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1. Mary put on her scarf _____ she __________ get cold. a. in order that/ will not b. so that / would not c. to / will not d. so as to / would not 2. "They will build a new hospital in our town." means _________. a. A new hospital will be built in our town b. Our town will build a new hospital c. A new hospital is built in our town d. Our town will be built a new hospital 3. "It has ever been believed that lasers can cure every disease." means ________ a. Lasers have ever been believed to be able to cure every disease. b. Lasers have ever been believed to curing every disease. c. Lasers has ever believed to be able to cure every disease. d. Lasers have ever been believed can be cured every disease. 4. Pick out the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest a. quay b. pay c. bay d. play 5. I gave him my e-mail address ______ he could keep in touch with me. a. that b. such that c. so that d. so as to 6. We can enjoy live programmes on TV through communication _________ a. rockets b. space capsules c. astronauts d. satellites 7. Every year, there are a lot of people who die of ________. a. cancer b. cancel c. canyon d. concrete 8. Being red, birthmarks _____________ the laser beam strongly. a. focus b. notice c. absorb d. interest 9. "We preserve natural resources. We can use them in the future." means _______. a. We preserve natural resources so that we can use them in the future b. We preserve natural resources so as to we can use them in the future c. We preserve natural resources for future use d. a and c 10. _________ on barren slopes can prevent erosion. a. To plant trees b. Planting trees c. In order to plant trees d. a and b 11. Lasers are a ___________ for concentrating light waves into an intense beam. a. advice b. device c. vice d. way 12. The sun light __________ sea water and we get salt. a. raises b. rises c. shines d. vaporises 13. She looks pretty although she has a _________ __ on her left eye. a. birth place b. birth mark c. birth right d. birth control 14. _________ is very important in using lasers. a. Precise b. Precisely c. Precising d. Precision 15. The scientists have invented a special chemical that attaches itself __________ to cancer cells. a. prefer b. preference c. preferential d. preferentially 16. The wound had already ________ and it left a scar. a. hit b. kept c. sealed d. healed 17. "They whispered. They did not want anyone to hear them." means ___________ a. They whispered in order to make everyone hear them. b. They whispered so that no one could hear them. c. They whispered to make everyone hear them. d. They whispered in order that make everyone hear them. 18. We cannot hear without _______. a. eardrop b. eardrum c. earmark d. earring 19. The acronym of BBC comes from ________. a. British Broadcasting Corporation b. British Broadcasting Corporative c. British Broadcast Corporation d. British Broadcasted Corporation 20. "Surgeons use lasers as miraculously accurate scalpels." means _______. a. Lasers were used as miraculously accurate scalpels by surgeons. b. Lasers are used as miraculously accurate scalpels by surgeons. c. Lasers uses as miraculously accurate scalpels by surgeons. d. Lasers used as miraculously accurate scalpels by surgeons 21. Mary is ________in her colourful dress a. spacious b. conscious c. conspicuous d. delicious 22. There is __________ hair in my bread. a. a b. an c. the d. no article 23. "The laser beam can remove bone." means ________. a. They can remove the laser beam b. Bone can remove the laser beam c. Bone can be removed by the laser beam d. Bone can be remove by the laser beam 24. A new drug has just been invented to ______ flu. a. increase b. decrease c. treat d. practise 25. Aspirin may __________ the stomach. a. ulcerate b. delicate c. cut d. heal 26. "Did Shakespeare write this play?". means _______. a. Did this play be written by Shakespeare? b. Was this play written by Shakespeare? c. This play was written by Shakespeare. d. Did this play Shakespeare write? 27. Pick out the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest a. deliver b. milk c. die d. military 28. Many patients ____suffer from cancer can be saved by the treatment of lasers. a. who b. whom c. which d. whose 29. The Medical Care is close _________ the school. a. to b. at c. next d. from 30. The boy always does his homework before class _______. a. so as not to be punished by the teacher b. so as to be punished by the teacher c. so that not to be punished by the teacher d. in order that not to be punished by the teacher 31. A _________ is one of the most important tools of a surgeon. a. knife b. drum c. sheet d. scalpel 32. Do you feel _________ when taking a test? a. nerve b. nervous c. nerveless d. nervy 33. Pick out the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest a. school b. _chemical c. Christmas d. teach 34. The schoolboys are in a hurry _______ they will not be late for school. a. so as to b. to c. in order that d. for 35. Pick out the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest a. device b. advice c. practice d. mice 36. The acronym of VAT comes from ________. a. valuable added tax b. valuable addition tax c. value addition tax d. value added tax 37. The woman was pale and weak because ________ the lack ________ fresh air. a. for / on b. on / for c. of / of d. of / for 38. Once scientists fully understand the cause ________ a disease, it becomes easier for them to find a cure _________ it. a. of / of b. of / from c. from / in d. of / for 39. Paper that ______ ink is called blotting-paper. a. absorb b. absorbs c. absorbed d. absorbent 40. Pick out the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest a. _beam b. comb c. _black d. _bomb 41. She has a _________ for pink. a. prefer b. preference c. preferential d. preferentially 42. _________ is the red liquid flowing throughout human body. a. Food b. Water c. Blood d. Flood 43. A laser beam's ________ is enough to kill cancer cells. a. intention b. intensive c. intend d. intensity 44. There are ________ diseases being treated by laser beams. a. more or less b. more than c. more and more d. less than 45. Pick out the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest a. sword b. wear c. wet d. swamp 46. The acronym of UNO comes from _________. a. United Nationals Organisation b. United Nations Organisation c. UnitedNational Organisation d. United Nationality Organisation 47. Pick out the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest a. heal b. head c. seal d. Lean 48. Nerve cells, or neurons, __________ in human body. a. the most complex cells are b. are the most complex cells c. most complex the cells are d. most are the complex cells 49. After _________ him, the doctor found that he ________ his arm. a. to examine / breaks b. to examine / broke c. examining / broken d. examining / had broken 50. "Mary did not feel well so she went to the doctor." means __________. a. Not feel well, Mary went to the doctor. b. Not feeling well, Mary went to the doctor. c. Did not feeling well, Mary went to the doctor. d. Not to feel well, Mary went to the doctor. 51. ______ makes a woman more beautiful; however, it may cause bad effects on health. a. Surgery cosmetic b. Cosmetic surgery c. Surgeon cosmetic d. Cosmetic surgeon 52. ?His stomach cancer was too serious to have an operation.'means ________. a. His stomach cancer was so serious that the doctor could not operate on him. b. His stomachache was so serious to have an operation. c. His stomachache was too serious so that the doctor could operate him. d. His stomachache was serious so that to have an operation. 53. 1/4 is pronounced _______. a. one quarter b. first and fourth c. one quarters d. one four 54. After doing _________ service, he returned tothe university and continued his study. a. military b. militant c. soldier d. battle 55. When skin is burnt, the __________ are destroyed and a scar will be formed. a. complexion b. beams c. tissues d. issues 56. The acronym of NATO comes from _________. a. North Atlantic Treaty Organisation b. North Asian Treaty Organisation c. North Atlantic Treating Organisation d. North Atlantic Treated Organisation 57. _________ is a device for generating, amplifying and concentrating light waves into an intense beam in one specific direction. a. lass b. lamp c. lash d. laser 58. The skin of babies is very _________ a. hard b. sensible c. delicate d. dry 59. Pick out the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest a. beams b. tops c. months d. locks 60. Pick out the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest a. material b. cancer c. teacher d. interact . Shakespeare write this play?". means _______. a. Did this play be written by Shakespeare? b. Was this play written by Shakespeare? c. This play was written by Shakespeare. d. Did this play Shakespeare. ___________ for concentrating light waves into an intense beam. a. advice b. device c. vice d. way 12. The sun light __________ sea water and we get salt. a. raises b. rises c. shines d. vaporises

Ngày đăng: 25/07/2014, 12:21

