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ĐỀ LUYỆN THI ĐẠI HỌC NĂM 2011 - SỐ 4 MÔN: ANH VĂN (Thời gian làm bài : 90 phút) PHẦN I: NGỮ ÂM A.Chọn một từ có dấu nhấn (stress) nằm ở vị trí khác với các từ còn lại. 1.A.vision 2.A.alarm 3.A.instructor 4.A.imagine 5.A.excursion B. attract B. renowned B. positive B. attention B. alternate C. sorry C. although C. punishment C. allowance C. curious D. order D. propose D. business D. architect D. celebrate B.Chọn một từ mà phần gạch dưới có cách đọc khác với các từ còn lại 6.A.boss 7.A.behind 8.A.nature 9.A.idea 10.A.purchase B. hot B. decline B. angle B. repeat B. children C. stone C. timing C. frankly C. cheat C. chicken D. cost D. distrust D. aging D. feast D. chemist PHẦN 2.TỪ VỰNG VÀ NGỮ PHÁP Chọn một từ/ cụm từ thích hợp để điền vào mỗi chỗ trống trong những câu dưới đây. 11.The technological and economic changes of the 19th century had a marked …………………… on workers A. cause B. effect C. impact D. consequence 12.The government …………………… the flood victims with food, clothes and money. A. gave B. provided C. offered D. presented 13.More and more people …………………… of food poisoning nowadays A. exist B. survive C. die 14.The first sign of vitamin A disorder is night …………………… A. loss of sight B. lack of vision C. invisibility D. blindness 15.when you take ice out of the freezer, it …………………… D. starve A. melts B. dissolves C. softens D. disappears 16.There are many …………………… of pollution in our modern world A. resources B. sources C. bases D. foundation 17.Many people …………………… that natural resources will never be use up A. view B. regard C. consider D. believe 18.Using the computer competently is an important …………………… to help one get a good job. A. reason B. aspect C. factor D. issue 19.George wants £1000 for his car, but I don’t think it’s …………………… as much as that. A. worth B. cost C. valued D. priced 20.”Did jenny say anything about her sister?”-No, she didn’t …………………… her at all. A. remind B. remark C. refer D. mention 21.Before he went to Japan, he asked his bank to …………………… some money to Tokyo for him. A. transport B. transform C. transfer D. transplant 22.Paul’s retired now. He ‘s the …………………… manager of our bank. A. former B. formal C. old D. prior 23.Barbara’s wedding was a big …………………… there were more than two hundred guests A. occasion B. opportunity C. occurrence D. moment 24.I don’t like john. His …………………… complaints , day after day make me angry A. continuous C. regular B. continual D. invariable 25.It has been …………………… that the annual medical cost for many illnesses connected to smoking is between 20 to 35 million pounds. A. expected C. believed B. estimated D. anticipated 26.Pay attention …………………… all traffic signs when you are traveling in the street. A. from B. on C. to D. for 27.Sally has a big advantage …………………… most girls when it comes to games as she ‘s so tall A. on B. over C. to D. above 28.The children are fond of watching …………………… TV. A. a B. an C. the 29.Have you met …………………… boy that Susan is going to marry? D A. a B. the C. which D 30. …………………… this dictionary I have no Japanese books A. Beside B. In addition C. Except D. Apart from 31.He …………………… be very courageous to climb that dangerous mountain A. must B. can C. should D. might 32.Their plans were destroyed …………………… of a bad storm. .A. in spite B. because C. instead D. in place 33.I didn’t know you were capable …………………… cooking such a wonderful meal A. in B. of C. with D. to 34.I’m not surprised she changed her mind …………………… the last moment A. at B. for C. on D. in 35.David was trying to take over another cyclist when he …………………… A. has crashed C. were crashing B. had crashed D. crashed 36.You’d better resign before they find out about what you …………………… A. have done B. had done C. were done D. were doing 37.Unless I submit the assignment today I …………………… have to repeat the course A. would B. will C. should D. might 38.She passed the university entrance exam , …………………… made her parents proud A. what B. which C. who D. when 39.Many natural resources …………………… by the end of the century A. will have disappeared disappeared C. had disappeared B. have D. disappeared 40.The laser beam can remove bone , and …………………… it is invaluable in ear surgery A .when PHẦN 3: ĐỌC HIỂU B. then C. so D. because A.Chọn một từ /cụm từ thích hợp cho mỗi chỗ trống trong đoạn văn dưới đây. Smoking causes lung cancer, heart disease , and breathing problems. Worldwide , about three million people die every year because of smoking – that ‘s about one (41) …………………… every ten seconds! In fact, smoking is the (42) …………………… of almost 20 percent of all deaths in the developed countries of the world. Smoking doesn’t just (43) …………………… the smoker, it hurts other people , too. When a pregnant (44) …………………… smokes, she is hurting her developing (45) …………………… when a man (46) …………………… at home , his wife and children are also breathing in smoke and can become sick. Even though most people understand the (47) …………………… effects of smoking , they continue to smoke . The (48) …………………… of women and teenagers who smoke is increasing . cigarette companies make advertisements that (49) …………………… these groups of people so that they (50) …………………… to buy cigarettes. 41.A.death 42.A.origin 43.A.injure 44.A.child 45.A.baby 46.A.relax 47.A.beneficial 48.A.number 49.A.interest 50.A. retain B. end B. reason B. danger B. man B. children B. enjoy B. harmful B. amount B. concern B. maintain C. loss C. cause C. destroy C. woman C. love C. cigarettes C. harmed C. quantity C. matter C. continue D. decrease D. basis D. hurt D. wife D. youth D. smokes D. profitable D. total D. worry D. preserve B.đọc kỹ các đoạn văn sau và chọn câu trả lời đúng nhất cho mỗi câu hỏi bên dưới Đoạn 1 (câu 51-55) The coffee plant is actually a large shrub, or bush, not really a tree . It can grow very tall (from three to nine meters ) if it is left alone in the wild . It has dark green leaves on the outsite and lighter green leaves underneath. Small white blossoms appear on the leaves, making the coffee plant look like it’s covered with snow . After a few days, the Fragrant blossoms fall off the plant , and small berries begin to grow. The berries change from green to dark red in about six months .Underneath the berry skin there is a green bean. When the berries are ripe , they are picked , and the bean inside is removed . This is the bean that produces coffee Coffee beans are picked by hand , one by one. Then they are dried and prepared for market . coffee beans are shipped all over the world . When they reach their destination , different coffee beans are blended together to produce different kinds of coffee .Then the beans are roasted , ground and packaged in air-tight cans and bags to keep the coffee fresh . Different countries prefer different blends . In Turkey and Arabia , dark coffee is preferred . In the United States and Canada, the coffee is not so dark . Coffee is also prepared and served differently all over the world. In some places , it is made very thick and strong and served in small cups . Other countries serve coffee with more water in it, in bigger cups. 51.Which of the following is Not mentioned in the passage as a characteristic of the coffee plant? A. It can grow up to nine meters tall. B .It has small white blossoms. C. When the berries are ripe, the beans inside become brown D. It takes about six month for the berries to ripen 52.which of the following words mean almost the same as the word “fragrant” in the first paragraph? A. Sweet-smelling C. smelly B. odorous D. foul-smelling 53.Which of the following the true about the coffee plant ,according to the passage? A. When the berries are ripe , they fall of the plant. B. It has light green leaves on the outside and darker green leaves underneath. C. The coffee plant looks its best when covered with snow D. It is a bush, not a tree. 54.Which of the following does the word “ they” in the second paragraph refer to? A. coffee plants C. the berries B. coffee beans D. the blossoms 55.Which of the following countries prefer dark coffee? A. France B. America C. Arabia Đoạn 2 (câu 56-65) D. Canada Greetings in all languages have he same purpose: to establish contact with another person, to recognize his or her existence and to show friendliness. The formulas for greeting are very specific and usually do not carry any literal meaning people say “ Good morning “ even if it is a miserable day and may reply to “ How are you?” with “ Fine, thanks” even if they aren’t feeling well . Closings, like greeting s are commonly used to exchange with no literal meaning. People who are leaving each other permanently or for a long time shake hands or embrace, depending on the relationship. If you are in an unfamiliar situation and wonder what to do. Watch other people or ask. It is interesting, and sometimes very important to learn about the standards of courtesy in different cultural areas of the world so that we can practice them well and avoid awkwardness in case we get a chance to visit a person or a community of unfamiliar social customs. 56.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as a purpose of greetings? A. To create contact with the person being greeted. B. To show that you recognize his or her present C. To show that you admire him or her. D. To show that you are willing to be his or her friend. 57.Which of the following is a characteristic of the formulas for greeting? A. literal B. specific C. usual D. common 58.In what way are closings similar to greeting? A. They are common C. They are familiar B. They are exchanges D. They have no literal meaning 59.According to the passage, what should you do when you are in an unfamiliar situation? A. Observe what other people do B. Use formulas you know. C. Wonder what you should do D. Ask your friends for help 60.Which of the following is a benefit of learning about the standards of courtesy in a different cultural area? A. You can act comfortably hen you have a chance to visit the community B. You can have a chance to visit a community of unfamiliar social customs C. You can practice meeting with people from different cultural areas D. You can avoid meeting with a community of unfamiliar social customs PHẦN 4: VIẾT A.những phân được gạch dưới và ghi mẫu tự A, B, C, D trong các câu sau có thể là phần có lỗi . Hãy đọc kỹ từng câu và tìm lỗi ở mỗi câu. 61.(A) Many teachers have devoted (B) their lives (C) to teaching (D) therefore teaching is not a well-paid job. 62.People (A) depend unlimited (B) energy to power (C) their everyday (D) lives. 63.Lack o f(A) properly physical exercise (B) can cause (C) tiredness and (D) poor general health. 64.They are (A) going to build (B) the town square (C) next this (D) area 65.The train will (A) be leaving (B) on five minutes (C) so you’d (D) better hurry up . ĐỀ LUYỆN THI ĐẠI HỌC NĂM 2011 - SỐ 4 MÔN: ANH VĂN (Thời gian làm bài : 90 phút) PHẦN I: NGỮ ÂM A.Chọn một từ có dấu. that they (50) …………………… to buy cigarettes. 41 .A.death 42 .A.origin 43 .A.injure 44 .A.child 45 .A.baby 46 .A.relax 47 .A.beneficial 48 .A.number 49 .A.interest 50.A. retain B. end B. reason. her developing (45 ) …………………… when a man (46 ) …………………… at home , his wife and children are also breathing in smoke and can become sick. Even though most people understand the (47 ) …………………… effects

Ngày đăng: 26/07/2014, 13:21