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Bài tập nâng cao Tiếng Anh 12 potx

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Bài tập nâng cao Tiếng Anh 12 ha.nguyenicd@gmail.com Nguyen Van Ha 1 Unit two: CULTURAL DIVERSITY I. Choose one word in each group that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest 1. A.proved B. surveyed C.discussed D. rained 2. A. shared B. helped C. asked D. laughed 3. A. groom B. bamboo C. choose D. blood 4. A. naked B. formed C. trusted D. recorded 5. A. bride B. determine C. wiser D. idea II. Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern 1. A. confide B. maintain C. oblige D. certain 2. A. conical B. sacrifice C. approval D. counterpart 3. A. diversity B. traditional C. attractiveness D. generation 4. A. partnership B. contracual C. romantic D. appearance 5. A. untrustworthy B. military C. particular D. significant III. Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences 1. Since I a child, I have liked to solve maths puzzles. A. am B. was C. have been D. had been 2. Janet to get online to fo Internet shopping for an hour. A. is trying B. was trying C. has been trying D. would be trying 3. Until Alan began his married life, he his dirty socks on the floor. A. always leaves B. always left C. has always left D. had always left 4. My sister and her husband over to my house for dinner tomorrow evening. A. come B. going to come C. came D. are coming 5. I’ll give you my answer when I you this Sunday afternoon. A. see B. saw C. will see D. am seeing 6. Tom: “ I don’t have my glasses. I can’t read the menu” Jane: “ ” A. I’m going to read it for you B. I will read it for you C. I have read it for you D. I will be reading it for you 7. While we on the phone, the power out. A. talked - went B. were talking – was going C. were talking –went D. talked – was going 8. Phone me at 8 o’clock. We dinner by then. A. will be finishing B. will have finished C. have finished D. had finished 9. Many Indian men said that it was unwise to in their wives. A. trust B. hide C. declare D. confide 10. The survey was to find out the young people’s attitudes love. A. towards B. above C. beneath D. with IV. Put each verb in brackets into a suitable tense. 1. It (took) a while for me to notice, but then I did. Everyone ( was staring) at me. What ( had I done) wrong? 2. I (found) it difficult to convince the ticket inspector that I ( had lost) my ticket. 3. Whatever (happens), I ( will meet) you here in a week’s time. 4. By the time you (finish/ have finished) getting ready, we ( will have missed) the train! 5. When he ( did not arrive/ had not arrived) by 6.00, I (knew) he ( had missed) the bus. 6. ( Are you going ) away this weekend or ( have you run) out of money? 7. What ( do you think) you ( will be doing ) in ten years’ time? 8. I (am really enjoying) myself at the moment. 9. Something (tells) me that you (have not been listening ) to a single word I ( have said) in the past ten minutes. 10. What’s the matter? (Have You hurt) your ankle? How (did you do) it? VI. Give the correct form of the given words to complete the following sentences. 1. By doing well at school, he hoped to win his parents’ . APPROVAL 2. The Western people are very concerned with phisical when choosing a wife or a husband. Bài tập nâng cao Tiếng Anh 12 ha.nguyenicd@gmail.com Nguyen Van Ha 2 ATTRACTIVENESS 3. Vienna is a real centre for music lovers. CULTURAL 4. Would you like to go to our wedding? The takes place at St John’s church. MARRIAGE 5. David and Mary have been in for five years. PARTNERSHIP 6. The police are intrerested in the sudden of the valuable painting. (DIS)APPEARANCE 7. In our country it is for the bridegroom to make a speech. TRADITIONAL 8. Micheal has just got to a girl he’s has known since he was a boy. ENGAGED 9. Almost young Americans want to lead lives. DEPENDENT 10. Each member of our group has a of opinion. DIVERSITY VII.Each sentence below contains an error. Find and correct them. Number 0 has been done as an example. Eg: I was meeting Tom and Ann at the airport a few weeks ago. 0/….met…. 1. The students are hearing romours about their teacher’s engagement for a week. 1/have been hearing 2. The family was at the hospital since they heard about the accident. 2/ has been 3. By the time Bob unlocked the door and got into his apartment, the phone has 3/had already stopped ringing. 4. As soon as Minh will graduate, he is going to return to his hometown. 4/ graduates 5. By the end of the 21 st century, scientists will discover the cure for common cold. 5/will have discoverd 6. The bank lent us money for a down payment, so now we are owing the house 6/ own we used to rent. 7. It began to rain while Phong and I walked to the school this morning. 7/ were walking 8. Mary has cirles under her eyes because she has been sleeping only two 8/ slept hours last night. 9. Normally, Mike finishes work at 5.00, but this week he works until 6.00 to 9/ is working earn a bit more money. 10. Do you think you will still do the same job in twelve years’ time? 10/ will still be doing VII. Fill in each numberd blank of the following passage with a suitable word. Cultural diversity encompasses the cultural differences that (1 exist ) between people, such as language, dress and tradition, and the way societies organise themselves, their conception of morality and religion, and the way they interact (2 with ) the environment. There is a general cosensus among main stream anthropologists that humans first emerged in Africa about two million years ago. Since then we have (3 spread) through out the world, sucessfully adapting to widely differing conditions and to periodic cataclysmic changes in local and (4 global) climate. The many separate societies that emerged around the globe differed markedly from each other, and many of (5 these) differences persist to this day. Joe Nelson, from Stafford Virginia, (6 has) popularized the words “Culture and diversity”. It is debatable whether these differences (7 are) merely incidental artifacts arising from patterns of human migration or whether they represent an evolutionary trait that is key to our success as a species. By analogy with bidiversity, (8 which) is thought to be essetial to the long-term survival of life on the earth, it can be argued that cultural diversity may be vital for the long-term (9 survival) of humanity; and that the conservation of indigenous cultures may be as important to humankind (10 as) the conservation of species and ecosystems is to life in general. IX. Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each blank. Clothing habits are a matter of personal preference in the United States. Most people are free to wear whatever they want. Business people in large urban areas are (1) to wear suits or dresses, while clothing in rural areas is less formal. Most Americans (2) to dress casually when not in formal or business situations. When eating, most Americans hold a fork in the (3) with which they write. Americans eat away from home often, and usually they (4) for their own meals when dining with their friends. When Americans greet one another they often (5) a firm handshake. They may greet strangers on the street by saying “Hello” or “Goodmorning”. Friends often greet each other (6) “How are you?” and respond “Fine, thanks”. Americans do not really (7) any other answer to the question “How are you?” because it is a way of saying hello. Except in formal situations, people (8) each other by their given names once they are accquainted. Bài tập nâng cao Tiếng Anh 12 ha.nguyenicd@gmail.com Nguyen Van Ha 3 Although Americans (9) generally informal people, it is best to schedule an appointment before going to visit someone, especially in business. (10) an appointment has been made, it is sonsiderate to be promt. 1. A.like B. alike C. liking D. likely 2. A. tend B. enjoy C. refuse D. admit 3. A. arm B. finger C. hand D. elbow 4. A. prepare B. pay C. feed D. bite 5. A. change B. exchange C. replace D. transfer 6. A. with B. by C. of D. for 7. A. prefer B. need C. expect D. predict 8. A. understand B. confess C. obey D. address 9. A. are B. have C. get D. make 10. A. Soon B. Once C. During D. Because X. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence. Use the word given and other words as necessary. 1. My nephew keeps interrupting me. My nephew is always interrupting me. 2. What about going to that film at the Rex tonight? How do you feel about going to that film at the Rex tonight? 3. Let’s leave at the end of the next programme. As soon as the nest programme has finished, let’s leave. 4. The arrival of the train has been delayed, I’m afraid. The train will be late, I’m afraid. 5. It’s a long time since I last went to a football match. I haven’t been to a football match for a long time. 6. I am on the tenth page of the report I am writing. So far I have written ten pages of the report. 7. Henry left before we reached the hotel. By the time we reached the hotel, Henry had left. 8. We will be at your house soon. It won’t be long before we are at your house. 9. After taking the pills, I began to feel much better. Since taking the pills I have felt much better. 10. A new manager will take Mr. Brown’s place in the new year. Mr. Brown is going to be replaced by a new manager in the new year. XI. Read the passage below and choose one correct answer for each question. American Vietnamese Americans do not spend much time in preparing food. Grocery is bought once a week. Americans say “grace” before eating and everybody starts eating after that. Americans use napkins and drink during meal. Vietnamese spend a lot of time in preparing food. Grocery is bought every day. Vietnamese children ask parents or elderly of the family to eat first, and they follow. Vienamese do not use napkins but wash their hands and their faces before and efter every meal. They don’t drink during eating, they drink afterward. Americans use knife, spoons, fork and plates. They eat soup in a plate. Vienamese use spoons, chopsticks and a bowl. They eat soup in a bowl. Americans have one big dinner per day. Vietnamese have two equally large meals per day (lunch and dinner). The smell of prepared food is weak. The smell of Vietnamese food is strong. American food is less spicy. Vietnamese use more spices. Potato or bread is the main starch. Rice is the main starch. Bài tập nâng cao Tiếng Anh 12 ha.nguyenicd@gmail.com Nguyen Van Ha 4 Meat is cooked in big pieces, they cut during eating. Meat is cut into small pieces before cooking because they never use knife during meal. Food is put in individual plates or on the table. They tend to pass the whole plate of food around. The food is put on the table and individuals takes piece by piece. The parents get food for their kids using their chopsticks, not by passing the whole plate. All food is shared equally. Prefered food is served to parents or the elderly first. Americans do not make noise in appreciating good food. Vietnamese sometimes makes noise in appreciating good food, especially soup. Women eat equally like men (in quantity) Women have to eat small amounts (like cats) and men in quantity (like tigers). 1. How often do americans buy grocery? A. every day B. once a week C. twice a week D. every fortnight 2. What do Vietnamese do before and after every meal? A. They wash their hands and faces. B. They clean their teeth C. They use napkins D. They drink 3. What is the main starch for Americans? A. rice B. potato and rice C. rice and bread D. bread and potato 4. How is the prefered food served in Vietnamese culture? A. It is shared equally B. It is served to parents and elderly first. C. It is served to the kids first D. It is shared for the kids and the elderly. 5. Which of the following statements is NOT true? A. It takes Vietnamese a lot of time to prepare food. B. Americans say “grace” before eating. C. Vietnamese eat soup in plate. D. Americans cook meat in big pieces. THE END . Bài tập nâng cao Tiếng Anh 12 ha.nguyenicd@gmail.com Nguyen Van Ha 1 Unit two: CULTURAL DIVERSITY I. Choose. Western people are very concerned with phisical when choosing a wife or a husband. Bài tập nâng cao Tiếng Anh 12 ha.nguyenicd@gmail.com Nguyen Van Ha 2 ATTRACTIVENESS 3. Vienna is a real. situations, people (8) each other by their given names once they are accquainted. Bài tập nâng cao Tiếng Anh 12 ha.nguyenicd@gmail.com Nguyen Van Ha 3 Although Americans (9) generally informal

Ngày đăng: 21/07/2014, 21:20

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