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ENGLISH TEST (45 minutes) pptx

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ENGLISH TEST (45 minutes) Name:__________________________________________ Class 12A I/ Listen and decide true(T) or false(F): 1. There were not any illierate people in Vietnam in the year of 2000. F 2. More volunteer students took part in the campaign in 2001. T 3. The Vietnam Society Learning Promotion decided to end the campaign in 2002. F 4. The campaign in 2002 took place in the northern mountainous provinces. F 5. At present the number of lirerate people in Vietnam is increasing. T II/Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words. 1. A. plates B. students C. friends D. mechanics 2. A. character B. machine C. schooling D. technical 3. A. reésumeé B. pressure C. computer D. reduce 4. A. grades B. fees C. courses D. cues III/ Find out the mistakes 1. Da Lat, where is located on High Land, is famous for mild climate. A B C D 2. If you had the chance to meet famous writers, what do you ask them? A B C D 3. If they offered you the job, will you accept it? A B C D 4. Louisa May Alcott, she is best known for her books for children, served as a nurse during the Civil war. A B C D 5. The academic school year generally is begun at the beginning of September A B C D IV/Read the passage and choose the best answers. The year at an American college is divided into two semesters or three quarters. A semester includes 15 weeks; a quarter includes 10 weeks. American college students usually go to school from September to May. They can also study during the summer. Students choose their classes a few weeks before the start of each term. Universities and colleges offer a great many classes in the students’ main areas of study and in other areas as well. Students must take both. These include science, math, computer, history and English. Other classes such as dance, theatre, or sports may be just for fun. Tests are usually given in the middle of the term and at the end. The final exam is extremely important. In some classes, the professor asked the students to write a research paper or complete a certain task instead of taking a test. Classes at an American college are usually organized through lectures. For example, a student may attend two or three lectures a week by one professor. There may be as many as several hundred students at each lecture. 1/ American college students choose their classes __________. A/ at any time during the term B/ at the end of each term C/ before the start of each term D/ in the first week of each term 2/ Usually, an American college student takes __________ tests in a term. A/ one B/ two C/ three D/ four 3/ Which of the following courses is NOT mentioned in the passage? A/ Science B/ Medicine C/ History D/ Dance 4/ Which of the following sentences is NOT TRUE according to the passage? A/ The year at an American college usually starts in September. B/ The year at an American college is divided into two semesters or three quarters. C/ There are 15 weeks in each semester and 10 weeks in each quarter. D/ American college students never study during summer. 5/ The final exam is _____________ A/ very important B/ not important C/ less important D/ just for fun V/Choose the best answers: 1.Many people would be out of work if that factory……… down. A. closes B. had closed C. closed D. would close. 2. If she sold her car, she ………… much money. A. gets B. would get C. will get D. would have got. 3.They would be disappointed if we……………. A. hadn’t come B. wouldn’t come C. don’t come D. didn’t come. 4. There are three terms in a school year in England. A. months B. semesters C. parts D. tests 5. The man ………….I introduced you to last night may be the next president of the university. A. whom B. that C. O D. all are correct 6.If I go shopping, I ………some food. A. buy B. will buy C. would buy D. would have bought. 7. I met the waiters, several of…………… are university students. A. them B. who C. that D. whom 8. My father told me to tell him the reason………. I had been home late. A. why B. which C. for that D. for why 9. He was the only………………that was offered the job. A. apply B. application C. applicant D. applying 10.Schooling is ……… for all English children from the age of 5 to 16. A. compulsory B. force C. free D. useful VI/Rewrite the following sentences: 1.My mother isn’t here , so she can not give me any advice . If ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………….… 2. Everybody believed that John had died of AIDS. John ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………. 3. The man is my uncle. You met him on the train last week. The man…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………… ENGLISH TEST (45 minutes) Name:__________________________________________ Class 12A I/ Listen and decide true(T) or false(F): 1. There were not any illierate people in Vietnam in the year of 2000. F 2. Less volunteer students took part in the campaign in 2001. F 3. The Vietnam Society Learning Promotion decided to continue the campaign in 2002. T 4. The campaign in 2002 took place in the central mountainous provinces. T 5. At present the number of lirerate people in Vietnam is decreasing. F II/Find out the mistakes 1. You would be welcome to join in our staff if you changed your mind. A B C D 2. If you left the milk out of the fridge in this weather, it will go off. A B C D 3. Are there any differences among Vietnamese and American cultures? A B C D 4. Everything would have been all right if you did not make such a mistake. A B C D 5. He works at Heathrow Airport, that is one of the biggest airports in the world. A B C D III/Choose the best answers: 1. Qualifications and …….are two most important factors that help you get a good job. A. politeness B. experience C. attention D. impression 2. Before the interview, you have to send a letter of application and your réesumée to the company. A. recommendation B. reference C. curriculum vitae D. photograph 3. Ms Young, to………many of her students are writing, is living in London. A. who B. whom C. that D. whose 4. My friend didn’t come to my birthday party, ………upset me a lot. A. that B. who C. which D. when 5. He is the man ………car was stolen last week. A. whom B. that C. who D. whose 6. If someone…………in here with a gun, I would be very frightened. a. would walk B. walks C. had walked D. walked. 7. What would happen if you …………… to work tomorrow? A. don’t go B. didn’t go C. won’t go D. wouldn’t go. 8. We ‘ll get wet if we ………….out. A. go B. did go C. went D. had gone. 9. English, math and literature are ………subjects. A. parts B. centre C. core D. middle 10. When students finish the secondary education, they have to take a / an………called GCSE. A. test B. check C. interview D. examination IV/Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words. 1. A. groom B. bamboo C. school D. flood 2. A. photographs B. helps C. arrives D. likes 3. A. crossed B. brushed C. removed D. hoped 4. A. nursery B. survey C. argument D. furniture V/ Read the passage carefully, then choose the correct answers. What is life like for today's students? As the university and college terms began, I talked to a few students about their lives. Sarah James is a second year biology student. “Money is a big problem”, said Sarah. “I can eat quite cheaply at the university, but I spend quite a lot on transport. I also spend quite a lot on clothes, as I like to wear things that are in fashion.” Colin Peters, who is studying engineering, disagree. “I don't spend anything on clothes,” he said, “unless you count climbing boots. I'm very keen on climbing, and you do need special equipment, some of which is very expensive. Luckily, my parents gave me money for my birthday in November. Not much of my money goes on transport, because I have a bicycle.” Diana Bell is a first year fashion student. “I make on my own clothes. This should save me money, but in fact, the materials are very expensive. I don't know how I would manage if I didn't sell some of the dresses and hats I make to the other students. Everything is expensive,” she said. “That includes the rent, food, transport and heating for the flat in winter.” Jack is a science student in his final year. “What do I spend my money on? Well, not on clothes, and not a lot on going out in the evening. My rent is expensive, and I suppose I spend quite a lot on books.” 1. This is from _________ . A. a student's notebook. B. a letter to a friend C. a magazine article D. an advertisement 2. The aim of the writer is to _________ . A. show how students live. B. give advice to students. C. explain that students work hard. D. complain about students' way of life. 3. The students' main problem is _________ . A. deciding what to wear. B. living on the money they receive. C. finding enough time to study. D. cooking their own food. 4. Colin is different from Sarah because _________ . . A. he has generous parents who help him. B. he doesn't need to study very hard. C. he is not a second year student. D. his clothes and transport cost less 5. Which of the following is true for Diana? A. I haven't bought any clothes this year but I will have to next year when I start work. B. I'm going to buy a new pair of boots this winter, after my birthday. C. I bought a new jacket and trousers yesterday, so I haven't any money. D. A friend is going to pay me to make a jacket for her, so I will have enough money after all. VI/Rewrite the following sentences: 1. Mr. Nguyen is an ambitious man. I am working with him. Mr. Nguyen …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. The police think the burglar got in through the bathroom window. The burglar ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3. Unless someone has a key, we can’t get into the house. We can only get ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Tapescript: In the summer of 2000, the Vietnam Society of Learning Promotion started a campaign for illiteracy eradication. In the campaign, six hundred ethnic minority students from the northern high lands were asked to provide reading and writing skills to 1,200 illiterate people living in their home villages. In 2001, eight hundred volunteer students took part in the campaign. The number of people receiving reading and writing lessons reached 4,523. This was an effective way to help people in remote and mountainuos area to read and write. The fight against illiteracy continued in the summer of 2002. this time the Vietnam Society of Learning Promotion decided to expand its activities to the centralmountainuos provinces. At present, the number of illiterate poeple in the remote and mountainous areas is gradually decreasing. It is hoped that illiteracy will soon be eradicated in our country as more and more people are taking part in the struggle against it. ENGLISH TEST (45 minutes) Name:__________________________________________ Class 12A I/ Listen and decide true(T) or false(F): 1. There were not any illierate people in Vietnam in the year of 2000. 2. More volunteer students took part in the campaign in 2001. 3. The Vietnam Society Learning Promotion decided to end the campaign in 2002. 4. The campaign in 2002 took place in the northern mountainous provinces. 5. At present the number of lirerate people in Vietnam is increasing. II/Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words. 1. A. plates B. students C. friends D. mechanics 2. A. character B. machine C. schooling D. technical 3. A. reésumeé B. pressure C. computer D. reduce 4. A. grades B. fees C. courses D. cues III/ Find out the mistakes 1. Da Lat, where is located on High Land, is famous for mild climate. A B C D 2. If you had the chance to meet famous writers, what do you ask them? A B C D 3. If they offered you the job, will you accept it? A B C D 4. Louisa May Alcott, she is best known for her books for children, served as a nurse during the Civil war. A B C D 5. The academic school year generally is begun at the beginning of September A B C D IV/Read the passage and choose the best answers. The year at an American college is divided into two semesters or three quarters. A semester includes 15 weeks; a quarter includes 10 weeks. American college students usually go to school from September to May. They can also study during the summer. Students choose their classes a few weeks before the start of each term. Universities and colleges offer a great many classes in the students’ main areas of study and in other areas as well. Students must take both. These include science, math, computer, history and English. Other classes such as dance, theatre, or sports may be just for fun. Tests are usually given in the middle of the term and at the end. The final exam is extremely important. In some classes, the professor asked the students to write a research paper or complete a certain task instead of taking a test. Classes at an American college are usually organized through lectures. For example, a student may attend two or three lectures a week by one professor. There may be as many as several hundred students at each lecture. 1/ American college students choose their classes __________. A/ at any time during the term B/ at the end of each term C/ before the start of each term D/ in the first week of each term 2/ Usually, an American college student takes __________ tests in a term. A/ one B/ two C/ three D/ four 3/ Which of the following courses is NOT mentioned in the passage? A/ Science B/ Medicine C/ History D/ Dance 4/ Which of the following sentences is NOT TRUE according to the passage? A/ The year at an American college usually starts in September. B/ The year at an American college is divided into two semesters or three quarters. C/ There are 15 weeks in each semester and 10 weeks in each quarter. D/ American college students never study during summer. 5/ The final exam is _____________ A/ very important B/ not important C/ less important D/ just for fun V/Choose the best answers: 1.Many people would be out of work if that factory……… down. A. closes B. had closed C. closed D. would close. 2. If she sold her car, she ………… much money. A. gets B. would get C. will get D. would have got. 3.They would be disappointed if we……………. A. hadn’t come B. wouldn’t come C. don’t come D. didn’t come. 4. There are three terms in a school year in England. A. months B. semesters C. parts D. tests 5. The man ………….I introduced you to last night may be the next president of the university. A. whom B. that C. O D. all are correct 6.If I go shopping, I ………some food. A. buy B. will buy C. would buy D. would have bought. 7. I met the waiters, several of…………… are university students. A. them B. who C. that D. whom 8. My father told me to tell him the reason………. I had been home late. A. why B. which C. for that D. for why 9. He was the only………………that was offered the job. A. apply B. application C. applicant D. applying 10.Schooling is ……… for all English children from the age of 5 to 16. A. compulsory B. force C. free D. useful VI/Rewrite the following sentences: 1.My mother isn’t here , so she can not give me any advice . If …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………….… 2. Everybody believed that John had died of AIDS. John …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………. 3. The man is my uncle. You met him on the train last week. The man………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………… ENGLISH TEST (45 minutes) Name:__________________________________________ Class 12A I/ Listen and decide true(T) or false(F): 1. There were not any illierate people in Vietnam in the year of 2000. 2. Less volunteer students took part in the campaign in 2001. 3. The Vietnam Society Learning Promotion decided to continue the campaign in 2002. 4. The campaign in 2002 took place in the central mountainous provinces. 5. At present the number of lirerate people in Vietnam is decreasing. II/Find out the mistakes 1. You would be welcome to join in our staff if you changed your mind. A B C D 2. If you left the milk out of the fridge in this weather, it will go off. A B C D 3. Are there any differences among Vietnamese and American cultures? A B C D 4. Everything would have been all right if you did not make such a mistake. A B C D 5. He works at Heathrow Airport, that is one of the biggest airports in the world. A B C D III/Choose the best answers: 1. Qualifications and …….are two most important factors that help you get a good job. A. politeness B. experience C. attention D. impression 2. Before the interview, you have to send a letter of application and your réesumée to the company. A. recommendation B. reference C. curriculum vitae D. photograph 3. Ms Young, to………many of her students are writing, is living in London. A. who B. whom C. that D. whose 4. My friend didn’t come to my birthday party, ………upset me a lot. A. that B. who C. which D. when 5. He is the man ………car was stolen last week. A. whom B. that C. who D. whose 6. If someone…………in here with a gun, I would be very frightened. a. would walk B. walks C. had walked D. walked. 7. What would happen if you …………… to work tomorrow? A. don’t go B. didn’t go C. won’t go D. wouldn’t go. 8. We ‘ll get wet if we ………….out. A. go B. did go C. went D. had gone. 9. English, math and literature are ………subjects. A. parts B. centre C. core D. middle 10. When students finish the secondary education, they have to take a / an………called GCSE. A. test B. check C. interview D. examination IV/Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words. 1. A. groom B. bamboo C. school D. flood 2. A. photographs B. helps C. arrives D. likes 3. A. crossed B. brushed C. removed D. hoped 4. A. nursery B. survey C. argument D. furniture V/ Read the passage carefully, then choose the correct answers. What is life like for today's students? As the university and college terms began, I talked to a few students about their lives. Sarah James is a second year biology student. “Money is a big problem”, said Sarah. “I can eat quite cheaply at the university, but I spend quite a lot on transport. I also spend quite a lot on clothes, as I like to wear things that are in fashion.” Colin Peters, who is studying engineering, disagree. “I don't spend anything on clothes,” he said, “unless you count climbing boots. I'm very keen on climbing, and you do need special equipment, some of which is very expensive. Luckily, my parents gave me money for my birthday in November. Not much of my money goes on transport, because I have a bicycle.” Diana Bell is a first year fashion student. “I make on my own clothes. This should save me money, but in fact, the materials are very expensive. I don't know how I would manage if I didn't sell some of the dresses and hats I make to the other students. Everything is expensive,” she said. “That includes the rent, food, transport and heating for the flat in winter.” Jack is a science student in his final year. “What do I spend my money on? Well, not on clothes, and not a lot on going out in the evening. My rent is expensive, and I suppose I spend quite a lot on books.” 1. This is from _________ . A. a student's notebook. B. a letter to a friend C. a magazine article D. an advertisement 2. The aim of the writer is to _________ . A. show how students live. B. give advice to students. C. explain that students work hard. D. complain about students' way of life. 3. The students' main problem is _________ . A. deciding what to wear. B. living on the money they receive. C. finding enough time to study. D. cooking their own food. 4. Colin is different from Sarah because _________ . . A. he has generous parents who help him. B. he doesn't need to study very hard. C. he is not a second year student. D. his clothes and transport cost less 5. Which of the following is true for Diana? A. I haven't bought any clothes this year but I will have to next year when I start work. B. I'm going to buy a new pair of boots this winter, after my birthday. C. I bought a new jacket and trousers yesterday, so I haven't any money. D. A friend is going to pay me to make a jacket for her, so I will have enough money after all. VI/Rewrite the following sentences: 1. Mr. Nguyen is an ambitious man. I am working with him. Mr. Nguyen …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. The police think the burglar got in through the bathroom window. The burglar ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3. Unless someone has a key, we can’t get into the house. We can only get ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… . ENGLISH TEST (45 minutes) Name:__________________________________________ Class 12A I/ Listen and decide. man…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………… ENGLISH TEST (45 minutes) Name:__________________________________________ Class 12A I/ Listen and decide. eradicated in our country as more and more people are taking part in the struggle against it. ENGLISH TEST (45 minutes) Name:__________________________________________ Class 12A I/ Listen and decide

Ngày đăng: 05/08/2014, 09:45

