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Đề thi tham khảo Môn: Anh Văn – Mã đề 08 potx

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Đề thi tham khảo Môn: Anh Văn – Mã đề 08 I. Pronunciation: 1. a. talked b. naked c. asked d. liked  b 2. a. feat b. great c. seat d. beat  b 3. a. cost b. post c. roast d. toast  a 4. a. bear b. beer c. dear d. fear  a 5. a. laugh b. plough c. enough d. cough  b 6. a. Valentine b. imagine c. discipline d. magazine  a 7. a. pen b. deny c. centre d. mend > b II. Find the mistake: 8. I have been waiting for my brother. I wonder if he had lost his way. a. have been waiting b. for c. wonder d. had lost >d 9. The doctors know that it will be difficult to save the life of this patient, but they did their best. a. know b. will be c. to save d. did > d 10. He said that everything will be all right. a. said b. everything c. will be d. all right >c III. Grammar and Vocabulary: 11. Jim passed his driving test, ……………. surprised everybody. a. this b. that c. which d. what  c 12. And I'd like a of cigarettes, too. a. box b. packet c. jar d. case  b 13. I was this morning. a. Because of the rain, / an hour late b. Because of the rain, / late an hour c. Raining / late for an hour d. Because of raining, / an hour late >a 14. How much is this of soap? a. bar b. bag c. box d. loaf  a 15. No sooner had we started …………… the rain came. a. than b. when c. that d. then > a 16. Do you have any toothpaste? I'd like a large a. tin b. bar c. roll d. tube  d 17. , she usually spends her time about her old times. a. Like most elderly people/ at talking b. Like most of the elderly people/ to talk c. Like most of the elderly people/ is talking d. Like most elderly people/ talking >d 18. She is not interested anything that happened the very remote part. a. about / in b. in / at c. about / at d. in / in  d 19. The hotel room was furnished with only a bed, a wardrobe and an ancient armchair. a. thinly b. sparsely c. lightly d. sketchily >b 20. Oh, and could I have a of biscuits? a. case b. packet c. bottle d. piece  b 21. The main disadvantage to our house is that the only to the garden is through a bedroom. a. passage b. doorway c. access d. communication >c 22. I unless you invite me. a. shall come b. shan't come c. don't come d. come  b 23. I’ve had my car examined three times now but no mechanic has been able to the problem. a. pinpoint b. focus c. specify d. highlight >a 24. There are several unexplained mysteries. a. unclear b. vague c. tricky d. unsolved  d 25. Don’t thank me for helping in the garden. It was pleasure to be working out of doors. a. plain b. mere c. single d. sheer >d 26. The police are searching for a stranger dressed in white clothes. a. interviewing b. pulling in c. arresting d. looking for  d 27. The police decided to the department store after they had received a bomb warning. a. abandon b. evacuate c. evict d. expel >b 28. After asleep, I saw a strange person at the foot of the bed. a. fall b. falling c. fell d. fallen  b 29. He will ………… his hand to a task tomorrow. a. cut b. take c. break d. set > d 30. The sight of the ghost in the corridor was amazing. a. frightening b. beautiful c. surprising d. foolish  c 31. There is only Hoa in the classroom ……………. some exercises. a. does b. to do c. is doing d. doing > d 32. accepting your job offer, I’d like to know a bit more about the company. a. In advance b. In order c. Until d. Before > d 33. His name was Samuel Clemens. Mark Twain was his a. first name b. surname c. full name d. pen-name  d 34. The police appeared and ……………. the crowd. a. disrupted b. disturbed c. distracted d. dispersed  d 35. It ……………. me about one hour to drive to my countryside. a. brings b. collects c. takes d. gets > c 36. My sister was a very woman; one day she would be happy, the next miserable. a. uncontrollable b. uneven c. temperamental d. dispirited  c 37. Why doesn’t he feel ashamed when living at his wife’s ………… ? a. charge b. price c. amount d. expense > d 38. She hasn't had much success finding a job. a. on b. about c. in d. for  c 39. I don’t feel well but I don’t know what’s the matter me. a. of b. for c. to d. with >d 40. After all this time, John should take the bull by the horns and ask Mary him. a. to marry b. marry c. marrying d. married  a 41. Some people think it is bad luck to break …… a. a window b. a mirror c. a glass d. a chopstick > b 42. This is the horse has competed four times. a. that b. who c. whom d. whose  a 43. Ms. is the title used before the last name of a. only married women b. only unmarried women c. married and unmarried women d. all are correct > c 44. The music aroused an feeling of homesickness in me. a. intense b. intentional c. intensive d. intended  a 45. The most popular pet in the United States is the a. chicken b. rabbit c. dog d. cat >c 46. What are the main of measles? a. traces b. symptoms c. emblems d. tokens  b 47. The weekend is a. Saturday and Sunday b. Sunday c. Saturday d. Friday > a 48. She can't work because she has a in her head. a. agony b. pain c. suffering d. hurt  b 49. Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and Goofy were created by a. Mary Poppins b. Mother Goose c. Walt Disney d. All are wrong >c 50. The buses, most of were already full, started at 6 a.m. a. whom b. which c. that d. who  b . Đề thi tham khảo Môn: Anh Văn – Mã đề 08 I. Pronunciation: 1. a. talked b. naked c. asked d. liked  b . save the life of this patient, but they did their best. a. know b. will be c. to save d. did > d 10. He said that everything will be all right. a. said b. everything c. will be. ……………. surprised everybody. a. this b. that c. which d. what  c 12. And I'd like a of cigarettes, too. a. box b. packet c. jar d. case  b 13. I was this morning. a. Because of

Ngày đăng: 24/07/2014, 03:20

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