English Language Tests-Intermediate level's archive Business Buzzwords: South African Labour Laws 1. The new law will do away with employers who have abused the independent contractor provision in South Africa's existing labour laws, but NMG-Levy labour consultant Brian Allen says 'legislative ' could affect genuine supplier relationships while wiping out this form of evasion. overdose overkill overload overrun 2. The NYSE applies program trading whenever the NYSE Composite Index moves 150 points higher or lower than the previous day's closing price; this restriction stays in place until the NYA returns to within 70 points of the previous day's closing price or until the end of the trading day. blocks brakes checks curbs 3. The Effect, which harkens to the Hebrew slave who prophesied seven years of feast and famine, relates to the market's tendency to have a long-term memory-for example, a rise in stocks tends to be followed by additional increases. Ben Hur Joseph Moses Spartacus 4. I am therefore pleased to report that the second half did indeed show a solid improvement; we managed to more than reverse the first half loss and remain on for the trading performance to continue along this trend. course line rise stream 5. August was the cruelest month for Dell Inc, when it recalled 4.1 million laptop batteries because of fears they might ignite, announced a shockingly bad quarter and disclosed that the SEC has launched an investigation of its accounting; 'Dell is in the box' admits founder Michael Dell. black ice penalty trash 6. A stock is a perfect stock for investment — named after the gorgeous star of the movie '10'. Bo Derek Jennifer Lopez Marilyn Monroe Sharon Stone 7. Most economists think it's unlikely the effect will be enough to tip the U.S. economy back into recession; after all, the average American already watches four hours of TV a day. ABC CBS CNN NBC 8. There's a saying in the stock world, that goes, "Don't fight the " — what this means is that when there's powerful selling going on against a stock, only the foolish step in and start buying, because the price is likely to continue to decline. rush system tape traffic 9. Hedge fund managers will often call analysts and present a very persuasive argument as to why a stock deserves an upgraded rating; this does not always lead an analyst to change his or her rating, but it works enough of the time for the practice to persist. dogging drubbing hassling hounding 10. Management is the process of identification, analysis and either acceptance or mitigation of uncertainty in investment decision-making. Bond Broker Portfolio Risk . English Language Tests-Intermediate level's archive Business Buzzwords: South African Labour Laws 1. The new law will do away with. The new law will do away with employers who have abused the independent contractor provision in South Africa's existing labour laws, but NMG-Levy labour consultant Brian Allen says 'legislative