LESSON 2: SPEAKING Giving your opinion I think / I believe / In my opinion, / From my point of view, / As I agree, Strongly agreeing I quite agree./ I agree with you completely./Absolutely!/ That’s right! Partly agreeing Well, I see your point but / I don’t quite agree/ to a certain extent, yes, but Disagreeing I don’t agree./ I’m afraid, I disagree./ That’s wrong./ That’s not true Strongly disagreeing What nonsense!/ what rubbish!/ I completely disagree !"#$% " &'&!() &'*+,-./0 1 '234 56 '7896:;4< = ( >6:? = (> 6 '6;3!< = $@+/ &A&'*< B6C$D<B6C &';3E &'$;F*$;F($;F G$;F HIJ KIL MIL+ IL7I NIJ+ 5IL+ OIJ PIL QIL A: Men are usually stronger than women. B: I quite agree/ Absolutely/ That’s not true/ I don’t quite agree/ I completely disagree. RI K7 S 5 H 7 + +7 76 7+7 T+ ' 77 6+7 67 ++6 6 76 +6 7 6 + 7+ ++ +7 76' Married women should not go to work H'Q I K'QUIQ7 6 7+I M'QVIQV+ +6I L7+WX 6+ 'Married women should not do to work