Business English Course- Elementary Level's archive Shopping 1. The trouble is I haven't made a detail note sheet list 2. you must know what we need? Certainly Surely Definitely Absolutely 3. Well, yes I do have a good idea? pretty fine beautiful nice 4. Do we need any dairy ? producers produced products producing 5. Yes, we've almost run out cheese, butter, milk. through of by with 6. Right, we'd get on with it. better sooner quicker faster 7. Oh and we'll also need some washing dust flakes powder grains 8. I assume there's nothing I said it would be quick. Oh dear. included excluded either else 9. What's the ? thing matter material stuff 10. Just look at the size of those huge at the checkouts. tails lines queues rows . Business English Course- Elementary Level's archive Shopping 1. The trouble is I haven't made a