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KIỂM TRA 1 TIẾT ANH VĂN Exercise 1. Fill in the blank with suitable preposition. 1. Smoking is bad for you, you should pack it ________. 2. I must ________out that further delay would be unwise. 3. Diana picked _______ a lovely dress for the dance. 4. It’s possible to pick ______ enough English in two weeks to go on holiday to Los Angeles. 5. She played ______ her past achievement just to impress us. 6. Let’s push ______ - it’s nearly nightfall. 7. You should put _______ in case of rainy days. 8. I told you kids to put your toys ________. 9. If you’ve finished with my dictionary, can you please put it _______ ? 10. My watch is fast, it needs putting ________ 5 minutes. 11. He’s always putting his wife ______ in public. 12. I put all her success ______ _______ her hard work. 13. She is putting ______ _______ radical proposals for electoral reform. 14. We put new central heating ________ when we moved here. 15. Are you going to put ______ ______ that job? 16. The accident put her ______ driving for life. 17. The local drama group are puting ______ “ Macbeth” at the play house. 18. Don’t put _____ that innocent look, we know you ate all the biscuits. 19. The exact total worked ________ at just over $750. 20. What awful weather! It looks as if the rain has set ________ for the whole day. 21. I don’t think Sam will be able to stand _______ _____ ____ the pressure of the job. 22. I can’t help you. You must sort _______ the problem yourself. 23. I’m going to see ______ some friends who are going to Japan. 24. Don’t worry about the missing dog, it will turn ______ when it gets hungry. 25. Robert was set _______ by two masked men and robbed. 26. Most of my time was taken ______ with answering the phone. 27. If you want to be healthy, why didn’t you take _______ jogging / 28. No one expected the Government to stand ______ the agreement. 29. Yesterday I ran _______ a friend in the street whom I haven’t met for years, 30. A new club for the local residents has just been set __________ in the area. 31. Children often take ________ their parents in appearance. 32. The plane smoothly took _________ in to the air and we waved goodbye. 33. Visitors to Asian family have to take ______ their shoes before entering a house. 34. After a long chat, he turned ______ to be my old friend. 35. I wish we could sell the grand piano; it takes ______ too much space here. 36. She is always running ______ her friends behind their backs. She soon won’t have any friends left. 37. You’d better take ______ your coat if you’re too hot. 38. Just run ______ the music of this song for me. 39. When his father died, Tom took ______ the business. 40. What I saw in the water was only an old tree. I took it _____ the Lock Ness Monster. 41. I ran ______ an old school friend in the tube today. 42. People often take me ______ my sister. We are very like each other. 43. My neighbour is always running _____ bread and borrowing some from me 44. If a bull chased me I’d run ______. 45. I couldn’t take _________ the lecture at all. It was too difficult for me. 46. He is inclined to let his enthusiasm run _________ him. 47. When he offered me only 3$, I was too taken ________ to say a word. 48. He has already run _______ the money his father left him two years ago. 49. Now, he is running ________ bills all over the town. 50. She took _______ riding because she wanted to lose weight. 51. I can’t start the car : the battery has run _________ . 52. The policeman ran ________ the thief. 53. He takes ________ his mother : he has blue eyes and fair hair too. 54. That blouse is too easy to make. You couldn’t run ________ in hour. 55. I’m sorry I called you a liar. I take it _________. 56. I forgot to turn off the tap and the wash – basin ran ________. 57. Reformers usually run ________ opposition from all kinds of people. 58. He took ________ smoking a whole pack of cigarette before lunch. 59. Don’t run _______ the idea that Scotsmen are mean. They just don’t like wasting money _______ 60. Why didn’t you stick ______ for me instead of saying nothing ? 61. Let’s run _______ the details of the arrangements just once more. 62. I’ve run _____ _______ a number of difficulties in this area. 63. Hundreds of people turned _______ in the rain to see the Prince. 64. On the following day, teams of local people set ______ clearing up the damage. 65. Look _______ or you will bump into lamp – posts. 66. We are in trouble and we look ______ you for advice. 67. The ship is slowly making ________ Hai Phong port. 68. The pen fell _______ when dropped on the hard ground. 69. My birthday often falls ______ Sundays. 70. A month has gone _______ without any news from him 71. She makes ______ very carefully every morning before going out. 72. She was late and had to make ________ the story of traffic jam. 73. We have to make _____ ________ the time wasted in the last semester. 74. The burglar has made _______ __________ many valuable things. 75. Have you made _______ your mind ? 76. People often put ________ some money for future use. 77. Don’t forget to put ______ the candle before going to bed. 78. The meeting was put _______ till four days later. 79. The pain was so terrible, I just couldn’t put ____ ______ _____ it. 80. We can’t go further as the car is running _________ petrol. 81. Look ! Everybody is busy. Why do you only stand _____ watching ? 82. The work may need more people. Please stand _______. 83. You’re asking for your ligitimate rights. We’ll stand ______ you all the time. 84. NASA stands _______ National Aeronautics and Space Administration. 85. We really want to start a library here but we do not know how to set _____ it. 86. The journey would be so long that they had to set ______ early. 87. After a complete failure in his career he took ________ drink. 88. Returning from the army, he took _______ literature again. 89. This gymnasium has turned ______ a large number of good footballers. 90. They couldn’t agree with each other so they broke ______ their engagement. EXERCISE 2. CHOOSE THE BEST ANSWER 1. I must look through my notes before the examination. a. read quickly b. revise c. learn d. work hard at 2. As he was generous, helpful and honest, he was the kind of person that everyone looked up to. a. loved b. liked c. admired d. respected 3. Sorry, I’m late. I just looked in to see Paul on the way home. a. dropped in b. came c. stopped d. went 4. The children are looking forward to Christmas. a. talking about b. waiting for c. hoping d. thinking about with pleasure . 5. Will the colour come out when the material is washed? a. disappear b. become light . still be present d. brighten 6. Look out! There is a car coming. a. Hurry up! b. Don’t look in! c. Be careful! d. Go straigh ahead 7. After he had got the promotion he came up against a lot of problems at work. a. was faced with b. dealt with . solved d. settled 8. I’ll go along with you as far as the corner. a. follow b. run after c. accompany d. see 9. She’s gone through a terrible illness. That’s why she’s pale. a. experienced b. got c. had d. put up with 10. The woman paid the boy out for the trick he played on her. a. shouted at him b. gave him the money c. punished him d. praised him 11. He had to turn in his uniform when he left the police. a. to wear b. to give back c. to pay for d. to abandon 12. This factory is turning out motorbikes. a. selling b. buying c. producing d. changing 13. Cold weather set in this year early in December. a. began b. happened c. took place d. finished 14. I hadn’t seen him for ages and then he suddenly turned up on my door- step. a. stood b. appeared c. sat down d. knocked 15. The dog turned on me and bit me in the leg a. jumped on b. ran after c. attacked d. followed 16. She has had to put away all ideas of becoming an opera singer. a. cancel b. accept c. think over d. give up 17. The young man put in fora post in the university library. a. applied for b. refused c. accepted d. agreed with 18. The enemy aircraft cut up the entire village a. cut into pieces b. destroyed c. burnt d. bombed 19. The task was difficult but he brought it off. a. continued to do it b. abandoned it c. failed it d. managed to do it successfully 20. Children who are badly brought up behave badly. a. educated b. nourished c. fed d. reared 21. In such situation you’d better clear out. a. keep silent b. go away c. explain your behaviour d. clarify yourself 22. The man broke off in the middle of his story. a. went out b. was interrupted c. left d. ended abruptly 23. The workers decided to come out for better wages a. to look for other jobs b. to give up their jobs c. to go on strike d. to leave the factory 24. Tom fell in with some friends of his and went to the swimming pool with them. a. agreed with b. arranged with c. got in touch with d. happened to meet 25. She promised to see him when he was off. a. left b. came c. was away from home d. free from duty 26. The Vietnamese People’s Army took over Ha Noi on the 10 th of October , 1954 a. occupied b. assumed control of c. liberated d. laid siege to Exercise 3. Choose the best answer. 1. If you have anything important to do, do it straight away. Don’t put it ________. a. on b. off c. over d. up 2. The plane from Dallas _______ two hours late, so I missed my connecting flight from Frankfurt to London. a. took on b. took in c. take over d. took off 3. I won’t ________ these excuses any longer. I demand to see the manager. a. put up with b. put off against c. put up for d. put off with 4. No one liked the new lecturer, so there was a gradual ________ in attendance at his lectures. a. fall – through b. fall – out c. fall – off d. fall – in 5. Jack’s car had another ________ on the way to work. He didn’t arrive until 11 o’clock. a. break – in b. breakthrough c. breakdown d. break - away 6. It’s may be wonderful to own a big, old house, but think of the _________ a. upkeep b. keep – up c. keep – on d. keep – out 7. There’s been an accident on the motorway, so there’s a big _________. a. hold – on b. hold – up c. uphold d. hold – off 8. The headmistress is very competent. All the teaching staff look _________ a. up to her b. her up to c. at her up d. for her up 9. We didn’t expect to come up _________ many problems. a. for b. against c. with d. about 10. You’d better _________ on these gloves before you buy them, they may not fit a. put b. carry c. take d. try 11. The police are looking ________ the case very thoroughly. a. at b. for c. into d. down 12. Mary _________ her father in being strong – willed. a. takes after b. takes off c. takes over d. takes up 13. Learning English isn’t so difficult , once you get _____________. a. down to it b. get off it c. get on it d. down with it 14. Well have to call the barbecue ________. Its going to rain. a. for b. off c. cross d. up 15. Brian didnt like his new job, so he _________ after only three months. a. packed it off b. packed off it c. packed it in d. packed in it 16. I trusted him, but he ____________ me down badly. a. talked b. put c. looked d. let 17. Dont let any one ________ you into buying a new car. There is nothing wrong with your present one. a. talk b. turn c. look d. come 18. We put his rude manner ________ ignorance of our British customs. a. off at b. up with c. up to d. down to 19. You should go to your dentist for regular ___________ a. check ins b. check outs c. check ups d. check - up 20. Weve _________ out of milk. youll have to drink your tea without milk. a. come b. taken c. gone d. run 21. Its difficult to __________ luxuries when youre used to having them. a. cut down on b. cut down at c. cut off on d. cut down into 22. I missed the seven oclock news on the radio this morning. I _______ up too late. a. came up b. turned up c. grew d. got 23. Government should _________ international laws against terrorism. a. bring up b. bring about c. bring in d. bring back 24. When we fly to Texas, were going to ________ over in Atlanta to visit some friends. a. stop b. come c. arrive d. go 25. Mary lied to me. She thinks that I dont know what shes planning. But I do. I can _______ her. a. go through b. come through c. see through d. get through 26. What time is your train? Ill come to the station to _______ you off. a. see b. look c. view d. glance 27. I am very tired. Joan invited me to dinner at her house, but I dont ________ up to it. I shall go to bed early. a. look b. think c. feel d. come 28. The children are getting difficult to manage. Soemtimes I simply cant _________ them a. cope for b. cope with c. cope at d. cope on 29. I applied for a part time job at the supermarket, They are going to ________. a. put me on b. carry me on c. hold me on d. take me on 30. I am _______ up with my roommates lacks of responsibility. He never pays his bills or his rent on time. a. broken b. bored c. sad d. fed up MY LOVE LYRICS An empty (1)____, An empty house, A (2)___ inside my heart, I'm all alone and the rooms are getting (3)__, I wonder how, I wonder why, I wonder where they are, The days we had, the songs we sang together,oh, yeah And oh my love, I'm holding on forever, Reaching for a love that seem so far. Chorus: So I say a little prayer, And hope my (3)____ will take me there,Where the skies are (4)__, To see you once again, my love, Overseas from coast to (5)___, To find the place I love the most.Where the (6)__ are green, To see you once again, my love, I try to (7)___.I go to work.I'm (8)____ with my friends.But I can't (9)____ to keep myself from thinking.oh, no.I wonder how, I wonder why.I wonder where they are.The days we had, the songs we sang together.oh, yeah. And oh my love.I'm holding on forever.Reaching for a love that seem so far.Repeat chorus .To hold you in my arms.To promise you my love.To tell you from the heart.You're all I'm thinking of I'm reaching for a love (10)____so far.Repeat chorus Bài kiểm tra tại lớp ( 1) 1. Chọn một từ có phần gạch chân phát âm khác với từ còn lại 1. a . excursion b. fur c. hurry d. bury 2. a. warm b. wash c. walk d. wall 3. a. plow b. how c. cow d. flow 4. a. pudding b. put c. pull d. puncture 5. a. seizure b. measure c. confusion d. tension 2. Chọn 1 đáp án phù hợp nhất trong các câu dới đây. 1. Do you often think _________ your friends in Ho Chi Minh city? a. to visit b. visiting c. of visit d. of visiting 2. I should have known that Ann couldnt keep a secret. Never again _______ her anything. a. will I tell b. I will tell c. will tell d. I tell 3. Were very ______ with the gas mileage of the new car. a. pleasing b. pleasure c. please d. pleased 4. Your pictures are beautiful! We __________ more if we had not run out of film a. would take b. had take c. will have taken d. would have taken 5. This coupon ______ fifty cents toward your next purchase. a. worths b. is worth c. worthy d. to worth 6. _________ does the plane fly? - It flies at 600 miles an hour. a. How far b. How fast c. How soon d. How long 7. Two gangs fought _________ in the alley last night. a. each other b. to another c. with other d. with each 8. I wish ___________ a. I was at home when you called yesterday b. I were at home when you called yesterday. c. I am at home when you called yesterday d. I had been at home when you called yesterday 9. The restless dog has got up and _________ down 3 times. a. laid b. lain c. lie d. lay 10. Can I _______ your dictionary, please? I cant find mine. a. look b. owe c. borrow d. find 3. Đọc đoạn văn dới đây rồi chọn đáp án phù hợp nhất Thirteen year olds do not spend as much as their parents suspect at least not according to the findings of a (1) _____ survey, Money and Change. The survey (2) __ three hundred teenagers, 13 17 years old, from (3) __ Britain. By the time they (4) ____ their teens, most children see their weekly allowance rise dramatically to an amazing national average of 5,14$. Two third think they get (5) __ money, but most expect to have to do something to get it. Although they have more cash, worry about debt is (6)___ among teenagers. Therefore, the (7) ______ of children ( 8) _______ an effort to save for the future. Greater access to cash (9) ______ teenagers does not, however, mean that they are more irresponsible (10) _______ a result. The economic recession seems to have encouraged (11) _______ attitudes to money, even in the case of children at these ages. Instead of wasting what pocket (12) ______ they have on sweets or magazines, the 13 year olds who took (13) _____ in the survey seem to (14) ________ to the situation by saving more than half (15) ______ their cash. 1. a. late b. recent c. latest d. fresh 2. a. included b. contained c. counted d. enclosed 3. a. entired b. all over c. complete d. the whole 4. a. reach b. get c. make d. arrive 5. a. acceptable b. adequate c. satisfactory d. enough 6. a. gaining b. heightening c. increasing d. building 7. a. most b. maximum c. many d. majoriy 8. a. make b. do c. have d. try 9. a. among b. through c. between d. along 10. a. like b. as c. for d. in 11. a. aware b. knowing c. helpful d. cautious 12. a. cash b. money c. change d. savings 13. a. part b. place c. share d. piece 14. a. reply b. answer c. respond d. return 15. a. from b. as c. of d. for 4. Tìm 1 lỗi sai trong các đáp án A, B, C hoặc D dới đây. 1. Chicagos Sear Tower, now the taller building in the world, rises 1,522 feet from the ground to the top of its antenna. A B C D 2. Vitamin E, which is found in nutrious foods such as green vegetables and whole grains, action as an antioxidant in cell membranes. A B C D 3. James Dickeys first poem was published during he was still a senior in college. A B C D 4. Most fatty acids have been find as essential components of lipid molecules. A B C D 5. In his famous domes, architecture Buckminster Fuller utilized thousands of simple equillateral triangles linked together. A B C D 6. Early in the US history, the rights of woman were championed in Wyoming, the state where they were first guaranteed the right to vote A B C D 7. The most aggressive bees known, the African honeybee is currently swarming into North America. A B C D 8. Only after Theodore Roosevelt became president did conservation developed into a major environmetal issue in the US A B C D 9. If he were alive today, Scoot Fitzgerald might be surprised to learn that his novel The Great Gatsby having turned into a timeless classic. A B C D 10. The world’s rain forests are being cut down at the rate on 3,000 acres per hour. A B C D . KIỂM TRA 1 TIẾT ANH VĂN Exercise 1. Fill in the blank with suitable preposition. 1. Smoking is bad for you, you should pack it ________ thinking of I'm reaching for a love (10 )____so far.Repeat chorus Bài kiểm tra tại lớp ( 1) 1. Chọn một từ có phần gạch chân phát âm khác với từ còn lại 1. a . excursion b. fur c. hurry d between d. along 10 . a. like b. as c. for d. in 11 . a. aware b. knowing c. helpful d. cautious 12 . a. cash b. money c. change d. savings 13 . a. part b. place c. share d. piece 14 . a. reply b.

Ngày đăng: 22/07/2014, 22:21

