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Điền các giới từ thích hợp 1 The course begins 7 January and ends 10 March. 2 I went to bed midnight. 3 We arrived 5 o’ clock the morning. 4 Mozart was born in Salzburg 1756. 5 Are you doing anything special the weekend? 6 Hurry up! We have to go five minutes. 7 I met Ann Tuesday. 8 He has lived in India two years. 9 I’ll phone you Tuesday morning about 10. 10 Tom’s grandmother died in 1987 the age of 81. 11 Jack’s brother is out of work the moment. 12 The price of electricity is going up October. 13 I haven’t seen him Christmas. 14 Sunday afternoons I usually get up late. 15 There are usually a lot of parties New Years Eve. 16 I’ll be at the office 7 o’ clock. 17 I’ll be back half an hour. 18 I suddenly felt ill the examination. 19 They were working in the garden 3 o’clock seven o’clock. 20 Carol got married 1994. 21 The book was easy to read. So I read it a day. 22 They have lived there 20 years. 23 We were at the party midnight. 24 They were at school 2 o’ clock. 25 I saw him the morning. 26 I did my homework the evening. 27 She started dancing 6 and now she’s a great star. 28 He learned to drive a lorry three weeks. 29 He waited they were quiet. 30 In summer he always goes jogging Sundays. 31 I like walking around the town night. 32 Are you going to the cinema Friday night? 33 I’ve been waiting an hour. 34 Ann works hard the week, so she likes to relax week-ends. 35 I’ve been invited to a wedding February 14th. 36 the age of twelve he wrote his first play. 37 We have to leave five minutes. 38 I’ve been waiting for her an hour. 39 spring they're always in Spain. 40 The price of coffee is going up April. 41 They left the party 11. 42 We had a lot of fun our holidays. 43 He woke up four in the night. 44 He is always sleepy the morning. 45 I haven't seen him hours. EXERCISES I.Write again these sentences with “wish” or “If only” and Passive voice: 1.I’m sorry I can’t speak English perfectly.(wish) => 2.I’m sorry I can’t do this exercise (only) => 3.I’m sory I’m not rich. (only) => 4.Are you ever sorry that you aren’t rich? (wish) => 5.It’s such a pity I’m so bad at maths (better) => 6.The major is going to open the new sirport => 7.The other members have repealed the amendment. => 8.The teacher should buy the supplies for this class. => 9.Somebody will call Mr.Watson tonight. => 10.John will have received the papers by tomorrow. => II. Prepositions: 1.A woman sitting next to me…….dinner split her drink all over me. 2.We met a lot of people……our holiday. 3.The lorry had to wait ……the traffic lights. 4.I went …… the chemist’s, but I didn’t notice if it was open. 5.He often gets his salary… the fifth of the month 6.You can’t stay out … midnight. 7.They hope to finish the brige… next December 8…… the end of the streeet there is a path leading to the river 9.My father was in the army ……the war 10.I haven’t smoked …… ages Test on English 1 I/ Read the passage carefully, then choose the correct answers: Every year people in many countries learn English. Some of them are young children. Others are teenagers. Many are adults. Some learn at school. Other study by themselves. A few learn English just by hearing the language in films, on television, in the office or among their friend. But not many are lucky enough to do that. Most people must works hard to learn English. Why do all these people lern English? It’s not difficult to answer this question. Man boys ang girls learn English at school because it is one of their sujects. Many adults learn English because it is useful for their work. Teenagers often learn English for ther higher stidies because some of their books are English at the college or university. Other people learn English beucause they want to read newspapers or magazines in English. Câu 1: According to thr writer ……………………………………………………… A. English is popular allover the world B. all people learn English at chool C. only young people learn English D. English is useful only for university student Câu 2:Most people laern English by………………………………………………… A. working hard on the lessons B. speaking English with their friends C. hearing the language on television D. English is widely spoken Câu 3: What of the following is jnot mentioned? A. English is a compulsory subject B. English is the language of diplomacy C. English is spoken in the office D. English is widely spoken Câu 4: Many adults learn English………………………………………………………. A. because of their hidher English B. because it helps them in their work C. to communicate with their colleagues in the office D. in order to be able to read newspapers in English Câu 5: Many boys and girls learn English because…………………………………… A. it is included in their study coures B. they are forced to learn it C. it’s their own language D. it’s useful for their higher studies II/ Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of other Câu 6:A. Chemistry B. School C. scholarship D. children Câu 7:A. favorite B. practice C. language D. campus Câu 8:A. surprise B. organize C. realize D. promise Câu 9:A. eaten B.heart C. read D.speak Câu 10:A. scenery B. academy C. qualify D. grocery III/ Choose the correct answer: Câu 11: It is hot in the summer,……….? A. doesn’t B. isn’t C. aren’t D. is it Câu 12 : Computer is one of the most importants………………of the 20th century. A. inventions B. inventors C. inventings D. quality Câu 13: What benefits does TV bring about to people’s life? A. progams B. information C. advantages D. event Câu 14: They have many well ……………… teacher in their school. A. qualify B. qualification C. quslified D. quality Câu 15: Some people think using the Internet is very……. Because it takes a lot of time A. convenient B. time-consuming C. interesting D. informative Câu 16: Which sentence is correct? A. Hoa said those roses are beautyfully B. Hoa said those rose were beautyful C. Hoa said these roses are beautyful D. Hoa said these roses were beautyful Câu 18: I am tal, …………. I? A. are B. shall C. am not D. aren’t Câu 19: Remote controls are used to …………………… with TV. A. interactively B. interact C. interaction D. interactive Câu 20: Wearing uniform helps students …………… equal in many ways. A. felt B.fall C. fell D. feel Câu 21: He was born …………. Jannary, 5th . A. in B. at C. of D. on Câu 22: This school has ……………… reputation. A. excel B. axcellency C. excellence D. axcellent Câu 23: Mathematises and Literature are ………………… sudject in high school. A. compulsory B. optional C. religious D. adding Câu 24: Can you turn ………………………. The light?- It’s too dark in here A. for B. off C. on D. in Câu 25: Which sentence is correct? A. She asked me where I lived then B. She asked me where did you live C. She asked me where I lived now D. She asked me where I live now Câu 26: The children enjoy ………………… new clothes. A. wore B. wearing C. to wear D. be worn Câu 27: The Malaysian unit of currency is the …………… A. batht B. yen C. ringgit D. dollar Câu 28: I want everybody to listen to me ………………. A. carefully B. care C. careless D. carefull Câu 29: Lan didn’t go to school yesterday …………… she had a bad cold. A. and B. so C. because D. but Câu 30: Maryam was really ………… by the beaty of the city A. impressed B. impresstion C. impress D. impressive IV/ Read the fllowing passage and choose the best answer for each space. Van is a student from Ho Chi Minh Cyti, is an exchange student in the USA. He is now living with the Parker family….(31)…. A farm 100 kilometers …(32)……. Clumbus Ohio. He will stay there till the beginning of October. Mr. Parker ….(33)… maize on his farm, while Mrs. Parker works ….(34)….at a grocery store in a nearby town. They have two children. Peter is the same age as van, and Sam is still in primaty school. Since Van …(35)…. He has been learning a lot abot life on a farm. In …(36)… afternoon, as soon as he … (37)… his homewoek, he feeds the chickens and collects their eggs. On weekends, if Mr. Parker is busy, the three boys …(38)… him on the farm. On Satuday afternoon, Peter plays baseball. The Parker family anf Van eat harmburgers or hot dogs while they watch …(39)… play. The Parker are nice so Van fells lkes a …(40)… of their family. Câu 31:A. at B. in C. on D. with Câu 32: A.away B. outsite C. insite D. in Câu 33:A.cut B. water C. eat D. grows Câu 34:A.all B. patly C. part-time D. wholly Câu 35:A.left B. studied C. went D. arrived Câu 36:A.a B. an C. the D. any Câu 37:A. completes B. start C. talk D. does Câu 38:A.help B. helps C. helping D. helped Câu 39:A.Sam B. Peter C. Mr.Parker D. Van Câu 40:A. son B. freind C. member D. penpel Exercise on Tag Question Fill in the blanks with correct Question-tag forms. 1. Kiki doesn’t write a letter before bed, ? 2. Jenny and Natalie are the members of the Photography Club, ? 3. You can swim very well, ? 4. She draws a beautiful picture, ? 5. We came home late last night, ? 6. Henry and Ricky read a lot of books, ? 7. We played football last night, ? 8. You didn’t see me, ? 9. He sells toys, ? 10. They don’t like cats, ? 11. She loves flowers, ? 12. You are a student, ? 13. Jane can’t swim, ? 14. They mustn’t buy the car, ? 15. Billy has made a beautiful kite, ? 16. You won’t trust him, ? 17. Kathy and YoYo will go to the swimming pool tomorrow, ? 18. Mrs. White ate a lot of fish yesterday, ? 19. Ken didn’t visit his grandfather last week, ? 20. You don’t like fishing, ? 21. Fiona likes Jacky Chan, ? 22. She must come to the party, ? 23. Lucy will buy the dress, ? 24. Mimi and Lily were sad yesterday, ? 25. Kate always sleeps early, ? 26. He won’t be happy, ? 27. You didn’t do homework yesterday, ? 28. We kept some money under the bed, ? 29. It seldom barks, ? 30. Michael and Melody often go home late, ? Put in the correct question tags. 1. He sometimes reads the newspaper,…………………………………………… ? 2. You are Indian, …………………………………………… ? 3. Peggy didn't use the pencil, …………………………………………… ? 4. Mary has answered the teacher's question, …………………………………? 5. The boy is from Turkey, …………………………………………… ? 6. Sue wasn't listening, …………………………………………… ? 7. Andrew isn't sleeping, …………………………………………… ? 8. Tom and Maria will arrive at Heathrow, …………………………………………? 9. He's been to Texas,……………………………………………… ? 10. Dogs like meat, ……………………………………………… ? 11. There are some apples left, ……………………………………………… ? 12. I'm late, ……………………………………………… ? 13. Let's go, ……………………………………………… ? 14. Don't smoke, ……………………………………………… ? 15. He does sing in the bathroom, ……………………………………………… ? 16. He'll never know, ……………………………………………… ? 17. I think, he's from India, ……………………………………………… ? 18. Lovely day today, ……………………………………………… ? 19. She is collecting stickers, ……………………………………………… ? 20. We often watch TV in the afternoon, ……………………………………………… ? 21. You have cleaned your bike, ……………………………………………… ? 22. John and Max don't like Maths, ……………………………………………… ? 23. Peter played handball yesterday, ……………………………………………… ? 24. They are going home from school, ……………………………………………… ? 25. Mary didn't do her homework last Monday, ……………………………………………? 26. He could have bought a new car, ……………………………………………… ? 27. Kevin will come tonight, ……………………………………………… ? 28. I'm clever, ……………………………………………… ? Add the appropriate question tag. 1-You don't like playing with animals. 2-The weather is quite warm today. 3-Birds can't swim. 4-You went to the movies alone last night. 5-The coffee you are drinking is very bitter. 6-Your girlfriend sent a letter of apology. 7-The teacher hasn't finished explaining the lesson yet. 8-You won't leave before finishing your work. 9-Your grandmother on your father's side is still alive. 10-My grandfather enjoys watching the TVprograms that I hate. 11-Students mustn't cheat in exams. 12-You won't be able to eat all that quantity of food. 13-They are playing hide and seek. 14-My brother is studying English at the moment. 15-You must ask a doctor before taking any medicaments. Add suitable question tags to the following sentences. 1. Your name is Thanh, ____________? 2. Today is Sunday,_________? 3. John agrees with me about the plan,________? 4. There’s a bus coming,____________? 5. Everybody was saying their prayers in the church when I came,________? 6. He makes a lot of mistakes in pronunciation,_____________? 7. Both men won’t surf the Internet for a chat any more,________? 8. They haven’t done their homework yet,_____________? 9. Helen’s got fashionable clothes to wear on this important occasion,___________? 10. My father put an advertisement in The Times to sell his house,________? 11. Students have to wear uniforms in Vietnam,___________? 12. There are only twenty – eight days in February,_______________? 13. One should always try to be friendly to the environment,__________? 14. Let’s go out for a meal,____________? 15. Go to the supermarket with me,___________? 16. Keep silent,___________? 17. Don’t forget to keep in touch with us,__________? 18. Pass me the salt,___________? 19. Post this letter for me,________? 20. Have some more coffee,__________? 21. Nice day,________? 22. Nothing is impossible,______? 23. Nothing matters,________? 24. I need say something to you about it,________? 25. I am late,_________? 26. Nobody was there,__________? 27. Nobody is going to the mosque,__________? 28. Cactuses need little water,___________? 29. It’s no good,________? 30. No smoking is allowed in this compartment,___________? 31. Somebody has recognized you by your funny hat,__________? 32. Everyone was impressed by her beauty,______________? 33. These are your cases here,__________? 34. Those weren’t your parents over there,_________? 35. The Chinese invented paper in A.D 105,____________? 36. You’d rather listen to English programs on the radio,__________? 37. You’d better not go out in the cold weather,___________? 38. He’s never met you before,____________? 39. He hardly ever makes a mistake,__________? 40. There’s scarcely enough time for our project,_________? . have to go five minutes. 7 I met Ann Tuesday. 8 He has lived in India two years. 9 I’ll phone you Tuesday morning about 10. 10 Tom’s grandmother died in 198 7 the age of 81. 11 Jack’s brother. half an hour. 18 I suddenly felt ill the examination. 19 They were working in the garden 3 o’clock seven o’clock. 20 Carol got married 199 4. 21 The book was easy to read. So I read it a day. 22. because…………………………………… A. it is included in their study coures B. they are forced to learn it C. it’s their own language D. it’s useful for their higher studies II/ Choose the word whose underlined

Ngày đăng: 13/07/2014, 21:00

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