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EXERCISES ON IMPORTANT TENSES I. Choose the best answer and circle them. 1. The train……………before they arrived at the station yesterday. A. has left B. was leaving C. had left D. had been leaving 2. When I arrived at his house, he…………… A. was sleeping B. sleeps C. is sleeping D. slept 3. When she saw me on the street, she avoided…………at me. A. looking B. to look C. looked D. to looking 4. I…………….the book by the time you come back home. A. will be finishing B. finished C. have finishing D. will have finished 5. A few days ago, I………….that Jane………… for Newyork. A. learn… had left B. learned….had left C. learned….has left D. learn….will leave 6. My brother……………me for a week. A. hasn’t phoned B. didn’t phone C. isn’t phoning D. not phoned 7. Mark was listening to music while her sister………….a book. A. read B. reads C. is reading D. was reading 8. There’re no more apples. We…………them all. A. had eaten B. ate C. eat D. have eaten 9. They………….serving meals by the time we get to the restaurant A. will stop B. stopped C. are stopping D. will have stopped 10. She……… music all day. Now she feels tired. A. has been playing B. is playing C. played D. plays 11. After he………….the house, he wrote a letter. A. cleans B. was cleaning C. had cleaned D. has cleaned 12. There…………ten people in line already when we arrived A. were B. was C. is D. are 13. Before we arrived at the station yesterday, the train……… A. has left B. left C. was leaving D. had left 14. When I came to her room, she………… flowers. A. waters B. is watering C. was watering D. watered 15. Last week, we……………to Dong Xoai and bought many books for the new school year. A. go B. had gone C. was going D. went 16. By the time you………… she had arrived in Paris. A. get B. had got C. was getting D. got 17. Yesterday, when I…………… dishes, I broke a plate. A. is washing B. wash C. was washing D. washed 18. Ha…………me every day at the school. She makes me romantic and love sleepless night. A. attract B. attracts C. attracted D. was attracting 19. I heard a boy and a girl……………….for a long time last night. A. talked B. talking C. had talk D. was talking 20. Fish………….on the earth for ages and ages. A. existed B. are existing C. exist D. have existed 21. The phone………… constantly since Jack won the first prize this morning. A. have been ringing B. rang C. had rung D. had been ringing 22. The earth……… on the sun for its heat and light. A. is depend B. depending C. has depended D. depends 23. I don’t feel good. I………….home from work tomorrow. A. am staying B. stay C. will have stayed D. stayed 24. In the last two decades, space exploration…………great contributions to weather forecasting. A. is making B. has made C. made D. makes 25. On July 20 th , 1969, Neil Armstrong…………….down onto the moon, the first person ever set foot on another planet. A. was stepping B. stepped C. has stepped D. was step 26. When boarding the plane, many passengers were annoyed because they…………waiting in the airport for three and a half hours. A are B. were C. have been D. had been 27. If coastal erosion continues to take place at the present rate, in another fifty years this beach……… any more. A. doesn’t exist B. isn’t going to exist C. isn’t existing D. won’t be existing 28. Their football team………….a championship until last season. A. has never won B. is never winning C. had never been winning D. had never won 29. By the end of this year, Tom……………English for three years. A. will be studying B. has studied C. will have studied D. has been studying. 30. We enjoyed………………in the cool water in the summer. A. swim B. swimming C. to swim D. swam II. Choose the best answer and circle them. When I got home, Bill (lie)……1……on the sofa. The television was on but he (not watch)……2….it. he (fall)…3…….asleep and (snore)…4…….loudly. I (turn)……5… the television off and just then he (wake)…6……up. 1. A. lied B. lay C. was lying D. lieing 2. A. doesn’t watch B. didn’t watch C. wasn’t watching D. hadn’t watched 3. A. fell B. was falling C. had fallen D. has fallen 4. A. snored B. was snoring C. had snored D. has snored 5. A. turned B. was turning C. has turned D. had been turning 6. A. waked B. waken C. was waking D. woke III. Use the right form of the verb in brackets 1. My mother (cook) some food in the kitchen at present. She always (cook) in the morning. 2. She sometimes (buy) vegetable at this market. 3. I (wait) for two hours, but she (not come) yet. 4. He (not be) here since Christmas; I wonder where he (live) since then. 5. Robert (wait) for you since noon. 6. How long you (learn) English? 7. I (have) a little trouble with my car last week. 8. He (work) all day yesterday. 9. When I (go) out yesterday, the sun (shine). 10. He (do) nothing before he (see) me last year. I. Hãy sử dụng đại từ quan hệ để điền vào những chổ trống sau đây: 1. I look down on those…………………are always bragging about themselves. 2. The city…………… she lives and works has a population of over five million 3. The Johnsons, …………………love next door, want to sell their house 4. Do you know the student…………….essay got the best score? 5. She drives a car…………………….tires are low. 6. It was my friend’s birthday party…………………I first saw Janet. 7. It was 1997………….my brother joined the army. 8. The village……………the tourists want to visit is famous for its beautiful sights. 9. Professor Smith, ………… will give a lecture tomorrow, comes from America. 10. The lake………… you can enjoy fishing is not far from here.  Hãy sử dụng đại từ quan hệ để hoàn thành những câu sau (who, whom, whose) 1. A pacifist is a person………… believes that all wars are wrong. 2. An orphan is a child…………parents are dead 3. I don’t know the name of the woman……………I met yesterday 4. This school only for the children………… first language is not English. 5. The woman………….I wanted to see was away on holiday III. Hãy sử dụng những từ (who, that, which) vànối câu bằng hai cách: 1. A girl was injured in the accident. She is now in hospital. 2. A man answered the phone. He told me you were away. 3. A waitress served us. She was very impolite and impatient. 4. A building was destroyed in the fire. It has now been rebuilt 5. Some people were arrested. They have now been released. 6. A bus goes to the airport. It runs every half an hour IV. Nối những câu sau, sử dụng: who, whose, which. 1. Peter is studying French and German. He has never been abroad. 2. You’ve all met Michael Wood. He is visiting us for a couple of days 3. We are moving to Manchester. Manchester is in the north-west. 4. I’ll be staying with Adrian. His brother is one of my closest friends. 5. John Bridge is one of my oldest friends. He has just gone to live in Canada. VI. Đại từ quan hệ với giới từ:  Hãy chọn một trong hai lựa chọn dưới đây để hoàn thành câu: 1. To who/whom it may concern. 2. It was a service for which/that I was graceful. 3. The success of a shared holiday depends on who/whom you shared with. 4. Do you like the person who/whom sits next to you. 5. Midway through the second half, Manchester United scored their third goal, at that/which point Leeds United gave up completely. 6. There is one person to whom/who I owe more than I can say. 7. It was the kind of accident for which/that nobody was really to blame.  Nối những câu sau đây, sử dụng: preposition + whom or which 1. She is the woman. I told you about. + She is the woman about whom I told you. 2. The song was interesting. We listened to it last night. + The song to which I listened last night was interesting. 3. The man was very kind. I talked to him yesterday. 4. The man works in the hospital. I told you about him. 5. The woman teaches me English. I am telling you about her. 6. The movie is fantastic. They are talking about it. 7. The picture was beautiful. She was looking at it. 8. I’ll give you the address. You should write to it.  Hoàn thành những câu sau, sử dụng: who, whom, which, that. 1. Jack is the one…………I miss most. 2. It was a kind of computer with……… I was not familiar 3. Do you get on with the person………… lives next door? 4. I must thank the man from……… I got the present 5. It is an event……… I would rather forget 6. The meeting to…………I went was interesting 7. The person………… did it was never caught. 8. That’s then woman to……………Jim used to be married. VII. Sử dụng: participles and to-infinitive để thay thế cho đại từ quan hệ.  Viết lại những câu sau đây, sử dụng participle . A. is making B. has made C. made D. makes 25. On July 20 th , 1969, Neil Armstrong…………….down onto the moon, the first person ever set foot on another planet. A. was stepping B. stepped C EXERCISES ON IMPORTANT TENSES I. Choose the best answer and circle them. 1. The train……………before they arrived at the station yesterday. A. has left B. was. long time last night. A. talked B. talking C. had talk D. was talking 20. Fish………… .on the earth for ages and ages. A. existed B. are existing C. exist D. have existed 21. The phone………… constantly

Ngày đăng: 27/07/2014, 10:20

