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New TOEIC Vocabulary TOEFL 1 loneliness(n.) Solitude. cô đn; hiu quạ nh quietus(n.) A silencing, suppressing, or ending. bấ t động; chế t efficacious(adj.) Effective. Có h/q; sinh lợi forehead(n.) The upper part of the face, between the eyes and the hair. trá n cosmography(n. ) The science that describes the universe, including astronomy, geography, and geology. transferable(adj. ) Capable of being conveyed from one person or place to another. Có thể di chuyể n innumerable(adj .) Countless. Không đế m xuể network(n.) Anything that presents a system of cross- lines. mạ ng despotism(n.) Any severe and strict rule in which the judgment of the governed has little or no part. Chế độ chuyê n quyề n stimulus(n.) Incentive. kí ch thí ch; khuyê n khí ch excess(n.) That which passes the ordinary, proper, or required limit, measure, or experience. Quá mức, vuợt quá giới hạn convalescence(n .) The state of progressive restoration to health and strength after the cessation of diseas Thời kỳ dớng bệ nh; sự lạ I sức psychic(adj.) Pertaining to the mind or soul. ông đồng, bà cốt monstrosity(n.) Anything unnaturally huge or distorted. Quá I dj, kỳ quá i terrapin rùa Bá c Mỹ planetarium cung thiê n vă n, nhà mô hì nh vũ trụ interpolation(n.) Verbal interference. phé p nội suy enlist(v.) To enter voluntarily the military service by formal enrollment. thu nhậ n và o quâ n đội; tòng quâ n; tranh thủ ( cm tì nh, cộng tá c) orthodoxy(n.) Acceptance of the common faith. t/c chí nh thống fit vừa vặ n intercept(v.) To interrupt the course of. ngă n chặ n, chặ n đứng; prediction(n.) A prophecy. amusement(n.) Diversion. tiê u khiể n; vui chi caitiff(adj.) Cowardly. Hè n nhá t; hè n hạ contraction thu nhỏ; teo; tiê m nhiễ m neo- Darwinsim(n.) Darwinism as modified and extended by more recent students. thuyế t Dacuyn mới disreputable(adj. ) Dishonorable or disgraceful. là m ô danh transalpine(adj.) Situated on the other side of the Alps. Bê n kia núi An-p entirety(n.) A complete thing. Toà n vẹ n racy(adj.) Exciting or exhilarating to the mind. đặ c sắ c vernal pertaining to spring mùa xuâ n orgies(n.) Wild or wanton revelry. truy hoan, trác táng reck(v.) To have a care or thought for. lo ngạ i, bă n khoă n demurrage(n.) the detention of a vessel beyond the specified time of sailing. Giữ tà u quá hạ n planisphere(n.) A polar projection of the heavens on a chart. bì nh đồ; đị a cầ u inconsiderable evolution(n.) Development or growth. Tiế n triể n, tiế n hoá evangelical(adj.) Seeking the conversion of sinners. Kinh phúc âm descent(n.) The act of moving or going downward. Xuống dốc nominate(v.) To designate as a candidate for any office. đề cử; chọn bổ nhiệ m fungible(adj.) That may be measured, counted, or weighed. có thể thay thế đ ợc guess(n.) Surmise. đoá n, ớc chừng aide-de- camp(n.) An officer who receives and transmits the orders of the general. siz quan phụ tá , hầ u cậ n joggle(n.) A sudden irregular shake or a push causing such a shake. xóc nhẹ ; lắ c lắ c butte(n.) A conspicuous hill, low mountain, or natural turret, generally isolated. ụ đát; mô đá t episode(n.) An incident or story in a literary work, separable from yet growing out of it. đoạ n, hồi, tì nh tiế t mettlesome(adj. ) Having courage or spirit. khí khá i, dũng cm finality(n.) The state or quality of being final or complete. H/đ cuối cùng, cứu cánh sore đau narrate(v.) To tell a story. Thuậ t lạ i vivify(v.) To endue with life. truyề n sức sống tactician(n.) One who directs affairs with skill and shrewdness. Nhà cgiế n thuậ t buffoon(n.) A clown. Anh hề ; là m trò hề abdomen(n.) In mammals, the visceral cavity between the diaphragm and the pelvic floor; the belly. bụng vestment(n.) Clothing or covering. Lễ phục TOEFL 2 neology(n.) The coining or using of new words or new meanings of words. từ mới preoccupy(v.) To fill the mind of a person to the exclusion of other subjects. á m nh; chiế m giữ tr ớc exclude(v.) To shut out purposely or forcibly. Ngă n chặ n, loạ I trừ repertory(n.) A place where things are stored or gathered together. Kho (tà I liệ u) scorn.() khinh miệ t endurable(adj.) Tolerable. Có thể chị u đựng đ ợc clumsy(adj.) Awkward of movement. Vụng về , lóng ngóng perform(v.) To accomplish. Thực hiệ n; biể u diễ n chamber buồng, phòng federate(v.) To league together. tổ chức thà nh liê n đoà n, liê n bang overdo(v.) To overtax the strength of. quá trớn; hỏng vì c ờng điệ u debut(n.) A first appearance in society or on the stage. Lần xuấ t trì nh đầ u tiê n packet(n.) A bundle, as of letters. blimp khí cầ u nhỏ solicitor(n.) One who represents a client in court of justice; an attorney. Luậ t s ; anagram(n.) The letters of a word or phrase so transposed as to make a different word or phrase. phép đo chữ cái frankincense(n.) A gum or resin which on burning yields aromatic fumes. h ng trầ m sameness đn điệu; đều đều convertible(adj.) Interchangeable. Có thể đổi, thay thế crustacean(adj.) Pertaining to a division of arthropods, containing lobsters, crabs, crawfish, etc. Loà I giá p xá c suave(adj.) Smooth and pleasant in manner. Ngọt ngà o, tinh tế , khé o lé o (đà n ông) obsolescent(adj. ) Passing out of use, as a word. cũ đi; teo đi apostle(n.) Any messenger commissioned by or as by divine authority. tông đồ; ng ời l nh đạ o ci cá ch natal(adj.) Pertaining to one's birth.; ex: natal day, natal place (thuộc sinh, ngà y sinh) outcast(n.) One rejected and despised, especially socially. Ng ời bị x hội ruồng bỏ expanse(n.) A continuous area or stretch. mở rộng;phá t triển pledgeor(n.) One who gives a pledge. Ng ời là m tin endanger(v.) To expose to peril. Gâ y nguy hiể m Calvinize(v.) To teach or imbue with the doctrines of Calvinism. dạ y thuyế t Can-vin estrange(v.) To alienate. là m xa lạ ; ly giá n inexpensive(adj. ) Low-priced. Không đắ t, rẻ decent(adj.) Characterized by propriety of conduct, speech, manners, or dress. Hợp khuôn phé p; đoan trang, đứng đắ n dinosaur sanguineous(adj .) Consisting of blood. Có má u omnipotence(n.) Unlimited and universal power. Quyề n tuyệ t đối, vô hạ n humanize(v.) To make gentle or refined. Nhan tí nh hoá; nhâ n đạ o thoroughbred(ad j.) Bred from the best or purest blood or stock. Giống thuầ n chủng gigantic(adj.) Tremendous. Khổng lồ advisory(adj.) Not mandatory. T vấ n sapience(n.) Deep wisdom or knowledge. khôn khéo; khôn ngoan efflorescence(n. ) The state of being flowery, or a flowery appearance. adj efflorescent; V effloresce nỏ hoa parse(v.) To describe, as a sentence, by separating it into its elements and describing each word. Phâ n tí ch, phâ n tí ch câ u nestle(v.) To adjust cozily in snug quarters. ấp ủ, ôm chặ t prejudice(n.) A judgment or opinion formed without due examination of the facts. đị nh kiế n, thà nh kiế n decasyllable(n.) A line of ten syllables. 10 â m tiế t impersonate(v.) To appear or act in the character of. Nhâ n cá ch hoá convalesce(v.) To recover after a sickness. Lạ I sức, phục hồi norm(n.) A model. tiê u chuẩ n; quy tắ c prophecy(n.) Any prediction or foretelling. tiê n đoá n negligee(n.) A loose gown worn by women. Quầ n á o xuề nh xoà ng amatory(adj.) Designed to excite love. Yê u đ ng,biể u lộ t/y parentage(n.) The relation of parent to child, of the producer to the produced, or of cause to effect. Nguồn gốc ttổ tiê n; hà ng cha mẹ , t cá ch cha mẹ realism(n.) The principle and practice of depicting persons and scenes as they are believed really to exist Chủ nghĩ a hiệ n thực rationalism(n.) The formation of opinions by relying upon reason alone, independently of authority. Chủ nghĩ a duy lý TOEFL 3 bronchus(n.) Either of the two subdivisions of the trachea conveying air into the lungs. Phế qun motive vậ n động; chuyể n động panoply(n.) A full set of armor. Bộ đầ y đủ indicant(adj.) That which points out. intolerant(adj.) Bigoted. Cố chấ p, không khoan dung deduce(v.) To derive or draw as a conclusion by reasoning from given premises or principles. Suy luận cereal(adj.) Pertaining to edible grain or farinaceous seeds. ngũ cốc; món ă n từ ngũ cốc naval(adj.) Pertaining to ships. HI quâ n precedence(n.) Priority in place, time, or rank. u tiê n; đị a vị trê n moralist(n.) A writer on ethics. Nhà đạ o đức học, icily(adv.) Frigidly. Bă ng giá ; lạ nh lùng forth(adv.) Into notice or view. Phí a trớc; lỗ ra inmost(adj.) Deepest within. Tậ n trong cùng; tậ n đá y lòng, thâ m tâ m contrivance(n.) The act planning, devising, inventing, or adapting something to or for a special purpose. Sáng kiến; fungous(adj.) Spongy. nấ m; mọc nhanh nh nấ m dusk bóng tối; nhá nhem radix(n.) That from or on which something is developed. Nguồn gốc, căn nguyên modify(v.) To make somewhat different. Sửa đổi; gm bớt countervail(v.) To offset. phn tá c dụng dissentious(adj.) Contentious. Hay sinh sự symphonious(ad j.) Marked by a harmonious or agreeable mingling of sounds. Hoà â m hypnosis(n.) An artificial trance-sleep. thôi miê n; massacre(n.) The unnecessary and indiscriminate killing of human beings. Cuộc tà n sá t, thm sá t sink(n) plumbed in basin; place where foul liquid; place of vice bồn rửa bá t; ni bùn lầ y n ớc đọng; ổ tội ác sacrilege(n.) The act of violating or profaning anything sacred. Phạ m th ợng; bá ng bổ detract(v.) To take away in such manner as to lessen value or estimation. Lờy đI, khấu trừ; chê bai, gièm pha, là m gim giá trị myth(n.) A fictitious narrative presented as historical, but without any basis of fact. Thầ n thoạ i conjoin(v.) To unite. kế t hợp lại; chắ p lạ i collide(v.) To meet and strike violently. Va chạ m, xung đột advertiser(n.) One who advertises, especially in newspapers. ng ời qung cá o balsam(n.) A medical preparation, aromatic and oily, used for healing. Nhựa thm overshadow(v.) To cast into the shade or render insignificant by comparison. Là m lu mờ; che bóng specialize(v.) To assume an individual or specific character, or adopt a singular or special course. chuyê n gia senile(adj.) Peculiar to or proceeding from the weakness or infirmity of old age. L o suy outdo(v.) To surpass. v ợt trội; giỏi hn dugout thuyền độc mộc; hầm trú ẩn; sĩ quan tái ngũ gyrate(v.) To revolve. hồi chuyể n, xoay tròn micrometer(n.) An instrument for measuring very small angles or dimensions. dụng cụ đo vi l ợng earthenware(n.) Anything made of clay and baked in a kiln or dried in the sun. đất nung participate(v.) To receive or have a part or share of. Tham gia, tham dự Acknowledgme nt myth A fictitious narrative presented as historical, but without any basis of fact. thầ n thoạ i; hoang đ ờng, chuyệ n t ởng t ợng pauperism(n.) Dependence on charity. Bầ n cùng hoop vòng; và nh đai nausea(n.) An affection of the stomach producing dizziness and usually an impulse to vomit buồn nôn; kinh tởm definite(adj.) Having an exact signification or positive meaning. Rõ rà ng; xá c đị nh rõ tenant(n.) An occupant. Tấ đIề n diffusible(adj.) Spreading rapidly through the system and acting quickly. Có thể khế ch tá n memorable(adj.) Noteworthy. đá ng ghi nhớ; ko quê n melodious(adj.) Characterized by a sweet succession of sounds. Du d ng , ê m tai interposition(n.) A coming between. đặ t và o gi; can thiệ p homonym(n.) A word agreeing in sound with but different in meaning from another. đồng â m khá c nghĩ a (adj.) Denoting electricity produced by heat. đIệ n tim latish(adj.) Rather late. HI trễ ,khá muộn trammel(n.) An impediment. Ngă n trở, gâ y trở ngạ i vegetative(adj.) Pertaining to the process of plant-life. Sinh d ỡng lexicography(n.) The making of dictionaries. Từ đIể n học squeeze ép, vắ t,nặ n; ôm chặ t, xiế t TOEFL 4 sneaker ngời lé n lút; dầ y đế mề m ceremonial(adj.) Characterized by outward form or ceremony. nghi lễ, nghi thức; long trọng anteroom(n.) A room situated before and opening into another, usually larger. Phòng ngoà I, phòng đợi prima(adj.) First. valedictorian(n.) Student who delivers an address at graduating exercises of an educational institution. đạ i biể u h/s đọc diễn vă n từ biệ t trong lễ tốt nghiệ p exhaustible(adj.) Causing or tending to cause exhaustion. Là m cạ n kiệ t, suy kiệ t baton(n.) An official staff borne either as a weapon or as an emblem of authority or privilege. Gởy chỉ huy; dùi cui cnh sá t weird số phận, số mệnh; huyề n bí , kỳ lạ ambitious(adj.) Eagerly desirous and aspiring. Nhiề u tham vọng rookery A place where crows congregate to breed. hòn non bộ guzzle(v.) To swallow greedily or hastily; gulp. ăn uống lu bù underrate(v.) To undervalue. đá nh giá thấ p, coi nhẹ phenomenon(n.) Any unusual occurrence. Hiệ n t ợng confinement(n.) Restriction within limits or boundaries. Giam h m, hạ n chế ; ở cữ purse(n) túi nhỏ; túi xắ c skepticism(n.) The entertainment of doubt concerning something. hoà i nghi deponent(adj.) Laying down. Ng ời làm chứng remunerate(v.) To pay or pay for. tr công; tiề n thù lao cosmogony(n.) A doctrine of creation or of the origin of the universe. thuyế t nguồn gốc vũ trụ altar(n.) Any raised place or structure on which sacrifices may be offered or incense burned. Bà n thờ, bệ thờ bide(v.) To await. chờ đợi mouthful(n.) As much as can be or is usually put into the or exercise. miế ng ()đầ y mồm bearable có thể chị u đụng, khoan dung almanac(n.) A series of tables giving the days of the week together with certain astronomical information. Niên lị ch, niên giám typography(n.) The arrangement of composed type, or the appearance of printed matter. Kỹ thuậ t tạ o chữ,in trê n má y ordnance(n.) A general name for all kinds of weapons and their appliances used in war. Quâ n nhu forethought(n.) Premeditation. chủ tâ m; tí nh trớc necrosis(n.) the death of part of the body. hoạ i th irrefrangible(adj .) That can not be broken or violated. ko hể xâ m phạ m witling(n.) A person who has little understanding. Chậ m hiể u municipality(n.) A district enjoying municipal government. Chí nh quyền tự trị fluential(adj.) Pertaining to streams. trôi chy, l u loát necessity(n.) That which is indispensably requisite to an end desired. bắ t buộc; cầ n thiế t ire(n.) Wrath. nổi iậ n, giậ n dữ panorama(n.) A series of large pictures representing a continuous scene. Toà n cnh conscious(adj.) Aware that one lives, feels, and thinks. Có ý thức, nhậ n thức extraordinary(ad j.) Unusual. khá c th ờng; đặ c biệ t redound(n.) Rebound. nh h ởng lạ I, đua lạ i photometry(n.) The art of measuring the intensity of light. Trắ c quang học, đo sá ng unbearable(adj.) Unendurable. Không chị u nổi surmise to conjecture; guess; N. phỏng đoá n; gi đị nh lawn bẫ i cỏ; vi gai mị n (batit) Epicurean(adj.) Indulging, ministering, or pertaining to daintiness of appetite. H ởng lạ c bole(n.) The trunk or body of a tree. Thâ n câ y landholder(n.) Landowner. đị a chủ, ng ời cho thuê đất recognize(v.) To recall the identity of (a person or thing). công nhậ n, thùa nhậ n epidemic(n.) Wide-spread occurrence of a disease in a certain region. Bệ nh dị ch; lan truyề n disappoint(v.) To fail to fulfill the expectation, hope, wish, or desire of. thấ t ớc; là m hỏng discipline(n) a control or order exercised; way of life aimed at self-control and conformity; branch of learning; punishment kỷ luậ t; sự hà nh xác; rèn luyện trí óc; trừng phạ t quarto(n.) An eight-page newspaper of any size. Giấ y khổ 4; viế t tắ t intercede(v.) To mediate between persons. hoà gii; can thiệ p giúp euphonious(adj.) Characterized by agreeableness of sound. ê m tai, thuậ n tai prohibitory(adj.) Involving or equivalent to prohibition, especially of the sale of alcoholic beverages. Có xu h ớng ngă n cấ m head(foremost) adv. Precipitately, as in diving. cao nhấ t, đầ u tiê n epicycloid(n.) A curve traced by a point on the circumference of a circle which rolls upon another circle. Hì nh trụ transmit(v.) To send trough or across. Truyề n, dẫ n (adj.) Showing inexperience. C bn, đn gin; không tinh vi amateur(adj.) Practicing an art or occupation for the love of it, but not as a profession. pontiff(n.) The Pope. Giáo chủ, giá m mục TOEFL 5 binoculars ống nhòm overproduction( n.) Excessive production. Khủng hong thừa exhaustive(adj.) Thorough and complete in execution. Thấ u đá o, toà n diệ n element(n.) A component or essential part. underwrite(v.) To issue or be party to the issue of a policy of insurance. bo hiể m ; ký tê n ở d ới loot(v.) To plunder. C ớp bóc wantonness(n.) Recklessness. Bừa b I, nghị ch ngợm esthetic(adj.) Pertaining to beauty, taste, or the fine arts. thẩ m mỹ proscription(n.) Any act of condemnation and rejection from favor and privilege. cấ m, bà i trừ; trục xuấ t necrosis(n.) the death of part of the body. hoạ i th anticyclone(n.) An atmospheric condition of high central pressure, with currents flowing outward. vùng xoáy nghị ch henchman(n.) A servile assistant and subordinate. Tay sai, ng ời hầ u cậ n material(n.) That of which anything is composed or may be constructed. vậ t chấ t; thâ n thể ; quan trọng disyllable(n.) A word of two syllables. từ 2 â m tiế t Renaissance(n.) The revival of letters, and then of art, which marks the transition from medieval to modern thời phục h ng contraposition(n .) A placing opposite. Sự t ng phn impetuosity(n.) Rashness. m nh mẽ , dữ dội compensate(v.) To remunerate. Phầ n bù; đề n bù; fiscal(adj.) Pertaining to the treasury or public finances of a government. công khố, tà i chí nh litigate(v.) To cause to become the subject-matter of a suit at law. kiệ n, tranh chấ p disinherit(v.) To deprive of an inheritance. t ớc quyề n thừa kế badger pester; annoy continually with demands; persuade by asking again and again; Ex. The children badgered me into taking them into the cinema; N: a kind of mountain animal là m phiề n. quấ y rầ y; ng ời bá n hà ng rong; con lửng pervade(v.) To pass or spread through every part. trà n ngậ p, to khắ p inquisition(n.) A court or tribunal for examination and punishment of heretics. đIề u tra, thẩ n tra chí nh thức (của toà á n) pant thở hổn hể n; khá t khao executor(n.) A person nominated by the will of another to execute the will. ng ời thi hà nh, thực hiện sacrifice(v.) To make an offering of to deity, especially by presenting on an altar. cúng; tế lễ forethought(n.) Premeditation. chủ tâ m; tí nh trớc flection(n.) The act of bending. Sự uốn siege(n.) A beleaguerment. Bao vâ y deformity(n.) A disfigurement. mé o mó, dị dạ ng congregate(v.) To bring together into a crowd. Tậ p hợp, tụ hợp unfavorable(adj. ) Adverse. đIề u bấ t lợi grimy đầ y bụi bẩ n; cá u ghé t bedaub(v.) To smear over, as with something oily or sticky. Lem luốc;loè loạ t superlative(n.) That which is of the highest possible excellence or eminence. bậ c nhấ t succinct(adj.) Concise. impermissible(a dj.) Not permissible. cấ m; ko cho phé p commodity(n.) Something that is bought and sold. Hà ng hoá bombard(v.) To assail with any missile or with abusive speech. dồn dậ p, tới tấ p lateral(adj) adv. laterally ở nhá nh (họ hà ng); bê n cạ nh bitterness(n.) Acridity, as to the taste. chua cay; đắ ng; ré t buốt exhaust(v.) To empty by draining off the contents. cạ n kiệ t, suy kiệ t makeup(n.) The arrangements or combination of the parts of which anything is composed. đồ hoá trang; bn chấ t, t/c; cấu tạ o, thà nh phầ n overleap(v.) To leap beyond. Nhy v ợt qua lingo(n.) Language. ngôn ngữ lạ , khó hiể u reminiscent(adj. ) Pertaining to the recollection of matters of personal interest. nhóm lạ i; gợi lạ i; hồi t ởng ill-natured(adj.) Surly. Cá u kỉ nh, gắ t gỏng immature(adj.) Not full-grown. non nớt, ch a chí n muồi loch(n.) A lake. hồ corruption(n.) Loss of purity or integrity. Tham nhũng, thối ná t hypotenuse(n.) The side of a right-angled triangle opposite the right angle. Cạ nh huyề n prominence(n.) The quality of being noticeable or distinguished. lồi lê n, nổi lê n; oversee(v.) To superintend. Trông nom, quan sá t Iliad(n.) A Greek epic poem describing scenes from the siege of Troy. Thiê n anh hùng ca subjection(n.) The act of bringing into a state of submission. Khuấ t phục; đua ra (góp ý) hexapod(adj.) Having six feet. Loà I 6 châ n curt(adj.) Concise, compressed, and abrupt in act or expression. Cộc lốc; ngắ n gọn TOEFL 6 interrupt(v.) To stop while in progress. Giá n đoạ n, đứt qu ng elasticity(n.) That property of matter by which a body tends to return to a former shape after being change Co gi n portfolio(n.) A portable case for holding writing-materials, drawings, etc. cặ p giấ y; danh mục; poignant(adj.) Severely painful or acute to the spirit. cay; sầ u thm; đắ ng cay; buốt nhói; là m mủi lòng Darwinism(n.) The doctrine that natural selection has been the prime cause of evolution of higher forms. học thuyế t Đá c uyn judiciary(n.) That department of government which administers the law relating to civil and criminal bộ má y t phá p; phá p luậ t, toà n á n tact(n.) Fine or ready mental discernment shown in saying or doing the proper thing. Tế nhị , khé o léo, tà I ứng biến penetrable(adj.) That may be pierced by physical, moral, or intellectual force. Có thể xâ m nhậ p, xuyê n quan, hiểu thấu deprave(v.) To render bad, especially morally bad. Là m h hỏng, là m suy đồi vindicative(adj.) Revengeful. Dễ chứng minh, dễ bà o chữa gourd(n.) A melon, pumpkin, squash, or some similar fruit having a hard rind. Cây bầ u waddle đia lạ ch bạ ch palinode(n.) A retraction. Sự co rút enfeeble(v.) To debilitate. là m yế u iciness(n.) The state of being icy. lạ nh lẽ o; l nh đạ m denote(v.) To designate by word or mark. Có biểu hiệ n, chứng tỏ conduct.() Hạ nh kiể m; h ớng dẫ n; sibilance(n.) A hissing sound. â m xuýt anatomy(n.) That branch of morphology which treats of the structure of organisms. gii phẫ u ailment(n.) Slight sickness. ẩ m đau, bệ nh tậ t disciplinary(adj. ) Having the nature of systematic training or subjection to authority. đua và o kỷ luậ t; rè n luyệ n trí óc transplant(v.) To remove and plant in another place. Di thực; cấ y ghé p expository explanatory; serving to explain; N. exposition: explaining; exhibition có t/c mô t, gii thí ch opinion(n.) A conclusion or judgment held with confidence, but falling short of positive knowledge. ý kiến; d luậ n; đánh giá muggy(adj) oppressively humid; N. Mugginess oi brisk nhanh nhu; lanh lợi; nổi bọt, sủi bọt resistance(n.) The exertion of opposite effort or effect. Chống lạ i recollect(v.) To recall the knowledge of. nhớ lạ i, hồi t ởng; nhậ n ra revocation(n.) Repeal. Huỷ bỏ, thủ tiê u arbor(n.) A tree. Câ y extremity(n.) The utmost point, side, or border, or that farthest removed from a mean position. đầ u, mũi; bấ t hạ nh tột độ blithe(adj.) Joyous. than thn vô t panic(n.) A sudden, unreasonable, overpowering fear. hong sợ, kinh hoà ng tranquilize(v.) To soothe. làm dị u, mê , yê n lặ ng; là m yê n tâ m superheat(v.) To heat to excess. nóng già inhume(v.) To place in the earth, as a dead body. chôn cấ t, mai tá ng weasel con chồn; lẩ n trá nh generally(adv.) Ordinarily. evolve(v.) To unfold or expand. Mở ra; suy luậ n ra veto(n.) The constitutional right in a chief executive of refusing to approve an enactment. Quyề n phủ quyế t heartbeat nhị p tim; xúc động, bối rối mismanage(v.) To manage badly, improperly, or unskillfully. Qun lý tồi lawgiver(n.) A legislator. Ng ời là luậ t (adj.) Deviating from the normal form or standard type. Khá c hì nh compulsory(adj. ) Forced. giáo dục phổ cập deform(v.) To disfigure. bóp mé o, xuyê n tạ c thermoelectricit y dwindle teo, thu nhỏ; thoái hoá pollen(n.) The fine dust-like grains or powder formed within the anther of a flowering plant. Phấn hoa; thụ phấn indefinitely(adv. ) In a vague or uncertain way. Mậ p mờ; vô hạ n đị nh cosmopolitan(ad j.) Common to all the world. CN thế giới; giang hồ bore(v.) To weary by tediousness or dullness. sweater á o v ệ sinh, áo n ị t; n g ời ra TOEFL 7 nhiề u mồ hôi; kẻ bóc lột công nhâ n irritancy(n.) The quality of producing vexation. V irritate lá m cá u vendible(adj.) Marketable. sẵn sàng để bá n; vậ t để bá n populace(n.) The common people. công chúng; quầ n chúng indiscreet(adj.) Lacking wise judgment. Vô ý không cẩ n trọng antiphony(n.) An anthem or other composition sung responsively. há t đối, tiế ng vang; thá nh ca hereditary(adj.) Passing naturally from parent to child. Di truyề n forejudge(v.) To judge of before hearing evidence. xử trớc, quyết đị nh trớc miter(n.) The junction of two bodies at an equally divided angle. Mũ tế (giá m mục); mộng vuông góc (đồ gỗ) pose tue thế , điệ u bộ; yê u sá ch nimble(adj.) Light and quick in motion or action. Nhanh nhẹ n, nhanh trí cabalism(n.) Superstitious devotion to one's religion. Thuậ t phù thuỷ disseminate(v) spread gieo rắ c, phổ biế n semiannual(adj.) Recurring at intervals of six months. Quý (6 tháng ) transcript(n.) A copy made directly from an original. bn sao nguyê n bn Calvinism(n.) The system of doctrine taught by John Calvin. Thuyế t Calvin calorie(n.) Amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of water 1 degree centigrade. calo festal(adj.) Joyous. Ngà y lễ ; vui nhộn medieval(adj.) Belonging or relating to or descriptive of the middle ages. Thời trung cổ sense(n.) The signification conveyed by some word, phrase, or action. Giá c quan,ý thức; permissible(adj. ) That may be allowed. Chấ p nhậ n đ ợc; dùng đ ợc enshrine(v.) To keep sacred. Cấ t giữu thiê ng liê ng elusion(n.) Evasion. aeronaut(n.) One who navigates the air, a balloonist. ng ời lá i khí cầ u pantoscope(n.) A very wide-angled photographic lens. máy chiế u toà n cnh engrave(v.) To cut or carve in or upon some surface. khắ c, chậ m, trổ, in sâ u oar mái chè o gauge(n.) An instrument for measuring. Má y đo crag(n.) A rugged, rocky projection on a cliff or ledge. Vách đá lởm chởm exclamation(n.) An abrupt or emphatic expression of thought or of feeling. dấ u ! decrepit(adj.) Enfeebled, as by old age or some chronic infirmity. Già yế u, hom hem; đổ ná t witchcraft(n.) Sorcery. Ma thuậ t oaken(adj.) Made of or from oak. bằng gỗ sồi protoplasm(n.) The substance that forms the principal portion of an animal or vegetable cell. Chấ t nguyê n sinh acquiescence(n.) Passive consent. Bằ ng lòng; phục tùng sidereal(adj) of the fixed stars thuộc cá c chòm sao mountainous(adj .) Full of or abounding in mountains. nhiề u núi; khổng lồ autonomy(n.) Self-government. Tự trị flag-officer(n.) The captain of a flag-ship. Cờ hiệ u precede(v.) To happen first. đi tr ớc pitiable(adj.) Contemptible. đá ng th ng, đá ng khinh maintenance(n.) That which supports or sustains. bo d ỡng đ ờng usage(n.) Treatment. cá ch s/d, cá ch đối xử scythe(n.) A long curved blade for mowing, reaping, etc. cái há i (cắ t cỏ) fracture(n.) A break. bẻ g y; làm đứt đoạn reckless(adj.) Foolishly headless of danger. coi th ờng; hấ p tấ p; tá o bạ o, liề u lĩ nh incitement(n.) That which moves to action, or serves as an incentive or stimulus. khuyế n khí ch; xúi dục stupendous(adj.) Of prodigious size, bulk, or degree. Rất to lớn, rấ t quan trọng;lạ lùng,kỳ diệ u lunacy(n.) Mental unsoundness. Mất trí ; đIê n rồ bowler(n.) In cricket, the player who delivers the ball. ng ời chi đá nh ki stiletto(n.) A small dagger. dao gă m nhỏ; gót dà y furrier(n.) A dealer in or maker of fur goods. Ng ời buôn bán, thuộc da lông thú (adj.) Not to be understood. optimism(n.) The view that everything in nature and the history of mankind is ordered for the best. Lạ c quan marine(adj.) Of or pertaining to the sea or matters connected with the sea. Thuộc biển hydrodynamics( n.) The branch of mechanics that treats of the dynamics of fluids. thuỷ động lực Incompressible depopulate(v.) To remove the inhabitants from. Gim dâ n số vainglory(n.) Excessive, pretentious, and demonstrative vanity. D n g d n g t ự đắ c; kheo TOEFL 8 khoang; khoá c lác dendrology(n.) The natural history of trees. tí nh tuổi câ y orographic đị a hì nh núi disappear(v.) To cease to exist, either actually or for the time being. aliment(n.) That which nourishes. Cấp d ỡng, đồ ăn pectoral(adj.) Pertaining to the breast or thorax. ngực; vâ y,ức; tấ m che ngực arboriculture(n.) The cultivation of trees or shrubs. Nghề trồng câ y humble khiê m tốn, nhún nh ờng; khúm núm; tầ m th ờng, nhỏ bé judicial(adj.) Pertaining to the administration of justice. Thuộc toà á n Anglophobia(n.) Hatred or dread of England or of what is English. Chủ tr ng bà I Anh autarchy(n.) Unrestricted power. quyề n nă ng tuyệ t đối pare(v.) To cut, shave, or remove (the outside) from anything. Tỉ a, gọt, đẽ o assassination(n.) Murderer, as by secret assault or treachery. M u sá t, á m sá t fief(n.) A landed estate held under feudal tenure. Thá I ấ p, đấ t phong borough(n.) An incorporated village or town. thà nh phố; thị x ; khu polytheism(n.) The doctrine or belief that there are more gods than one. Thuyế t đa thầ n iniquity(n.) Gross wrong or injustice. đIề u bấ t công, tội lỗi necromancer(n.) One who practices the art of foretelling the future by means of communication with the Cô đồng (gọi hồn) low- spirited(adj.) Despondent. nn lòng drizzle(n) very fine rain; V. drizzle; Adj. drizzly m a phùn, m a bụi perseverance(n.) A persistence in purpose and effort. Kiê n nhẫ n,kiê n trì emeritus(adj.) Retired from active service but retained to an honorary position. Im lì m; thụ động enrage(v.) To infuriate. là m giậ n điê n lê n fondle(v.) To handle tenderly and lovingly. Vuốt ve,mn trớn assonance(n.) Resemblance or correspondence in sound. Trùng â m, t ng ứng animate(v.) To make alive. Tiế p sinh khí , tạ o sức sống primitive(adj.) Pertaining to the beginning or early times. Nguyê n thuỷ; gốc valedictorian(n.) Student who delivers an address at graduating exercises of an educational institution. đạ i biể u h/s đọc diễn vă n từ biệ t trong lễ tốt nghiệ p antitoxin(n.) A substance which neutralizes the poisonous products of micro-organisms. Khá ng độc parsimonious(ad j.) Unduly sparing in the use or expenditure of money. Keo kiệ t; chi li, bủn xỉ n dendroid(adj.) Like a tree. reassure(v.) To give new confidence. Cam đoan lạ I, bo hiể m lạ i lune(n.) The moon. Hì nh tră ng indescribable(ad j.) That can not be described. Không thể t đ ợc;m hồ unsettle(v.) To put into confusion. Làm đo lộn; là m lo lắ ng pot ấ m, bì nh, lọ, nồi, chậ u hoa extortion(n.) The practice of obtaining by violence or compulsion. bóp nặ n, tống tiề n compression(n.) Constraint, as by force or authority. mechanics(n.) The branch of physics that treats the phenomena caused by the action of forces. C học sirocco(n.) hot winds from Africa. Gió nóng từ Châ y Phi tới reptile bò; hè n hạ , ti tiệ n; loà i bò sá t duteous(adj.) Showing submission to natural superiors. biế t vâ ng lời; có ý thức sẵn sà ng, chấ p hà nh n/v abscess(n.) A Collection of pus in a cavity formed within some tissue of the body. á p xe; chỗ rỗ (kim loạ i) maize(n.) Indian corn: usually in the United States called simply corn. Ngô và ng hydra(n.) The seven- or nine-headed water-serpent slain by Hercules. Rắ n nhiề u đầ u; tai ng batten(n.) A narrow strip of wood. tấ m vá n lót; lót vá n jurisdiction(n.) Lawful power or right to exercise official authority. quyề n hạ n phá p lý annual(adj) lasting a year; N. annual; adv. annually trong 1 nă m solicitude(n.) Uneasiness of mind occasioned by desire, anxiety, or fear. Lo â u, nóng ruột overjoyed vui mừng khôn xiế t protuberant(adj. ) Bulging. Phồng lê n, u lê n eureka(Greek.) I have found it. Thấ y rồi, tì m thấ y rồi ! magnet(n.) A body possessing that peculiar form of polarity found in nature in the lodestone. nam châ m; vật có sức cuốn hút panic(n.) A sudden, unreasonable, overpowering fear. hong sợ, kinh hoà ng littoral(adj.) Of, pertaining to, or living on a shore. ven biể n; duyê n hi tranquil(adj.) Calm. Yê n tĩ nh, tthanh bì nh piteous(adj.) Compassionate. thm th ng; đá ng th ng routine lệ th ờng, thủ tục; TOEFL 9 digress(v.) To turn aside from the main subject and for a time dwell on some incidental matter. Lạ c đề occasion(n.) An important event or celebration. dị p, c hội; duyê n cớ influential(adj.) Having the power to sway the will of another. có nh h ởng; có uy thế requital(n.) Adequate return for good or ill. đề n bù, đền đá p; tr thù irk(v.) To afflict with pain, vexation, or fatigue. Là m phiề n; là m khó chị u slice miếng mỏng, lát mỏng desist(v.) To cease from action. Ngừng,nghỉ colloquialism(n. ) Form of speech used only or chiefly in conversation. Thông tục translator(n.) An interpreter. steppe(n.) One of the extensive plains in Russia and Siberia. thị nh hà nh; a chuộng hesitancy(n.) A pausing to consider. Do dự, ngập ngừng hernia(n.) Protrusion of any internal organ in whole or in part from its normal position. chứng ruột sa working- man(n.) One who earns his bread by manual labor. Ng ời hay là m accusation(n.) A charge of crime, misdemeanor, or error. kế t tội positive(adj.) Free from doubt or hesitation. Xá c thực, rõ rà ng prescription(n.) An authoritative direction. quy đị nh; đn thuốc accordion(n.) A portable free-reed musical instrument. đà n accoc accuracy(n.) Exactness. forgo(v.) To deny oneself. ThôI, bỏ, kiê ng analyze(v.) To examine minutely or critically. surround(v.) To encircle. outride(v.) To ride faster than. v ợt tr ớc remunerate(v.) To pay or pay for. tr công; tiề n thù lao inexpressible(ad j.) Unutterable. Không thể diễ n đạ t đ ợc expectancy(n.) The act or state of looking forward to as certain or probable. Mong đI; triể n vọng involve(v.) To draw into entanglement, literally or figuratively. Gồm, bao hà m pugnacious(adj.) Quarrelsome. Hay gâ y ghổ sterling(adj.) Genuine. đúng giá trị rupture(v.) To separate the parts of by violence. Gẫ y, đứt, vỡ orthopedist(n.) One who practices the correcting or preventing of deformity Chuyê n khoa chỉ nh hì nh pulp thị t cùi (câ y); tuỷ; bôt nh o; sách báo giậ t gâ n; bột nh o accredit(v.) To give credit or authority to. Gây tí n nhiệ m volunteer tì nh nguyệ n, xung phong; perusal(n.) The act of reading carefully or thoughtfully. nghiên cứu kỹ denunciation(n.) The act of declaring an action or person worthy of reprobation or punishment. Tố cá o, tố giá c reluctance(n.) Unwillingness. Miễ n c ỡng progression(n.) A moving forward or proceeding in course. Quá trì nh, tiế n trì nh afterthought(n.) A thought that comes later than its appropriate or expected time. Suy nghĩ sau khi h/đ athwart(adv.) From side to side. Xuyê n qua; chống lạ i donor(n.) One who makes a donation or present. Ng ời cho, ng ời tặ ng appellate(adj.) Capable of being appealed to. khá ng á n armory(n.) An arsenal. Kho vũ khí , xởng đúc vũ khí pitiless(adj.) Hard-hearted. Nhẫ n tâ m; khắ c nghiệ t separate(v.) To take apart. prudery(n.) An undue display of modesty or delicacy. Tí nh c thẹ n,là m bộ đoan trang uppermost(adj.) First in order of precedence. Quan trọng hà ng đầ u nowhere(adv.) In no place or state. ko ni nào, ko ở đâu rebut(v.) To oppose by argument or a sufficient answer. từ chối, cự tuyệ t pentagon(n.) A figure, especially, with five angles and five sides. Hì nh ngũ giá c insurgence(n.) Uprising. Nổi dậy, nổi loạn mutation(n.) The act or process of change. Biế n đổi, thay đổi controller(n.) One who or that which regulates or directs. Ng ời kiể m tra, kiể m soá t seclude(v.) To place, keep, or withdraw from the companionship of others. tá ch biệ t insistence(n.) Urgency. khă ng khă ng; nhấ n mạ nh brogue(n.) Any dialectic pronunciation of English, especially that of the Irish people. giọng Ailen; giày leo núi inapprehensible hydrous(adj.) Watery. Có n ớc intoxicant(n.) Anything that unduly exhilarates or excites. Chấ t là m say excursion(n.) A journey. Cuộc du ngoạ n absorb(v.) To drink in or suck up, as a sponge absorbs water. Hút n ớc; hấ p thụ eject(v.) To expel. N tống ra; điề u suy nghĩ intestacy(n.) The condition resulting from one's dying not having made a valid will. chế t ko để lạ i di chúc [...]... bargain with others for an agreement, as for a treaty or transfer of property One who writes plays The art of controversy or disputation To abridge The place where Christ was crucified To build again or anew To study plant-life A field A person engaged in military service A small ripple, as of water The science of languages, or of the origin, history, and significance of words Delusive speech One who beholds... for food A gaseous body of unorganized stellar substance Cognizable In the game of poker, to put up a stake before the cards are dealt To abandon without regard to the welfare of the abandoned; ADJ N potter money.() estuary exert(v.) A wide lower part of a tidal river To make an effort submersion(n.) usurious(adj.) habitant(n.) The act of submerging Taking unlawful or exorbitant interest on money loaned... Antichrist(n.) respondent(adj.) undersized(adj.) gesticulate(v.) menace(n.) corruptible(adj.) prudential(adj.) octogenarian(adj ) (adj.) herbarium(n.) mistrust(v.) vaudeville(n.) essence(n.) constable(n.) hypothesis(n.) concordance(n.) gallant(adj.) feldspar(n) complacence(n.) fondue protege(n.) annunciation(n.) lever(n.) onrush(n.) unconscious(adj ) glazier(n.) immovable(adj.) stuff(n) succumbing To inflict... An officer whose duty is to maintain the peace A proposition taken for granted as a premise from which to reach a conclusion Harmony Possessing a brave or chivalrous spirit common aluminum silicate of potassium, sodium or calcium ; adj feldspathi Satisfaction with one's acts or surroundings One specially cared for and favored by another usually older person Proclamation That which exerts, or through... u thế ; trộ i hn đ ế m sai nó ng ny, hay hờ n dỗ i Tiế ng be be (cừ u kê u) Khắ t khe; gay gắ t cấ m; ko cho phé p Thuố c mỡ Truyề n bá phổ biế n Nhà ngô n ngữ họ c inconceivable(a dj.) photometer(n.) pot recover(v.) cholera(n.) bronchitis(n.) hexagon(n.) atonement(n.) datum(n.) jumpy hustle(v.) eligible(adj.) immortalize(v.) posit(v.) spray wield(v.) rejoin(v.) arrant(adj.) foreknowledge( n.) divagation(n.)... u tì nh, thị uy Có hiệ u lự c, hiệ u qu Vivacious An instrument consisting of nine pieces of cord, formerly used for flogging in the arm A lad To cause to cease temporarily Government administered by new or untried persons TOEFL neurology(n.) bursar(n.) brotherhood(n.) sorcery(n.) mantle(n.) tolerance(n.) graceless(adj.) sticky safeguard(v.) influence(n.) soprano(n.) contumacy(n.) pentad(n.) perfidy(n.)... abdomen where the umbilical cord of the fetus was attached freighter embody(v.) To express, formulate, or exemplify in a concrete, compact or visible form wiry(adj.) martyrdom(n.) Thin, but tough and sinewy Submission to death or persecution for the sake of faith or principle overhang(n.) defamation(n.) A portion of a structure which projects or hangs over Malicious and groundless injury done to the... priggish(adj.) birthright(n.) incidentally(adv ) emblem(n.) preface(n.) severance(n.) batter(n.) blithe(adj.) iconoclast(n.) patrimony(n.) tenor(n.) philologist(n.) personal(adj.) microscopy(n.) blackspot papacy(n.) (adj.) fuel prudence(n.) decisive(ad.) scorecard urban(adj.) submergence(n.) dominant(adj.) visualize(v.) masterpiece(n.) repugnant(adj.) intemperance(n ) bosom(n.) inaccurate(adj.) grasp(v)... flipper man-eater(n.) disobedience(n.) decorate(v.) nectarine(n.) pageant(n.) credible(adj.) warbler invalid(n.) eulogize(v.) immigrate(v.) admissible(adj.) onion gnash(v.) dessert auditorium furlough(n.) newsstand transferrer(n.) inestimable(adj ) successful(adj.) sibilate(v.) inexplicable(adj ) significance(n.) aerostat(n.) seed forepeak(n.) inhospitable(adj ) presumption(n.) hanger-on(n.) stallion(n.) . New TOEIC Vocabulary TOEFL 1 loneliness(n.) Solitude. cô đn; hiu quạ nh quietus(n.) A silencing,. vestment(n.) Clothing or covering. Lễ phục TOEFL 2 neology(n.) The coining or using of new words or new meanings of words. từ mới preoccupy(v.) To fill the mind of a person to the exclusion. Countless. Không đế m xuể network(n.) Anything that presents a system of cross- lines. mạ ng despotism(n.) Any severe and strict rule in which the judgment of the governed has little or no part.

Ngày đăng: 24/07/2014, 12:21

