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http://ductam_tp.violet.vn/ ĐỀ KIỂM TRA CUỐI NĂM 2011 – ĐỀ F Question 1:Read the text below and decide which answer a, b, c or d best fits each space. I’m driving test examiner. I ran my own driving school for twelve years before applying to become an examiner in 1996. Since then I’ve 1 to examine lorry and bus drivers and instruct trainee examiners. I 2 that I’ve assessed 16,000 people and passed around half of them. The first lorry driver I passed 3 tears. However, the most 4 reasons for failing are not being ready and being too 5 Inwardly I’m telling the candidates not to do something stupid like 6 out into moving traffic, but I’m not 7 to tell them how to drive. When I 8 my own test I was extremely nervous and had to 9 with a very strict and unfriendly examiner. We’re taught nowadays to put people at their 10 We pass everyone who’s up to 11 but people often present themselves too soon. I’ve never offered money to pass anyone, 12 one man asked me if he could make me change my 13 I then 14 him to the police. My ambition is to be a supervising examiner in 15 of test centers in a large area. 1, a-resulted b-succeeded c-qualified d-mastered 2, a-count b-number c-judge d-estimate 3, a-burst into b-turned back c-carried on d-set off 4, a-simple b-regular c-average d-common 5, a-tense b-tight c-stretched d-stiff 6, a-make b-pull c-pick d-stand 7, a-admitted b-let c-allowed d-enabled 8, a-took b-performed c-achieved d-effected 9, a-suffer b-meet c-experience d-deal 10, a-rest b-ease c-peace d-leisure 11, a-limit b-test c-measure d-standard 12, a-while b-even c-although d-despite 13, a-mind b-thoughts c-attitude d-view 14, a-reported b-declared c-announced d-notified 15, a-responsibility b-care c-duty d-charge Question 2:Choose the best answer a, b, c or d to complete the following sentences. 1, “Thank goodness you have come……!” she exclaimed in relief. a-finally b-at the end c-lastly d-at last 2, It was a magnificent car which must have belonged to a very…….person. a-plentiful b-wealthy c-expensive d-luxurious 3, Heavy snowfalls have………all trains. a-cancelled b-postponed c-delayed d-omitted 4, He spent ten years in the army and for most of the time he was……abroad. a-camped b-situated c-placed d-stationed 5, This is a challenging position in the car industry for a qualified……… a-engineer b-engine c-mechanical d-machinery 6, His first novel was much more exciting…….any he has written since. a-to b-as c-so d-than 7, Jane and Margaret…… to live next door to each other at one time. a-had used b-used c-were used d-have used 8, There is a large car-park…….to the station. a-across b-by c-close d-right 9, Food prices have been……steadily for at least twenty years. a-rising b-raising c-lifting d-growing 10, According to the……of the contract, tenants must give six months notice if they intend to leave. a-laws b-rules c-terms d-details Question 3:Read the reading passage and then choose the best answer a, b, c or d. http://ductam_tp.violet.vn/ In an effort to produce the largest, fastest, and most luxurious ship afloat, the British built the S.S Titanic. It was so superior to anything else on the seas that it was dubbed “unsinkable”. So sure of this were the owners that they provided only twenty lifeboats and rafts, less than one half the number needed for 2.227 passengers on board. Many passengers were abroad the night it rammed an iceberg, only two days at sea and more than halfway between England and its New York destination. Because the luxury liner was travelling so fast, it was impossible to avoid the ghostly looking iceberg. Panic increased the number of casualties as people jumped into the icy water or fought to be among the few to broad the lifeboats. Four hours after the mishap, another ship, the Carpathina, rescured the 705 survivors. The infamous S.S Titanic had enjoyed only two days of sailing glory on its maiden voyage in 1912 before plunging into 12,000 feet of water near the coast of Newfoundland,where it lies today. 1, All the following are true Except a-only a third of those aboard penshed. b-the Carpathia rescued the survivors c-the S.S Titanic sank near Newfoundland. d- the S.S Titanic was the fastest ship afloat in 1912. 2, All of the following contributed to the large death toll Except a-panic b-fire c-speed d-the Carpathia 3,How many days was the S.S Titanic at sea before sinking? a-2 b-4 c-6 d-12 4, In line 10, the word “ maiden “ is closest in meaning to a-inaugural b-most elegant c-longest d-final 5, The word “dubbed “ in line 2 is closest in meaning to a-called b-initiated c-christened d-listed 6, What is the main idea of this passage? a- The S.S Titanic proved itself the most seaworthy vessel in 1912. b-Attempts to rescue the S.S Titanic‘s survivors were not successful. c-Overconfidence by builders and owners was greatly responsible for the sinking of the vessel. d-A fire and panic were the only causes for the sinking of the ship. Question 4: Choose the best form of the word a, b, c or d to complete the following sentences. 1, Politicians blame the media if they don’t win the election. They’re so predictable. a-variable b-variety c-various d-invariably 2, This is very ! Can’t you practise your violin somewhere else? a-convenient b-conveniently c-inconvenient d-convenience 3, I would like to show you my latest ,which I have called” Boats on a Lake “ a-creativity b-creator c-create d-creation 4, Why does everybody him all the time? a-criticize b-critic c-criticism d-critical 5, They’re going to announce their tomorrow. a-decision b-indecisive c-decide d-decidedness 6, During the festival were hanging from every tree. a-decorator b-decorations c-decorative d-decorativeness 7, He offered to give me a of how the machine worked. a-demonstrator b-demonstration c-demonstrate d-demonstrative 8, We are not on other countries for most of our food. a-dependent b-independence c-dependable d-dependability 9, He acted in an extremely manner, which made him very unpopular. a-dictation b-dictatorial c-dictate d-dictatorship 10, I had to look up the number in the telephone a-direction b-directly c-directory d-directors Question 5: Choose the underlined word or phrase a,b,c or d that would not be appropriate. 1,It’s a nice day. I suggested we go out for a walk. a b c d 2, Tim was tired. He has been studying hard all day. http://ductam_tp.violet.vn/ a b c d 3, The eyes of some fish enable them to see not only what is gonig on in water around them and also a b c d in the air above the surface. 4,Hardly did somebody pass the examination. a b c d 5, The house was very quiet when I got home. Everybody went straight to bed. a b c d Question 6:Choose the underlined word (a, b, c,or d ) pronounced differently from the rest. 1, a-compliments b-volunteers c-fights d-tanks 2, a-rational b-notion c-question d-condition 3, a-hoped b-annoyed c-preferred d-played 4, a-sea b-singer c-sugar d-smoked 5, a-listen b-escape c-seeds d-toast Question 7:Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others in each group. 1, a-harvest b-circumstances c-produce d-ceremony 2, a-commercial b-tremendous c-textile d-validity 3, a-constructed b-availability c-expansion d-supplant 4, a-iron b-system c-economy d-engine 5, a-occasion b-voyage c-compartment d-immediate Key 26 Question 1: ( On h/s gioi THPT ) 1-c 2-d 3-a 4-d 5-a 6-b 7-c 8-a 9-d 10-b 11-d 12-c 13-a 14-a 15-d Question 2: ( P D B new Test 11 ) 1-d 2-b 3-c 4-d 5-a 6-d 7-b 8-c 9-a 10-c tenant ['tennt] ngi thuờ, ngi mn (nha, õt ) Question 3: ( P D B new tr.242- test 12 ) 1-a 2-d 3-a 4-a 5-a 6-c dub phong cho cái tên panic hoảng loạn, hốt hoảng casualty ngời bị giết glory vẻ lộng lẫy mishap tai nạn, rủi ro maiden đầu tiên inaugural [i'n:gjurl] m õu, khai trng vessel ['vesl] thuyờn ln, tau ln Question 4: ( Nguyen B Trang I tr 184 ) 1-d 2-c 3-d 4-a 5-a 6-b 7-b 8-a 9-b 10-c invariably [in'veribli] luụn luụn võn võy, luc nao cung võy media phơng tiện thông tin đại chúng demonstration sự thuyết minh dictatorial [,dikt't:ril] ục tai dictate đọc, mệnh lệnh Question 5: ( Nguyen B Trang I tr 146 ) 1-b 2-a 3-d 4-b 5-d Question 6: ( Nguyen B Trang I tr 17 ) 1-b 2-c 3-a 4-c 5-c http://ductam_tp.violet.vn/ 5, a-listen s b-escape s c-seeds d-toast s Question 7: 1-c 2-c 3-b 4-c 5-b 1, a-‘harvest b-‘circumstances c-pro’duce ( v ) d-‘ceremony 2, a-co’mmercial b-tre’mendous d÷ déi c-‘textile d-va’lidity gi¸ trÞ ph- lý 3, a-con’structed b-a,vaila’bility c-ex’pansion d-su’pplant chiÕm chç 4, a-‘iron b-‘system c-e’conomy d-‘engine 5, a-o’ccasion b-‘voyage c-com’partment gian d-i’mmediate . http://ductam_tp.violet.vn/ ĐỀ KIỂM TRA CUỐI NĂM 2011 – ĐỀ F Question 1:Read the text below and decide which answer a, b, c or d best fits each space. I’m driving test examiner. I ran my own driving school for. a-tense b-tight c-stretched d-stiff 6, a-make b-pull c-pick d-stand 7, a-admitted b-let c-allowed d-enabled 8, a-took b-performed c-achieved d-effected 9, a-suffer b-meet c-experience d-deal. enjoyed only two days of sailing glory on its maiden voyage in 1912 before plunging into 12,000 feet of water near the coast of Newfoundland,where it lies today. 1, All the following are true Except

Ngày đăng: 23/07/2014, 05:22