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34 Idioms Beginning With ''''E'''' pdf

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34 Idioms Beginning With 'E' ~ E ~ Each to their own Different people have different preferences. In American English, 'Each to his own' is more common. Eager beaver A person who is extremely keen is an eager beaver. Eagle eyes Someone who has eagle eyes sees everything; no detail is too small. Early bath (UK) If someone has or goes for an early bath, they quit or lose their job or position earlier than expected because things have gone wrong. Early bird catches the worm The early bird catches the worm means that if you start something early, you stand a better chance of success. Easier said than done If something is easier said than done, it is much more difficult than it sounds. It is often used when someone advises you to do something difficult and tries to make it sound easy. Easy as pie If something is easy as pie, it is very easy indeed. Easy come, easy go This idiom means that money or other material gains that come without much effort tend to get spent or consumed as easily. Easy peasy (UK) If something is easy peasy, it is very easy indeed. ('Easy peasy, lemon squeezy' is also used.) Eat crow (USA) If you eat crow, you have to admit that you were wrong about something. Eat humble pie If someone apologises and shows a lot of contrition for something they have done, they eat humble pie. Eat like a bird If someone eats like a bird, they eat very little. Eat like a horse Someone who eats like a horse, eats a lot. Eat like a pig If some eats like a pig, they either eat too much or they have bad table manners. Eat someone alive If you eat someone alive, you defeat or beat them comprehensively. Eat your heart out If someone tells you to eat your heart out, they are saying they are better than you at something. Economical with the truth (UK) If someone, especially a politician, is economical with the truth, they leave out information in order to create a false picture of a situation, without actually lying. Egg on your face If someone has egg on their face, they are made to look foolish or embarrassed. Elbow grease If something requires elbow grease, it involves a lot of hard physical work. Elbow room If you haven't got enough elbow room, you haven't got enough space. Elephant in the room An elephant in the room is a problem that everyone knows very well but no one talks about because it is taboo, embarrassing, etc. Eleventh hour If something happens at the eleventh hour, it happens right at the last minute. Even keel If something is on an even keel, it is balanced. Even Stevens If everything is equal between people, they are even Stevens. Every ass likes to hear himself bray This means that people like the sound of their own voice. Every cloud has a silver lining People sometimes say that every cloud has a silver lining to comfort somebody who's having problems. They mean that it is always possible to get something positive out of a situation, no matter how unpleasant, difficult or even painful it might seem. Every man for himself If it's every man for himself, then people are trying to save themselves from a difficult situation without trying to help anyone else. Every man jack If every man jack was involved in something, it is an emphatic way of saying that absolutely everybody was involved. Every Tom, Dick and Harry If every Tom, Dick and Harry knows about something, then it is common knowledge. Every trick in the book If you try every trick in the book, you try every possible way, including dishonesty and deceit, to get what you want. Everything but the kitchen sink If people include everything but the kitchen sink, they include every possibility, regardless of whether they are useful. Explore all avenues If all avenues are being explored, then every conceivable approach is being tried that could possibly get the desired result. Eye for an eye This is an expression for retributive justice, where the punishment equals the crime. Eyes are bigger than one's stomach If someone's eyes are bigger than their stomach, they are greedy and take on more than they can consume or manage. . 34 Idioms Beginning With 'E' ~ E ~ Each to their own Different people have different preferences Economical with the truth (UK) If someone, especially a politician, is economical with the truth, they leave out information in order to create a false picture of a situation, without actually. easy indeed. Easy come, easy go This idiom means that money or other material gains that come without much effort tend to get spent or consumed as easily. Easy peasy (UK) If something is easy

Ngày đăng: 27/07/2014, 15:20

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