Anh văn GRE Vocabulary-010 ppt

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Anh văn GRE Vocabulary-010 ppt

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Anh văn GRE Vocabulary-010 1) annihilate a) adj. causing plague; baneful b) n. use of force c) v. destroy d) adj. profitable 2) discombobulated a) n. devoutness; reverence for God b) adj. confused; discomposed c) ad. apart; reserved d) adj. pertaining to marriage or the matrimonial state 3) hinterlands a) n. bundle of stalks of grain; any bundle of things tied together b) n. back country c) adj. wild; sensational d) adj. idealistic but impractical 4) harbinger a) v. shorten; reduce b) n. forerunner c) v. issue forth d) . harass, annoy, torment; raid 5) random a) v. increase b) adj. without definite purpose, plan, or aim; haphazard c) adj. two-chambered, as a legislative body d) v. move faster 6) faze a) n. conceit; vanity b) adj. relating to cooking c) n. savor; enjoy d) v. disconcert; dismay 7) satyr a) adj. naive; young and unsophisticated b) n. informal discussion c) n. half-human, half-bestial being in the court of Dionysus, portrayed as wanton and cunning d) v. work laboriously; make slow painful progress 8) inundate a) v. overflow; flood b) n. person concerned with the interrelationship between living organisms and their environment c) adj. mild; fragrant d) n. deification; glorification 9) dawdle a) n. mixture of writings on various subjects b) v. loiter; waste time c) adj. pertaining to a bishop or pope; pompous or pretentious d) adj. loud and harsh 10) mollify a) n. mechanism that imitates actions of humans b) n. prototype; primitive pattern c) adj. unoriginal; obtained from another source d) v. soothe . Anh văn GRE Vocabulary-010 1) annihilate a) adj. causing plague; baneful b) n. use of force c) v court of Dionysus, portrayed as wanton and cunning d) v. work laboriously; make slow painful progress 8) inundate a) v. overflow; flood b) n. person concerned with the interrelationship between

Ngày đăng: 26/07/2014, 19:20

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