8cd5-0310 -98 dd-2f12e 793 c5e8 302 Subversion. .. username or password) This is useful if you're running Subversion inside of an automated script and it's more appropriate to have Subversion fail than to prompt for 303 Subversion Complete Reference more information password PASS Indicates that you are providing your password for authentication on the command line—otherwise, if it is needed, Subversion will prompt you for it username NAME Indicates... trunk/vendors/baker/baguette.txt 290 Subversion Complete Reference Name svnlook date — Print the datestamp Synopsis svnlook date REPOS_PATH Description Print the datestamp of a revision or transaction in a repository Options revision (-r) REV transaction (-t) Examples This shows the date of revision 40 of a test repository: $ svnlook date -r 40 /tmp/repos/ 2003-02-22 17:44: 49 -0600 (Sat, 22 Feb 2003) 291 Subversion Complete... /usr/local/svn/repos trunk/vendors/deli/ 293 Subversion Complete Reference Name svnlook help — Help! Synopsis Also svnlook -h and svnlook -? Description Displays the help message for svnlook This command, like its brother svn help, is also your friend, even though you never call it anymore and forgot to invite it to your last party Alternate Names ?, h 294 Subversion Complete Reference Name svnlook history... /usr/local/svn/repos /tags/1.0 show-ids REVISION PATH - 19 /tags/1.0 17 /branches/1.0-rc2 16 /branches/1.0-rc2 14 /trunk 13 /trunk 11 /trunk 9 /trunk 8 /trunk 7 /trunk 6 /trunk 5 /trunk 4 /trunk 2 /trunk 1 /trunk 295 Subversion Complete Reference Name svnlook info — Print the author,... revision: $ svnlook pg /usr/local/svn/repos seasonings /trunk/sandwich mustard 299 Subversion Complete Reference Name svnlook proplist — Print the names and values of versioned file and directory properties Synopsis svnlook proplist REPOS_PATH [PATH_IN_REPOS] Description List the properties of a path in the repository With verbose, show the property values too Alternate Names pl, plist Options revision... /usr/local/svn/repos sally 288 Subversion Complete Reference Name svnlook cat — Print the contents of a file Synopsis svnlook cat REPOS_PATH PATH_IN_REPOS Description Print the contents of a file Options revision (-r) REV transaction (-t) Examples This shows the contents of a file in transaction ax8, located at /trunk/README: $ svnlook cat -t ax8 /usr/local/svn/repos /trunk/README Subversion, a version control system... permitted to modify the mirror repository svnsync Options config-dir DIR Instructs Subversion to read configuration information from the specified directory instead of the default location ( .subversion in the user's home directory) no-auth-cache Prevents caching of authentication information (e.g username and password) in the Subversion administrative directories non-interactive In the case of an authentication... enabled in the pre-revprop-change hook Revision properties are not under version control, so this command will permanently overwrite the previous log message Options revision (-r) REV bypass-hooks Examples Set the log message for revision 19 to the contents of the file msg: $ svnadmin setlog /usr/local/svn/repos/ -r 19 msg 285 Subversion Complete Reference Name svnadmin verify — Verify the data stored... command line—otherwise, if it is needed, Subversion will prompt you for it svnsync Subcommands Here are the various subcommands: 304 Subversion Complete Reference Name svnsync copy-revprops — Copy all revision properties for a given revision from the source repository to the mirror repository Synopsis svnsync copy-revprops DEST_URL REV Description Because Subversion revision properties can be changed . machines with a different “endianness” than the machine where they were created. Subversion Complete Reference 275 Name svnadmin list-dblogs — Ask Berkeley DB which log files exist for a given Subversion. $ Contents: I. A FEW POINTERS II. DOCUMENTATION III. PARTICIPATING IN THE SUBVERSION COMMUNITY … Subversion Complete Reference 2 89 Name svnlook changed — Print the paths that were changed. Synopsis svnlook. repository may take some time Recovery completed. The latest repos revision is 34. Subversion Complete Reference 281 Subversion Complete Reference 282 Name svnadmin rmlocks — Unconditionally remove

Ngày đăng: 06/08/2014, 09:20