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Adaptive Techniques for Dynamic Processor Optimization_Theory and Practice Episode 1 Part 7 ppsx

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Chapter 5 Adaptive Supply Voltage Delivery for U-DVS Systems 109 5.3.2 DC–DC Converter Topologies for U-DVS Linear Regulators Low-dropout (LDO) linear regulators [22] are widely used to supply ana- log and digital circuits and feature in several standalone or embedded power management ICs. The main advantage of LDO’s is that they can be completely on-chip, occupy very little area, and offer good transient and ripple characteristics, together with being a low-cost solution. Using LDO’s for U-DVS, however, is detrimental because of the linear loss of efficiency in an LDO. A linear regulator essentially controls the resistance of a transistor in order to regulate the output voltage. As a result, the cur- rent delivered to the load flows directly from the battery and hence the maximum efficiency achievable is limited to the ratio of the output voltage to the input voltage. Thus, the farther away the load voltage is from the battery voltage, the lower the efficiency of the LDO. This hampers the po- tential savings in power consumption that can be achieved by lowering the voltage through DVS. Inductor-Based DC–DC Converter The most efficient DC–DC voltage converters are inductor-based switch- ing regulators, which normally generate a reduced DC voltage level by fil- tering a pulse-width modulated (PWM) signal through a simple LC filter. A buck-type regulator can generate different DC voltage levels by varying the duty-cycle of the PWM signal. Given ideal devices and passives, an inductor-based DC–DC converter can theoretically achieve 100% effi- ciency independent of the load voltage being delivered. Moreover, in the context of DVS systems, scaling the output voltage can be done with com- pletely digital control circuitry [21] which consumes very little overhead power. An implementation of an inductor-based switching regulator for minimum energy operation is described in Section While buck converters [23] can operate at very high efficiencies (>90%), they gener- ally require off-chip filter components. This might limit their usefulness for integrated power converter applications. Integrating the filter inductor on-chip requires very high switching frequencies (>100MHz) in order to minimize area consumed. This increases the switching losses in the con- verter and together with the increase in conduction losses due to the low inductor Q-factors achievable on-chip severely affects the efficiency that can be obtained out of the converter. 110 Yogesh K. Ramadass, Joyce Kwong, Naveen Verma, Anantha Chandrakasan Switched Capacitor-Based DC–DC Converter U-DVS systems often require multiple on-chip voltage domains with each domain having specific power requirements. A switched capacitor (SC) DC–DC converter is a good choice for such battery-operated systems be- cause it can minimize the number of off-chip components and does not re- quire any inductors. Previous implementations of SC converters (charge pumps) have commonly used off-chip charge-transfer capacitors [24] to output high load power levels. A SC DC–DC converter which integrates the charge-transfer capacitors was described in [25]. C load I O V O = V NL −ΔV C C V BAT Φ 1 Φ 2 Φ 2 Φ 1 Φ 2 C load I O V O = V NL −ΔV C C V BAT Φ 1 Φ 2 Φ 2 Φ 1 Φ 2 Figure 5.13 A switched capacitor voltage divide-by-2 circuit. Consider the divide-by-2 circuit shown in Figure 5.13. The charge- transfer (flying) capacitors are equal in value and help in transferring charge from the battery to the load. During phase Φ 1 of the system clock, the charge-transfer capacitors get charged from the battery (V BAT ). In the Φ 2 phase of the clock, they dump the charge gained onto the load. At no load, this circuit tries to maintain the output voltage V O at V BAT /2, where V BAT is the battery voltage. The actual value of V O that the circuit settles down to is dependent on the load current I O , the switching frequency, and C. Let the circuit deliver a load voltage V O = V NL – ΔV, where V NL is the no-load voltage for this topology. The SC converter limits the maximum efficiency that can be achieved in this case to η lin = (1 – ΔV/V NL ). Thus, the farther away V O is from V NL (i.e., higher ΔV), the smaller the maxi- mum efficiency that can be achieved by this topology. This is a fundamen- tal problem with charge transfer using only capacitors and switches. The linear efficiency loss is similar to linear regulators. However, with SC converters, it is possible to switch in different gain-settings whose no-load Chapter 5 Adaptive Supply Voltage Delivery for U-DVS Systems 111 output voltage is closer to the load voltage desired. Apart from the linear conduction loss, losses due to bottom-plate parasitics of on-chip capacitors and switching losses limit the efficiency of the SC DC–DC converter [26]. The efficiency achievable in a switched capacitor system is in general smaller than that can be achieved in an inductor-based switching regulator with off-chip passives. Furthermore, multiple gain-settings and associated control circuitry are required in a SC DC–DC converter to maintain effi- ciency over a wide voltage range. However, for on-chip DC–DC convert- ers, a SC solution might be a better choice, when the trade-offs relating to area and efficiency are considered. Furthermore, the area occupied by the switched capacitor DC–DC converter is scalable with the load power de- mand, and hence the switched capacitor DC–DC converter is a good solu- tion for low-power on-chip applications. SWITCH MATRIX I O V O V1p8 V BAT (1.2V) Φ 1 Φ 2 Φ 1by3 Φ 2by3 enW2 enW4 Non-Overlapping Clock Generator V ref clk COMP C load AUTOMATIC FREQUENCY SCALER V O Φ 2 clk4X DAC clk ÷ V ref Φ 1 Φ 2 Φ 1by3 Φ 2by3 7 SWITCH MATRIX I O V O V1p8 V BAT (1.2V) Φ 1 Φ 2 Φ 1by3 Φ 2by3 enW2 enW4 Non-Overlapping Clock Generator V ref clk COMP C load AUTOMATIC FREQUENCY SCALER V O Φ 2 clk4X DAC clk ÷ V ref Φ 1 Φ 2 Φ 1by3 Φ 2by3 7 Figure 5.14 Architecture of a switched capacitor DC–DC converter with on-chip charge-transfer capacitors. (© [2007] IEEE) A SC DC–DC converter that employs five different gain-settings with ratios 1:1, 3:4, 2:3, 1:2, and 1:3, is described in [26]. The switchable gain- settings help the converter to maintain a good efficiency as the load volt- age delivered varies from 300mV to 1.1V. Figure 5.14 shows the architec- ture of the SC DC–DC converter. At the core of the system is the switch matrix which contains the charge-transfer capacitors and the charge- transfer switches. A suitable gain-setting is chosen depending on the refer- ence voltage V ref , which is set digitally. A pulse frequency modulation (PFM) mode control is used to regulate the output voltage to the desired value. Bottom-plate parasitics of the on-chip capacitors significantly affect the efficiency of the converter. A divide-by-3 switching scheme [26] was employed to mitigate the effect due to bottom-plate parasitics and improve efficiency. The switching losses are scaled with change in load power by 112 Yogesh K. Ramadass, Joyce Kwong, Naveen Verma, Anantha Chandrakasan the help of the automatic frequency scaler block. This block changes the switching frequency as the load power delivered changes, thereby reducing the switching losses at low load. The efficiency of the SC converter with change in load voltage while delivering 100μW to the load from a 1.2V supply is shown in Figure 5.15. The converter was able to achieve >70% efficiency over a wide range of load voltages. An increase in efficiency of close to 5% can be achieved by using divide-by-3 switching. 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 Load Voltage (V) Efficiency (%) Measured - divby3 switching Measured - normal switching Theoretical 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 Load Voltage (V) Efficiency (%) Measured - divby3 switching Measured - normal switching Theoretical Figure 5.15 Efficiency of the switched capacitor DC–DC converter with change in load voltage. (© [2007] IEEE) 5.3.3 DC–DC Converter Design and Reference Voltage Selection for Highly Energy-Constrained Applications While dynamic voltage scaling is a popular method to minimize power consumption in digital circuits given a performance constraint, the same circuits are not always constrained to their performance-intensive mode during regular operation. There are long spans of time when the perform- ance requirement is highly relaxed. There are also certain emerging en- ergy-constrained applications where minimizing the energy required to complete operations is the main concern. For both these scenarios, operat- ing at the minimum energy operating voltage of digital circuits has been proposed as a solution to minimize energy. The minimum energy point Chapter 5 Adaptive Supply Voltage Delivery for U-DVS Systems 113 (MEP) is defined as the operating voltage at which the total energy con- sumed per desired operation of a digital circuit is minimized. Switching energy of digital circuits reduces quadratically as V DD is decreased below V T (i.e., sub-threshold operation), while the leakage energy increases ex- ponentially. These opposing trends result in the minimum energy point. The MEP is not a fixed voltage for a given circuit and can vary widely de- pending on its workload and environmental conditions (e.g., temperature). Any relative increase in the active energy component of the circuit due to an increase in the workload or activity of the circuit decreases the mini- mum energy operating voltage. On the other hand, a relative increase of the leakage energy component due to an increase in temperature or the du- ration of leakage over an operation pushes the minimum energy operating voltage to go up. This makes the circuit go faster, thereby not allowing the circuit to leak for a longer time. By tracking the MEP as it varies, energy savings of 50–100% has been demonstrated [27] and even greater savings can be achieved in circuits dominated by leakage. This motivates the de- sign of a minimum energy tracking loop that can dynamically adjust the operating voltage of arbitrary digital circuits to their MEP. Minimum Energy Tracking Loop Figure 5.16 shows the architecture of the minimum energy tracking loop. The objective of this loop is to track the minimum energy operating voltage of the load circuit. The load circuit (FIR filter) is powered from an off-chip voltage source through a DC–DC converter and is clocked by a CLK var V DD V ref Energy Sensor Circuitry Load (FIR Filter) DC-DC Converter and Control Energy Minimization Algorithm Critical Path Replica Ring Oscillator COMP Energy / operation DAC C load AV ref V DD V BAT 7 13 CLK var V DD V ref Energy Sensor Circuitry Load (FIR Filter) DC-DC Converter and Control Energy Minimization Algorithm Critical Path Replica Ring Oscillator COMP Energy / operation DAC C load AV ref V DD V BAT 7 13 Figure 5.16 Architecture of the minimum energy tracking loop. (© [2007] IEEE) 114 Yogesh K. Ramadass, Joyce Kwong, Naveen Verma, Anantha Chandrakasan critical path replica ring oscillator which automatically scales the clock frequency of the FIR filter with change in load voltage. The energy sensor circuitry calculates on-chip, the energy consumed per operation of the load circuit at a particular operating voltage. It then passes the estimate of the energy/operation (E op ) to the energy minimizing algorithm, which uses the E op to suitably adjust the reference voltage to the DC–DC converter. The DC–DC converter then tries to get V DD close to the new reference voltage, and the cycle repeats till the minimum energy point is achieved. The only off-chip components of this entire loop are the filter passives of the induc- tor-based switching DC–DC converter. A. Energy Sensing Technique The key element in the minimum energy tracking loop is the energy sensor circuit which computes the E op of the load circuit at a given reference volt- age. Methods to measure E op , by sensing the current flow through the DC– DC converter’s inductor [28], dissipate a significant amount of overhead power. The approach is more complicated at sub-threshold voltages be- cause the current levels are very low. Furthermore, an estimate of the en- ergy consumed per operation is what is required and not just the current which only gives an idea of the load power. The methodology used here, to estimate E op , does not require any high-gain amplifiers or analog circuit blocks. The DC–DC converter while operating in steady state keeps the output voltage close to the reference voltage. Just before the energy sense cycle begins, the DC–DC converter is disabled. The energy sense cycle consists of N operations of the digital circuit where the value N can be 32 or 64. Assuming that the voltage across the storage capacitor of the DC–DC con- verter, C load , falls from the reference voltage V 1 to V 2 in the course of N op- erations of the digital circuit, E op at the voltage V 1 is equal to ( ) N2 V 2 2 2 − = 1load op V C E (5.1) To measure E op accurately, V 2 should be close in value (within 20mV) to V 1 . Measuring E op by digitizing V 1 and V 2 using conventional ADCs would require at least 11 bits of precision in the ADC. This could prove costly in terms of power consumed. An energy-efficient approach to obtain E op is to observe that, by design, V 1 is very close to V 2 . Thus, the following simpli- fication can be applied within an acceptable error: Chapter 5 Adaptive Supply Voltage Delivery for U-DVS Systems 115 ()() () NN2 211load2121load op VVVC VV VV C E − ≈ −+ = (5.2) () 211op VVVE −∝ (5.3) From Equation (5.3), it can be seen that the energy consumed per opera- tion is directly proportional to the product of V 1 and V 1 – V 2 . Since, the digital representation of V 1 , which is the reference voltage to the DC–DC converter, is already known, only the digital value for the voltage differ- ence (V 1 – V 2 ) is required to estimate E op . This voltage difference is ob- tained digitally using a fixed frequency clock, a constant current sink, a comparator, and a counter [27]. These blocks help in quantizing voltage into time steps, as in an integrating ADC [29]. The number of fixed fre- quency clock cycles obtained from the counter is directly proportional to V 1 – V 2 . This quantity is then digitally multiplied with V 1 which is the ref- erence voltage V ref to the DC–DC converter. The product of these two quantities gives an estimate of the energy consumed per operation by the digital circuit at voltage V 1 . The estimate obtained is a normalized repre- sentation of the absolute value of the energy consumed per operation. This estimate is passed on to the energy minimization algorithm block. B. Energy Minimization Algorithm Once the estimate of the energy per operation is obtained, the minimum energy tracking algorithm uses this to suitably adjust the reference voltage to the DC–DC converter. The minimum energy tracking algorithm is a slope-tracking algorithm which makes use of the single minimum, concave nature of the E op versus V DD curve (see Figure 5.1b). The algorithm starts by setting the reference voltage V ref to some initial value. The energy per operation at this voltage is computed and stored in a minimum energy reg- ister (E op,min ). The tracking loop then automatically increments V ref by one voltage step. Once V DD settles at this newly incremented voltage, E op is computed again and is compared with the value stored in the minimum en- ergy register. At this point, if the newly computed E op is found to be smaller, the loop then just keeps incrementing V ref at fixed voltage steps, while at the same time updating E op,min till the minimum is achieved. The other possibility is that the newly computed energy per operation is higher than that stored in the minimum energy register. In this case, the loop changes direction and begins to decrement V ref . The loop keeps decrement- ing V ref till the E op calculated is higher than E op, min at which time the loop 116 Yogesh K. Ramadass, Joyce Kwong, Naveen Verma, Anantha Chandrakasan increments V ref by one voltage step to get to the MEP and shuts down. Figure 5.17 shows the minimum energy tracking loop in operation for a 7-tap FIR filter load circuit. The voltage step used by the tracking algorithm is usually set to 50mV. A large voltage step leads to coarse tracking of the MEP, with the possibil- ity of missing the MEP. On the other hand, keeping the voltage step too small might lead to the loop settling at the non-minimum voltage due to er- rors involved in computing E op [30]. The E op versus V DD curve is shallow near the MEP, and hence a 50mV step leads to a very close approximation of the actual minimum energy consumed per operation. The MEP tracking loop can be enabled by a system controller as needed depending on the ap- plication, or periodically by a timer to track temperature variations. V DD Loop Start Loop Stop V DD starts at 420mV V DD settles at 370mV 370mV 320mV V DD Loop Start Loop Stop V DD starts at 420mV V DD settles at 370mV 370mV 320mV Figure 5.17 Measured waveform showing the minimum energy tracking loop in operation. (© [2007] IEEE) Chapter 5 Adaptive Supply Voltage Delivery for U-DVS Systems 117 C. Embedded DC–DC Converter for Minimum Energy Operation This section talks about the design of the DC–DC converter that enables minimum energy operation. Since the minimum energy operating voltage usually falls in the sub-threshold regime of operation, the DC–DC con- verter is designed to deliver load voltages from 250mV to around 700mV. The power consumed by digital circuits at these sub-threshold voltages is exponentially smaller and hence the DC–DC converter needs to deliver ef- ficiently load power levels of the order of micro-watts. This demands ex- tremely simple control circuitry design with minimal overhead power to get good efficiency. The DC–DC converter shown in Figure 5.18 is a syn- chronous rectifier buck converter with off-chip filter components and op- erates in the discontinuous conduction mode (DCM). It employs a pulse frequency modulation (PFM) [31] mode of control in order to get good ef- ficiency at the ultra-low load power levels that the converter needs to de- liver. The PFM mode control also helps in seamlessly disabling the con- verter when energy sensing takes place, thereby making it feasible to use the energy-sensing technique described in Section The reference voltage to the converter is set digitally by the minimum energy tracking loop and is converted to an analog value by an on-chip DAC before it is fed to the comparator. The comparator compares V DD with this reference voltage and when V DD is found to be smaller generates a pulse of fixed width to turn the PMOS power transistor ON and ramp up the inductor current. A variable pulse-width generator to achieve zero- current switching is used for the NMOS power transistor. The comparator is clocked by a divided and level-converted version of the system clock which feeds the load FIR filter. CLK var V BAT (1.2V) AV ref COMP Off-chip L C load כ כ כ כ EN Fixed Pulse Width Generator Variable Pulse Width Generator V ref V DD Divider and Level Converter (from DAC) CLK var V BAT (1.2V) AV ref COMP Off-chip L C load כ כ כ כ EN Fixed Pulse Width Generator Variable Pulse Width Generator V ref V DD Divider and Level Converter (from DAC) Figure 5.18 DC–DC Converter architecture. (© [2007] IEEE) 118 Yogesh K. Ramadass, Joyce Kwong, Naveen Verma, Anantha Chandrakasan V ref 0 1 2 3 Decoder τ 1 τ 2 τ 3 τ 4 τ P V BAT NMOS PULSE PMOS PULSE i L (t) τ 1 τ 2 τ 4 τ 3 Variable Pulse-Width Generator V ref 0 1 2 3 Decoder τ 1 τ 2 τ 3 τ 4 τ P V BAT NMOS PULSE PMOS PULSE i L (t) τ 1 τ 2 τ 4 τ 3 τ P V BAT NMOS PULSE PMOS PULSE i L (t) τ 1 τ 2 τ 4 τ 3 Variable Pulse-Width Generator Figure 5.19 Approximate zero-current switching block. (© [2007] IEEE) The ultra-low load power levels demand extremely simple control cir- cuitry to achieve good efficiency. This precludes the usage of high-gain amplifiers to detect zero-crossing and thereby do zero-current switching [31]. In order to keep the control circuitry simple and consume little over- head power, an all-digital open-loop control as shown in Figure 5.19 is used to achieve zero-current switching. The variable pulse-width generator block which accomplishes this functions as follows: When the comparator senses that V DD has fallen below the reference voltage, a PMOS ON pulse of fixed pulse width τ P is generated. This ramps up the inductor current from zero. Once the PMOS is turned OFF, the NMOS power transistor is turned ON after a fixed delay. This ramps down the inductor current. Ide- ally, in the discontinuous conduction mode (DCM) used in this implemen- tation, the NMOS has to be turned OFF just when the inductor current reaches zero. The amount of time it takes for the inductor current to reach zero is dependent on the reference voltage set, and in steady state, the ratio of the NMOS to PMOS ON-times is given by the following equation: DD DDBAT P N V VV − = τ τ (5.4) where τ N and τ P are the NMOS and PMOS ON-times and V BAT is the bat- tery voltage. Thus, by fixing τ P , the values of τ N for specific load voltages can be predetermined. The variable pulse-width generator block then suitably multiplexes these predetermined delays depending on the refer- ence voltage set to achieve approximate zero-current switching. Increasing the number of these delay elements and the complexity of the multiplexer block gives a better approximation to zero-current switching. Since only the ratios of the NMOS and PMOS ON-time pulse widths need to match, this scheme is independent of absolute delay values and any tolerance in the inductor value. Furthermore, it consumes very little overhead power. 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[6] A. Wang and A. Chandrakasan, “A 18 0-mV Sub-threshold FFT processor using. Naffziger (eds.), Adaptive Techniques for Dynamic Processor Optimization, DOI: 10 .10 07/ 978 -0-3 87- 76 472 -6_6, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2008 12 4 Lawrence T. Clark, Franco Ricci,. opamp-based 10 -B integrated ADC for implantable biomedical applications,” IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I, Reg. Papers, vol. 51, no. 1, pp. 17 4 17 7, Jan. 2004. [30] Y. K. Ramadass and A. P. Chandrakasan,

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