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1 KIỂM TRA ANH VĂN - TEST 3 I. PHONETICS A. Choose the word with the different pronunciation of the underlined part. 1. A. student 2. A. would 3. A. protect 4. A. reclaim 5. A. breath B. understand B. shoot B. concern B. main B. breathe C, mum C. cook C. conserve C. share C. death D. brush D. brook D. crop D. same D. bath B. Choose the word with the different stress pattern. 6. A. maintain 7. A. suggestion 8. A. necessary 9. A. against 10. A. element B. reclaim B. cigarette B. continue B. believe B. fertilizer C. enjoy C. environment C. irrigate C. drainage C. quantity D. concert D. protection D. different D. enrich D. erosion II. VOCABULARY AND STRUCTURES A. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence. 11. I work hard help my family. A. so as to B. in order to C. in order that D. A & B 12. He stayed home the rain. A. because B. because of C. for D. against 13. The director for his vacation and will not return until next week. A. leaving B. had left C. has left D. will have left 14. The man hat blew off in the wind chased it across the park. A. his B. whose C. who D. that 15. The captain's solutions are usually quite . A. sensitive B. sense C. sensible D. senses 16. If Mr. Pike does not arrive soon, we without him. A. left B. is leaving C. will leave D. had left 17. People in urban areas credit cards for major purchases. A. uses B. use C. to use D. using 18. Ms. Smith felt hungry, there was nothing at the snack bar she wanted to eat. A. but B. or C. nor D. only 19. The driver decided to take a detour r there was an accident on the highway. A. whether B. because C. although D. where 20. The new design failed because it was not the original one. A. as convenient as B. more convenient C. convenient than D. most convenient 21. Unless the factory can increase headquarters will consider closing it. A. produce B. producing C. production D. productive 22. Because traffic; is heavy. I suggest for the airport early. A. leaving B. to leave C. leave D. will leave 23. .Limited space forced the writer his article shorter. A making B. make C. makes D. to make 24. The statement shocked the board members. A. surprising B. surprised C. surprise D. surprisingly 25. The. passengers were not allowed to board the crew was cleaning the cabin. A. during B. while C. for D. whether C. Choose the underlined word or phrase in each of the sentences that needs correcting. 26. America's first satellites exploded before it had risen three and a half feet off the ground. A B C D 27. Most babies will grow up to be as cleverer as their parents. A B C D 28. It should not be assume that the lower the price, the happier the buyer. A B C D 2 29. Many people has complained about the dirty smoke from the factory. A B C D 30. He has so many money that he doesn't know what to do with it. A B C D D. Choose the correct sentence which has the same meaning as the given one in italics. 31. Russian is nowhere near as difficult as German. A. German is a bit easier than Russian. B. There isn't much difference between Russian and German. C. German is a lot more difficult than Russian. D. German isn't as difficult as Russian. 32. "There's no word from him," she says. A. He doesn't telephone her or write a letter to her. B. In all his life he' never talked. C. He cannot talk now. D. He cannot send a letter because he cannot write. 33. He isn't very good at school. A. He doesn't learn very much at school. B. He often feels ill at school. C. He doesn't learn because the school isn't very good. D. He doesn't like the school, so he isn't happy there. 34. I've got lots of work to do, and I'm tired, but I can't stop. A. I wish I had taken a rest. B. I wish 1 will take a rest. C. I wish I took a rest. D. I wish I could take a rest. 35. The police were questioning George. A. George was questioned by the police. B. The police had George questioned. C. George was asked a lot of questions by the police.D. George was being questioned by the police. III. READING COMPREHENSION A. Read the passage and choose the best answer. DEVOTED SUPPORTERS Are you a devoted supporter? Have you ever (36) to turn up to a match? Why do people behave like that? Rob and Joe Colt tell us (37) they feel: Rob: "We always support our team. Even when people think that they are (38) to lose the game we feel we must be there and nothing in the world would (39) us from going. Other people have (45) hobbies which become a passion! You devote all the time you can afford." Joe: "Yeah, once Rob was (41) to leave hospital just after an operation because I'd told him the team was in town for a game. Luckily, the doctors managed (42) him. I almost regretted (4) him." Interviewer: So, what about this season? Will your team (44) the European Cup? Rob: "Playing against the best teams in Europe is very different (45) playing in national tournaments, but we'll certainly be there to cheer them on and hope for the best.” 36. A. failed B. lost C. missed D. avoided 37. A. what B. how C. which D. about 38. A. about B. bound C. like D. known 39. A. prevent B. make C. limit D. hold 40. A. alike B. same C. like D. similar 41. A. about B. just C. ahead D. almost 42. A. stopped B. stopping C. to stop D. to stopping 43. A. to tell B. tell C. to telling D. telling 44. A. gain B. beat C. win D. succeed 45. A. of B. than C. from D. for B. Choose the word which best fits each gap of the passage. 3 If you dine out, there are things that you can do to make the experience even better. Let the waiter know your expectations for the evening. If you want to linger over your meal, or if you are in a hurry, the waiter can adjust the service to suit your needs. If you have special dietary restrictions, let the restaurant know. Most restaurants are happy to leave salt out of a dish, or steam your fish instead of frying it if you just ask. If there is a problem with the service, speak to the waiter before talking to the manager, the waiter may be able to correct the problem immediately. All above, be polite. 46. What should diners do if they are in a hurry when eating out? A. Tell the waiter B. Order something simple C. Eat quickly D. Pay cash 47. What can the restaurant do if the customers do not use salt? A. Serve them raw vegetables B. Get food from a hospital C. Allow them to eat food from home D. Leave the salt out of the recipe 48. What should diners do if there is a problem? A. Go to another restaurant B. Talk to the manager C. Discuss it with the waiter D. Stay angry all evening 49. What rule should diners always follow? A. Be funny B. Be polite C. Be punctual D. Be hungry 50. The phrasal verb "linger over your meal" in the third sentence is closest in meaning to A. "spend a long time having your meal. B. "stay longer than other customers". C. "eat faster than other customers". D. "eat more slowly than other customers". IV. USE OF ENGLISH A. Choose the word which best fits each gap of the letter. Dear Minh, Thanks a lot for your letter. Sorry I (31) answered before. I've been very busy (32) ready to go to Ho Chi Minh City. I was really sorry to hear (33) your trouble with Lan, especially because it's been going on for so long. You ought to try (34) a decision soon. I think it's bad for both of you to go on like this. I think perhaps it would be better if you (35) , but of course I might be wrong. I don't know Lan very well. You know, if I (36) you, I (37) away alone for a couple of weeks. If you were by yourself, you could think things out calmly and decide (38) to do. Why don't you take a holiday now? I'm sure it would (39) you a lot of good. Write again soon and let me know how things are going. And don't forget (40) your daughter, An for me. I hope everything would be OK for you. I'm looking forward to your news. Phong, 31. A didn't 32. A getting 33. A of 34. A preparing 35. A separate 36. A were 37. A will go 38. A that 39. A make 40. A kiss B haven't B got B on B to prepare B separated B met B would go B which B help B kissed C never C get C about C making C will separate C saw C am going C when C do C to kiss D hadn't D will get D from D to make D would separate D had been D have gone D what D bring D kissing B. Choose the word which best fits each gap of the sentence. 41. If I had known your new address, I to see you, A. came B. will come C. would come D. would have come 42. Fortunately, the hospital's new air-conditioning system when the first heat wave of the summer arrived. A. had installed B. had been installed C. installed D. had been installing 43. It's at least a month since I John. 4 A. last seeing B. last see C. last saw D. have last seen 44. I didn't know you were asleep. Otherwise, I so much noise when I came in. A. don't make B. didn't make C. won't make D. wouldn't have made 45. If a country no rain for a long time, this dry period a drought. A. has had/is B. has/is called C. had/called D. had/would be 46. "Is this the address to you want the package sent?" A. where B. that C. which D. whom 47. She lets the letter on the ground. A. fall B. falls C. fallen D falling 48. Fie drives so quickly that I am afraid that one day he will someone crossing the street. A. crash down B. knock down C. turn over D. run across 49. My watch is broken. - Why don't you have it ? A. repair B. repairing C. for repair D. repaired 50. Graduate students often spend their weekends data for their research. A. gather B. to gather C. gathering D. to gathering 5 KEYS TO PRACTICE TEST 2 1. A 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. B 6. D 7. B 8. B 9. C 10. D 11. D 12. B 13. C 14. B 15. C 16. C 17. B 18. A 19. B 20. A 21. C 22. A 23. D 24. A 25. B 26. A - satellite 27. C - clever 28. A - assumed 29. B - have 30. B - much 31. C 32. A 33. B 34. D 35. B 36. D 37. B 38. A 39. C 40. B 41. D 42. D 43. A 44. C 45. B 46. D 47. C 48. B 49. A 50. B 51. B 52. A 53. C 54. D 55. B 56. A 57. B 58. D 59. C 60. C 61. D 62. B 63. C 64. D 65. B 66. C 67. A 68. B 69. D 70. C . 26. A - satellite 27. C - clever 28. A - assumed 29. B - have 30 . B - much 31 . C 32 . A 33 . B 34 . D 35 . B 36 . D 37 . B 38 . A 39 . C 40. B 41. D 42. D 43. A 44. C 45. B 46. D. looking forward to your news. Phong, 31 . A didn't 32 . A getting 33 . A of 34 . A preparing 35 . A separate 36 . A were 37 . A will go 38 . A that 39 . A make 40. A kiss B haven't. 1 KIỂM TRA ANH VĂN - TEST 3 I. PHONETICS A. Choose the word with the different pronunciation of the underlined part. 1. A. student 2. A. would 3. A. protect 4. A. reclaim

Ngày đăng: 25/07/2014, 23:20