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Lê Nga CBT - 2010 1 PROGRESS TEST 2 A. PHONETICS AND VOCABULARY I. Choose the word whose bold part is pronounced differently form the others in each group 1. A.several B.suppose C.decisive D.sister 2. A.muddle B.struggle C.bush D.interupt 3. A.ready B.measure C.steak D.stealth 4. A.wind B.behind C.mind D.find 5. A.chalice B.challenge C.choice D.chemist II. Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the rest. 6. A.comment B.endurance C.decorate D.incidence 7. A.instrucotr B.classical C.prominent D.sympathy 8. A.satisfy B.delicate C.visual D.emotion 9. A.discussion B.particular C.spectator D.preference 10. A.politician B.violinist C.musician D.librarian III. Choose the word which best fits each gap of the sentence. 11. What kind of higher education would you like to apply to when you graduate from school? A.laboratories B.institutions C. monasteries D.department 12. Surprisingly, report that 4% or about eight million of American adults are illiterate. A.lectures B.sripts C.survey D.notes 13. The differences are sometimes more difficult for parents than the teachers. A.general B.generally C.generation D.generational 14. In Vietnam, subjects such as English, Maths and Science are in the national examination at certain stages of the school education system. A.compulsory B.optional C.alternative D.temporary 15. at American and Canadian colleges and universities use many different teaching methods. Some give assignments, some others give only writing assignments. A.Counselors B.Instrutors C.Trainers D.Educators 16. Christ advises the international students to share in study with local students at the beginning of the course. A.opinion B.intiative C.expenses D.esperiences 17. The entrance examination to universities in Vietnam always in July. A.take care B.take place C.take notes D.take part 18. Remember to ask questions at the close of the interview to show that you are in the interview and the job that you have prepared well for the interview. A.eager B.fond C. interested D.satisfied 19. Most students in UK start preparing for A-level exams when they are aged around sixteen or seventeen and courses normally for two years. A.last B.exist C.lengthen D.gather 20. Coorperative activities help students promote their team spirit. Cooperative means . A.related to an organising an office B.related to helping other people C.involving working together with others D.involving volunteering work B. GRAMMAR: Choose the best answer. 21. The first telescope maps of the moon by Thomas Harriot in 1609. A.has been drawn B.have been drawn C.was drawn D.were drawn 22. Much learned about our universe since the time of Copenicus and Galileo, but most of the discoveries made during this centuries. A.has been/ have been B.is/ are C.have been/ has been D.was/ were 23. According to some social studies, teenage students by Tv, newspaper, the Internet,etc. A.were effected B.are being effected C.have effected D.are effected 24. With the strong determination of the new principal, cheating will . A.be expected stopped B.expectedly be stopped C.be stopped expectedly D.expectedly stopped Lê Nga CBT - 2010 2 25. Before we arrived, the dog to the fence in the backyard. A.has been chained B.is chained C.had been chained D. was chained 26. A special tour of the modern art exhibit to the school children by the director of the museum, Ms. Cynthia Hall this weekend. A.is going to be given B.is being given C.is given D.will be given 27. If the weather good yesterday, our picnic would not have been canceled. A.was B.were C.has been D.had been 28. If they the music loudly then, I could hear him clearly. A.hadn’t played B.didn’t play C.had played D.wouldn’t play 29. it not for his help, I would never succeed. A.If were B.Were C.Was D.If was 30. it rains soon, all the plants are going to die. A.As B.As if C.When D.Unless 31. If you much coffee late in the evening, you able to sleep A.drank/ couldn’t B.drink/ can’t C.drink/ wouldn’t D. drank/ can’t 32. If you had remembered to bring a map, we lost. A.wouldn’t have got B.shouldn’t have lost C.hadn’t got D.didn’t get 33. I would like to live in the country there is a lot of sunshine. A.which B.that C.where D.X 34. Miss White, with we studied last year, is going to get married next week. A.who B.whom C.whoever D.whomever 35. Lien passes the oral test pleases her parents. A.which B., that C., which D.that 36. Maggies was very happy on the day she got her first salary. A.when B.which C.that D.X 37. Howard’s close friend you’ve just seen at the bus stop, can speak three languages. A.that B.whom C.,that D.,who 38. This present will be given to can answer the last question. A.whomever B.whoever C.whom D.who 39. He often gives me a lot of advice, most of are very useful. A.them B.whom C.that D.which 40. The rooms in Buckingham Palace include the state ballroom used for bangquets, the music room state guests are presented. A.where B.which C.that D.X C. READING I. Read the passage and choose the best answer. A. Only a few years after the Pilgrims set foot on American soil, Harvard College was established, in 1634. Eight more colleges were already in existance before the Revolutionary War. The Land of 1785 set aside one-sixteenth of the land between Ohio and Mississippi to cover the expenses of public education. A further rule of Congress stated that “schools and the means of education shall forever be encouraged”. Later the Morrill Act of 1862 gave a large piece of land to each state so that the profit from that land would pay for estalishing agricultural and technical colleges. Many of these sate colleges have since grown into large universities. B. In the early nineteenth century a number of colleges for women were founded. gradually colleges for men only began to admit women, and most colleges and universities have become coeducational. A number of important technical colleges were founded at the beginning of this century, including the world- famous California Institude of technology and Massachusetts institude of Technology. State Governments and other goavernment agencies, special foundations and the colleges themselves grant many scholarships to students with special abilities and to those with financial needs. The goal is to make higher education availble to everyone who is willing and capable or regardless of his financial situation. C. Today we have a great variety of types of colleges and universities in the United States. Some are state-supported, others are privetely endowed, and still others are supported by religious sects. Some of these institutions focus on a general liberal education; others on technical and practical training, on specialized research, on the fine arts, or on prepaaration for the practice of a profession. Between 1900 and 1950 college Lê Nga CBT - 2010 3 enrollment multipied tenfold, and it has grown much greater since then. The students represent all economic levels of society and races. D. Colleges and universities are making special efforts to enroll more minority students, especially blacks. They send out representatives to recruit blacks and often give them special financial and instructional help where needed. Many foreign students come to study in the United States, some being supported by Fulbright scholarships, others by the United States government’s Agency for International development, by the Ford Foundation, and by many other American institutions and governmental agencies. All in all, academic opportunity and achievement have always been and still are an important part of American life. The United States can be proud of its democratic educational heritage. 41. Which may be the best title of the reading? A.The history of higher education in a America. B.Higher education in the USA, yesterday and today. C.US policy in higher education D.Higher education in America for Blacks 42. in the beginning, state agricultural and technical colleges were established due to . A.the profit from the land each state was given. B.a further rule of congress C.the Morill Act of 1862 D.the existence of eight more colleges before the Revolution War. 43. To make higher education available to everyone who is willing and capable of regardless of his financial situation, A.a great variety of types of colleges and universities have grown B.colleges and universities admit men, women, even blacks C.state colleges focus on a general liberal education D.many scholarships are granted by state government and other governmental agencies and the colleges themselves. 44. Which of the following sentences is NOT TRUE? A.The number of the students enrolled between 1900 and 1950 multiplied tenfold. B.Higher education in the US is always encouraged in many ways. C.Techinical and agricultural colleges in the USA are supported by the state and religious sects. D.Most of the American colleges and universities which are originally for men only have begun admitting women. 45. The policy of giving special finance and education help as well as special efforts are made A.to create good condition of studying to everyone. B. to enroll more minority students, foreign students, even blacks C.to give more opportunities to students to get a good job in the future. D.to improve the quality of higher education. II. Read the passage and then fill in each blank with the best completion. WORKING IN ADVERTISING If you want to work in advertising,(46) are three areas you can work in. The first is the Creative Department, (47) invents all the advertisements. Workers in this department are (48) as “Creatives” and they always work in pairs. A (49) job, to outsiders, might not sound very stressful, (50) the pressure to (51) the latest films, cartoons, videos, books and fashions to discover new techniques that could be used to sell a product. The second area is the Acount Department. This does not (52) financial accounts but with the companies that the agency produces advertisements for. Account Excutives (53) make sure that the Creatives fully understand (54) the client requires. Account Excutives need to (55) both the Creative team and the client happy. It’s a job that requires (56) diplomacy, as well as a very good memory and exellent organisational skills. The third area is the media, (57) involves placing ads in magazines, on radio or tv, or in public areas. The Media Department carries out research into people’s habits, to find out, (58) , which radio stations long-distance lorry drivers prefer. (59) it advises clientts about which medium would be most (60) for its advertisements. 46. A.there B.this C.that D.the 47. A.who B.what C.which D.where 48. A.called B.named C.known D.refered Lê Nga CBT - 2010 4 49. A.creative B.creating C.creation D.create 50. A.instead B.but C.otherwise D.although 51. A.with B.of C.for D.in 52. A.trade with B.deal with C.settle down D.solve with 53. A.should B.could C.must D.those 54. A.what B.that C.which D.those 55. A.start B.cause C.force D.make 56. A.a lot B.a lot of C.which D.of which 57. A.that B.of that C.which D.of which 58. A.like B.for example C.as D.such as 59. A.So B.As C.When D.Then 60. A.appropriate B.reasonable C.exact D.fit D. ERROR IDENTIFICATION: Identify the error in each sentnence. 61. If you lack of confidence in a job interview, you may not be chosen. A B C D 62. Friendliness and interst are expressed where a person’s eyes meet yours and then look away A B C D and meet yours again. 63. There are two parallel school systems in England. The first is the state school system, that is A B free to all students, paid for by the state. C D 64. The National urriculum is set by the government and must be following in all state school. A B C D 65. The ancient language of Aramaic is speaking in only tree villeges in Syria and is being overtaken by Arabic nowadays. A B C D 66. Many people believe we can look forward to the day when even our household jobs like cleaning A B C and decorating will be doing by computer-controlled robots. D 67. If John has passed the GCSE examination, he would have been allowed to take the entrance A B C examination to the university. D 68. AS levels are sometimes taken by students who feel that they are too early to specialise and wish A B C D to take a wider variety of subjects. 69. Unless Paul starts in the early morning, he could be able to arrive at the meeting on time. A B C D 70. A job interview is your chance to show an employer what he or she will get if you are hired. A B C That is how it is essential to be well-prepared for the job interview. D THE END . Lê Nga CBT - 20 10 1 PROGRESS TEST 2 A. PHONETICS AND VOCABULARY I. Choose the word whose bold part is pronounced differently. D.expectedly stopped Lê Nga CBT - 20 10 2 25 . Before we arrived, the dog to the fence in the backyard. A.has been chained B.is chained C.had been chained D. was chained 26 . A special tour of the. GRAMMAR: Choose the best answer. 21 . The first telescope maps of the moon by Thomas Harriot in 1609. A.has been drawn B.have been drawn C.was drawn D.were drawn 22 . Much learned about our universe

Ngày đăng: 05/08/2014, 22:22

