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I. Choose the word that has different stress pattern from the rest in each group. 1. A. transition B. traveller C. unpleasant D. supportive 2. A. vocational B. uncertainty C. solidify D. occupation 3. A. preservation B. restoration C. orientation D. miraculous 4. A. undergrowth B. reduction C. disposal D. intensive 5. A. geologist B. material C. temperate D. courageous II. Choose the best word from A, B, C or D to complete each of the following sentences. 6. Management offered employees a two percent pay rise, but the union found this offer _____. A. unaccepted B. accepted C. unacceptable D. acceptable 7. The public is highly suspicious of the oil industry whose profits have been increasing in spite of the energy _____. A. crisis B. short C. deficient D. insufficient 8. It was the longest film I’ve ever seen: it _____ three hours. A. stayed B. lasted C. finished D. completed 9. We were so late, we _____ had time to catch the train. A. nearly B. almost C. hardly D. simply 10. Hoping that he would pass the course, he stayed up all night studying for final exam; unfortunately, he _____ and missed the test. A. slept B. slept over C. overslept D. slept through 11. He asked if we would _____ to share the room. A. accept B. consider C. approve D. agree 12. I know you feel fed up, but don’t let one failure _____ you. It was your first interview, after all, there’ll be more. A. discourage B. courage C. encourage D. miscourage 13. This hotel gives _____ treatment to people who stay in it regularly. A. preferable B. preferential C. preferred D. preference 14. If you wish to learn a new language you must _____ class regularly. A. follow B. present C. attend D. assist 15. These goods are free _____ duty. A. from B. with C. in D. of 16. Right at the beginning of their _____ programme the Japanese realizes the importance of an iron and steel industry. A. modern B. moderning C. modernizing D. modernization 17. It takes a great deal of _____ for the class to make a trip abroad. A. work B. organization C. expense D. business 18. The travel _____ plans holidays for people. A. accountance B. applicant C. astronaut D. agency 19. She was singing an old Spanish folksong, a favourite of _____. A. her B. hers C. herself D. her own 20. There was a small room into _____ we all crowded. A. which B. where C. that D. it 21. - Janet: “Do you feel like going to the cinema this evening?” - Susan: “_______.” A. You’re welcome B. I feel very bored C. I don’t agree, I’m afraid D. That would be great 22. “John won’t come tomorrow.” “Did he say he _____ next week?” A. will come B. would come C. is coming D. had come 23. - Laure: “What a lovely house you have!” SỞ GD-ĐT NGHỆ AN TRƯỜNG THPT ANH SƠN 3 KỲ THI THỬ ĐẠI HỌC - CAO ĐẲNG NĂM 2011 MÔN: TIẾNG ANH Thời gian làm bài: 90 phút (Đề thi gồm 6 trang, 80 câu trắc nghiệm) Đề chính thức - Maria: “_______.” A. No problem B. Thank you. Hope you will drop in C. I think so D. Of course not, it’s not costly 24. It is necessary that an employee _____ his work on time. A. finishes B. finishs C. can finish D. finish 25. How long _____ here by the end of next year? A. will you work B. you will have worked C. are you working D. will you have been working 26. My teacher can write a beautiful poem in _____. A. little than half an hour B. a little than half an hour C. less than half an hour D. least than half an hour 27. If I were you, I wouldn’t risk betting that money _____ this house. A. for B. on C. to D. in 28. Here _____ from Rangoon. A. is an interesting news B. is an interesting item of news C. are interesting news D. are some interesting news item 29. No sooner _____ the news than she fainted. A. she heard B. had she heard C. as she heard D. she had heard 30. Be quiet! It’s rude to _____ people when they are speaking. A. interrupt B. interfere C. prevent D. introduce III. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word for each of the blank When you read something in a foreign language, you frequently come across words you do not (31)______ understand. Sometimes you (32)______ the meaning in a dictionary and sometimes you guess. The strategy you adopt depends very much upon the (33)______ of accuracy you require and the time at your disposal. If you are the sort of person who tends to turn to the dictionary frequently, it is (34)______ remembering that every dictionary has its limitations. Each definition is only an approximation and one builds up an accurate picture of the meaning of a word only after meeting it in a (35)______ of contexts. It is also important to recognize the special dangers of dictionaries that translate from English into your native language and vice versa. If you must use a dictionary, it is usually far safer to (36)______ an English-English dictionary. In most exams you are not permitted to use a dictionary. (37)______ you are allowed to use one, it is very time-consuming to look up words, and time in exams is usually limited. You are, (38)______ , forced to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words. When you come across unknown words in an exam text, it is very easy to panic. However, if you develop efficient techniques for guessing the meaning, you will (39)______ a number of possible problems and help yourself to understand far more of the text than you at first thought likely. Two strategies which may help you guess the meaning of a word are: using contextual clues, both within the sentence and outside, and making use of clues (40)______ from the formation of the word. 31. A. wholly B. fully C. totally D. completely 32. A. inspect B. control C. check D. examine 33. A. extent B. level C. degree D. range 34. A. worth B. essential C. valuable D. vital 35. A. multiple B. variation C. variety D. diversity 36. A. survey B. consult C. refer D. inquire 37. A. In case B. Provided C. Although D. Even if 38. A. therefore B. so C. however D. so that 39. A. go over B. overcome C. get over D. surpass 40. A. coming B. extracted C. derived D. originated IV. Read the passages and choose the best answer The official residence of the president of the United States is the White House, located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, in Washington, D.C. The Commissioners of the District of Columbia held a meeting in 1792 and decided to hold a contest for the best design for the Presidential House. James Hoban, an architect born in 1reland, was the winner. His bid for the construction of the mansion asked for $200,000, but the final cost of the building came to twice that amount The work on the project began during the same year, and the grounds of approximately one and a half miles west of the Capitol Hill were chosen by Major Pierre-Charles L.Enfant, who was in charge of city planning. However, the construction continued for several more years, and George Washington had stepped down as president before the building was habitable. When John Adams, the second president of the United States and his wife Abigail moved in 1800, only six rooms had been completed. The grey sandstone walls of the house were painted white during construction, and the color of the paint gave the building its name. The building was burned on August 24, 1814, and James Hoban reconstructed the house for President James Monroe and his family, who moved there in 1817. The north portico was added to the building in 1829, water pipes were installed in 1833, gas lighting in 1848, and electricity in 1891. In 1948, inspectors announced that the building was so dilapidated that it was beyond repair and suggested that it was cheaper to construct a new one than repair the existing dwelling. However, the national sentiment was to keep the original form intact, and Congress appropriated $5.4 million dollars for repairs. In 1961, Jacqueline Kennedy launched a program to redecorate the rooms and appointed a Fine Arts Committee to make choices of furnishing and colors. The house of the president accords its residents a great deal of space. The living quarters contain 107 rooms, 40 corridors, and 19 baths. The White House contains a doctor's suite, a dentist's office, a large solarium, a broadcasting room, and a two-floor basement for storage and service rooms. The office in which the president works is not located in the White House, but in a separate building called the West Wing. The White House stands on 16 acres of parklike land and overlooks a broad lawn, flower gardens, and wood groves. 41. The word ‘contest" is closest in meaning to A. hearing B. tournament C. competition D. computation 42. What does the passage imply about the cost of the White House construction? A. It was proposed at the meeting of the commissioners. B. It did not adhere to the original estimate. C. It was not included in the architectural design. D. It was considered excessive for the presidential home. 43. The word "grounds" is closest in meaning to A. high ground B. several lots C. hills D. site 44. It can be inferred from the passage that A. George Washington often used the White House steps B. George Washington contributed to the White House design C. George Washington never lived in the White House D. The White House was excluded from the city planning 45. The author of the passage implies that the construction of the main White House building continued A. up to 1800 B. after 1800 C. until 1814 D. until 1792 46. The word "dilapidated" is closest in meaning to A. ornate B. run-down C. old-fashioned D. obscure 47. What can be inferred about the White House from the information in the second paragraph? A. Few changes occurred in the structure' in the first half of the 20th century. B. The building was modernized extensively during one decade. C. Running water was installed in the second half of the 19th century. D. Each president added new features to the building's conveniences. 48. The word "appropriated" is closest in meaning to A. accumulated B. authorized C. accosted D. increased 49. The word "launched" is closest in meaning to A. began B. praised C. lavished D. requested 50. The passage mentions all of the following White House premises EXCEPT A. hallways B. kitchen C. medical offices D. storage rooms Recent technological advances in manned and unmanned vehicles, along with breakthroughs in satellite technology and computer equipment, have overcome some of the limitations of divers and diving equipment for scientists doing research on the great oceans of the world. Without a vehicle, divers often became sluggish, and their mental concentration was severely limited. Because undersea pressure affects their speech organs, communication among divers has always been difficult or impossible. But today, most oceanographers avoid the use of vulnerable human divers, preferring to reduce the risk to human life and make direct observations by means of instruments that are lowered into the ocean, from samples take from the water, or from photographs made by orbiting satellites. Direct observations of the ocean floor can be made not only by divers but also by deep-diving submarines in the water and even by the technology of sophisticated aerial photography from vantage points above the surface of more than seven miles and cruise at depths of fifteen thousand feet. In addition, radio-equipped buoys can be operated by remote control in order to transmit information back to land-based laboratories via satellite. Particularly important for ocean study are data about water temperature, currents, and weather. Satellite photographs can show the distribution of sea ice, oil slicks, and cloud formations over the ocean. Maps created from satellite pictures can represent the temperature and the color of the ocean's surface, enabling researchers to study the ocean currents from laboratories on dry land. Furthermore, computers help oceanographers to collect, organize, and analyze data from submarines and satellites. By creating a model of the ocean's movement and characteristics, scientists can predict the patterns and possible effects of the ocean on the environment. Recently, many oceanographers have been relying more on satellites and computers than on research ships or even submarine vehicles because they can supply a greater range of information more quickly and more effectively. Some of humankind's most serious problems, especially those concerning energy and food, may be solved with the help of observations made possible by this new technology. 51. With what topic is the passage primarily concerned? A. Communication among drivers B. Technological advances in oceanography C. Direct observation of the ocean floor D. Undersea vehicles 52. The word "sluggish" is closest in meaning to A. nervous B. confused C. slow moving D. very weak 53. Drives have had problems in communicating underwater because A. the pressure affected their speech organs B. the vehicles they used have not been perfected C. they did not pronounce clearly D. the water destroyed their speech organs 54. This passage suggests that the successful exploration of the ocean depends upon A. the limitations of diving equipment B. radios that divers use to communicate C. controlling currents and the weather D. vehicles as well as divers 55. Undersea vehicles A. are too small for a man to fit inside B. are very slow to respond C. have the same limitations that divers have D. make direct observations of the ocean floor 56. The word "cruise" could best be replaced by A. travel at a constant speed B. function without problems C. stay in communication D. remain still 57. How is a radio-equipped buoy operated? A. By operators inside the vehicle in the part underwater B. By operators outside the vehicle on a ship C. By operators outside the vehicle on a diving platform D. By operators outside the vehicle in a laboratory on shore 58. The word information is closest in meaning to A. data B. articles C. samples D. photographs 59. Which of the following are NOT shown in satellite photographs? A. The temperature of the ocean's surface B. Cloud formations over the ocean C. A model of the ocean's movements D. The location of sea ice 60. The words those refers to A. ships B. vehicles C. problems D. computers V. Decide which of the underlined part in each line is incorrect. 61. The rooms in almost Japanese houses are usually large. A B C D 62. Each of the four types of human tooth are suited for a specific purpose. A B C D 63. Most bacteria have strong cell walls much like that of the plants A B C D 64. Despite most mushrooms are edible, some species cause serious poisoning. A B C D 65. Some plants and insects exhibit so high degree of interdependence that the elimination of one A B results in the elimination of the other. C D 66. The manner of election the president in the USA is written in the Constitution. A B C D 67. When they got there, the room was crowded with people and a MP was making a speech. A B C D 68. In spite of high unemployment, a few British people will accept jobs as living-in Servants. A B C D 69. Before hand calculators were common, maths students usually carried a slide-rule, it is a type A B C of calculating ruler. D 70. Most pubs have two drink rooms, called bars - the public and the saloon bar, which is more A B C comfortable and slightly more expensive. D VI. Choose the answer A, B, C or D which is closest in meaning to the original sentence. 71. They had been lost in the mountains for three days, but they looked strong and healthy. A. Even though they had been lost in the mountains for three days, they looked strong and healthy. B. Even though they had been lost in the mountains for three days, they look strong and healthy. C. Even though they had been lost the mountains for three days, they didn’t look strong and healthy. D. Even though they had been lost in the mountains for three day, they looked strong and unhealthy. 72. I’ll find that man, no matter how long it takes. A. However long it may takes, I’ll find that man. B. However long it may take, I’ll find that man. C. However long its may take, I’ll find that man. D. However long it may took, I’ll find that man. 73. The decorators have finished the whole of the first floor. A. We have had the whole of the first floor finished by the decorators. B. We have had the whole of the first floor finishing by the decorator. C. We have had the whole of the first floor finish by the decorators. D. We have had the whole of the first floor to finish the decorators. 74. It was such a marvellous opportunity that we mustn’t miss it. A. It’s too marvellous for we to miss an opportunity. B. It’s too marvellous for us to miss opportunity. C. It’s so marvellous for us to miss an opportunity. D. It’s too marvellous for us to miss an opportunity. 75. People say he won a lot of money on the lottery. A. He is said that he won a lot of money on the lottery. B. He won a lot of money on the lottery, it is said. C. He is said to have won a lot of money on the lottery. D. He was said to win a lot of money on the lottery. VI. Choose from the four options given (marked A, B, C, or D) one best answer to complete each of the following sentences: 76. ______ did Arthur realize that there was danger. A. When he entered the store B. After he had entered the store C. On entering the store D. Only after entering the store 77. After seeing the movie Centennial, ______. A. the book made many people want to read it B. the book was read by many people C. many people wanted to read the book D. the reading of the book interested many people 78. Le: “I can’t understand how you missed the exit.” Linh: “Well, it was so dark that ______.” A. we could see hardly the road signs B. we could see the road signs hardly C. hardly could we see the road signs D. we could hardly see the road signs 79. It is important that ________. A. an exact record should be kept B. an exact record to be kept C. to keep an exact record D. keeping an exact record 80. Jill has received several scholarships ________ . A. not only because of his artistic but his academic ability B. for both his academic ability as well as his artistic C. because of his academic and artistic ability D. as resulting of his ability in the art and the academy ……The end…… I. Decide which of the underlined part in each line is incorrect. 1. In spite of high unemployment, a few British people will accept jobs as living-in Servants. A B C D 2. Some plants and insects exhibit so high degree of interdependence that the elimination of one A B results in the elimination of the other. C D 3. Each of the four types of human tooth are suited for a specific purpose. A B C D 4. Before hand calculators were common, maths students usually carried a slide-rule, it is a type A B C of calculating ruler. D 5. Despite most mushrooms are edible, some species cause serious poisoning. A B C D 6. The rooms in almost Japanese houses are usually large. A B C D 7. The manner of election the president in the USA is written in the Constitution. A B C D 8. When they got there, the room was crowded with people and a MP was making a speech. A B C D 9. Most pubs have two drink rooms, called bars - the public and the saloon bar, which is more A B C comfortable and slightly more expensive. D 10. Most bacteria have strong cell walls much like that of the plants A B C D II. Read the passages and choose the best answer The official residence of the president of the United States is the White House, located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, in Washington, D.C. The Commissioners of the District of Columbia held a meeting in 1792 and decided to hold a contest for the best design for the Presidential House. James Hoban, an architect born in 1reland, was the winner. His bid for the construction of the mansion asked for $200,000, but the final cost of the building came to twice that amount The work on the project began during the same year, and the grounds of approximately one and a half miles west of the Capitol Hill were chosen by Major Pierre-Charles L.Enfant, who was in charge of city planning. However, the construction continued for several more years, and George Washington had stepped down as president before the building was habitable. When John Adams, the second president of the United States and his wife Abigail moved in 1800, only six rooms had been completed. The grey sandstone walls of the house were painted white during construction, and the color of the paint gave the building its name. The building was burned on August 24, 1814, and James Hoban reconstructed the house for President James Monroe and his family, who moved there in 1817. The north portico was added to the building in 1829, water pipes were installed in 1833, gas lighting in 1848, and electricity in 1891. In 1948, inspectors announced that the building was so dilapidated that it was beyond repair and suggested that it was cheaper to construct a new one than repair the existing dwelling. SỞ GD-ĐT NGHỆ AN TRƯỜNG THPT ANH SƠN 3 KỲ THI THỬ ĐẠI HỌC - CAO ĐẲNG NĂM 2010 MÔN: TIẾNG ANH Thời gian làm bài: 90 phút (Đề thi gồm 6 trang, 80 câu trắc nghiệm) Đề chính thức However, the national sentiment was to keep the original form intact, and Congress appropriated $5.4 million dollars for repairs. In 1961, Jacqueline Kennedy launched a program to redecorate the rooms and appointed a Fine Arts Committee to make choices of furnishing and colors. The house of the president accords its residents a great deal of space. The living quarters contain 107 rooms, 40 corridors, and 19 baths. The White House contains a doctor's suite, a dentist's office, a large solarium, a broadcasting room, and a two-floor basement for storage and service rooms. The office in which the president works is not located in the White House, but in a separate building called the West Wing. The White House stands on 16 acres of parklike land and overlooks a broad lawn, flower gardens, and wood groves. 11. It can be inferred from the passage that A. George Washington often used the White House steps B. George Washington contributed to the White House design C. George Washington never lived in the White House D. The White House was excluded from the city planning 12. The word "launched" is closest in meaning to A. began B. praised C. lavished D. requested 13. The word "dilapidated" is closest in meaning to A. ornate B. run-down C. old-fashioned D. obscure 14. What can be inferred about the White House from the information in the second paragraph? A. Few changes occurred in the structure' in the first half of the 20th century. B. The building was modernized extensively during one decade. C. Running water was installed in the second half of the 19th century. D. Each president added new features to the building's conveniences. 15. What does the passage imply about the cost of the White House construction? A. It was proposed at the meeting of the commissioners. B. It did not adhere to the original estimate. C. It was not included in the architectural design. D. It was considered excessive for the presidential home. 16. The word "grounds" is closest in meaning to A. high ground B. several lots C. hills D. site 17. The word ‘contest" is closest in meaning to A. hearing B. tournament C. competition D. computation 18. The author of the passage implies that the construction of the main White House building continued A. up to 1800 B. after 1800 C. until 1814 D. until 1792 19. The word "appropriated" is closest in meaning to A. accumulated B. authorized C. accosted D. increased 20. The passage mentions all of the following White House premises EXCEPT A. hallways B. kitchen C. medical offices D. storage rooms Recent technological advances in manned and unmanned vehicles, along with breakthroughs in satellite technology and computer equipment, have overcome some of the limitations of divers and diving equipment for scientists doing research on the great oceans of the world. Without a vehicle, divers often became sluggish, and their mental concentration was severely limited. Because undersea pressure affects their speech organs, communication among divers has always been difficult or impossible. But today, most oceanographers avoid the use of vulnerable human divers, preferring to reduce the risk to human life and make direct observations by means of instruments that are lowered into the ocean, from samples take from the water, or from photographs made by orbiting satellites. Direct observations of the ocean floor can be made not only by divers but also by deep-diving submarines in the water and even by the technology of sophisticated aerial photography from vantage points above the surface of more than seven miles and cruise at depths of fifteen thousand feet. In addition, radio-equipped buoys can be operated by remote control in order to transmit information back to land-based laboratories via satellite. Particularly important for ocean study are data about water temperature, currents, and weather. Satellite photographs can show the distribution of sea ice, oil slicks, and cloud formations over the ocean. Maps created from satellite pictures can represent the temperature and the color of the ocean's surface, enabling researchers to study the ocean currents from laboratories on dry land. Furthermore, computers help oceanographers to collect, organize, and analyze data from submarines and satellites. By creating a model of the ocean's movement and characteristics, scientists can predict the patterns and possible effects of the ocean on the environment. Recently, many oceanographers have been relying more on satellites and computers than on research ships or even submarine vehicles because they can supply a greater range of information more quickly and more effectively. Some of humankind's most serious problems, especially those concerning energy and food, may be solved with the help of observations made possible by this new technology. 21. The word "cruise" could best be replaced by A. travel at a constant speed B. function without problems C. stay in communication D. remain still 22. With what topic is the passage primarily concerned? A. Communication among drivers B. Technological advances in oceanography C. Direct observation of the ocean floor D. Undersea vehicles 23. Drives have had problems in communicating underwater because A. the pressure affected their speech organs B. the vehicles they used have not been perfected C. they did not pronounce clearly D. the water destroyed their speech organs 24. This passage suggests that the successful exploration of the ocean depends upon A. the limitations of diving equipment B. radios that divers use to communicate C. controlling currents and the weather D. vehicles as well as divers 25. Which of the following are NOT shown in satellite photographs? A. The temperature of the ocean's surface B. Cloud formations over the ocean C. A model of the ocean's movements D. The location of sea ice 26. The word "sluggish" is closest in meaning to A. nervous B. confused C. slow moving D. very weak 27. Undersea vehicles A. are too small for a man to fit inside B. are very slow to respond C. have the same limitations that divers have D. make direct observations of the ocean floor 28. The words those refers to A. ships B. vehicles C. problems D. computers 29. How is a radio-equipped buoy operated? A. By operators inside the vehicle in the part underwater B. By operators outside the vehicle on a ship C. By operators outside the vehicle on a diving platform D. By operators outside the vehicle in a laboratory on shore 30. The word information is closest in meaning to A. data B. articles C. samples D. photographs III. Choose from the four options given (marked A, B, C, or D) one best answer to complete each of the following sentences: 31. ______ did Arthur realize that there was danger. A. When he entered the store B. After he had entered the store C. On entering the store D. Only after entering the store 32. After seeing the movie Centennial, ______. A. the book made many people want to read it B. the book was read by many people C. many people wanted to read the book D. the reading of the book interested many people 33. Le: “I can’t understand how you missed the exit.” Linh: “Well, it was so dark that ______.” A. we could see hardly the road signs B. we could see the road signs hardly C. hardly could we see the road signs D. we could hardly see the road signs 34. It is important that ________. A. an exact record should be kept B. an exact record to be kept C. to keep an exact record D. keeping an exact record 35. Jill has received several scholarships ________ . A. not only because of his artistic but his academic ability B. for both his academic ability as well as his artistic C. because of his academic and artistic ability D. as resulting of his ability in the art and the academy IV. Choose the word that has different stress pattern from the rest in each group. 36. A. transition B. traveller C. unpleasant D. supportive 37. A. vocational B. uncertainty C. solidify D. occupation 38. A. preservation B. restoration C. orientation D. miraculous 39. A. undergrowth B. reduction C. disposal D. intensive 40. A. geologist B. material C. temperate D. courageous V. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word for each of the blank When you read something in a foreign language, you frequently come across words you do not (41)______ understand. Sometimes you (42)______ the meaning in a dictionary and sometimes you guess. The strategy you adopt depends very much upon the (43)______ of accuracy you require and the time at your disposal. If you are the sort of person who tends to turn to the dictionary frequently, it is (44)______ remembering that every dictionary has its limitations. Each definition is only an approximation and one builds up an accurate picture of the meaning of a word only after meeting it in a (45)______ of contexts. It is also important to recognize the special dangers of dictionaries that translate from English into your native language and vice versa. If you must use a dictionary, it is usually far safer to (46)______ an English-English dictionary. In most exams you are not permitted to use a dictionary. (47)______ you are allowed to use one, it is very time-consuming to look up words, and time in exams is usually limited. You are, (48)______ , forced to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words. When you come across unknown words in an exam text, it is very easy to panic. However, if you develop efficient techniques for guessing the meaning, you will (49)______ a number of possible problems and help yourself to understand far more of the text than you at first thought likely. Two strategies which may help you guess the meaning of a word are: using contextual clues, both within the sentence and outside, and making use of clues (50)______ from the formation of the word. 41. A. wholly B. fully C. totally D. completely 42. A. inspect B. control C. check D. examine 43. A. extent B. level C. degree D. range 44. A. worth B. essential C. valuable D. vital 45. A. multiple B. variation C. variety D. diversity 46. A. survey B. consult C. refer D. inquire 47. A. In case B. Provided C. Although D. Even if 48. A. therefore B. so C. however D. so that 49. A. go over B. overcome C. get over D. surpass 50. A. coming B. extracted C. derived D. originated VI. Choose the answer A, B, C or D which is closest in meaning to the original sentence. 51. It was such a marvellous opportunity that we mustn’t miss it. A. It’s too marvellous for we to miss an opportunity. [...]... class regularly A follow B present C attend D assist 72 Right at the beginning of their _ programme the Japanese realizes the importance of an iron and steel industry 73 - Janet: “Do you feel like going to the cinema this evening?” - Susan: “ _.” A You’re welcome B I feel very bored C I don’t agree, I’m afraid D That would be great 74 It is necessary that an employee _ his work on time A finishes... finish D finish 75 How long _ here by the end of next year? A will you work B you will have worked C are you working D will you have been working 76 - Laure: “What a lovely house you have!” - Maria: “ _.” A No problem B Thank you Hope you will drop in C I think so D Of course not, it’s not costly 77 Be quiet! It’s rude to _ people when they are speaking A interrupt B interfere C prevent D introduce... found this offer _ A unaccepted B accepted C unacceptable D acceptable 66 The public is highly suspicious of the oil industry whose profits have been increasing in spite of the energy _ A crisis B short C deficient D insufficient 67 I know you feel fed up, but don’t let one failure _ you It was your first interview, after all, there’ll be more A discourage B courage C encourage D miscourage 68 This... people A accountance B applicant C astronaut D agency 60 We were so late, we _ had time to catch the train A nearly B almost C hardly D simply 61 If I were you, I wouldn’t risk betting that money _ this house A for B on C to D in 62 Here _ from Rangoon A is an interesting news B is an interesting item of news C are interesting news D are some interesting news item 63 Hoping that he would pass the . come 23. - Laure: “What a lovely house you have!” SỞ GD-ĐT NGHỆ AN TRƯỜNG THPT ANH SƠN 3 KỲ THI THỬ ĐẠI HỌC - CAO ĐẲNG NĂM 2011 MÔN: TIẾNG ANH Thời gian làm bài: 90 phút (Đề thi gồm 6. repair the existing dwelling. SỞ GD-ĐT NGHỆ AN TRƯỜNG THPT ANH SƠN 3 KỲ THI THỬ ĐẠI HỌC - CAO ĐẲNG NĂM 2010 MÔN: TIẾNG ANH Thời gian làm bài: 90 phút (Đề thi gồm 6 trang, 80 câu trắc nghiệm). into _____ we all crowded. A. which B. where C. that D. it 21. - Janet: “Do you feel like going to the cinema this evening?” - Susan: “_______.” A. You’re welcome B. I feel very bored C.

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