We use We use who – who – for people for people which – which – for things for things The book is about a girl The book is about a girl who who runs runs away from home. away from home. Where is the cheese Where is the cheese which which was in the was in the fridge? fridge? Whom Whom Whom Whom is generally used in formal contexts is generally used in formal contexts Whom Whom is used for direct objects (people) is used for direct objects (people) To To whom whom am I speaking? am I speaking? The person The person whom whom you are trying to reach is you are trying to reach is not available. not available. (Most of the time we would say ‘who,’ not (Most of the time we would say ‘who,’ not whom!) whom!) In informal language we can use In informal language we can use that that instead of instead of who who / / which which / / w w hom hom The book is about a girl The book is about a girl that that runs runs away from home. away from home. Where is the cheese Where is the cheese that that was in the was in the fridge? fridge? In some cases we can leave out In some cases we can leave out that that The job The job (that) (that) he got wasn`t very he got wasn`t very interesting. interesting. A woman ( A woman ( whom/that) whom/that) my sister my sister knows has just bought the house knows has just bought the house next door. next door. We can`t leave out We can`t leave out who who , , which which , , what what in relative clauses with extra information in relative clauses with extra information that is important that is important Dorothy Dorothy , , who who does my hair, does my hair, has just has just had a baby. had a baby. I lent him “The Old Man and The I lent him “The Old Man and The Sea” Sea” , , which which is really easy to read. is really easy to read. Here we can`t use Here we can`t use that that . . Whose Whose We say We say whose whose for possession (‘of who’) for possession (‘of who’) We only use We only use whose whose after people to refer after people to refer to things that are theirs to things that are theirs I know t I know t he he boy boy whose whose goal is to fold goal is to fold origami. origami. We We cannot cannot omit omit whose whose ! ! Where Where We use where for places We use where for places This is the store This is the store where where I bought that I bought that dress. dress. Remember: This is the store Remember: This is the store which which sells vegetables and fruits. sells vegetables and fruits. When When We use when for time We use when for time That was the day That was the day when when I learned my I learned my teacher was an alien. teacher was an alien. Remember: That was the day which Remember: That was the day which was the most important day of mine. was the most important day of mine. Why Why We use why to explain the reason We use why to explain the reason The reason The reason why why I did it was because I did it was because John was annoying me. John was annoying me. (Usually, it´s better to just make the (Usually, it´s better to just make the sentence shorter: sentence shorter: ¨I did it because ¨I did it because John was annoying me.¨ John was annoying me.¨ ) ) Preposition Preposition This is the hotel. I lived in that hotel last This is the hotel. I lived in that hotel last summer. summer. This is the hotel where I lived last summer This is the hotel where I lived last summer This is the hotel in which I lived last summer This is the hotel in which I lived last summer This is the hotel which I lived in last summer This is the hotel which I lived in last summer The same with WHEN The same with WHEN I don’t know the reason why Tom left class I don’t know the reason why Tom left class yesterday yesterday I don’t know the reason for which Tom left class I don’t know the reason for which Tom left class yesterday yesterday . my hair, has just has just had a baby. had a baby. I lent him “The Old Man and The I lent him “The Old Man and The Sea” Sea” , , which which is really easy to read. is really easy to. This is the store Remember: This is the store which which sells vegetables and fruits. sells vegetables and fruits. When When We use when for time We use when for time That was the