ESTUARY estuary (singular) estuaries (plural) See PLURALS (iv). etc. (not e.t.c. or ect.) (i) etc. is an abbreviation of the Latin et cetera which means 'and other things'. It is therefore incorrect to write 'and etc.'. (ii) Avoid using 'etc.' in formal writing. Either list all the items indicated by the vague and lazy 'etc.', or introduce the given selection with a phrase like 'including', 'such as' or 'for example'. eventually eventual + ly (not eventully) exaggerate (not exagerate) examination exausted Wrong spelling. See EXHAUSTED. excellent (not -ant) except See ACCEPT OR EXCEPT?. exceptionable or exceptional? EXCEPTIONABLE = open to objection EXCEPTIONAL = unusual excercise Wrong spelling. See EXERCISE. excite excited, exciting, excitement See ADDING ENDINGS (ii). 84 t EXPENSE exclaim exclaimed, exclaiming exclamation (not -claim-) exclamation mark Use an exclamation mark: (i) with exclamations Ouch! Oh! Hey! (ii) with vehement commands Stop thief! Help! Jump! See COMMANDS. exercise (not excercise) exhausted (not exausted) exhausting or exhaustive? EXHAUSTING = tiring EXHAUSTIVE = thorough, fully comprehensive exhibition exhilarated (not -er-) expedition (not expidition) The second syllable is derived from the Latin word pes, pedis (foot, of the foot). This may help you to remember -ped The words pedal, pedestrian, pedometer all come from this same Latin root. expendable (not -ible) expense 85 EXPENSIVE expensive experience (not expierience, not -ance) The second syllable is derived from the Latin word per, meaning through. (Experience is what we gain from going 'through' something.) explain explained, explaining explanation (not -plain-) explicit or implicit? EXPLICIT = stated clearly and openly IMPLICIT = implied but not actually stated exspense Wrong spelling. See EXPENSE. exspensive Wrong spelling. See EXPENSIVE. exstremely Wrong spelling. See EXTREMELY. extraordinary extra + ordinary extravagance (not -ence) extravagant (not -ent) extremely extreme + ly extrordinary Wrong spelling. See EXTRAORDINARY. exuberance (not -ence) 86 EYRIE exuberant (not -ent) eyrie See EERIE OR EYRIE?. 87 facetious (All five vowels occur in this word once only and in alphabetical order.) facilities or faculties? FACILITIES = amenities FACULTIES = mental or physical aptitudes facinate Wrong spelling. See FASCINATE. factory (singular) factories (plural) See PLURALS (iv). Fahrenheit (not -ie-) See EI/IE SPELLING RULE. faithfully faithful + ly See SINCERELY for guidelines when punctuating a complimentary close to a letter (fully blocked and also traditional layout). familiar (not fammiliar) family (singular) families (plural) (not -mm-) farther or further? Both words can be used to refer to physical distance although some writers prefer to keep 'farther' for this purpose. I can walk FARTHER than you. I can walk FURTHER than you. FURTHER is used in a figurative sense: F 88 FEWER OR LESS? Nothing was FURTHER from my mind. FURTHER is also used in certain expressions: FURTHER education until FURTHER notice fascinate (not facinate) favourite (not -ate) feasible (not -able) February Notice the word has four syllables and not three as it is often mispronounced. fewer or less? FEWER is the comparative form of 'few'. It is used with plural nouns: FEWER vegetables FEWER responsibilities FEWER children LESS is the comparative form of 'little'. It is used in the sense of 'a small amount' rather than 'a fewer number of: LESS enthusiasm LESS sugar LESS petrol LESS THAN is used with number alone, and expressions of time and distance: LESS THAN a thousand LESS THAN ten seconds LESS THAN four miles 89 T . derived from the Latin word per, meaning through. (Experience is what we gain from going 'through' something.) explain explained, explaining explanation (not -plain-) explicit . actually stated exspense Wrong spelling. See EXPENSE. exspensive Wrong spelling. See EXPENSIVE. exstremely Wrong spelling. See EXTREMELY. extraordinary extra + ordinary extravagance (not . therefore incorrect to write 'and etc.'. (ii) Avoid using 'etc.' in formal writing. Either list all the items indicated by the vague and lazy 'etc.', or introduce