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Thiết kế bài giảng Tiếng Anh 11 tập 2 part 2 pdf

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Nội dung

Trang 1


1 Peter, who is studying French and German, has never been abroad

2 You’ve all met Michael Wood, who is visiting us for a couple of days

3 You are moving to Manchester, which is in the north-west

4 I'll be staying with Adrian, whose brother is one of my closest friends

5 John Bridge, who is one of my oldest friends, has just gone to live in Canada


— T divides the class into small groups of 3-4 students Then T gives them this task:

Suppose Ss are at a party Some know everyone Some don’t but hear about other people Now those who know everyone should introduce people to one another When introducing people, try to give some information about them, using relative clauses E.g

Lan, this is Minh, who is a teacher of music that I talked about the other day Minh, this is Lan, who

is one of my closest friends at college, etc

Also, at the party Ss meet some old friends Now talk to one another, reminding people of your common friends, using relative clauses E.g

— Lan, do you remember Son?

Trang 2

— For homework, Ss review the uses of defining vs non-defining relative clauses and do exercises in workbook


Complete the following sentences with who, which, that, whom,

whose, where, when, etc Place a comma where necessary 1 Have you seen the hat Mary bought for the wedding? 2 I prefer to go to Spain in winter there are fewer tourists 3 She recalls the time the telephone rang in the middle of a

dinner party

4 We visited the house Shakespeare lived during his childhood 5 They have designed a microwave can defrost a frozen chicken

in just ten seconds

6 The man is going to play the organ played at my wedding,


7 That is the girl Jeremy brought the diamond ring for

8 The woman daughter is a famous pianist is my distant cousin

9 We’ll have the party on February 24" is the day when he

comes out of hospital

10 Anne’s fiancé is based in Manchester is hoping to get transfer to a branch nearer home


1 that 3 when 5 which 7 whom 9., which

Trang 3

By the end of the lesson students will be able to:

— Develop such reading micro-skills as identifying main ideas and guessing meaning in context — Use the information they have read to discuss environmental destruction and conservation ll Materials Textbook, handouts lll Anticipated problems

Students may not have sufficient vocabulary to read and talk about the topic, so teachers should be ready to help them

IV Procedure

Time Steps arrangement Work


5 ¬ Group

— T divides Ss into small groups of 3-4 T work and

distributes the handout and gets Ss to match the whole

causes with effects and then brainstorm solutions class

to the problems

— Then T calls different groups to present their answers T writes the ideas on the blackboard and helps Ss to express their ideas correctly

— T introduces to the topic — Nature in Danger


Cause Effect Solution

Trang 4

Cause Effect Solution

1 Cutting down a Changing Planting forests

trees weather Banning cutting trees 2 Producing harmful gases b Destroying the air Banning releasing harmful chemicals into the environment

3 Killing animals | c Rare animals Enlisting rare animals disappearing in the red book Banning killing animals for food or industry Breeding and raising rare animals 4 Using water for | d Reducing Building dams for

industry and water supply | water storage

agriculture Calling people to

save water


7 Whole

— T gets Ss to look at the picture on p 114 and class

name the animals (e.g cheetah, pandas, and Siberian tigers)

— T elicits if Ss know about these animals If not, T gets Ss to read the facts about them and then

answer the questions on p 114 T explains new words (remain, endangered species, scattered, etc.), if necessary

Trang 5

Prohibit (v): ban, not allow Off-spring (n): children

Coexist (v): live together (co- means “together’’) Suggested Answers:

1 The number of these animals is decreasing They may disappear from the earth if we do not take action to protect them

2 People kill rare animals for food and fur People destroy forests and pollute the air, soil and water, so animals’ lives have been badly affected




Instruction: You are going to read about how we have destroyed our environment and affected other species and what we can do to save endangered animals Then you do the tasks that follow TASK 1

— T gets Ss to read the passage silently and then do Task 1 T may want to remind Ss of the strategies for guessing the meaning of new words For example, Ss should look for the instances of the new words in the text and read around them Ss use the context in which the words occur and their knowledge of word formation to understand the meanings E.g the word “pollutant” found in the last line of the first paragraph means “substances that pollute’ Ss can understand this meaning thanks to the phrase “destroying the air” and their knowledge of the verb “pollute”

— T might want to check that Ss understand all these words correctly by calling on some Ss to tell the meaning of the words in Vietnamese

Trang 6


that they can choose the word that best fits in E.g sentence 1 requires an adjective

— T checks the answers with the whole class TASK 2

— T checks if Ss can do Task 2 without a second reading If not, allow them to read the passage again T might want to remind Ss of the strategies for finding main ideas E.g.:

+ read the first, the middle and the last sentences of each paragraph, etc

+ read the options in each question carefully and underline the words that make them different E.g in Q2 these are “animals disappearing”, “human responsible”, “people becoming extinct”, and “human are endangered species”

— After checking that Ss are finished, T asks Ss to compare their answers with a peer

— T elicits answers from Ss Ss also need to explain their choices Answers 1 C (A and B are too narrow, D is not supported by information in text) 2 A (B is too broad C and D are not supported by information in text) 3 A (B is too narrow C and D are not supported by information in text) 4 C (A, B and D are not supported by information in text) TASK 3

Trang 7

of some tips to do the task E.g Ss should skim the questions to understand them As Ss do this they underline the key words to decide what

information they need to find in the text E.g the keywords in Question 1 are “four ways people change environment’ Then they look for question word like “why” which indicates Ss should read for specific thing like a reason

— Now T instructs Ss to guess where in the passage they can find the information, using their

knowledge of the passage (e.g question about ways to protect endangered nature can be found in the third paragraph) Then Ss go back to the

passage and locate the answers

— Then T gets Ss to check their answers with a friend

— T calls on some Ss to present and say where they look for their answers T gives feedback and

correct answers


1 People destroy the environment in four ways: building cities and villages where forests once stood, using water for industry and agriculture, cutting down trees and adding pollutants to the air (paragraph 1)

2 There are 2 serious consequences of human’s actions: many rare animals are killed and many are becoming extinct because the environment where they live has been badly destroyed (paragraph 2) 3 Many things have been done to save the

endangered nature First, scientists created a list of endangered animals and suggested ways to protect them People also built parks and zoos to keep and protect endangered animals Governments

introduced laws to ban the killing of rare animals

Trang 8

and destroying environments where they lived

(paragraph 3)


7? " Group

— T divides the class Into small groups of 3-4 In work and

their groups one S acts as a TV reporter and the whole

others as scientists The TV reporter will interview class the scientists about the reasons why some animals

such as cheetahs, pandas and Siberian tigers are disappearing and some have become extinct The reporter will have to write down the ideas and later report to the class

— T goes around to check and help

— After a few minutes T calls the reporters to present the ideas they have collected T writes the answers on the blackboard and helps Ss to express their ideas correctly


— T summarises the main points of the lesson — For homework, Ss make sentences with the new words and prepare for the next lesson


Your class is participating in a school writing competition You are required to write an essay to a board of examiners to explain how human beings are destroying the environment and what you think we can do to save rare animals from disappearing The best essay will be published in the school magazine and the writer wins a free trip to Cuc Phuong National Park

You can use the information in the reading text to help you write

Trang 9

Period 2: SPEAKING I Objectives

By the end of the lesson students will be able to

— Use the required language to talk about endangered nature and ways to protect it

ll Materials

Textbook, handouts

lll Anticipated problems

Students may not have enough vocabulary to talk about the topic, so T should be ready to help them

IV Procedure

Time Steps arrangement Work


7 (To review vocabulary related to environment) Group

a work and

— T divides the class into 2 big groups and draws whole

each of them a gallows on the board class

— T explains to Ss that they are going to play Team A Team B “Hangman” with the vocabulary related to

environment The rule is each time T gives a secret word and the groups will take turn to guess it by telling what letters they think there are in this word If Ss choose a letter that appears one or more times in the secret word, the letters and their

positions will be revealed and Ss can keep on guessing the next letter On the other hand, if Ss guess a letter that is not in the secret word, then a piece of the man being hanged will be added to the

Trang 10

gallows and they will lose their turn to the other group Ss will get one point for each secret word they can guess correctly and get a minus point for each complete hangman they have got When the game is over, T will count how many points each group has collected and the group with more points will win the game

— T leads the games with such words related to the 323 66

environment, e.g “pollutant”, “extinct”, “forest”, CO a1r”, “water”, “animal”, “endanger”, “nature”, 56) 66 23 66 22 66

“planet”, “tree”, etc

(T may want to add more words to suit his/ her classroom) For each word, Y draws the same number of dashes as the number of letters in it For example, for the word “Pollutant”, T would need 9

dashes like this: 12’ TASK 1

— T divides the class into small groups of 3-4 and gives them the task T might want to remind Ss of the ways to ask and give opinions E.g What do you think .? In my opinion/ I think/ I feel, etc Ss

may appoint one among themselves to be a secretary to write down their peer’s ideas

— After 6-7 minutes T calls on each group to turn in their answers Ss should be able to explain their choice

— T checks with other groups to see if they have the same idea T helps Ss express their ideas correctly

Suggested answers

Why nature :

Order is threatened Your explanation

1 Burning forests Forests are green lungs of the

earth Trees take in CO2 and

produce oxygen Without trees the climate will change for worse Trees also help to stop

Trang 11

Forests are where many important animals live, too Burning forests means many animals may die Smoke from

forest fire may pollute the air Cutting down As above trees for cultivation

Discharging Dangerous chemicals can ham chemical people’s lives and cause fatal pollutants into diseases such as cancer They environment can destroy soil and pollute the

air and affect other living species as well

Using fertilizers | As above and pesticides for


Killing All living species on earth endangered depend on one another to exist animals for fur, Making some species disappear skin and food would create a lack of ecological

balance All species are part of our planet They help us

understand life on our planet and we need to protect them for younger generations

Hunting and Many people believe just like capturing animals | human beings animals also have for recreation their rights to a happy life

Trang 12

treat these animals kindly and take good care of them 8’ TASK 2

— T puts Ss in pairs and gets them to read through the task T explains new words if necessary Then Ss match the problems in Task 1 with appropriate solutions in Task 2

— After a few minutes T calls on Ss to give their answers T checks with the whole class

— T might want to elicit more solutions from Ss While Ss are speaking, T helps them express their ideas correctly T writes the ideas on the

blackboard so that Ss can use them for Task 3 later E.g

Problems Solutions

Killing endangered Killing endangered animals for fur,

animals for fur, skin and | skin and food should be banned

food People who use products made

from rare animals’ fur and skin should be fined

Factories which are involved in using rare animals’ fur and skin for their products should be made to find alternative materials

Keeping animals as pets | Keeping animals as pets should be discouraged

Animals which are kept as pets should be treated kindly

There should be organizations to watch over pet owners to make sure they take good care of their pets

Pet owners should register with the governments so that they can be supported and assisted in how to raise and take care of animals

Trang 13

established to save animals and plants All kinds of animals and plants should be protected Burning forests should be banned Cutting down trees for Planting trees should be wood encouraged

People should be encouraged to use renewable fuels (e.g solar energy) rather than non-renewable fuels like wood

Using fertilizers and Decreasing the use of fertilizers pesticides for cultivation | and pesticides for farming should

be encouraged

Pesticides and fertilizers should be checked carefully for quality control before being sold for use Farmers should strictly follow instructions about safety when using pesticides and fertilizers

Discharging chemical Discharging chemical pollutants pollutants into the into the environment should be

environment prohibited

There should be good systems for treating industrial waste and chemical substances

15’ TASK 3

— T puts Ss in groups of 3-4 One student will play the role of a reporter and the other play the role of environmentalists The reporter will interview the environmentalists about the solutions to existing environmental problems The reporter needs to write down the ideas s/he collected from the people s/he interviewed

— T goes around to help Ss

Trang 14

— For homework Ss do exercises in workbook, make sentences with new words and prepare for the next lesson EXTRA ACTIVITY Read and complete the following text with suitable words from the box

scarcity increasing fresh activities

environment Wisely necessary environmental

Fresh water is l for life on Earth People need water for everyday 2 and to produce food Water is also important for energy production and the health of Earth’s 3 systems Everywhere, water use is 4 Humans already use fifty-four percent of all the ` cuc water in rivers, lakes and

underground It is estimated that this rate will reach seventy percent

by 2025

Water 6 is a growing concern among nations of the world To raise awareness about the issue, to motivate people to use water more ' and in ways that will not hurt the

HH vn 8 , the United Nations declared 2003 the International

Year of Fresh Water Answers 1 necessary 2 activities 3 environmental 4 increasing 5 fresh 6 scarcity 7 wisely 8 environment Period 3: LISTENING I Objectives

By the end of the lesson students will be able to:

— Develop such listening micro-skills as listening for specific and detailed information

— Use the acquired language to summarize the information they listen to 41

Trang 15

ll Materials

Textbook, cassette tapes lll Anticipated problems

The topic can be challenging for Ss, so T should prepare them enough for the listening tasks (e.g pre-teaching new words, giving a bit of information about the topic, etc.)

IV Procedure

Time Steps arrangement Work

8’ Vocabulary revision- Noughts and Crosses (to

revise and check Ss’ understanding of the vocabulary related to environment)

— T puts a grid on the board with nine words which Ss have learnt from the previous lessons Pollutant Prohibit Destruction Endangered _ | Co-exist Protect Interference | Worsen Extinct

— T tells Ss the rules of the game:

+ Ss work in pairs ONE of the students copies the grid in his / her book

+ One student is “noughts” (“O””) and the other is “crosses” (“X’’)

+ One student starts S/he chooses a word and

makes a sentence with it If the sentence is correct,

s/he puts her mark (“O” or “X’’) in that square + The first student to get three-in-a row (across, down, or diagonally) wins

— T may want to check by calling some pairs to read aloud their sentences T elicits feedback from the class Pair work and whole class


— T write these questions on the blackboard: Individual


Trang 16

I Can you name some national parks that you know in Vietnam?

2 What purposes do national parks serve?

3 What are the problems that national parks might be facing at the moment?

4 What can we do to protect national parks? Suggested Answers:

1 Ba Vi National Park, Cuc Phuong National

Park, Cat Ba National Park, etc

2 They protect and preserve the natural beauty of the lands

3 Many are being polluted by visitors

4 Encourage people to help keep the parks clean and green by dropping litter in the right place, etc

— T gets Ss to discuss the questions in groups of 3- 4 After a few minutes T elicits answers from groups and writes the answers on the blackboard —T gets Ss to guess what topic they are going to listen about Pre-teach vocabulary scenic (a): belonging to scenes features (n): characteristics (scenic features: ddac diém phong cảnh) devastating(a): destructive

maintenance (n): act of maintaining approximately (adv): nearly

vehicles (n): cars, trucks, etc completely (adv): totall

— T helps Ss to pronounce the words correctly T may want to play the tape or model first and then ask Ss to repeat after the tape or after him/ her in chorus and individually

— T presents or elicits the meanings of these words

Trang 17




Introduction: You are going to listen about national parks in the USA Then do the tasks that follow


— T gets Ss to read the questions carefully and work out what information they need to

concentrate on while listening Then T checks with the whole class

— T gets SS to guess the answer to each question and then tells them they need to listen attentively to check if their guesses are confirmed

— T plays the tape (or reads the tapescript) once for Ss to listen and do the task

— Then T gets Ss to find a partner to check their answers with

— T checks the answers with the whole class Ss need to be able to explain their answers If many Ss cannot answer the questions, T plays the tape one or two more times and pauses at the answers for them to catch


Trang 18

points in note forms but not full sentences

— T gets Ss to check their answers with a partner Then T checks with the whole class T should play the tape again and pause at difficult points if many Ss cannot complete the task


In many parts of the United States, large areas of land have been made into national parks to protect and preserve the natural beauty of the land

National parks usually contain a variety of scenic features, such as mountains, caves, lakes, rare animals and plants Today, there are 52 national parks in the United States, covering approximately 3 per cent of the total land area of the country National parks are all open to the public and have millions of visitors each year

Many national parks, however, are in danger of being destroyed Rare animals in national parks are killed or hunted for fur, skin or other parts Trees are cut down for wood Large areas of national parks also experience devastating fires caused by careless people The increasing number of visitors is harming the parks due to the pollution from their vehicles

If these problems are not solved immediately, and if there is not enough money for the parks staff and maintenance of their resources, many national parks will be completely destroyed



— T divides the class into small groups of 3 or 4 and gets them to summarize the listening text based on their notes T might want to appoint a group leader for each group This person will

monitor the group work, note down ideas and

Trang 19

appoint a representative to present their work to the class

— T goes around to check and offer help

— After checking that all the groups have finished, T calls on the representative of each group to present their summary T checks if other groups would have the same or different ideas

— T listens and takes note of their errors T provides corrective feedback after that


— T summarises the main point of the lesson — For homework, Ss learn by heart new words and

make sentences with them

Period 4: WRITING I Objectives

By the end of the lesson students will be able to: — Describe a national park based on given information

ll Materials

Textbook, AO sized posters lll Anticipated problems

Trang 20

8’ — T puts Ss in pairs and gets them to do this task: One student will tell about his/ her recent visit to a national park S/he should describe what s/he can remember about the park and the other will draw a picture accordingly

— After 5 minutes, Ss will show their pictures to the class, who will choose the most beautiful picture to be the winning one

— T introduces the topic of the lesson Pair work and whole class 10” PREPARE SS TO WRITE

— T puts Ss in groups of 3-4 and gets them to brainstorm what they would like to include in their description of a national park

— T elicits the answers from different groups and writes the ideas on the blackboard Then T elicits useful structures and vocabulary and also writes them on the blackboard E.g

Where? (Location) X is located in Y

X is km north/ south/ east/ west from Y How big? (Area) X is square km What? There is/ are (Geographical X is characterised by

features? Scenic It is famous for

features? Historic Many species/ kinds of plants live

features?) here

Many rare animals can be found here X is home to many kinds of rare


Trang 21

each group to write about an aspect of Cat Ba National Park E.g Group 1 writes about location and area, Group 2 about scenic features Group 3 writes about plants and animals And Group 4 writes about Historic features

— T hands each group an AO sized paper sheet Ss will write their paragraphs on that paper

— After the groups are finished, they stick their posters on the four walls (in case of small classes) or blackboard (in case of large classes)

Sample writing

Cat Ba National Park is located in Cat Ba Island,

Hai Phong It is 120 km from Hanoi and 20 km east of Hai Phong city centre It is 15,200 square hectares in total

The park is characterised by beautiful tropical forests and coastal waters It is famous for

magnificent landscapes with white sand beaches and abundant natural resources

Many kinds of rare and precious animals and plants live in Cat Ba National Park It is home to

300 species of fish, 40 species of animals, 150 species of birds and 620 kinds of plants

Cat Ba National Park is also a historic site

Archeologists found 6000-year-old stone tools and even human bones So the park is not only a tourist attraction but also a good place for historians and archeologists to study the past


— T gets the class to read and give corrective feedback on their peers’ work

— T gives his/ her own corrective feedback and final comments T should draw Ss’ attention to the format of the paragraph (i.e topic sentences,

supporting ideas/ examples, linking words, etc.), Whole class

Trang 22

the organisation of ideas and language use


— T summarises the main point of the lesson — For homework, T asks Ss to write about Cat Ba National Park again, based on their works and their friends’ works in class, incorporating their peers and teacher’s comments and corrections



National parks in Vietnam have recently received an increasing number of visitors As more people come, the parks are now facing serious pollution problems Write a letter to the Director of the Department of Natural Resources and Environment to explain what we can do to protect national parks


I Objectives

By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to: — Distinguish the sounds /sl, /sn/, /sm/ and /sw/

— Pronounce the words and sentences containing these sounds correctly — Master the use of relative pronouns with prepositions

— Use this structure correctly and appropriately to solve communicative tasks ll Materials

Textbook, handouts

lll Anticipated problems

Students might have difficulty pronouncing clusters because they do not exist in Vietnamese Ss may also have difficulty with relative clauses with

prepositions Therefore, T should be ready to assist them

4 Procedures

Trang 23

Time Steps Work



Distinguishing sounds

— T models each of these consonant clusters /slI/, /sm/, /sn/ and /sw/ for a few times T reminds Ss how to pronounce clusters (e.g pronounce the first sound and then move onto the second sound


— T plays the tape (or reads) once for Ss to hear the words containing these two sounds Then T plays the tape (or reads) again and this time asks Ss to repeat after the tape (or T)

— T asks Ss to read the words in each column out loud in chorus for a few more times Then T calls on some Ss to read the words out loud T listens and corrects if Ss pronounce the target words incorrectly If many Ss do not pronounce the words correctly, T may want to get them to repeat after the tape (or himself/ herself) again in chorus and then individually

Practising sentences containing the target sounds — T asks Ss to work in pairs and read aloud the given dialogue (p 121)

— T goes around to listen and takes notes of the typical errors

— T calls on some Ss to read the sentences again and provides corrective feedback Individual, pair work and whole class 8’ EXERCISE 1 — T prepares some examples as below and shows to Ss

That is the girl with whom I share the apartment That is the girl who shares the apartment with me The picture that she hangs over the fireplace is one

Trang 24

of the most famous works by Monet

The picture at which you are looking is one of the most famous works by Monet

— T gets Ss to read the examples and pay attention to the relative pronouns after prepositions E.g we use “whom” but not “who”, “which” but not “that” after prepositions But when we place the

preposition at the end of the sentence as we might do in casual style, we can drop the relative

pronoun E.g

That is the girl O I share the apartment with The picture O you are looking at is one of the most famous works by Monet

— T gets Ss to complete the exercise in the same way as the examples Before that, explain new words if necessary

— T gets Ss to go and write their answers on the blackboard and elicits correction/ feedback from the class Answers: 1 whom 2 which 3 whom 4 who 5 which 6 whom 7 which 8’ EXERCISE 2 — T gets Ss to read the examples and go over the rules again

— If Ss show that they all understand the rules T gets Ss to complete the exercise individually and then find a peer to compare their answers

Trang 25

hospital 3 The woman about whom I am telling you teaches me English 4 The movie about which they are talking is fantastic 5 The picture at which she was looking was beautiful 6 Fll give you the address to which you should write EXERCISE 3 8° Individual

— T gets Ss to review when to use whom, who, work, pair

which and that work and

— T gets Ss to complete the exercise individually whole

and then find a peer to compare their answers class — T checks the answers with the whole class and

gives correction where necessary


1 whom/ that 2 which 3 who

4 whom 5 which/ that 6 which

7 who 8 whom


Story-telling game whole

— T divides the class into small groups of 3 or 4 class

and introduces the game: Ss are going to work in their own groups to expand the story given to them by using as many relative clauses with prepositions as possible They will have 5 minutes to do this After 5 minutes, all groups will present their story Which group has more correct and meaningful relative clauses with prepositions will be the winner

— T distributes Ss the following handouts:

1 A burglar broke into a small grocery shop

2 He stole a few beers and grabbed some money

Ngày đăng: 23/07/2014, 17:20