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SAMPLE TEST 1 ( time allowed : 90’ ) ppt

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SAMPLE TEST ( time allowed : 90’ ) Section I Lựa chọn đáp án thích hợp cách khoanh tròn đáp án The books _ belong to Sam A that are on the floor B are on the floor C which is on the floor D where are on the floor My sister _ to France A did never go B hasn’t never been C has never gone D has never been The streets _ wet yesterday because it _ early in the morning A had been / rained B were / rained C had been / had rained D were / had rained We _ rush We’ve got plenty of time A mustn’t B don’t have to C needn’t to D ‘d better not to When can’t I take my holiday this year? “ _” A It’s for you B It’s up to you C How you like D After you wish “ Would you like to come to my party?” ” A of course, Iam B Do you think so C That would be lovely D Yes, we are It happended we were asleep last Friday night A During B for C while D since After the way she treated you, If I _ you, I wouldn’t return the call A be B am C were D was Please _ photocopies of the documents A not to submit B not submit C no submit D not submit 10 If the weather is fine, I’m going to the ball this afternoon A carry B win C to fight D hit 11 Someone has my car A stolen B robbed C lent D borrow 12 (Conversation at home) “ What time did you _ home last night? I didn’t hear you” A go B come C arrive in D got 13 If she _ call me, she could so A wanted to B will want to C wanting to D has wanted to 14 Here is the man my brother is going to A who his daughter / marry B Whose daughter / marry with C whose daughter / marry to D whose daughter / marry 15 He seldom goes to the market, ? A doesn’t he B does he C is he D isn’t he 16 There are many tribes of Indians in Canada and America A balanced groups B related family groups C principal groups D advanced groups 17 As seeing him outside the factory late at night, the policeman became A thoughtful B suspicious C interested D furious 18 “ How many pages so far?” “ Ten” A you study B did you study C have you studied D had you studied 19 Throughout his childhood, he suffered from _ illnesses A important B strong C serious D great 20 He has left his book here on _ so that you can read it A aim B purpose C intention D meaning 21 They listened _ while the examiner gave them the directions for part A attentive B attentiveness C attentively D attention 22 Jackson is an _ person, I’d like to meet him A interesting B interested C interest D of interest 23 I was never taught how to cook I just _ from my mother A took it up B pick it up C gave up D sorted up 24 Don’t leave your clothes about on the bedroom floor A lie B lay C lying D laying 25 Many countries make contributions to the United Nations for its operation A lend money B borrow money C give money D join Section II: Đọc kỹ đoạn văn khoanh tròn đáp án thích hợp Sequoyah was a young Cherokee Indian, son of a white trader and an Indian woman At an early age, he became fascinated by “ the talking leaf”, an expression that he used to describe the white man’s written records Although many believed this “ talking leaf” to be the gift from the Great Spirit, Sequoyah refused to accept the theory Like other Indians of the period, he was illiterate but his determination to change the situation led to the invention of a unique 86character alphabet based on the sound patterns that he heard His family and friends thought him mad, but while recovering from a hunting accident, he diligently and independently set out to creat a form of communication for his own people as well as for other Indians In 1821, after twelve years of work, he had successfully developed a written language that would enable thousands of Indians to read and write Sequoyah’s desire to preserve words and events for later generations has caused him to be remembered among the important inventers The giant redwood trees of California called “ sequoias” in his honor will further imprint his name in history What is the most important reason that Sequoyah will be remembered? A Clifornia redwoods were named in his honor B He was illiterate C He created a unique alphabet D He recovered from his madness and helped mankind How did Sequoyah’s family react to his idea of developing his own “ talking leaf” A They arranged for his hunting accident B They thought he was crazy C They decided to help him D They asked him to teach them to read and write What caused Sequoyah to develop his alphabet? A People were writing things about him that he couldn’t read B He wanted to become famous C After his hunting accident, he needed something to keep him busy D He wanted the history of his people preserved for future generations How would you describe Sequoyah? A determined B mad C backward D gentle Which of the following is not true? A Sequoyah developed a form of writing with the help of the Cherokee tribe B Sequoyah was a very clever young man C Sequoyah spent twelve years developing his alphabet D Sequoyah was honored by having some trees named after him Section III: Lùa chọn từ điền vào chỗ trống, ghi câu trả lời vào ô cuối A gathering F with K output B therefore G could L industries C than H discovered M needs D employed I Craft N provides E by J activities O possible Agriculture is the world’s most important industry It provides us (1) _ almost all our food It also supplies materials for two other basic human (2) clothing and shelter In addition, agriculture (3) materials used in making many industrial products such as paints and medicines About half the world’s worker are (4) in agriculture- far more (5) in any other industry Agriculture is one of the world’s oldest (6) _ It began about 1000 years ago in the Middle East (7) that time, certain Middle Eastern tribes had (8) how to grow plants from seeds and how to raise animals in captivity Having mastered these skills, they (9) begin to practise agriculture Before the development of agriculture, people got all their food by (10) wild plants, hunting and fishing They had to search for food continually, which left them little time for other (11) But as agriculture developed and farm (12) _ increased, fewer people were needed to produce food The non- farmers could then develop the arts, (13) , trades, and other activities of civilized- life Agriculture, (14) , not only greatly affected food supply, but also made civilization (15) _ Answers 10 13 11 14 12 15 Section IV Dùng từ thành câu hoàn chỉnh ( không nhÊt thiÕt thay ®ỉi trËt tù tõ) It / not / difficult / learn / English / if / you / study / structures / enrich / vocabulary / day by day It is not difficult to learn English if you study the structures and enrich your vocabulary Although / bus / full / passengers / I / manage / get on He / now / tired / because / travel / around / city / all day Teacher / angry / because / I / not / homework _ It/ be / dangerous / girls / go out / late / night _ I / promise / work / my father’s store / but / I not want / to _ Section V Viết lại câu từ đà cho mà nghĩa câu không thay đổi Câu ví dụ By practising English everyday, you’ll speak it fluently You will speak English fluently if you practise it every day They have made nylon since 1982 Nylon “ What did you at the weekend?” he asked her He asked her The TV programs will end I’ll my homework After We had lunch and then went for a walk by the river After we _ I’ll be busy working while you are on holiday During That meal was excellent ! What _ “ I’ve seen the film three times, Mary”, said George George told I don’t really want to visit the museum I’d rather John missed the ferry because his car broke down If 10 Jane is a better cook than Robert Robert can’t Section VI: Cho dạng từ câu This book is so _ that I have read it twice Answer: interesting What kind of _ you like best Do villages in China have We should stop the Olympic boycotts We have the _ to this Los Angeles is a city The computer is a wonderful INTEREST FURNISH ELECTRIC POSSIBLE COAST INVENT Sample test ( time allowed : 90’) Section Lùa chän đáp án thích hợp cách khoanh tròn đáp ¸n ®óng The man I saw at the bank _ A who was my English teacher last night B my English teacher last year C is my English teacher last year D was my English teacher last year We’ll be there as soon as we _ a babysitter for our son A will find B found C find D had found _ of the students know the answers to my question A almost B the most C most D mostly “Shall I come with you?” “ You can if you want, but you _” A mustn’t B don’t have to C both A and B D needn’t “ Would you like a cigarette?” “ _” A Yes, please I don’t like smoking C Sorry, I like smoking B No, thanks I don’t smoke D I wouldn’t like it What’s the weather like today? ‘ _’ A It’s summer B I don’t like it C Hot, as usual D Let’s go to the beach Try again Don’t give hope A out B off C up D on We are considering buying a house in Maryville, but we want to find out A what the taxes are B the taxes what are C what are the taxes D the taxes are Everyone looks much _ today than he did yesterday A happy B happily C more happily D happier 10 The of a pair of birds leave the nest when they are big enough to fly A offsprings B parents C ancestors D mates 11 you agree, nothing can be arranged A Unless B without C because D less 12 “ Jane said that you had read the book three times” “ Yes, I found it very _” A amusing B amused C amuse D amusingly 13 A person must have good _ ability to learn calculus A physical B language C mental D scientific 14 His book was criticized _ when it was first published A severly B the severer C severe D severer 15 There’s no doubt about it Smoking _ your health A hurts B damages C injures D wounds 16 Mr Jones got very sick _ too hard A for working B by working C from working D to work 17 “ John won’t come tomorrow” “ Did he say he next week?” A will come B would come C is coming D had come 18 I was told that this material would not in the wash, but it has A decrease B contract C shrink D drop 19 The _ teacher is not here because he is sick There is a substitute A common B regular C normal D ordinary 20 Mary overslept and was late that she missed the bus.A so B much C too D very 21 The professor’s lecture was a little _, I almost fell asleep A bored B boring C get bored D bore 22 The actors were really _ before the first performance A ashamed B embarrassed C nervous D shamed2 23 The house was in a terrible mess because I hadn’t after the party A tidied up B picked up C made up D sorted out 24 He _ the horse and broke his legs A fell off B felt off C fell down D ran off 25 Is Albert _ works I respect highly , still a doctor? A which B whose C what D who’s Section II Đọc kỹ đoạn văn khoanh tròn đáp ¸n thÝch hỵp nhÊt D A few people have won two awards In how many fields are prizes awarded? A B C After inventing dynamite, Swedish- born Alfred Nobel became a very rich man However, he foresaw its universally destructive powers too late Nobel preferred not to be remembered as the inventor of dynamite, so in 1895 just two weeks before his death, he created a fund to be used for awarding prizes to people who made worthwhile contributions to mankind Originally there were five awards; literature, chemistry, medicine, and peace Economics was added in 1968, just sixty seven years after the first award ceremony Nobel’s original legacy of nine million dollars was invested, and the interest on this sum is used for the awards, which vary from $ 30,000 to $ 125,000 Every year on December 10th, the anniversary of Nobel’s death, the awards ( gold medal, illuminated diploma, and money) are presented to the winners Sometimes polities plays an important role in the judges’ decision American have won numerous science awards, but relatively few literature prizes No wards were presented from 1940 to 1942 at the beginning of World War Some people have won two prizes, but this is very rate, others have shared their prizes Section III Lựa chọn từ điền vào chỗ trống Ghi câu trả lời vào ô ci cïng cđa bµi When did the first award ceremony take place? A 1895 B 1901 C 1962 D 1968 Why was the Nobel Prize established? A to recognize worthwhile contributions to humanity B to solve political differences C to honor the inventor of dynamite D to spend money In which area have Americans received the most awards? A literature B economics C peace D science Which of the following statements is not true? A Awards vary in monetary value B Ceremonies are held on December 10 to commemorete Nobel’s invention C Politics can play an important role in selecting the winners D 10 A detailed F make K which B find G scientists L become C machines H surroundings M effectively D instructions I Look N rely E take – off J boring O like Science fiction films and books are full of robots that look, and even think exactly (1) humans Some people believe it will not belong before such machines (2) a reality However, most advanced electronic machines still (3) nothing like people These (4) can not yet think in the same way as a person; some say they will never But they are used to (5) decisions and solve problems An airliner’s automatic pilot, for example, can control a plane , even during (6) _ and landing Computers give (7) _ instructions in order to control the way robots act The simplest robots just follow a set of (8) _ and repeat the same movements again and agina Many factories (9) on such robots to carry out the sort of tasks that a human worker would certainly find very (10) Very advanced robots have sensors with (11) _ they can collect information on their (12) These robots can move from place to place, using tiny television cameras to (13) _ their way Many (14) believe that robots will soon be intelligent enough to explore other planets more (15) than humans Answers 10 13 11 14 12 15 Section IV Dựng từ thành câu hoàn chỉnh ( không thiết thay đổi trật tự từ) It / not / difficult / learn / English / if / you / study / structures / enrich / vocabulary / day by day It is not difficult to learn English if you study the structures and enrich your vocabulary How many people / injure / acident / yesterday? _ I / phone / theatre / find out / what time / play / start _ Anna / not have / money / left / now / because / she / shop / all the afternoon _ I / thank / Jane / everything / she / _ It / dangerous / drive / fast / rush hour _ I / be / sure / he / tell / truth: he / never / tell / lie / life _ not open / door / unless / you / be / sure / who / visitor / be you / have / work / harder / or / you / fail / exam they / drive / hours / before / stop / lunch / roadside restaurant 10 home assignment / must / hand in / before / end / week Section V Viết lại câu từ đà cho mà nghĩa câu không thay đổi Câu ví dụ By practising English everyday, you’ll speak it fluently You will speak English fluently if you practise it every day Walt Disney created the character of Mickey Mouse sixty years ago The character of Mickey Mouse _ They don’t have a garden They don’t grow vegetables If they _ “ I’ve replaced all the carpets” She told me that _ We started cooking for the party two hours ago We have We spent five hours getting to London It took _ Please not smoke in this area of the restaurant Customers are requested _ “ I’m sorry , Angela”, said Martin, “ I’m afraid I’ve damaged your car” Martin apologised Although he took a taxi, Bill still arrived late for the concert In spite _ Carol finds it easy to make friends Carol has no _ 10 Mark is too young to see the horror film Mark is not Section VI: Cho dạng từ câu 0.This book is so _ that I have read it twice INTEREST Answer: interesting Many people still refuse to believe that smoking is _ HARM Nowadays violence seems to be a _ occurrence DAY The price of the book is $10, including and POST packaging Our from London to Sidney tool 24 hours FLY I spent my _ in the country CHILD SAMPLE TEST ( time allowed : 90’) Section Lựa chọn đáp án thích hợp cách khoanh tròn đáp án The book _ is interesting A whom Mark Twain wrote B that mark Twain wrote C where Mark Twain wrote D whose Mark Twain wrote We used to go skiing in Michigan every winter, but for the past five seasons A I don’t go B I haven’t gone C I’m not going D I didn’t go When he widely in Africa, he used to take notes on what he saw A has been travelling B had traveled C was travelling D travels The museum is free You _ pay to get in A don’t have to B needn’t to C shouldn’t D both A and B “ Hello, I’d like to speak to Mr Smith, please’ – ‘ ’ A sorry, he is not in B Please hang up C What’s the matter with him? D Yes, Can I take a message “ I’m afraid that his line’s engaged’ A He is going to get married B He’s busy working C He’s having a meeting D He’s talking to someone on the phone lucky he is! A What B What a C How D How a I’m absolutely no good at all any kinds of sports A with B on C at D for My roomate lost a lot of weight everyday A to exercise B for exercising C for exercise D by exercising 10 Tom fell and _ himself while he his bicycle A hurted riding B hurting riding C hurt riding D hurting was riding 11 _ this lovely picture little Emma has painted! A see B watch C look at D admire 12 At a potluck dinner, everyone who comes must a dish A carry B take C get D bring 13 The of the meeting is to choose a new president A purpose B situation C opportunity D attempt 14 A lot of women ‘ died for the vote’ in the suffragette in the 19th century These people were called for the cause A martyrs B courageous C suffrage D voter 15 John very badly at Mary’s birthday party A showed B behaved C looked D operated 16 Masako and Yoko are cousins They are _ A friends B classmates C neighbours D relatives 17 He was when his trousers split A ashamed B embarrassed C nervous D shamed 18 John drives very fast and carelessly He is a(n) driver A harmful B reckless C accidental D danger 19 This pond is not deep It is _ A narrow B shallow C wide D wide 20 Last Sunday was that we took a drive in the country A so beautiful day B such a beautiful day C such a beautiful weather D so a beautiful day 21 The nature film was A interesting B interested C interest D of interest 22 It’s too warm to be wearing a woolly jumper Why don’t you ? A take it out B take it off C turn it off D put it out 23 I Spainish very quickly while I was living in Madrid A picked up B caught up C learnt up D came up 24 The thief _ climbing over the garden wall A was caught B has caught C caught D being caught 25 The part of a plane where the pilot sits is called a A cabin B cockpit C crew D captain Section II Đọc kỹ đoạn văn khoanh tròn đáp án thích hợp A fewer animals going crazy C fewer people evacuated A recent investigation by scientists at the U.S geological Survey shows that strange animal behavior might help predict future earthquakes Investigators found such occurrences in a ten- kilometer radius of the epicenter of a fairly recent quake Some birds screeched and flew about wildly, dogs barked and ran around uncontrollably Scientists believe that animals can perceive these environmental changes as early as seven days before the earthquake In 1976 after observing animal behavior, the Chinese were able to predior a devastating quake Although hundreds of thousands of people were killed, the government was able to evacuate millions of other people and thus keep the death toll at a lower level Section III Lùa chän c¸c từ điền vào chỗ trống Ghi câu trả lời vào ô cuối What prediction may be made by observing animal behavior? A a coming earthquake B the number of people who will die C the ten kilometer radious of the epicenter D environmental changes Why can animals perceive these changes when humans can not? A Animals are more intelligent than humans B Animals have certain instincts that human not have C By running around the house they can feel the vibrations D Humans not know where to look Which of the following is not true? A Some animals may be able to sense a coming earthquake B.By observing animal behavior scientists perhaps can predict eathquakes C The Chinese have successfully predicted an eearthquake and saved many lives D All birds and dogs in a ten kilometer radius of the epicenter went wild before the earthquake The word evacuate most nearly means _ A remove B exile C destroy D kill If scientist can accurately predict earthquakes, there will be _ A fitness B more C relaxed D look E human B a lower death rate D fewer environmental changes F tell G exercise H sefl- confidence I Benefits J feel K physical L mean M mood N after O designed Bodies are made to move! They are not (1) _ for sitting around in front of the television or reading magazines Keeping fit doesn’t (2) _ you have to be a super- athlete, and even a small (3) _ can give you a lot of fun When you’re fit and healthy, you’ll find you (4) _ better and better You’ll have more energy and (5) _ Every time you move you are exercising The (6) body is designed to bend, stretch, jump and climb The (7) it does, the stronger and fitter it will become (8) exercise is not only good for your body People who take regular exercise are usually happier and more (9) than people who sit around all day Try an experiment- next time you’re in a bad (10) go for a walk or play in the park See how much better you feel (11) _ an hour A sense of achievement is yet another (12) of exercise People feel good about themselves when they know they have improved their (13) People who exercise regularly will (14) you that they have more energy to enjoy life So have a go- You’ll soon see and (15) the benefits! Answers 10 13 11 14 12 15 Section IV Dựng từ thành câu hoàn chỉnh ( không thiết thay đổi trật tự từ) It / not / difficult / learn / English / if / you / study / structures / enrich / vocabulary / day by day It is not difficult to learn English if you study the structures and enrich your vocabulary They / used / go / theater / when / live / London _ Everyone / hope / enjoy / themselves / holiday / but / it / not / easy _ stomatch- ache / disappear / after / I / take / some medicine _ It / difficult / understand / what / he / saying / now _ man / come / Jane / be / her husband _ they / lose /way / because / turn / left / instead / right _ film / interrupt / many / times / by / advertisements _ teacher / remind me / review / last lessons / for / coming exam _ I / wet through / if / I / know / it /rain I / take / umbrellar _ 10 please / not interrupt me / before / I / finish / talk _ Section V ViÕt lại câu từ đà cho mà nghĩa câu không thay đổi Câu ví dụ By practising English everyday, you’ll speak it fluently You will speak English fluently if you practise it every day Ferdinand porsche designed the Volkswagen Beetle The Volkswagen Beetle He smokes forty cigarettes a day He coughs a lot If he _ “ Is there a fridge in the kitchen” I asked her I had a bath I went to bed After I _ Handicapped people find shopping in the supermarket difficult It is _ He had never been on board a ship before This was _ He kept making angry comments during the reading of the radio news While _ It was your father’s wish that you should become an engineer Your father wanted “ Let’s take some flowers to Aunt Penelope”, Jane suggested Jane suggested 10.Someone had stolen the Chief Constable’s car The Chief Constable Section VI Cho dạng từ câu 0.This book is so _ that I have read it twice Answer: Interesting John gave the police a of his car after it was stolen You cannot make a _ between beef and oranges They are quite different These small streets should be Concorde is the world fastest and most _ passenger plane Marie _ her friends to join the team INTEREST DESCRIBE COMPARE WIDE GRACE COURAGE Sample test Section I Lựa chọn đáp án thích hợp cách khoanh tròn đáp án 1.If they are not careful with their money,they’ll get trouble one day A.in B.up with C.into D.at 2.He working till he was 70 years old A.kept on B.kept up C.followed D.succeeded 3.She had left because she couldn’t .with him anymore A.stand up B.put up C.get up D.bring up 4.Television .only for the last seventy years A.must be existed B.has been existed C.was existed D.has existed 5.After a lot of difficulties, he to open the door A.managed B.succeeded C.gained D.realised 6.I bought a birthday present for my father.I .it in pretty paper A.tied up B.wrapped C.used up D.dropped 7.We never forget our books to school A.bringing B.to bring C.bring D.to have broungt 8.We waste a lot of time unnecessary things A.do B C.to D doing 9.I would like my eyes A.to have/ examine B.to have/ examined C.have/ examining D.have/ examination 10.He is determined in his career A.successful B.to succeed C.succeeding D.success 11.They preter all day in the swimming pool A.spend B.to spend C.spending D spent 12.I have spent today A.money ten dollars B.ten dollars money C.ten dollars of money D.ten dollars 13 and you will succeed A.If you work hard B.Work hard C.When you work hard D.By working hard 14.Mr and Mrs Davis were in an aeroplane They were very nervous as the plane took off because they before A.have never flown B.didn’t never fly C.had never flown D.never flew 15.A computer is a .machine It is not simple A.beautyful B.expensiv C.heavy D.complicated 16.Ghana produces a large of chocolate A.number B.amount C.sum D.quality 17.Your hair needs Go to the barber and .short A.cut/ have is cut B.cutting/ cut it C.cut/ cut it D.cutting/ have it cut 18.Membership of the club costs $10.000 a year, is only open to people over 60 A.what B.that C.which D.it 19.John is the boy who lives A.the faethest from the school B.farthest from the school C.the furthest from the school D.furthest from the school 20.They still hope for .next time A.a better luck B.better lucks C.the better lucks D.better luck 21.His was always to be an architect A.study B.want C.ambition D.direction 22.’’How are the pictures?” ‘’A number of the pictures excellent.” A.is B.are C.do D.does 23.John was famous .A film star A.as B.for C.by D.to be 24.The sick man by the surgeon A.was operated B.operated on C.was operated on D.is operated 25.Hardly believes that A.somebody B.anybody C.everybody D.all SAMPLE TEST SECTION I.Lựa chọn đáp án thích hợp cách khoanh tròn vào đáp án ®óng .along the streets he met a beautiful girl A.walking B.to walk C.walked D.walk 2.If you don’t like the food or service in a restaurant, you make a A.trouble B.request C.compliment D.complaint 3.You’d better your colleagues when you are away on business for long A.keep contact B.touch with C.keep touching D.keep in touch with 4.Who this beautiful dress? I A.did/ did B.made/ made C.made/ did D.did/ made 5.When they couldn’t put the noise, they phoned the police A.down on B.off C.up with D.away 6.My father jogs a of miles a day A.double B.little C.some D.couple 7.If you can’t find the book in this room, why ? A.not look for it somewhere else B.will you look for it somewhere else C.don’t you look for it somewhere else D.you wouldn’t look for it somewhere else 8.The bus only stops here to passengers A.get off B.get on C.get down D.pick up 9.Legend that Robin Hood fired an arrow from his death-bed and he was buried wherethe arrow landed A.tells it B.says it C.has it D.mades it 10.He kept me about my personal life A.to question B.questions C.questioning D.on questions 11.If you are early, you can choose of the two A.a better B.the better C.one best D.the best 12.My family are to decide where to go on holiday A.managing B.making C.trying D.finishing 13.He more than 20 countries when he got tired of travelling and returned home A.visited B.had been visiting C.had been to D.had gone to 14 .made me angry was the way he treated other people A.Which B.That C.The thing D.What 15.I couldn’t resist having another piece of cake I was trying to lose weight A.if B.unless C.even though D.but 16.We were so late that we had time to catch the train A.nearly B.almost C.hardly D.simply 17.’Good bye.It’s been most interesting talking to you We’ll let you know by post’ – ‘ ’ A You’re welcome B Thank you.I look forward to hearing from you soon C You must be joking D Why bother? 18.She turned up at the party dressed in the .style A.last B.final C.end D.latest 19.Gold is .in colourto brass A.like B.alike C.same D.similar 20.There was nothing to .than to wait A.another B.other C.the other D.others 21.’’Where can they book seats for a trip to Songkla?” ‘’ interested can sign up here.” A.Who B.Whoever C.Those D.They 22.’’How does Jane look?” ‘’She looks as though she a ghost.” A.is seeing B.sees C.was seeing D.had seen 23.There is someone at the door A.knock B.kocks C.knocking D.knocked 24.If you don’t mind, I would like to a suggestion A.show B.make C.say D.reach 25.Papermaking began in China and from there it to North America and Europe A.carried B.flowed C.flew D.spread Section II §äc kü đoạn văn khoanh tròn đáp án thích hỵp The black robin is one of the world’s rarest birds It is a small, wild bird and it lives only on the island of Little Mangere, off the coast of New Zealand In 1967 there were about fifty black robins there: in 1977 there were fewer than ten These are the only black robins left in the world The island has many other birds, of course, of different kinds, large and small: these seem to multiply very happily Energetic steps are being taken to preserve the black robin – to guard those remaining and to increase their number Detailed studies are going on, and a public appeal for money has been made The idea is to buy an island nearby as a special home, a “ reserve”, for threatened wild life, including black robins The organizers say that Little Mangere should then be restocked with the robin’s food – it eats only one kind of seed – and so renewed for it Thousands of the required plants are at present being cultivated in New Zealand The public appeal is aimed at the conscience of mankind, so that the wild black robin will not die out and disappear from the earth in our time at least Is all this concern a waste of human effort ? Is it any business of ours whether the black robin survives or dies out ? Are we losing our sense of what is reasonable and what is unreasonable ? In the earth’s long, long past hundreds of kinds of creatures have evolved, risen to degree of success – and died out In the long, lonf future there will be many new and different forms of life Those creatures that adapt themselves successfully to what the earth offers will survive for a long time Those that fail to meet the challenges will disappear early That is Nature’s proven method of operation The rule of selection – “ the survival of the fittest” – is the one by which man has himself arrived on the scene He, being one of the most adaptable creatures the earth has yet produced, may last longer than most Some creatures, certain small animals, insects and birds, will almost certainly outlast man, for they seem even more adaptable You may take it as another rule that when, at last man shows signs of dying out, no other creature will extend a paw to postpone his departure On the contrary, he will be hurried out: for Nature, though fair , is hard – heart mistress She has no favourites Life seems to have grown to tough for black robins I leave you to judge whether we should try to anything about it The black robin is dying out mainly because a people have been very careless about its survival b Its only food is becoming exhausted on Little Mangere c The other birds on the island have destroyed it d The appeal for money has become at the wrong time The success of other small birds on Little Mangere shows that _ a the island cannot have very much food left b Something has to die out, they can’t be all winners c The big birds have all been attacking the black robin d The black robin has failed to meet the challenges of life As regards selection and survival, the decisive factor seems to be _ a the ability to adapt to changed or changing conditions b The number of wildlife reserves that are available c The concern and generosity of the public d The side of the home, or the amount of space one has to live in The evidence seems to suggest that _ a it is disaster for everyone when one kind of bird dies out b All creatures are concerned about the survival of others c Nature expects and accepts the dying out of weeker breeds d Man is to blame when such a thing happens Section III Điền từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống Ghi câu trả lời vào ô ci cđa bµi When I at last (1) the town, I felt (2) tired to go in (3) of a room at once so I went into the (4) restaurant to where I had parked my car and sat down (5) a table A waitress was clearing (6) the (7) of a meal which must have (8) eaten by at (9) forty people She gave me a menu which I examined for a minute and I then (10) from her fried chicken and salad and a glass of wine The waitress (11) the wine at once but I had to wait a long time (12) the (13) of the meal When it came, there was so much on the plate (14) it must have (15) a whole bird I (16) a little first and it was (17) .delicious that I ate all of it I was now neither hungry (18) thirsty and as a (19) of fact, I was no (20) tired out Answers 10 13 11 14 12 15 SECTION IV Dùng nh÷ng từ thành câu hoàn chỉnh ( không thiÕt thay ®ỉi trËt tù tõ) It / not / difficult / learn / English / if / you / study / structures / enrich / vocabulary / day by day It is not difficult to learn English if you study the structures and enrich your vocabulary 1.In/ end/ I/ decide/ not buy/ dictionary/ it/ too expensive// 2.They/ live/ Oxford/ three years/ before/ move/ London// 3.If/ I/ be/ him/ choose/ English/ learn// 4.Red Lion/ pub/ where/ we/ meet/ a drink// 5.I/ learn/ a little French/ my stay/ Paris/ last year// SECTION V Viết lại câu từ đà cho mà nghĩa câu không thay đổi Câu ví dụ 0.By practising English everyday, you’ll speak it fluently You will speak English fluently if you practise it every day 1.To understand that reading passage was really difficult It 2.I don’t really want to go to Scotland I had rather 3.Things are much more expensive than we thought they would be We had expected 4.The students didn’t pay attention to the words the teacher was saying The students ignored 5.Someone had stolen their car before I came yesterday Their car Bill had had the wireless repaired Bill had arranged I could with a sleep A sleep She awoke with a feeling of terror When she With a lot of luck, you may get your novel published If you According to his arrangement, a pension will be provided for everyone over sixty He has arranged 10 Our teacher insists that we write all our essays on alternate lines Our teacher insists on SECTION VI Cho dạng từ câu 0.This book is so _ that I have read it twice Answer: Interesting 1.The area of the city is not very attractive 2.Parents worry about the of their children 3.Can you prove the of time INTEREST INDUSTRY SAFE EXIST 4.When sugar is mixed with water, it seems to but it is really there APPEAR 5.I think you must have the assignment done CARE SAMPLE TEST 10 ( time allowed : 90) SECTION I Lựa chọn đáp án thích hợp câu 1.The cat is full of dirt” ‘’Obviously, he needs ” A.to be washed B.wash C.to be wash D.to washing 2.The country of Ghana produces a large quantity of chocolate A.number B.amount C.container D.export 3.If your parents are of different notionalities, you are likely to be A.black B.bilingual C.strange D.sad and lonely 4.Soldiers in a war are likely to be or get killed A.punished B.cut C.wounded D.lost 5.In his the old man left everything to his servants but not his sons A.death B.will C.proposal D.idea 6.The most important male character in a story is a/ an A.actor B.man C.personality D.hero her amazement, the room was full of flowers A.With B.At C.To D.By 8.Are you going me all day? A.to keep/ waiting B.to keep/ to wait C.keeping/ wait D.to keep/ waited 9.Michael has lived in Peru for 10 years But he doesn’t undersrand Spanish A.already B.yet C.still D.anymore 10.’’You look exhausted.” ‘’I .around all day.” A.ran B.am running C.has run D.have been running 11.What ? You look worried A.happened B.had happened C.would happen D.has happened 12.’’Where are the Smiths going to live?” ‘’They are considering to Chicago.” A.moving B.to move C.move D.moved 13.My mother never allows out late at night A.us going B.us to go C.us go D.go 14.After at the desk, they got the keys to their room A.check in B.checked C.checking in D.had checked in 15.The rent of a room in that hotel can be .in june A.high B.drop C.rise D.fall 16.The journey took two hours we had expected A.longer B.as long as C.more than D.long than 17.As soon as he .the letter, he down to answer it A.reads/ sits B.was reading/ sat C.had read/ sat D.had read/ was sitting 18.The Daily Times has the largest circulation of newspaper in London A.all B.any C.all the D.any of the 19.We meet many difficulties a suitable meeting place A.to provide B.in providing C.for providing D.in having provided 20.What would you me for you? A.want B.hope C.wish D.have 21.You ought to have tried your best to save her but you never A.had B.tried C.did D.ought 22.I to write this letter on behalf of the youth of our university A.am asking B.have been asked C.will have asked D.ask 23.How long ago the Second World War? A.was B.occurred C.happened D.took place 24.She is a .girl with A.green-eyes/ red hair B green-eyed/ red hairs C.green-eye/ red hair D.green-eyed/ red hair 25.Before he signed the contract he looked through the documents A.with cares B.care C.careful D.carefully SECTION II Đọc kỹ đoạn văn khoanh tròn đáp án thích hợp The Boston Tea Party did more than just help start a war It helped change the habits and taste of the North American people It turned tea drinkers into coffee drinkers Coffee and tea are both products of plants that grow in the tropics When these beverages were introduced in Europe during the 1600s, they became very profitable businesses Coffee reached England before tea did, but once the English tasted tea, it became a favourite mealtime drink English people were soon buying about two pounds of tea leaves per person per year English people who went to North America as colonists took along their taste for tea They preferred it to coffee until about 1773 In that year, the British Parliament passed the Tea Act, a law that helped to push the colonists into war against the mother country Among colonists, tea became a symbol of unfair taxation and of England’s attempts to control all trading with the colonies The resentment of the colonists was so strong that once several groups of them boarded English ships in Boston harbour and threw bales of tea into the ocean After this ‘’Boston Tea Party”, drinking tea was called unpatriotic by the colonists They turned to coffee as their beverage Today tea is still the favourite drink in England On the side of the Atlantic, things are different The people of the United States drink about three times as many cups of coffee as cups of tea 1.The word in paragraph that means liked more is 2.Which statement does the article lead you to believe? A The Boson Tea Party took place in Parliament B People should not import berries and leaves C The colonists resented England’s power over them 3.Why was the Tea Act not a good idea? A It helped to push the colonists into war B It made coffee became too popular C It made English people visit the tropics 4.On the whole, the article tells about A beverages in Europe in the 1600s B England’s resentment of taxes C One reason why American drink coffee 5.While it is not directly stated, the article suggests that A tea drinkers might go to war B The taste of a people can change C The colonists were very strong SECTION III §iỊn tõ thÝch hợp vào chỗ trống Ghi câu trả lời vào « ci cïng cđa bµi Television owes its origins to many inventors But (1) was the single-minded determination of an amateur (2) ,John Logie Baird, that led (3) the first live television broadcast Born in Scotland in 1888 and educated in Glasgow, John Logie Baird earned a (4) as a razor-blade salesman In the 1890s Guglielmo Marconi showed that sound could be (5) by radio waves Baird became convinced that a similar system could transmit a picture He spent most of (6) spare time working on his ideas in his tiny workshop (7) any commercial support He had to use his (8) earnings to continue his research In 1924,Baird successfully transmitted the general outline of a figure over (9) .than metres He continued to experiment and on October 25 1925 (10) a recognisable image of a doll He ran (11) to the office on the ground floor and persuaded one of office boys to come upstairs (12) boy became the first living image transmitted (13) television In 1937 he made a transmission from London to Glasgow and in 1928 he made (14) from London to NewYork He continued experimenting and (15) his last years exploring the possibility of colour television Answers 10 13 11 14 12 15 SECTION IV Dùng từ thành câu hoàn chỉnh ( không nhÊt thiÕt thay ®ỉi trËt tù tõ) It / not / difficult / learn / English / if / you / study / structures / enrich / vocabulary / day by day It is not difficult to learn English if you study the structures and enrich your vocabulary 1.Children/ usually/ go/ bed/ early/ I/ allow/ watch T.V/ 10 o’clock// 2.Both/ industrial nations/ less-developed countries/ worried/ water/ world// 3.She/ remind/ him/ go/ post office/ buy/ stamps// 4.If/ made/ bed/ yourself/ you/ have/ pay/ only $10/ room// 5.They/ know/ each other/ long time/ when/ get/ married// SECTION V ViÕt l¹i câu từ đà cho mà nghĩa câu không thay đổi Câu ví dụ 0.By practising English everyday, you’ll speak it fluently You will speak English fluently if you practise it every day 1.I always feel nervous when I travel by plane Travelling 2.Even though they didn’t like him, they agreed to help Despite 3.’I wouldn’t go swimming on a day like this if I were you, Tom’ Bill said Bill advised 4.Someone is going to repair my T.V set tomorow I’m going 5.He lefl his house early because he didn’t want to get caught in the rush hour He lefl his house early in order After many years of hardwork, he retired After he With the money he has saved, he can buy a house His savings can 8.It was a bit difficult to get into work this morning Getting He knows nearly everything there is to know about whales There’s 10 If we can solve the problem soon, it will be better for all concerned The sooner SECTION VI Cho dạng từ câu 0.This book is so _ that I have read it twice Answer: Interesting 1.Thank you very much for your 2.Do not bad habits in the childhood 3.He met another woman and his .to Marsha started to go wrong 4.Tom lives in a apartment The rooms are large INTEREST ASSIST COURAGE MARRY SPACE 5.They settled down near the forest and lived there PEACE SAMPLE TEST 11 ( time allowed : 90’) Section Lùa chän đáp án thích hợp cách khoanh tròn đáp án ®óng Coffee originally came from Ethiopia It has been brought to grow in many tropical countries A in the future B in the beginning C at present D grew wild You need different when you cook something A shopping lists B ingredients C cookery books D meat and vegetables A pilot sits in a _ on an aeroplane A cabin B control room C cockpit D black box He never knew what _ around him when he was reading A happened B would happen C was happening D had happened I saw a horror film yesterday I think it was _ A fright B frighten C frightened D frightening Mrs Edward is charge the sports club when the manager is not there A on/ of B on/ of C in/ about D on / about The more you earn _ A you spend more B more than you spend C the more you spend D you spend more than you earn If she put enough tea in the pot, it _ so weak A would taste B would have tasted C wouldn’t taste D wouldn’t have tasted He couldn’t make the radio _ A to work B work C working D worked 10 We both worked for three hours, she paid John more than me A although B even C therefore D yet 11 Her father won’t _ drive his car A allow her B permit her C leave her D let her 12 He said that he _ sick since he returned from abroad A was B has been C had been D would be 13 A good clock always keeps _ time A accurate B serious C certain D true 14 She was in the countryside and sent to a small village school A taken up B grown up C turned up D brought up 15 I see the travel agency gave you a lot of information Yes, some of it useful but isn’t A the remain B the rest C another D the other one 16 If there is a fire, it will be put _ by robots A off B out C in D down 17 Harry is a boy _ we know is very dependent A who B whom C whose D of whom 18 In England, traffic _ keep to the left A can B must C may D might 19 ‘ Good luck in your exam!’ - _ I hope we both pass A A No, of course not B What about you? C Same to you D So I 20 I offered my friends _ with his studies but he refused A some help B a help C the help D to help 21 Some of the boys didn’t come A whom I invited them B I invited them C I invited D when I invited 22 A handsome reward will be given to anyone finds the missing ring A who B anyone C whom D whoever 23 “ Shall I it now?” “ I’d rather you it tomorrow” A Do B did C will D should 24 I’m in favour of this plan It sounds _ to me A perfect B perfectly C perfected D perfection 25 John: “ I hate bathing in the sea” Susan: “ _” A me as well B so I C me to D I as well Section II §äc kü đoạn văn khoanh tròn đáp án thích hỵp nhÊt How old is the earth? The ancient Babylonians believed that the earth was million years old They were more correct than some people who lived much later In 1650, an Irish archbishop named James Ussher stated that the world was created at 9.00 a.m on Sunday, October 23, in 4004 BC Ussher based this date on his studies of the Bible and other ancient writings His statement was printed in a number of books and was accepted by many other scholars There were no geologists in Ussher’s time I was only in the 1700s that people began to look carefully at the earth’s crust and understand what they saw They began to realize that whole mountain ranges had been worn down by wind and water Deep valleys had been carved by running streams The sea was salty because minerals had been dissolved out of the land By 1800, geologists were certain the earth’ s surface had been greatly changed by slow forces They estimated that the earth was probably more than 10 million years old By 1900, geologists changed that figure to 100 million years One person who helped change people’s ideas about the age of the earth was Charies Darwin He proved that living creatures had changed very slowly, over long periods of time In modern times, new evidence has shown that the earth’s age must be measured in billions, rather than millions, of years Radioactive dating of rocks has proved that some parts of the earth’s crust are billion years old Astronomers, comparing the earth to the sun and some stars, estimate that the earth is to billion years old Today, most scientists accept this estimate The word in paragraph that means judged or counted is _ While it is not directly stated, the article suggests that _ A B C A B C A B C A B C there have always been geologists Charles Darwin changed the animals Scientists still learn about the earth On the whole, the article tells about the minerals that made the sea salty estimating the age of the earth an Irish archbishop named Ussher Which statement does the article lead you to believe? We not have an exact date for the creation of the earth The surface of the earth changed only in the year 1650 James Ussher was born on October 23 in 4004 BC Why didn’t geologists question the archbishop’s statement? There were no geologists in Ussher’s time The geologists were all afraid of Ussher The geologists thought Ussher was right Section III §iỊn tõ thích hợp vào chỗ trống Ghi câu trả lời vào « ci cïng cđa bµi The reality of an interview is never as bad as your fears (1) _ some reason people imagine the (2) is going to jump on every tiny mistake they (3) In truth, the interviewer is as keen for the meeting to go well as you are It is (4) makes his or her job enjoyable The secret of a good interview is preparing (5) it What you (6) is always important as it creates the first impression So dress neatly, (7) _ comfortably Make sure that you can (8) with anything you are asked Prepare for (9) that are certain to come up, for example: (10) you want to become a nurse? What is the most important (11) _ a good nurse should have? A part from nursing (12) other careers have you considered? What (13) your interests and hobbies? Answer the questions fully and precisely However, not (14) all your answers off by heart The interviewer wants to meet a human being, (15) _ a robot Answers 10 13 11 14 12 15 Section IV Dùng nh÷ng tõ thành câu hoàn chỉnh ( không thiết thay ®ỉi trËt tù tõ) It / not / difficult / learn / English / if / you / study / structures / enrich / vocabulary / day by day It is not difficult to learn English if you study the structures and enrich your vocabulary When / robots / be / introduce / factories / workers / become worried/ it _ It / difficult / learn / language / without / good dictionary _ I / ring / him up / ask / what / he / / moment _ We / wait / him / since o’clock / but / not come / yet _ If / I / have / much money / as you / I / not buy / such / house _ Section V ViÕt l¹i câu từ đà cho mà nghĩa câu không thay đổi Câu ví dụ 0.By practising English everyday, you’ll speak it fluently You will speak English fluently if you practise it every day The film was so boring that we left in the interval We were ‘ I think your iron is unsafe’ he said He said _ We have just jad our house painted blue Our house To tell him the truth is really difficult for me It is _ They regret buying the house at such a high price They wish _ The demand was so great that they had to reprint the book immediately So 7.I’m absolutely sure that they weren’t playing in this weather They can’t “ I did not steal the car”, he said, “ I just borrowed it” He denied _ but admitted _ I only made that terrible mistake because I wasn’t thinking If I _ 10.We had planned to visit grandmother, so we left early in the morning We were _ Section VI Cho dạng từ câu 0.This book is so _ that I have read it twice Answer: Interesting We all know about the people who have the _ to remember hundreds of words _ have reached a conclusion that smoking causes cancer Some people are afraid of being photographed because of their _ INTEREST ABLE RESEARCH BELIEVE It is _ that he has passed the exam I met my old friend on the way to work yesterday AMAZE ACCIDENT SAMPLE TEST 12 ( time allowed : 90) Section I Lựa chọn đáp án thích hợp cách khoanh tròn đáp án Nobody can ever foresee the future A forget B think about C look at D see before it happens I spent hours waiting but he didn’t until the last minute A show up B come in time C show in face D ring me ‘ How would you like to pay for it?’ – ‘ ’ A $24 B Do you take traveler’s cheques? C within two days He didn’t come to the meeting, otherwise I _ him A would see B saw C might have seen D might see I found his face familiar but coundn’t remember _ him before A to meet B met C meeting D to have met Some paper we are using is made of used paper The paper has been _ A thrown away B wasted C recycled D burned The oil refinery has increased its _ by 12% this year A produce B product C producing D D production Bringing _children is not only to feed them A about B up C with D on She was surprised _ his appearance but she said nothing A with B about C in front of D at 10 When I first came here, they _ this bridge yet A didn’t build B weren’t building C hadn’t built D wouldn’t build 11 He doesn’t like to begin reading A unless he doesn’t have plenty of time B if he has plenty of time C unless he has plenty of time D unless he has no time 12 Miss Lee looked _ she was gravely ill A so that B so as C as if D so 13 We have much pleasure in the invitation to your wedding A thanking B accepting C taking D welcoming 14 It was I met Mr Wong in London A before many years ago B since many years ago when C many years ago that D for many years since 15 A (an) area has very few people A crowed B suburban C underpopulated D thickly populated 16 What to see him at the stadium A the surprise B surprise C a surprise D surprising 17 If you leave that butter in the sun; it will A set B melt C dissolve D harden 18 You should protect your skin from the sun you don’t get burnt A so as B because C so that D otherwise 19 Hello, Can I speak to Helen, please? _ A No, of course not B Sorry, I’m afraid she’s out at the moment C Who are you ? D Do you want to leave a message 20 ‘Shall we go to the cinema tonight? _ A No, I don’t want B That’s a good idea! C it’s not good D Do you want to leave a message 21 The sky was cloudy; it _ A looked liked rain B looked like raining C looked likes rain D looked like rain 22 No, you can’t have an increase in wage; we’re paying you quite A good B enough C too much D as much 23 That’s a good idea At any rate, it’s worth _ A looking into B to be looked into C a looking into D to look into 24 “ He’s going to send your check back to you” “Well, that’s very kind of him but I told him he _” A needn’t have B didn’t C needed to D needn’t 25 John a great deal about examinations A worries B troubles C works D prepares Section II Đọc kỹ đoạn văn khoanh tròn đáp án thích hợp A group of travelers driving across the Sahara Desert were startled to see a cool, inviting lake suddenly appear in the distance They gazed with delight at the broad sheet of water sparkling in the sunlight Busily, they made plans to go swimming as soon as they reached the lake But their driver, an experienced desert guide, informed them regretfully that when they reached the area ahead, they would find only dust, sand and rocks The travelers insisted that they could see something ahead Those with cameras were even able to take pictures of the lake the driver said wasn’t there! Later they learnt that what they had seen was a reflection of the sky on the hot, dry land Their cameras, like their eyes, had seen the image the light rays had created They had seen a mirage Mirages appear when there are layers of air of different density Next to the desert floor, the air was hot Above this hot air was another layer of cooler, more dense air Light rays passing down from the layer of more dense air into the layer of less dense air were bent upward The bent rays reflected the sky This bending of light rays is called refraction On a clear summer day, drivers may see this kind of mirage on a paved highway Their eyes tell them that a patch of road ahead is wet A blanket of hot air lies next to the road surface, which has been warmed by the sun Light rays bend upward as they pass into this layer What the drivers see is just a reflection of the sky The word in paragraph I that means surprised is _ While it is not directly stated, the article suggests that _ A desert guides not let travelers go swimming B travelers in the desert take too many pictures C mirages can be seen in many different places On the whole the story tells about A people who drive in the summer B mirages, and how they happen C travelers who stare at the sky Which statement does the article lead you to believe? A drivers should stay off paved highways in summer B Blankets of hot air are better than blankets of wool C People see mirages even when they know what causes them Why could the travelers take pictures of a mirage A The camera, like their eyes, could see the image B They had new, expensive cameras and good film C The driver said they could take the pictures Section III Điền từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống Ghi câu trả lời vào ô cuối Frankenstein was written by Mary Shelley, (1) wife of the poet P.B Shelley, in 1818 It is a horror story (2) is thought to be the original science fiction novel The (3) is told through the letters of a man called Walton, an English explorer We are told of Victor Frankenstein, a student (4) Geneva, who discovers the secret of life So he collects bones and bodies from graveyards and (5) a creature which is more monster (6) human People are terrified of it (7) it is so huge and ugly The poor (8) has no friends and feels (9) and dpressed, so it asks Frankenstein to make it a wife, (10) he refuses to Then the monster attacks and kills not (11) _ Frankenstein friend but also his brother and his brother’s bride Elizabeth Frankenstein is heartbroken and is determined (12) kill the monster However, he is killed first by the monster, which then kills (13) Frankenstein is a fascinating story because (14) the character of the monster, which is (15) sad and frightening at the same time Answer : 10 13 11 14 12 15 Section V Viết lại câu từ đà cho Section IV Dựng từ thành câu hoàn mà nghĩa câu không thay đổi Câu ví dụ 0.By practising English everyday, you’ll speak it fluently chØnh ( kh«ng nhÊt thiÕt thay ®æi trËt tù tõ) It / not / difficult / learn / English / if / you / study / structures / enrich / vocabulary / day by day It is not difficult to learn English if you study the structures and enrich your vocabulary He / refuse / give / me / lift / because / he / a hurry I / think / he / help / us / if / he / be / here / now Chocolate / bring / pleasure / all / us / when / we / eat / drink / delicious _ 4.I / live / Bristol / now / but / I / born / grow up / Leicester _ 5.Many people / find / running / good / health _ air / full / dust / because / roads / repair _ 7.food / restaurant / not very good/ but / waiters / friendly 8.Holiday / so enjoyable / we / not want / go back / work _ 9.I / wish / you / not / make me / get up / early / morning _ 10.He / try / stop / smoke / many times / he / never / succeed _ 11.When / I / primary school / I / used / ride / bicycle / school _ You will speak English fluently if you practise it every day The last time I saw him was when I lived in London I have They have just posted the parcel The parcel _ Learning a foreign language is not easy for him It is _ ‘ Don’t make such terrible noise, children’ she said She told _ It’s a pity I didn’t go to the beach with you last Sunday I wish Someone rang the alarm as soon as the burglars left the building No sooner _ As television programs become more popular, they seem to get worse The more “ I think the whole idea is ridiculous”, he said He dismissed _ The authorities will prosecute anyone they find trspassing on this land Anyone found 10 It would have been a superb weekend if it hadn’t been for the weather But Section VI Cho d¹ng từ câu 0.This book is so _ that I have read it twice Answer: Interesting The story was very INTEREST AMUSE The car was damaged in the accident Nation are putting knowledge to work for a solution of their food problems After a lot of thought, he made a big _ Have you had any _ in learning English ? SERIOUS SCIENCE DECIDE DIFFICULT SAMPLE TEST 13 Section I Lựa chọn đáp án thích hợp cách khoanh tròn đáp án His arrival _ all the family members A unexpected / delighted B unexpecting / delighted C unexpected / delighting D unexpecting / was delighted Our basketball team beat the other one 93- 87 A won the game B fought C hit the ball D advanced Captain Cook was only a farm worker, _ he became a famous explorer A.because B yet C even though D and Many people are by video games A very complicated B very interested C very bored D fascinated Horses are kept in a _ A house B mansion C shed D stable How was your journey? – Very I think I’ll go to bed A boring B tiring C tired D bored The car broke on our way to the meeting so we had to take a taxi A up B off C into pieces D down He’s very unreliable He never when we need some help A turns up B turns off C turns down D turns out I had to put him because I was too busy to see him then A off B down C out D aside 10 ‘ Tom is supposed to visit us this afternoon’ ‘ If he _, tell him I’ll ring him later” A is coming B comes C came D will come 11 If Bop’s wife won’t agree to sign the paper, _ A neither would he B neither will he C neither does he D neither did he 12 He directed that no one leave before the bell rang A must B would C could D should 13 Before you go into the meeting hall, please your cigarette A put on B put off C put out D put away 14 Even though I have classes, I have _ spare time than last week A fewer/less B less/fewer C fewer/ fewer D less/ less 15 I _ to bed until I my homework A went/finished B didn’t go/ didn’t finish C hadn’t gone/finished D didn’t go/had finished 16 As soon as she found the number, she him at once A.had telephoned B.telephoned C.was telephoning D.will telephone 17 Sunday is a holiday most people rest A which B when C where D on that 18 “She is an excellent professor” Yes, she is better than _ teachers we have.” A some other B any other C some D any 19 ‘Do you mind if I ask you some questions?’ – ‘ ’ A Sorry, I’m in a bit of hurry now B Thank you C You’re welcome D Why? 20 ‘Did you answer all the questions?’ – ‘No I wish I a bit more time.’ A have B had C had had D would have 21 I can’t help _ him in spite of his faults A admire B admired C to admire D admiring 22 May I watch the film _ we are having lunch? A while B during C berween D just 23 The animals were afraid but the keeper soon got them control A over B without C under D out of 24 There’ s _ nice scenery not from here A a little B little C a few D few 25 The problem is easy enough but students could answer it A a lot of B few C a few D a great number of Section II §äc kỹ đoạn văn khoanh tròn đáp án thÝch hỵp nhÊt Swamps are level areas where shallow water stands all or most of the year When the first settlers came to America, there were many more swamps than there are today To farmers, wetland was wasted land Ditches were dug to permit the water to drain out of the swamps As soon as the soil dried, it was plowed and planted Some farmland gained in this way was valuable, but much of it was useless for growing crops It was not until the swamps were nearly all gone that people began to realize how valuable they were Swamps were the homes of wild ducks and other birds valued both for sport and as a source of food Swamp animals such as the muskrat were prized for their fur When the swamps were drained, these forms of wildlife vanished from large areas of the United States The level of underground water was also affected It dropped lower Springs ceased to flow, and wells went dry Only in recent years have people recognized how important swamps are in maintaining the level of ground water Much of the water that falls to earth as rain runs quickly into creeks and rivers This water keeps moving toward the ocean, and little of it soaks down to underground reservoirs In swampy places, water stands still It has time to seep down through layers of soil or rock , to be stored there until it is needed Farmers build ponds to hold back surface water and give it time to seep down into the earth Hunters and conservationists are fighting for those swamps and wetlands that still remain They want to preserve them for wildlife The word in paragraph that means preserving or keeping is _ While it is not directly stated, the article suggests that _ A people did not know much about the land B our wildlife can only live in swamps C A B C A B C A B C swamps are not much good for anything On the whole, the article tells about _ the level of underground water The need to save our wetlands People who hunt wildlife Which statement does the article lead you to believe? We not need more underground water, Water comes in too many layers Farmers are learning more about the land Why was farmland from swamps not too valuable? It was too wet for the wild ducks and other birds Much of it was useless for growing crops Farmers didn’t know how to plow through the water Section III Điền từ thích hợp vào ô trống Ghi câu trả lời vào ô cuối bµi In the past, any (1) would be proud if her children (2) round and slightly fat Those days are gone Researchers have now reached the conclusion that (3) much fat an sugar in children’s diets are a major factor (4) the development of heart diseases and other illnesses (5) they are older However, growing children (6) to eat a wide range of foods, and (7) general health could be endangered (8) cuttiing out particular ones Psychologists say that the solution is (9) to change eating habits too fast, but to (10) carefully so that (11) not lose muscle in addition to fat Parents (12) present food a little differently, spread butter thinly and avoid (13) sugar on the table Children should also (14) encouraged to take part in sports, this way they will be using the calories that they have (15) Answer : 10 13 11 14 12 15 Section IV Dùng nh÷ng tõ thành câu hoàn chỉnh ( không thiết thay ®ỉi trËt tù tõ) It / not / difficult / learn / English / if / you / study / structures / enrich / vocabulary / day by day It is not difficult to learn English if you study the structures and enrich your vocabulary Paper / be / common / our lives / it / wonderful invention _ He / say / that / he / wish / he / know / answer _ They / often / go / fish / hunt / when / they / spare time / weekends _ I / teach English / this university / since / graduate / 1990 _ When / we / get / theatre / play / already / start _ Celia Young’s latest novel / not translate / Vietnamese / yet _ If / I / be / you / I / take / bus / work / avoid / traffic jams factory / Dallas / where / Coca – Cola make / open / 1895 his doctor / advise / him / stop / smoke 10 You / know / how / much / cost / make / Concord ? Section V Viết lại câu từ đà cho mà nghĩa câu không thay đổi Câu ví dụ 0.By practising English everyday, youll speak it fluently You will speak English fluently if you practise it every day My skirt needs to be cleaned before the party I must have _ She said to them “ I’ll call the police if you don’t leave immediately” She threatened ‘ Shall I answer the phone for you?’ she said to her friend She offered To find somewhere to live nowadays is difficult It _ They have just sold the old house next to my office The old house “ You should have waited for us”, the team leader said to John The team leader criticised It’s possible that he didn’t get my leter He might _ The last time it snowed here was six years ago It There weren’t nearly as many people there as I had expected There were far 10 There was no need for you to have gone to all that trouble You Section VI Cho dạng từ câu 0.This book is so _ that I have read it twice INTEREST Answer: Interesting Can anybody prove the of time EXIST Beautiful paintings our lives RICH They were shocked by Miss de Beaumont’s GENEROUS There was a loud as the clown fell off the ladder LAUGH He rushed into the room _ and woke everybody up NOISE George made an unusually _ remark about the car COMPLIMENT A person with an complex can be very disagreeable INFERIOR He has put on his _ as it is bitterly cold COAT ... waitress (1 1 ) the wine at once but I had to wait a long time (1 2 ) the (1 3 ) of the meal When it came, there was so much on the plate (1 4 ) it must have (1 5 ) a whole bird I (1 6 ) a little... and it was (1 7 ) .delicious that I ate all of it I was now neither hungry (1 8 ) thirsty and as a (1 9 ) of fact, I was no (2 0) tired out Answers 10 13 11 14 12 15 SECTION... out, but (1 2 ) of them succeeded A few days (1 3 ) ,Arthur, who was looking (1 4 ) .a sword for his brother, saw the sword in the stone and (1 5 ) pulled it out Answers 10 13 11 14

Ngày đăng: 22/07/2014, 01:20

