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ĐỀ THI THỬ ĐẠI HỌC - LẦN I - NĂM 2011 Môn thi: Tiếng Anh - Khối D - Mã đề thi 121 ppsx

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Trang 1 Trường THPT Đoàn Thượng ĐỀ THI THỬ ĐẠI HỌC - LẦN I - NĂM 2011 (Đề gồm: 5Trang) Môn thi: Tiếng Anh - Khối D Thời gian làm bài: 90 phút Họ và tên thí sinh:…………………………. Số báo danh:………………… Phòng thi:………… Đề gồm 80 câu ( từ câu 1 đến câu 80 ) dành cho tất cả thi sinh. Chọn phương án (A hoặc B, C, D) ứng với từ/cụm từ có gạch chân cần phải sửa trong các câu sau đây: Câu 1: Because the residents had worked so diligent to renovate the old building, the ma nager had a party A B C D . Câu 2: Some bacteria are extremely harmful, but anothers are regularly used in producing cheeses, A B C crackers , and many other foods D Câu 3: His highly imaginary composition won the judges’ approval and the first prize in the A B C D high school essay contest. Câu 4: The coach was hoping that his team to win the game so that they would have a good A B C chance to play in the World Cup D Câu 5: The customer was interested to see one of those new pocket cameras with the built-in flash. A B C D Chọn phương án đúng để hoàn thiện mỗi câu sau dây. Câu 6. By the time when he arrived, all the guests the wedding party. A. Had left B. Left C. were to leave D. Were leaving Câu 7. A child in poorness can get used to in all conditions they are in A. living B. Be lived C. Be living D. live Câu 8 part in that competition may provide you a good chance of fame. A. to take B. Taking C. Having Taken D. Being taken Câu 9. a new face to the rest of the world, Viet Nam is doing its best in its economic reform. A. to make B. Making C. Having made D. Made Câu 10. You’d better make some effort it’ll be too late. A. unless B. If C. If don’t D. Or Câu 11. Taking care of the old is we should do. A. which B. Why C. That D. what Câu 12. the boys the girls in our class know the rules of the game. That’s why we couldn’t start before learning. A. neither/ nor B. Either/ or C. Both/ and D. Not/ but Câu 13. I gave him a hand when he was broke , made him surprised. A. who B. Whom C. Which D. That Câu 14. The artist, painted the pictures stolen from the arts galery last month, is my friend. A. who B. Whose C. Which D. That Câu 15. The great scientist and artist of all time paintings are well known allover the world was Leonard de Vince. A. that B. Who C. Which D. whose Câu 16. These animals are They nearly have no different characters. A. alike B. Like C. The same as D. Similar to Mã đề thi 121 Trang 2 Câu 17. Small town newspapers often urge readers business with local merchants. A. to do B.to make C. To buy D. To hold Câu 18. Scientists and doctors have been working hard but they’ve made progress in finding the remedy for aids. A. little B. Alittle C. Afew D. Few Câu 19. Willa Cather is known for My Antonia and novels of the American frontier. A. another B. Other C. Others D. Different Câu 20. Many species of animal should be protected as they are A. dangerous B. Dangered C. Endangered D. danger Đọc đoạn văn rồi chọn đáp án đúng cho mỗi câu hỏi sau A, B, C, or D Passage1 We live in a dangerous world. The figures for crime go up year by year. If you were attacked in the street, would you be able to defend yourself? Not very well probably, especially if someone was pointing a gun at you. We all see a lot of violence in films, but recently some programmes on television show how people can defend themselves without guns. For example in one film a woman was attacked from behind. She threw the man, who was heavier and stronger than she was over her head. Then she held him tightly on the ground. How? She knew judo. Jiu-jitsu as judo is sometimes called means "muscle science" in Japanese. The student of judo needs to learn a lot about the body its bones and muscles. Judo uses a number of "falls", "holds" and "throws". Someone who does not know judo cannot defend himself against them. If you know judo you can defend yourself against a person who is stronger than you. (You had better not practise judo on your friends unless they can fall without hurting themselves!) Being strong is one thing, but using the body wisely is another. In judo you use the other person's body to help you. You "throw" him to the ground and "hold" him there so that he can't move. Of course it takes time and practice, but knowing judo is useful. In a violent world you ought to be able to defend yourself. Câu21 . The world is dangerous because A. there are too many televisions B. people are not able to defend themselves C. people don't carry guns D. there is more violence and crime every year Câu22. Which of those is true? A. The woman knocked the man down the ground. B. The woman attacked the man from behind. C. The woman was able to defend herself. D. The woman held the man over her head. Câu23. What does the word "Jiu-jitsu" mean in Japanese? A. The name of a student learning judo. B. Science dealing with muscles. C. A type of fighting. D. Violence in films. Câu24. One who knows judo A. would be able to throw himself to 'the ground B. cannot defend himself against others C. can use the other person's body to help himself D. may not defend himself against a person who is stronger than he Câu25. Actually "judo" is A. only muscle science B. different from "Jiu-jitsu" C. is useful only to a strong person D. a type Passage2 All drugs can affect the body in both helpful and harmful ways. For example, a particular drug may produce a stronger heartbeat, relief from pain, or some other desired effects. But that drug like many other drugs can also cause undesired effects- especially if the dose is too large. Such effect might include fever, high blood pressure or constipation. Most drugs produce changes through out the body because the drugs circulate through the blood stream. As a result, most drugs used to affect one part of the body also affect the other parts. For example, physicians sometimes prescribe morphine to relieve pain. Morphine depresses the activities of cells in the brain and thus reduces the sensation of pain. But morphine also alter the Trang 3 function of cells elsewhere in the body. It may decrease the rate of breathing, produce constipation, and create undesired effects. Câu26. What does the passage mainly discuss? A. Drug overdose B. functions of drugs C. side effects of using drugs D. advantages and disadvantages of using drugs. Câu27. What can particularly cause undesired effects? A. a particular drug B. drug overdose C. heart beats D. the taste of the drugs Câu 28.All of these except are mentioned in the text as side effects of using drugs. A. fever B. constipation C. stronger heart beat D. high blood pressure Câu29. Most drugs used to affect one part of the body can affect all other parts as A. They circulate through the blood stream. B. The doctor does not inject into the in-need part. C. They are stored in the cells. D. non of the above is correct. Câu 30. Though morphine causes many side effects, some physicians still prescribe it because A. it helps release pain. B. it changes our brain. C. it depresses our brain D. it only alters the function of the cells in that part. Chọn phương án đúng (A hoặc B, C, D ) để hoàn thành mỗi câu sau Câu 31: At last I found the information I had been looking for months. A. for which B. for it C. that D. which Câu 32: We didn’t play very well. We……………. better if he had not been injured. A. should have played B. should play C. have played D. have been playing Câu 33: I am feeling sick. I……….so much chocolate last night. A. I needn’t to eat B. did not eat C. mustn’t eat D. shouldn’t have eaten Câu 34: They decided to go ………….the danger. A because B. in spite of C. although D. so Câu 35: …………they lost, their fans gave them a big cheer. A. However B. In spite of C. If D. Although Câu 36: If you are not satisfied …………… your essay, then I suggest that you rewrite it. A. to B. on C. with D. about Câu 37: It is unreasonable to consider any language as the ………of any particular nation. A. possess B. possession C. possessive D. possess Câu 38: Proper ………for career choices should be given to children both at home and at school. A. guided B. guidance C. guide D. guider Câu 39: For treatments of cancer, ……………cells must be killed. A. disease B. diseased C. diseases D. a disease Câu 40: Jane has a computer, ………….she doesn’t use it. A. and B. since C. but D. in spite of Câu 41: ………………we had got on the plane, it started to rain. A. If B. While C. Before D. As soon as Câu 42: It is …………that I would like to go to the beach. A. such a nice weather B. too nice weather C. such nice weather D. such weather nice Câu 43: Jane is ……………to carry out the experiments . A. no intelligence enough B. not intelligent enough Trang 4 C. not enough intelligent D. so intelligent enough Câu 44: I don’t know the name of the woman …… I spoke on the phone. A. whom B. who C. to whom D. to that Câu 45: Fortunately we had a map, ……………. we would have got lost . A. no which B. without which C. none that D. without that Câu 46: They asked me a lot of questions,…………… I couldn’t answer. A. all of whom B. that C. all of which D. who Câu 47. He was accused of his mother’s money many times. A. have to steal B. Have stolen C. Having stolen D. Being stolen Câu 48. Mary is too busy doing her housework so she wants to get someone A. to babysitting B.babysitting C. To babysit D. babysat Câu 49. The you get , the you can remember things because your brain does not work as perfectly as when you are young. A. more older/ more B. older/ less C. older/ more D. much older/ fewer Câu 50. One of the best ways to answer grammatical questions by practising grammar exercises day by day. A. are B. Is C. Which is D. Which are Câu 51. Crows and ravens are members of a family of birds that includes 100 species. A. exact B. Exactly C. Exactness D. Exacting Câu 52. First specializing in industrial photography, Margaret Bourke White later became a famous news photographer and A. editor B. Editorial C. Editorially D. Editing Câu 53. many of us know that too much animal fat is not good for our health, we still can’t resist the temtation from it. A. although B. Because C. For D. Despite Câu 54. having been taught many times by his father, he is unable to operate the machine. A. for B. despite C. Inspite D. Because of Câu 55: An obstacle is something,………….your way. A. blocked B. to block C. that is blocked D. which is blocking Câu 56: ……………… I really need is a long holiday. A. that B. what C. which D. who Câu 57: The baby had a sound sleep his father's TV was on with loud music. A. despite the fact that B. not paying attention to C. however D. inspite of Câu 58: She advised me ………….an apple every day to stay healthy. A. eating B. should eat C. to eat D. that have to eat Câu 59: Is this type of soil suitable ………….growing tomatoes? A. for B. about C. on D. at Chọn phương án ( A hoặc B, C, D) ứng với từ có trọng âm chính nhấn vào âm tiết có vị trí khác với ba từ còn lại trong mỗi câu: Câu 60: A. graduate B. punishment C. glorify D. amazing Câu 61: A.opponent B. spectator C. altitude D. photography Câu 62: A. economy B. receptionist C. perfection D. manufacturing Chọn phương án ( A hoặc B, C,D) ứng với từ có phần gạch chân được phát âm khác với các từ còn lại trong mỗi câu: Câu 63: A. engagement B. encouragement C. dependence D. equality Trang 5 Câu 64: A. decision Câu 65: A. initiate Câu 66: A. sympathy B. erosion B. detective B. rhythm C. expansion C. talent C. ath lete D. occasion D. investigate D. threaten .Đọc kỹ đoạn văn và chọn phương án đúng ( A hoặc B, C, D) cho mỗi chỗ trống từ 67 đến 75. Most of the computer- addicts are men. They come home 67 work, eat their meal quickly, and then spend the evening 68 their computers. Some of them 69 programs, but most of them 70 play games. Some wives say 71 computer is killing their marriage. Their husbands play until three 72 four o’clock in the morning and all weekend. People 73 these lonely wives “ computer widows”. When television became popular in the 1950s, doctors said it caused “ television neck”, TV eyes and new illnesses, and made their eyes tired. But worst 74 all, it is addictive. That means it is 75 drinking, smoking or taking drugs. Some people can’t stop doing it. Câu 67. A. before B. after C. from D. right after Câu 68. A. on B. in C. near D. for Câu 69. A. watch B. make C. do D. work Câu 70. A. want B. like C. just D. never Câu 71. A. a B. the C. that D. about Câu 72. A. even B. or C. even if D. not only Câu 73. A. make B. feel C. say D. call Câu 74. A. from B. but C. for D. of Câu 75. A. as B. same as C. like D. similar Chọn phương án (A hoặc B, C, D) ứng với câu có nghĩa gần nhất với mỗi câu cho sẵn sau: Câu 76: “When I met my long lost brother, I was at a loss of words.” A. When the speaker met his brother, he was puzzled about what to say. B. When the speaker met his brother, he had much to say. C. When the speaker met his brother, he refused to say anything. D. When the speaker met his brother, he had nothing pleasant to say. Câu 77: If I had been a good actor that time, I would have made a long film with him in Hollywood. A. I was a good actor that time, but I didn't make a long film with him in Hollywood B. I was a good actor that time, so I made a long film with him in Hollywood C. I was not a good actor that time, I didn't make a long film with him in Hollywood D. I had been a good actor that time already, so I wouldn't make a long film with him in Hollywood Câu 78: we have been working for the party for four hours A. We didn’t start cooking for the party until four. B. We started cooking for the party four hours ago. C. We have four hours to cook for the party. D. Cooking for the party will be done in four hours. Câu 79: Donald could not help weeping when he heard the bad news. A. Donald could not stop himself from weeping at the bad news. B. Donald could not allow himself to weep at the bad news. C. Donald could not help himself to weep at the bad news. D. Donald could not help himself because and so he wept. Chọn phương án ( A hoặc B, C, D) ứng với từ có trọng âm chính nhấn vào âm tiết có vị trí khác với ba từ còn lại trong mỗi câu: Câu 80: A. picturesque B. wonderful C. Vietnamese D. entertain Trang 6 ……………………………………… Hết………………………………………… Giám thị coi thi không giải thích gì thêm Trường THPT Đoàn Thượng ĐỀ THI THỬ ĐẠI HỌC - LẦN I - NĂM 2009 (Đề gồm: 6 Trang) Môn thi: Tiếng Anh - Khối D Thời gian làm bài: 90 phút Họ và tên thí sinh:…………………………. Số báo danh:………………… Phòng thi:………… Đề gồm 80 câu ( từ câu 1 đến câu 80 ) dành cho tất cả thi sinh. Chọn phương án ( A hoặc B, C,D) ứng với từ có phần gạch chân được phát âm khác với các từ còn lại trong mỗi câu: Câu 1: A. engagement B. encouragement C. dependence D. equality Câu 2: A. decision B. erosion C. expansion D. occasion Chọn phương án ( A hoặc B, C, D) ứng với từ có trọng âm chính nhấn vào âm tiết có vị trí khác với ba từ còn lại trong mỗi câu: Câu 3: A. graduate B. punishment C. glorify D. amazing Câu 4: A.opponent B. spectator C. altitude D. photography Câu 5: A. economy B. receptionist C. perfection D. manufacturing Chọn phương án đúng để hoàn thiện mỗi câu sau dây. Câu 6. By the time when he arrived, all the guests the wedding party. A. Had left B. Left C. were to leave D. Were leaving Câu 7. A child in poorness can get used to in all conditions they are in A. living B. Be lived C. Be living D. live Câu 8 part in that competition may provide you a good chance of fame. A. to take B. Taking C. Having Taken D. Being taken Câu 9. a new face to the rest of the world, Viet Nam is doing its best in its economic reform. A. to make B. Making C. Having made D. Made Câu 10. You’d better make some effort it’ll be too late. A. unless B. If C. If don’t D. Or Câu 11. Taking care of the old is we should do. A. which B. Why C. That D. what Câu 12. the boys the girls in our class know the rules of the game. That’s why we couldn’t start before learning. A. neither/ nor B. Either/ or C. Both/ and D. Not/ but Câu 13. I gave him a hand when he was broke , made him surprised. A. who B. Whom C. Which D. That Câu 14. The artist, painted the pictures stolen from the arts galery last month, is my friend. A. who B. Whose C. Which D. That Câu 15. The great scientist and artist of all time paintings are well known allover the world was Leonard de Vince. A. that B. Who C. Which D. whose Mã đề thi 128 Trang 7 Câu 16. These animals are They nearly have no different characters. A. alike B. Like C. The same as D. Similar to Câu 17. Small town newspapers often urge readers business with local merchants. A. to do B.to make C. To buy D. To hold Câu 18. Scientists and doctors have been working hard but they’ve made progress in finding the remedy for aids. A. little B. Alittle C. Afew D. Few Câu 19. Willa Cather is known for My Antonia and novels of the American frontier. A. another B. Other C. Others D. Different Câu 20. Many species of animal should be protected as they are A. dangerous B. Dangered C. Endangered D. danger Đọc đoạn văn rồi chọn đáp án đúng cho mỗi câu hỏi sau A, B, C, or D Passage1 We live in a dangerous world. The figures for crime go up year by year. If you were attacked in the street, would you be able to defend yourself? Not very well probably, especially if someone was pointing a gun at you. We all see a lot of violence in films, but recently some programmes on television show how people can defend themselves without guns. For example in one film a woman was attacked from behind. She threw the man, who was heavier and stronger than she was over her head. Then she held him tightly on the ground. How? She knew judo. Jiu-jitsu as judo is sometimes called means "muscle science" in Japanese. The student of judo needs to learn a lot about the body its bones and muscles. Judo uses a number of "falls", "holds" and "throws". Someone who does not know judo cannot defend himself against them. If you know judo you can defend yourself against a person who is stronger than you. (You had better not practise judo on your friends unless they can fall without hurting themselves!) Being strong is one thing, but using the body wisely is another. In judo you use the other person's body to help you. You "throw" him to the ground and "hold" him there so that he can't move. Of course it takes time and practice, but knowing judo is useful. In a violent world you ought to be able to defend yourself. Câu21 . The world is dangerous because A. there are too many televisions B. people are not able to defend themselves C. people don't carry guns D. there is more violence and crime every year Câu22. Which of those is true? A. The woman knocked the man down the ground. B. The woman attacked the man from behind. C. The woman was able to defend herself. D. The woman held the man over her head. Câu23. What does the word "Jiu-jitsu" mean in Japanese? A. The name of a student learning judo. B. Science dealing with muscles. C. A type of fighting. D. Violence in films. Câu24. One who knows judo A. would be able to throw himself to 'the ground B. cannot defend himself against others C. can use the other person's body to help himself D. may not defend himself against a person who is stronger than he Câu25. Actually "judo" is A. only muscle science B. different from "Jiu-jitsu" C. is useful only to a strong person D. a type Passage2 All drugs can affect the body in both helpful and harmful ways. For example, a particular drug may produce a stronger heartbeat, relief from pain, or some other desired effects. But that drug like many other drugs can also cause undesired effects- especially if the dose is too large. Such effect might include fever, high blood pressure or constipation. Most drugs produce changes through out the body because the drugs circulate through the blood stream. As a result, most drugs used to affect one part of the body also affect the other parts. For example, physicians sometimes prescribe morphine to relieve pain. Morphine depresses the Trang 8 activities of cells in the brain and thus reduces the sensation of pain. But morphine also alter the function of cells elsewhere in the body. It may decrease the rate of breathing, produce constipation, and create undesired effects. Câu26. What does the passage mainly discuss? A. Drug overdose B. functions of drugs C. side effects of using drugs D. advantages and disadvantages of using drugs. Câu27. What can particularly cause undesired effects? A. a particular drug B. drug overdose C. heart beats D. the taste of the drugs Câu 28.All of these except are mentioned in the text as side effects of using drugs. A. fever B. constipation C. stronger heart beat D. high blood pressure Câu29. Most drugs used to affect one part of the body can affect all other parts as A. They circulate through the blood stream. B. The doctor does not inject into the in-need part. C. They are stored in the cells. D. non of the above is correct. Câu 30. Though morphine causes many side effects, some physicians still prescribe it because A. it helps release pain. B. it changes our brain. C. it depresses our brain D. it only alters the function of the cells in that part. Chọn phương án đúng (A hoặc B, C, D ) để hoàn thành mỗi câu sau Câu 31: At last I found the information I had been looking for months. A. for which B. for it C. that D. which Câu 32: We didn’t play very well. We……………. better if he had not been injured. A. should have played B. should play C. have played D. have been playing Câu 33: I am feeling sick. I……….so much chocolate last night. A. I needn’t to eat B. did not eat C. mustn’t eat D. shouldn’t have eaten Câu 34: They decided to go ………….the danger. A because B. in spite of C. although D. so Câu 35: …………they lost, their fans gave them a big cheer. A. However B. In spite of C. If D. Although Câu 36: If you are not satisfied …………… your essay, then I suggest that you rewrite it. A. to B. on C. with D. about Câu 37: It is unreasonable to consider any language as the ………of any particular nation. A. possess B. possession C. possessive D. possess Câu 38: Proper ………for career choices should be given to children both at home and at school. A. guided B. guidance C. guide D. guider Câu 39: For treatments of cancer, ……………cells must be killed. A. disease B. diseased C. diseases D. a disease Câu 40: Jane has a computer, ………….she doesn’t use it. A. and B. since C. but D. in spite of Câu 41: ………………we had got on the plane, it started to rain. A. If B. While C. Before D. As soon as Câu 42: It is …………that I would like to go to the beach. A. such a nice weather B. too nice weather C. such nice weather D. such weather nice Câu 43: Jane is ……………to carry out the experiments . Trang 9 A. no intelligence enough B. not intelligent enough C. not enough intelligent D. so intelligent enough Câu 44: I don’t know the name of the woman …… I spoke on the phone. A. whom B. who C. to whom D. to that Câu 45: Fortunately we had a map, ……………. we would have got lost . A. no which B. without which C. none that D. without that Câu 46: They asked me a lot of questions,…………… I couldn’t answer. A. all of whom B. that C. all of which D. who Câu 47. He was accused of his mother’s money many times. A. have to steal B. Have stolen C. Having stolen D. Being stolen Câu 48. Mary is too busy doing her housework so she wants to get someone A. to babysitting B.babysitting C. To babysit D. babysat Câu 49. The you get , the you can remember things because your brain does not work as perfectly as when you are young. A. more older/ more B. older/ less C. older/ more D. much older/ fewer Câu 50. One of the best ways to answer grammatical questions by practising grammar exercises day by day. A. are B. Is C. Which is D. Which are Câu 51. Crows and ravens are members of a family of birds that includes 100 species. A. exact B. Exactly C. Exactness D. Exacting Câu 52. First specializing in industrial photography, Margaret Bourke White later became a famous news photographer and A. editor B. Editorial C. Editorially D. Editing Câu 53. many of us know that too much animal fat is not good for our health, we still can’t resist the temtation from it. A. although B. Because C. For D. Despite Câu 54. having been taught many times by his father, he is unable to operate the machine. A. for B. despite C. Inspite D. Because of Câu 55: An obstacle is something,………….your way. A. blocked B. to block C. that is blocked D. which is blocking Câu 56: ……………… I really need is a long holiday. A. that B. what C. which D. who Câu 57: The baby had a sound sleep his father's TV was on with loud music. A. despite the fact that B. not paying attention to C. however D. inspite of Câu 58: She advised me ………….an apple every day to stay healthy. A. eating B. should eat C. to eat D. that have to eat Câu 59: Is this type of soil suitable ………….growing tomatoes? A. for B. about C. on D. at Chọn phương án (A hoặc B, C, D) ứng với từ/cụm từ có gạch chân cần phải sửa trong các câu sau đây: Câu 60: Because the residents had worked so diligent to renovate the old building, the manager had a party A B C D . Câu 61: Some bacteria are extremely harmful, but anothers are regularly used in producing cheeses, A B C crackers , and many other foods D Câu 62: His highly imaginary composition won the judges’ approval and the first prize in the A B C D high school essay contest. Trang 10 Câu 63: The coach was hoping that his team to win the game so that they would have a good A B C chance to play in the World Cup D Câu 64: The customer was interested to see one of those new pocket cameras with the built-in flash. A B C D Chọn phương án (A hoặc B, C, D) ứng với câu có nghĩa gần nhất với mỗi câu cho sẵn sau: Câu 65: “When I met my long lost brother, I was at a loss of words.” E. When the speaker met his brother, he was puzzled about what to say. F. When the speaker met his brother, he had much to say. G. When the speaker met his brother, he refused to say anything. H. When the speaker met his brother, he had nothing pleasant to say. Câu 66 : If I had been a good actor that time, I would have made a long film with him in Hollywood. A. I was a good actor that time, but I didn't make a long film with him in Hollywood B. I was a good actor that time, so I made a long film with him in Hollywood C. I was not a good actor that time, I didn't make a long film with him in Hollywood D. I had been a good actor that time already, so I wouldn't make a long film with him in Hollywood Câu 67: we have been working for the party for four hours E. We didn’t start cooking for the party until four. F. We started cooking for the party four hours ago. G. We have four hours to cook for the party. H. Cooking for the party will be done in four hours. Câu 68: Donald could not help weeping when he heard the bad news. E. Donald could not stop himself from weeping at the bad news. F. Donald could not allow himself to weep at the bad news. G. Donald could not help himself to weep at the bad news. H. Donald could not help himself because and so he wept. .Đọc kỹ đoạn văn và chọn phương án đúng ( A hoặc B, C, D) cho mỗi chỗ trống từ 69 đến 75. Most of the computer- addicts are men. They come home 69 work, eat their meal quickly, and then spend the evening 70 their computers. Some of them make programs, but most of them 71 play games. Some wives say 72 computer is killing their marriage. Their husbands play until three 73 four o’clock in the morning and all weekend. People 74 these lonely wives “ computer widows”. When television became popular in the 1950s, doctors said it caused “ television neck”, TV eyes and new illnesses, and made their eyes tired. But worst of all, it is addictive. That means it is 75 drinking, smoking or taking drugs. Some people can’t stop doing it. Câu 69. A. before B. after C. from D. right after Câu 70. A. on B. in C. near D. for Câu 71. A. want B. like C. just D. never Câu 72. A. a B. the C. that D. about Câu 73. A. even B. or C. even if D. not only Câu74. A. from B. but C. for D. of Câu 75. A. as B. same as C. like D. similar [...]... would have made a long film with him in Hollywood A I was a good actor that time, but I didn't make a long film with him in Hollywood B I was a good actor that time, so I made a long film with him in Hollywood C I was not a good actor that time, I didn't make a long film with him in Hollywood D I had been a good actor that time already, so I wouldn't make a long film with him in Hollywood Câu 78: we... "potentially" in the passage most closely means ………… A “obviously” B “possibly” C “certainly” D “privately” ……………………………………… Hết………………………………………… Giám thị coi thi không gi i thích gì thêm Trang 11 ĐỀ THI THỬ Đ I HỌC - LẦN I - NĂM 2009 Môn thi: Tiếng Anh - Kh i D Th i gian làm b i: 90 phút Mã đề thi 141 Họ và tên thí sinh:………………………… Số báo danh:………………… Phòng thi: ………… Đề gồm 80 câu ( từ câu 1 đến câu 80 ) d nh... that time, but I didn't make a long film with him in Hollywood B I was a good actor that time, so I made a long film with him in Hollywood C I was not a good actor that time, I didn't make a long film with him in Hollywood D I had been a good actor that time already, so I wouldn't make a long film with him in Hollywood Câu 67: we have been working for the party for four hours M We didn’t start cooking... wives say 71 .computer is killing their marriage Their husbands play until three .72 four o’clock in the morning and all weekend People 73 .these lonely wives “ computer widows” When television became popular in the 1950s, doctors said it caused “ television neck”, TV eyes and new illnesses, and made their eyes tired But worst .74 all, it is addictive That means it is 75 drinking, smoking or taking... answer grammatical questions by practising grammar exercises day by day A are B Is C Which is D Which are Câu 51 Crows and ravens are members of a family of birds that includes 100 species A exact B Exactly C Exactness D Exacting Câu 52 First specializing in industrial photography, Margaret Bourke White later became a famous news photographer and A editor B Editorial C Editorially D Editing Câu 53... answer grammatical questions by practising grammar exercises day by day A are B Is C Which is D Which are Câu 51 Crows and ravens are members of a family of birds that includes 100 species A exact B Exactly C Exactness D Exacting Câu 52 First specializing in industrial photography, Margaret Bourke White later became a famous news photographer and A editor B Editorial C Editorially D Editing Câu 53... four o’clock in the morning and all weekend People 74 .these lonely wives “ computer widows” When television became popular in the 1950s, doctors said it caused “ television neck”, TV eyes and new illnesses, and made their eyes tired But worst of all, it is addictive That means it is 75 .drinking, smoking or taking drugs Some people can’t stop doing it Câu 69 A before B after C from D right after Câu... you rewrite it A to B on C with D about Câu 37: It is unreasonable to consider any language as the ………of any particular nation A possess B possession C possessive D possess Câu 38: Proper ………for career choices should be given to children both at home and at school A guided B guidance C guide D guider Câu 39: For treatments of cancer, ……………cells must be killed A disease B diseased C diseases D a disease... you rewrite it A to B on C with D about Câu 37: It is unreasonable to consider any language as the ………of any particular nation A possess B possession C possessive D possess Câu 38: Proper ………for career choices should be given to children both at home and at school A guided B guidance C guide D guider Câu 39: For treatments of cancer, ……………cells must be killed A disease B diseased C diseases D a disease... the time when he arrived, all the guests the wedding party A Had left B Left C were to leave D Were leaving Câu 7 A child in poorness can get used to in all conditions they are in A living B Be lived C Be living D live Câu 8 part in that competition may provide you a good chance of fame A to take B Taking C Having Taken D Being taken Câu 9 a new face to the rest of the world, Viet Nam is doing . Thượng ĐỀ THI THỬ Đ I HỌC - LẦN I - NĂM 2011 (Đề gồm: 5Trang) Môn thi: Tiếng Anh - Kh i D Th i gian làm b i: 90 phút Họ và tên thí sinh:…………………………. Số báo danh:………………… Phòng thi: ………… Đề gồm. Hết………………………………………… Giám thị coi thi không gi i thích gì thêm Trường THPT Đoàn Thượng ĐỀ THI THỬ Đ I HỌC - LẦN I - NĂM 2009 (Đề gồm: 6 Trang) Môn thi: Tiếng Anh - Kh i D Th i gian làm b i: 90 phút. Hết………………………………………… Giám thị coi thi không gi i thích gì thêm Trường THPT Đoàn Thượng ĐỀ THI THỬ Đ I HỌC - LẦN I - NĂM 2009 (Đề gồm: 6 Trang) Môn thi: Tiếng Anh - Kh i D Th i gian làm b i: 90 phút

Ngày đăng: 27/07/2014, 06:20

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