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Power Training & Trouble Shooting Case pot

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Cấu trúc

  • Power Training & Trouble Shooting

  • Case 1: Battery circle circuit broken alarm for APM30

  • Slide 3

  • Slide 4

  • Case 2: EPS90 Testing

  • Slide 6

  • Case 3: Instructor of APM30H PMU Communication Alarm

  • Case 4: the EPS90 sub-rack issue

  • Problem analyze

  • Picture in actual

  • Why it happened?

  • Case 5: The function of battery temperature sensor

  • Case 6: The Installation of battery temperature sensor

  • Case 7: The process for damaged battery

  • Case 8: Factors affect the battery service life

  • Failure example (1)

  • Failure example (2)

  • Case 9: The Parameter Setting for Eltek DC power system

  • Case 10: The process of battery test of Eltek DC power system

  • Case 11: How to get help from GCRMS

  • Slide 21

  • Slide 22

  • Slide 23

  • Case 12: The spare parts for the power system

  • Slide 25

  • Slide 26

  • Slide 27

  • Case 12: The route to download the specification of power equipment

  • Slide 29

Nội dung

HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. www.huawei.com Huawei Confidential Se c urity Leve l: 英文标标 :40-47pt 副标标 :26-30pt 字标标色 : 反白 标部使用字标 : FrutigerNext LT Medium 外部使用字标 : Arial 中文标标 :35-47pt 字标 : 黑标 副标标 :24-28pt 字标标色 : 反白 字标 : 标黑标 08/02/14 For Vietnam HT Project Power Training & Trouble Shooting HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential 英文标标 :32-35pt 标色 : R153 G0 B0 标部使用字标 : FrutigerNext LT Medium 外部使用字标 : Arial 中文标标 :30-32pt 标色 : R153 G0 B0 字标 : 黑标 英文正文 :20-22pt 子目标 (2-5 标 ) :18pt 标色 : 黑色 标部使用字标 : FrutigerNext LT Regular 外部使用字标 : Arial 中文正文 :18-20pt 子目标 (2-5 标 ):18pt 标色 : 黑色 字标 : 标黑标 Page 2 Ca se 1: Batte ry circle circuit broke n a la rm for APM30 Q: Whe n will happe n “Batte ry c ircle circ uit bro ke n alarm”? A: 1/ Power s witc h o f the batte ry on EPS 90 rack is o ff 2/ Powe r s witch o f the battery in battery c abine t is off 3/ Contactor of BLVD ins ide the EPS90 rack is o pen The “battery circle circuit broken alarm” will happen, if one of the up presupposition exist. Po we r s witch o f the battery HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential 英文标标 :32-35pt 标色 : R153 G0 B0 标部使用字标 : FrutigerNext LT Medium 外部使用字标 : Arial 中文标标 :30-32pt 标色 : R153 G0 B0 字标 : 黑标 英文正文 :20-22pt 子目标 (2-5 标 ) :18pt 标色 : 黑色 标部使用字标 : FrutigerNext LT Regular 外部使用字标 : Arial 中文正文 :18-20pt 子目标 (2-5 标 ):18pt 标色 : 黑色 字标 : 标黑标 Page 3 Ca se 1: Ba tte ry circle circuit broke n a la rm for AP M30 Q: If the re is “Battery circle circuit bro ke n alarm”, ho w to s ho o t the tro uble o n fie ld? A: 1/ Che c k the Powe r s witch o f the battery in EPS 90 rack and battery cabine t. 2/ Check the AC po wer. 3/ Check the battery bank vo ltag e .  If all the Power switch of battery is on, and AC(EVN) shut down, and battery bank voltage lower than 43V, the APM30 is working normal. The generator should be start to supply power. (read next page)  If all the power switch of battery id on, and AC(EVN) is normal, battery bank voltage is over 43V, then should test the EPS90 sub-rack (read case 2). HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential 英文标标 :32-35pt 标色 : R153 G0 B0 标部使用字标 : FrutigerNext LT Medium 外部使用字标 : Arial 中文标标 :30-32pt 标色 : R153 G0 B0 字标 : 黑标 英文正文 :20-22pt 子目标 (2-5 标 ) :18pt 标色 : 黑色 标部使用字标 : FrutigerNext LT Regular 外部使用字标 : Arial 中文正文 :18-20pt 子目标 (2-5 标 ):18pt 标色 : 黑色 字标 : 标黑标 Page 4 Ca se 1: Ba tte ry circle circuit broke n a la rm for AP M30 Q: What is c o ntro l lo gic of the c o ntac to r fo r LLVD and BLVD ins ide the EPS90 s ub-rac k? A: When AC(EVN) shut down, the battery discharge to supply the load.  When battery voltage lower than 44V, APM30 will open LLVD contactor, disconnect the load of LOAD1.  When battery voltage lower then 43V, APM30 will open BLVD contactor, disconnect the load of LOAD2. Note: LLVD: Load Low Voltage Disconnect BLVD: Battery Low Voltage Disconnect HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential 英文标标 :32-35pt 标色 : R153 G0 B0 标部使用字标 : FrutigerNext LT Medium 外部使用字标 : Arial 中文标标 :30-32pt 标色 : R153 G0 B0 字标 : 黑标 英文正文 :20-22pt 子目标 (2-5 标 ) :18pt 标色 : 黑色 标部使用字标 : FrutigerNext LT Regular 外部使用字标 : Arial 中文正文 :18-20pt 子目标 (2-5 标 ):18pt 标色 : 黑色 字标 : 标黑标 Page 5 Ca se 2: EPS90 Te sting Q: How to Te s t EPS90 s ub-rack. A: Step1: Install PMU and PSU, Connect AC input, disconnect battery, Disconnect Load1 and Load2, Put off Power switch of the battery; Measure the Voltage between BAT.(+) and BAT.(-), voltage between RTN(+) and Load1(-), Voltage between RTN(+) and Load2(-). All of the voltage should be about 53.5V. Step2: Uninstall (take off, hot plug ) PMU; Measure the Voltage between BAT.(+) and BAT.(-), it should be 0V; Measure the Voltage between RTN(+) and Load1(-), it should be 53.5V. Measure the Voltage between RTN(+) and Load2(-). it should be 53.5V. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential 英文标标 :32-35pt 标色 : R153 G0 B0 标部使用字标 : FrutigerNext LT Medium 外部使用字标 : Arial 中文标标 :30-32pt 标色 : R153 G0 B0 字标 : 黑标 英文正文 :20-22pt 子目标 (2-5 标 ) :18pt 标色 : 黑色 标部使用字标 : FrutigerNext LT Regular 外部使用字标 : Arial 中文正文 :18-20pt 子目标 (2-5 标 ):18pt 标色 : 黑色 字标 : 标黑标 Page 6 Step3: Install PMU, Put on Power switch of the battery; Use one cable to short circuit BAT.(-) and LOAD2(-), the voice of contactor be put on should be heard. Step4: Remove the short circuit cable; Measure the Voltage between BAT.(+) and BAT.(-), it should be 53.5V. Step5: Uninstall (take off, hot plug ) PMU; Measure the Voltage between BAT.(+) and BAT.(-), it should be 53.5V. If all results as same as the up-step, the EPS90 sub-rack is working normally. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential 英文标标 :32-35pt 标色 : R153 G0 B0 标部使用字标 : FrutigerNext LT Medium 外部使用字标 : Arial 中文标标 :30-32pt 标色 : R153 G0 B0 字标 : 黑标 英文正文 :20-22pt 子目标 (2-5 标 ) :18pt 标色 : 黑色 标部使用字标 : FrutigerNext LT Regular 外部使用字标 : Arial 中文正文 :18-20pt 子目标 (2-5 标 ):18pt 标色 : 黑色 字标 : 标黑标 Page 7 Ca se 3: Instructor of APM30H PMU Communica tion Alarm 1/ Instructor of APM30H PMU Communication Alarm Instructor of APM30H PMU Commucation Ala HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential 英文标标 :32-35pt 标色 : R153 G0 B0 标部使用字标 : FrutigerNext LT Medium 外部使用字标 : Arial 中文标标 :30-32pt 标色 : R153 G0 B0 字标 : 黑标 英文正文 :20-22pt 子目标 (2-5 标 ) :18pt 标色 : 黑色 标部使用字标 : FrutigerNext LT Regular 外部使用字标 : Arial 中文正文 :18-20pt 子目标 (2-5 标 ):18pt 标色 : 黑色 字标 : 标黑标 Page 8 Ca se 4: the EPS90 sub-rack is sue  The proble m de s c riptio n: 1/ There is no output in Load1; 2/ If the AC shut down the battery can’t supply the load, both load1 and load2 The problem happen on 144077/144076 sites. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential 英文标标 :32-35pt 标色 : R153 G0 B0 标部使用字标 : FrutigerNext LT Medium 外部使用字标 : Arial 中文标标 :30-32pt 标色 : R153 G0 B0 字标 : 黑标 英文正文 :20-22pt 子目标 (2-5 标 ) :18pt 标色 : 黑色 标部使用字标 : FrutigerNext LT Regular 外部使用字标 : Arial 中文正文 :18-20pt 子目标 (2-5 标 ):18pt 标色 : 黑色 字标 : 标黑标 Page 9 Wrong co nne ction EXT_ALM0 APMI PMU Problem analyze The EPS90 Sub-rack fail because of the wrong alarm cable be installed. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential 英文标标 :32-35pt 标色 : R153 G0 B0 标部使用字标 : FrutigerNext LT Medium 外部使用字标 : Arial 中文标标 :30-32pt 标色 : R153 G0 B0 字标 : 黑标 英文正文 :20-22pt 子目标 (2-5 标 ) :18pt 标色 : 黑色 标部使用字标 : FrutigerNext LT Regular 外部使用字标 : Arial 中文正文 :18-20pt 子目标 (2-5 标 ):18pt 标色 : 黑色 字标 : 标黑标 Page 10 The connection of wrong alarm cable caused PMU (power monitor unit) detect abnormal alarm single, then PMU control EPS90 act abnormally. Wrong alarm cable Picture in a ctua l [...]... tting for Elte k DC powe r s ys te m 1/ The parameter setting for Eltek DC power system manufacture in China Parameter setting of PRSB48180 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD Huawei Confidential Page 18 Ca s e 10: The proce s s of ba tte ry te s t of Elte k DC powe r s ys te m 1/ The parameter setting and battery discharge test of Eltek DC power system Battery_Test_Pro cess for MCU and Smartpa HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES... 21  Fo r APM30 po we r s ys te m-Pag e 3 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD Huawei Confidential Page 22 Ca s e 11: How to ge t he lp from GCRMS  Fo r Elte k po we r s ys te m Please check the 《 Create & Escalate &close Product Problem Request On GCRMS for site solution product0407.ppt 》 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD Huawei Confidential Page 23 Ca s e 12: The s pa re pa rts for the powe r s ys te m Q: S pare... ) 2 02315217 Smartpack GB RS232 front G1 3 01070787 , 02130746 Power system,Flatpack 2/1800 G1,-5degC-45degC,185Vac290Vac,53.5V/30A, 2400426 EPS90 2120467 PDU Q: S pare part kits o f PS 48600-3/2900-X5-R48-2900 (no te : Eme rs o n po we r s ys te m) A: The BOM code for the spare part is 02234360, normally used for 1~5PCS PS486003/2900-X5 power system  2313428 M500F,PS 48600-3/2900-X5 Po we r S ys te... the battery in warranty, and the problem belong to quality and technical issue, submit to Auxiliary product service department by GCRMS If the problem belong to Solution, submit to Auxiliary product R&D department by GCRMS HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD Huawei Confidential Page 14 Ca s e 8: Fa ctors a ffe ct the ba tte ry s e rvice life The following factors will affect the battery service life  Temperature:... Page 26 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD Huawei Confidential Page 27 Ca s e 12: The route to downloa d the s pe cifica tion of powe r e quipme nt http://3ms.huawei.com →DOCUMENTS →Marketing Material →More Power System/Battery/UPS/Distribution Cabinet HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD Huawei Confidential Page 28 Thank you www.huawei.com . :35-47pt 字标 : 黑标 副标标 :24-28pt 字标标色 : 反白 字标 : 标黑标 08/02/14 For Vietnam HT Project Power Training & Trouble Shooting HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential 英文标标 :32-35pt 标色 : R153. .  If all the Power switch of battery is on, and AC(EVN) shut down, and battery bank voltage lower than 43V, the APM30 is working normal. The generator should be start to supply power. (read. (read next page)  If all the power switch of battery id on, and AC(EVN) is normal, battery bank voltage is over 43V, then should test the EPS90 sub-rack (read case 2). HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES

Ngày đăng: 02/08/2014, 06:21