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Following the development of the Tomita-Takesaki theory [13], Araki [1], introduced a family of positive cones P?.0 < « < 5 , associated with a von Neumann algebra @ admitting a cyclic and separating vector (See § 1.) In [9], [10], we observed that the cones are closely related to (the positive parts of) associated non-commutative L’-spaces, | < p < co, [2], [8], [10], [11] In fact, the surjectivity of the map: €e€ P*++@,¢.%; is exactly the validity of a “7-theorem” for the L?-space with œ = > — ; - which will be made precise in § 2 Also, for finite von


Neumann algebras, this T7-theorem holds always The main purpose of the paper, however, is to prove the converse Namely, we shall prove that the validity of this “T-theorem”’ for the L’-space, 2 < p < oo, implies the finiteness of the algebra.” in question (For p = oo, this is known as the 7-theorem due to Dye, Murray-von Neumann {5].) For a factor of type either I,, or Iil,, 0 < 2 < 1, we shall Prove a slightly stronger result

We shall freely use the basic facts and notations of (relative) modular theory [3], [13], and non-commutative 7-spaces [2], [8], [10], [11]

The author is indebted to Dr Christian Skau for some ideas in the paper Also, the present research was done while he was at the University of California, Los Angeles, and he thanks Professor Masamichi Takesaki for constant encou- ragement


in this section, we collect some basic definitions and properties partially to

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Let C4, #, J, 2) be a standard form ƒ6] For each e.Z‡ , there correspondS 3a unique implementing vector in PK , which will be denoted by ¢,, that is,

W(x) = @; (x) = (XếuÌlếu), xe.# For a faithful @ and an arbitrary y, the


admits the polar decomposition JA;, Here the positive self-adjoint operator đụ, ¡s known as the relative modular operator In case @ = Ứ, 4„„== 4„ is cxactly the usual modular operator determined by the pair (CW, @) in the sense of [I3] The partial isometry (Dy: De), = 7 »tER, in @ 1s known as the Radon-Nikodym cocycle (of y with respect to @), [3]

, 1 ;

Derrnirion 1.1 (Araki [I] For 0 < «< 5? and a faithful pe.@3 , PZ is the closure of the positive cone 4%.4@.¢€, in #


in the literature, P? and P2 are denoted by P} and PP respectively We also


note that P; is exactly the natural cone z* (for any ø@) In [9], we showed the following Radon-Nikodym type theorem:

v Tá aas i

THEOREM 1.2 The map: [€ PZ+>a;¢.W@,; is bijective for O<a< 40 This


is also the case for O<4%< > provided that @ is finite

In [10] we also observed that the cones are closely related to Connes-Hil- sum’s L?-spaces, |<p<oo, [2], [8], which are isomorphic to other L’-spaces, [7], [11] In our set up, their L?-spaces are described as follows:

DEFINITION 1.3 For a faithful gp ¢.@, , we set g’(x’) = (x'€,'¢,), WE.’

so that o’ belongs to #@* For each lI<p < co, Connes-Hilsum’s L?-space L?(4; 0’) consists of all densely-defined closed operators T on # , with the polar decompositions T = u!T', satisfying the following three conditions :

(i) w belongs to 4;

(ii) (homogeneity) T x’ = o@',,(x')|\T\"; te R, x’ €.@’, where o®’ is the modular automorphism group on @’ associated with 9’ ;

P (iii) (integrability) €, belongs to Z(T;”)

(Also, we set L°(@; gp’) =.@.) Uf the above operator T satisfies (i) and (ii), T is


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T-THEOREM FOR L”-SPACES 269 Notice that 7' being affiliated with Ƒ®(⁄; p’) in the above sense is equivalent to

T being affiliated with.@ in the classical sense We also notice that the positive part (as


operators) of L°C4, ’) is exactly the set of all Af,, wed


Setting up our “‘7-theorem’’, we state our main results, which are the converses of the 7T-theorem

We recall the next result in [10]

THEOREM 2.1 (Theorem 4.1, [10]) Let @ be a fixed faithful functional in

Ms and2<p<oo For each west, the following four conditions are all equivalent :

1 1

(i) the (densely-defined) operator AjgA2 1 * is closable ,

(ii) there exists an operator T affiliated with LP(⁄; @') such that TE, = €,

(with €, € B(T)),

11 1_ 1

(iii) (resp (v)) there exists a vector in Pp?» (resp PAR” +)) salisfying

Úý(x) = (xé | É), x e./

Before going further, we remark that in the above theorem the condition (i) can also be mentioned differently Namely, (i) can be replaced by (i)’: there exists

1 aL

an operator A affiliated with L?(.@; 0’) such that €,¢ D(A) and AAZ ” is a


densely-defined closable operator whose closure is đậy In fact, G)’ immediately

2 3424

implies (ii) Also, if one assumes (i), 4 =(Ayo42 7) is affiliated with L°.7; 9’)

1 1

and €,¢ Q(A) Furthermore, it is easy to prove that Ad; ? is densely-defined

1 1

and closable (See the proof of Theorem 4.1, [10].) Noticing that (44? 7)” is


(- 4.}-nomogencous (2D and that (44Z£ 7)” &, == €y, ome concludes that

Ad +

(A42 7)“ = Age

COROLLARY 2.2 For @ and p as ín the above theorem, the following four con- ditions are equivalent:

1 1 1

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(i) for any ¢ €#, there exists an operator T affiliated with L?(.@;0') such

that €=Té,,

A002 221

(iii) (resp (iv)) the map: Ee Pp” (EE DAP *)) +a, €.E is surjective

Proof If one had Pf" instead of # in (ii), the corollary would be a trivial con- sequence of the theorem We thus have to prove (ii) by assuming that (ii) with 2”

instead of # is valid

Let ¢ be an arbitrary vector in # with the “polar decomposition” € == u ;¢' in the sense of [1] and [6] so that w is a partial isometry in with w*u = LWEl] and lé' e2”, The vector ¡Š; belongs to P" so that there exists an operator T affiliated with 7; »’) such that Té, =: '¢| (Notice that we do not know if uT is closable because 7 may or may not belong to L(Z; @.)

Let “, be the set of “smooth” elements +’ €.#’ with respect to a’, that is,

zt» of? (x’) is an “’-valued entire function We claim that the restriction of uT to Ad 9 is closable To prove it, let us assume that a sequence {x,é,} in @9¢, tends to

Tuy ~ 1

0 and that {w7x,¢,}, is Cauchy Since T is (- ~~ | romogencous (with respect P

to 9’),

Txyế, = 0% (ea) Ey = 0% OIE,

Dp P

belongs to the initial space of u so that ty} 1s also a Cauchy sequence Thus

the closedness of 7 impHes that lim 7 Xzế„ == 0 so that lim UT X;ŠG = 0, H

Let T be the closure of the restriction of u7 to ⁄g6„ By construction, ế„c€ A(T) and Té, = ¢ Furthermore, Lemma 2.1 in [10], guarantees that T is

affiliated with L°(Z; 0’) Q.E.D

In the above corollary, we assumed that 2 < p < co so that the exponent 1 ae of A, appearing in (i) is strictly negative On the other hand, we know 1 ?

Lorin 1 1.1

that Az AP


¬ > > 0, that is, p<2 (See [8].) Thus, combining Corollary 2.2 and the


second half of Theorem 1.2, we have:

* is closable and (43,4? 7) belongs to #(Z; @') whenever

THEOREM 2.3 Let @ be as in the theorem;

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T-THEOREM FOR L?-SPACES 271 (ii) d<p< 2, 4 is arbitrary) For any €€H there exists a (unique) T in LM; 0') satisfying §=TE,

We remark that, for the special value of p = oo, the statement (i) of Theorem 2.3 is exactly the celebrated 7-theorem of Murray-von Neumann

DEFINITION 2.4 For a pair (4%, @) consisting of a von Neumann algebra #

and a faithful functional in Wf, we say that the T-theorem for L*(4; 0’) holds,

if one (hence all) of the four conditions in Corollary 2.2 is satisfied

Although we fixed a standard form at the beginning of § 1, everything there- after does not depend on the choice of our standard form so that the above defi- nition is legitimate Thus, the above Theorem 2.3, (i), can be rephrased as follows:

THEOREM 2.3’ (T-theorem for L?-spaces, 2 < p< 00) If M is finite, the T-theorem for L°(M; 0’) holds for each faithful functional in ME and 2 < p<co

As stated in the introduction, the main result of the paper is the converse of ‘the above “T-theorem’’ For the special value of p = co, the converse was proved by Dye [5] (See also [12].) We thus assume 2 < p < 0 in the rest of the paper, unless the contrary is stated In the rest, we will concentrate on the proofs of the following two theorems, which are the main results of the paper:

THEOREM 2.5 If, for any faithful pe “= (and a single p, 2 < p<oo), the T-theorem for L?(M; `) holds, then M is finite

THEOREM 2.6 Assume that M is a factor of type either \,, or I11,,0 <4 < 1, and that p e ]2, oo] Then the T-theorem for L°(.4@; @) holds for no @


To prove the two main results, we prepare some technical lemmas We prove

the stability of our “T-theorem” under certain perturbations and a normal pro-

jection of norm 1

LEMMA 3.1 For an automorphism « of M, the T-theorem for L°(M; 9’) holds if and only if the same is true for L?(M; (po «)’)

Proof Let « = Adv* be the canonical implementation, [1], [6] As a conse-

quence of the uniqueness of the polar decomposition, it is shown that

A Lilt + ALL

Ayo = VU" Ayea, goat, 0, WEME One thus obtains Aj942 ° =ø*Aÿ4s,s.e A?.v 20

so that the result follows from Corollary 2.2 (i) Q.E.D LEMMA 3.2 Assume that faithful ọ, W in “jy satisfy o<lw and W<i,@ with

some 1,, 1,20 For any — 5 <a <<: , (Az) is exactly 2(4ÿ)

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Before going to its proof, we recall that z ~ (De: DW), €.@ is bounded and

1 ¬

(z-weakly) continuous on — > <Imz<0 and analytic in the interior if and only

if @ < lp for some 1/20 (See U Haagerup, Operator valued weights in von Neumann

algebras I, J Functional Analysis, 32(1979), 175 — 206; Lemma 3.3.) Thus, when

o<lw and <i;o, both of (Dọ: Dự), and (Dự: Do), (- + <Im:<0] make

sense as elements in./# and satisfy

(Dg: Dy), (Dy: Dọ), =: (Dự: De), (De: Dy), = 1

because of the uniqueness of analytic continuation (For z= te R, this equality is well-known.) In other words, (Dg :Dw),¢.@ is invertible and its inverse is

(Dy : Do), (Furthermore, due to (Do : Dy), = (De : DW);?)* = (Dw : De),


the above mentioned facts remain valid for |Imz|< >?

Proof of Lemma 3.2 At first we remark (i) J457 = 4¿* (and J4ÿJ = 4ÿ°),

(ii) J4š,Ƒ= AzZ, 1 1

(1) ⁄⁄Zš„ is a common core for 4¿ and Ayo

In fact, (i) is well-known, [13], and (iii) is obvious from the construction Also,

(ii) follows from (i) and the well-known 2 x 2-matrix argument Due to (i), we may and do assume that O<a< >in what follows We now consider the following two functions (for each x €.4):

Zo Ay Xo z — (Dy : Dg), AExé,

i 1

Because of x€,€ G(Aye) D(dg) and the remark before the proof, these two


functions are bounded and continuous on — > <JImz<0O and analytic in the interior For z= fe¢R, one obviously has

(Dy : Dg), AU xé, = AY AG MAUKE, = Avpx€, -

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T-THEOREM FOR L?-SPACES 273 It is well-known that “€, isa common core for Ay, and 42 (01) and Lemma 4, [1)) Furthermore, (Dw : De)_, is invertible (so that Mé, is acore for (Dy : Dg)_j,4§ Therefore, the above equality actually means

= (Dự : Dọ)_;„4$ =


= A (Dự : D@)* ie

(due to the self-adjointness of 47„, 42 and the boundedness of (Dứ : Dø)_¡„) Taking the inverse of this non-singular positive self-adjoint operator, we have

Ag = (Dy : De)%;,)* 45% =(De@ : D)* „4

Then (i) and (ii) yield:

= J(Dø : DỰ)*¡„JJA;*J =

=/(Dọ : DỤ)*¡„J4 By changing the roles of ø and , we now have

(2) At, = J(Dự : Dø)*¡„J4%

Einally, (1) and (2) yield:

Ae = (Dự : Dø)~Í,Aÿ„ =

= (Dy: De)=}.J(Dy : Dọ)* „J4ÿ ›

so that the invertibility of (Dy : De)zi, J(Dự :Dò)*¡„J gives the result Q.E.D By Corollary 2.2 (iv) we have:

COROLLARY 3.3 For o and in the above lemma, the T-theorem for LP(; @')

holds if and only if the same is true for L?(4; ý)

Lemma 3.4 Let ¢ be a normal projection of norm 1 from onto a von Neumann subalgebra VW, and ~ be a faithful functional in Wf If the T-theorem

for L’(.@; (po8)’) holds, then the same is true for LN; @)

Proof We may and do assume that goe = Oz, with a cyclic and separating vector €) and that & is also a cyclic and separating vector in the subspace K ==(NE,] for the restricted von Neumann algebra | # In this set up, the modular operator associated with (4%, @ oc «) is diagonalized as follows:

¬ "|

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where A, is the modular operator on X determined by (1, ¢@) (See [14].) In

particular, we have

2(4z.,)n # = 9(45),

so that the lemma follows from Corollary 2.2 (iv) Q.E.D


In this section, we prove (a stronger result than) our main result for a factor of type I

Let # be an infinite dimensional separable Hilbert space and @ =: B(#) We realize a standard form for @ by the quadruple (4, #, J = *, #,) Here # denotes the Hilbert space of all Hilbert-Schmidt class operators on % and @==B(X) acts on & as left multiplications We denote the usual trace on @ by Tr For a

faithful @ (resp an arbitrary ) in @; , there exists a unique non-singular positive

trace class operator h, on % (resp a unique positive trace class operator /,, on

1 +

2ý) satisfying œ = Tr(h„-) (resp =: Tr(z„-)) In other words, hg (resp hj) is a unique implementing vector in # , for @ (resp Ủ)

The next result is essentially due to Dixmier:

Lemma 4.1 For faithful ọ, c./‡, there always exists a unitary operator u

1 1 1

on # such that the (densely-defined) operator hệ he —® an 2Ý is not closable, where X= ubu™ and h, = uhyu*

1 1

Proof Since h, is a non-singular compact operator on 4 and -— „<0

i 1

i P + 2

he is not bounded Similarly, hy 2 3 is not either

Then, by Lemma 8.3, [4], there always exists a unitary u on © satisfying


ALL _—Ă+L ALL a2

Bho *)nuD(hy *) == DAZ ”)n 20, ”) = {0}

Therefore, one computes

1 1 1

Bho “hệ) =h„ + 9 {20 *)n Dh, *)} = {0} 1

1 1 1 1 1 ko

*isexactlyhe 7h7,


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For vectors €, € in #, the rank-one operator € @C€on & is defined by (E@O(y) = (1 | E,ne H#, as usual Clearly, € @ € belongs to #, on which @ acts The following results can be checked by straightforward calculation:

LEMMA 4.2 Let @, (resp @2) be a faithful (resp an arbitrary) element in My and €, € be vectors in X#


ai 1

(i) If Ce Dhy,*), then € @ Ce HAe 0)? O<a< ¬ and A % ((@Ð= (4,9) @ (age)

aL 1

(ii) If fe Dhy,*), then ÿ @{eØ(A7* ), 0< #< 5” and

4z» ( @ 0 =0250 @ (hg 0)

LEMMA 4.3 For o and x in Lemma 4.1, the (densely-defined) operator

42,42 * on ¥ is not closable

11 _ Pali i

Proof By the previous lemma, (4742 Bye @O =hjh; "E@h, Cl,

1 1 1 1

whenever ¢ € Dh? he —?) and £e 20w Py, At first, we fix a non-zero C) in


Why ?), Then, it follows from Lemma 4.1 that there exists a sequence {ế,} in

11 1 1 1 1

2(h2h? *) such that {&,} converges to 0 and {hyhd ~ eR converges to a non- zero € (in #)

1 1 +

Checking a sequence {&, © C,}, in WA? A? *), we easily conclude that

1 1 1

42,42 ? is not closable Q.E.D

Summing up the arguments in this section, one obtains:

Proposition 4.4 Let @ be a factor of type I,,, and os ý be faithful functionals


in “@} There always exists a unitary u in M@ such that A sư ? 2? ¡s not closable Here x is given by y = uỤuU" In particular, the T-theorem for L’(; 9’) never holds


We still keep our assumption: 2 < p <oo

Proof of Theorem 2.5 To show the theorem by contradiction, we assume that

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Cutting @ by the largest finite central projection, we may and do assume that /

is actually properly infinite Thus @ can be written as the tensor product of a von

Neumann subalgebra and a factor of type I Then we choose a normal projection e of norm 1 from @ onto A and a faithful functional g in By the assumption, the T-theorem for L’(@; ( © £)’) holds so that the same is true for L241; @’) by

Lemma 3.4, which contradicts Proposition 4.4 Q.E.D

Proof of Theorem 2.6 We may assume that #@ is a factor of type III, due

to Proposition 4.4 To show the theorem by contradiction, we also assume that

the 7-theorem for 7?(⁄Z; 0’) holds for some faithful @ ¢.@7 Due to Theorem 2.5, it suffices to show that the 7-theorem for L°(#; w’) holds for a generic faithful

ý c.Zz However, since # isa factor of type III,, 0 < 4 < 1, there always exists

an inner automorphism « and positive numbers /,, /,20 satisfying @<Jw oa,

yw oa<i,g (See [3], Ch I, Corollary 4.2.) Thus, Lemma 3.1 and Corollary 3.3

yield that the 7-theorem for L?(.Z; @') would hold as well Q.E.D Acknowledgement We would like to thank the referee for useful suggestions Among them, the referee informed us that’a lemma closely related to Dixmier’s lemma

used in the proof of Lemma 4.1 was obtained by von Neumann (Zur theorie der

unbeschrankten Matrizen, J fiir Mathematik, 161(1929), 208—234; Satz 18)


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T-THEOREM FOR L?-SPACES 277 12 Skau, C., Positive self-adjoint extensions of operators affiliated with a von Neumann algebra,

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13 TAKESAKI, M., Tomita’s theory of modular Hilbert algebras and its applications, Lecture Notes in Math., No 128(1970), Springer

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Received March 19, 1981; revised August 19, 1981

Added in proof Recently, the author showed that the mapping in Theorem 1.2 is

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