Business Idioms in English – Intermediate level's archive Ways of showing pleasure 1. Now that's what I call absolutely perfect finished completed ended 2. You couldn't have made that drink better if you'd tested trailed required tried 3. What a delightful those flowers give off when you touch them. bloom colour scent smell 4. Words just me when I try to say how happy I am. fail miss pass fool 5. I can say that I don't think I've ever enjoyed myself so much before. surely safely clearly notably 6. There's really nothing like it, is there, when you find you've all the answers to the test right? found seen acquired got 7. The only problem with your cooking is that the more I eat, the more I want more. any all some no 8. I must be because it's all too good to be true. thinking dreaming sleeping dozing 9. Just let me try one more of your delicious chocolates and then I'll not to take any more. promise assure confirm affirm 10. It's absolute here. I think I'll stay at this hotel one more week. clarity certainty bliss fortune . Business Idioms in English – Intermediate level's archive Ways of showing pleasure 1. Now that's what I call absolutely perfect finished completed ended. with your cooking is that the more I eat, the more I want more. any all some no 8. I must be because it's all too good to be true. thinking dreaming sleeping dozing 9. Just. say that I don't think I've ever enjoyed myself so much before. surely safely clearly notably 6. There's really nothing like it, is there, when you find you've all the