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Vâ Minh Phæ – Bæ m«n Khoa häc m¸y tÝnh 34 writeln('±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±± ±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±'); end; { } Procedure thoat; var ch:char; begin textbackground(4); textcolor(14); gotoxy(21,6); write('ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿'); gotoxy(21,7); write('³ Ban co muon thoat khong (C/K) ? ³'); gotoxy(21,8); write('ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ'); repeat ch:=readkey; case upcase(ch) of 'C' : begin textbackground(0);textcolor(7);clrscr;halt;end; 'K' : exit; end; until (upcase(ch)='C')or(upcase(ch)='K'); end; { } Procedure dohoa; {tao do hoa va thuc don} var i2,t1:integer; ch:char; begin Vâ Minh Phæ – Bæ m«n Khoa häc m¸y tÝnh 35 textbackground(9); textcolor(15); gotoxy(25,3);write('ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍThuc donÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ»'); for i:=1 to 9 do begin mahoa(menu[i],32); gotoxy(25,3+i);write('º',menu[i],'º'); end; gotoxy(25,4+i);write('ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ'); t1:=1; textbackground(4); textcolor(14); gotoxy(26,4);write(menu[1]); repeat ch:=readkey; case ch of #80 : begin textbackground(9); textcolor(15); gotoxy(26,3+t1); write(menu[t1]); if t1=9 then t1:=1 else t1:=t1+1; textbackground(4); textcolor(14); gotoxy(26,3+t1); write(menu[t1]); Vâ Minh Phæ – Bæ m«n Khoa häc m¸y tÝnh 36 end; #72 : begin textbackground(9); textcolor(15); gotoxy(26,3+t1); write(menu[t1]); if t1=1 then t1:=9 else t1:=t1-1; textbackground(4); textcolor(14); gotoxy(26,3+t1); write(menu[t1]); end; #13 : begin case t1 of 1 :Begin clrscr; writeln(' Thu tuc dao nguoc chuoi'); writeln; write('Nhap so phan tu cua xau:'); readln(n); writeln; for i:=1 to n do Begin write('Nhap ky tu thu ',i,':'); readln(h); themcuoi(first,h); End; Vâ Minh Phæ – Bæ m«n Khoa häc m¸y tÝnh 37 writeln; write('Chuoi sau khi nhap vao:'); inxau(first); dao(first); writeln; writeln; write('Chuoi sau khi duoc dao nguoc:'); inxau(first); readln; while first<>nil do xoacuoi(first); dohoa; End; 2 :Begin clrscr; writeln(' Thu tuc dem so phan tu trong xau'); writeln; write('Nhap vao mot xau bat ky :'); repeat ch:=readkey; Begin write('',ch); themcuoi(first,h); End; until ch=#13; writeln; writeln; f:=chieudai(first); Vâ Minh Phæ – Bæ m«n Khoa häc m¸y tÝnh 38 writeln; write('chieu dai xau tren la :',f-1); writeln; readln; while first<>nil do xoacuoi(first); dohoa; End; 3 :Begin clrscr; writeln(' Thu tuc lay chi so cua xau'); writeln; write('Nhap so phan tu cua xau:'); readln(n); writeln; write('nhap vi tri can lay:'); readln(e); writeln; for i:=1 to n do Begin write('Nhap ky tu thu ',i,':'); readln(h); themcuoi(first,h); End; writeln; write('Chuoi sau khi nhap vao:'); inxau(first); writeln; Vâ Minh Phæ – Bæ m«n Khoa häc m¸y tÝnh 39 c1:=chiso(first,e); writeln; write('ki tu duoc lay la:',c1); readln; while first<>nil do xoacuoi(first); dohoa; End; 4 :Begin clrscr; writeln(' Thu tuc lay xau ky tu con'); writeln; write('Nhap so phan tu cua xau:'); readln(n); writeln; write('nhap vi tri bat dau lay:'); readln(b1); writeln; write('nhap so ki tu can lay:'); readln(b2); writeln; for i:=1 to n do Begin write('Nhap ky tu thu ',i,':'); readln(h); themcuoi(first,h); End; writeln; write('Chuoi sau khi nhap vao:'); inxau(first); Vâ Minh Phæ – Bæ m«n Khoa häc m¸y tÝnh 40 writeln; g:=xaukitucon(first,b1,b2); writeln; write('xau duoc lay la:'); inxau(g); writeln; readln; while first<>nil do xoacuoi(first); dohoa; End; 5 :Begin clrscr; writeln(' Thu tuc in xau khong de quy'); writeln; write('Nhap so phan tu cua xau:'); readln(n); writeln; for i:=1 to n do Begin write('Nhap ky tu thu ',i,':'); readln(h); themcuoi(first,h); End; writeln; write('Chuoi sau khi nhap vao duoc goi bang ham khong de quy :'); inxau(first); writeln; readln; Vâ Minh Phæ – Bæ m«n Khoa häc m¸y tÝnh 41 while first<>nil do xoacuoi(first); dohoa; End; 6 :Begin clrscr; writeln(' Thu tuc in xau de quy'); writeln; write('Nhap so phan tu cua xau:'); readln(n); writeln; for i:=1 to n do Begin write('Nhap ky tu thu ',i,':'); readln(h); themcuoi(first,h); End; writeln; write('Chuoi sau khi nhap vao duoc goi bang ham de quy:'); inxaudq(first); readln; while first<>nil do xoacuoi(first); dohoa; End; 7 : begin clrscr; writeln(' Chuong trinh chuyen doi so thap phan san so nhi phan'); writeln; writeln(' mo ta qua cac buoc cua stack trong qua trinh chuyen doi'); writeln; Vâ Minh Phæ – Bæ m«n Khoa häc m¸y tÝnh 42 write('Nhap vao so nguyen duong de chuyen doi :'); readln(Nu); lnits(stack1); writeln; writeln('Tinh trang stack o cac buoc chuyen doi la'); writeln; while Nu <> 0 do begin R:=Nu mod 2; Pushs(Stack1,R); Nu:=Nu div 2; write('buoc');writestacks(stack1); writeln; end; writeln; write('Bieu dien co so hai:'); while not Emptys(Stack1) do begin Pops(Stack1,R); write(R:1); end; readln; dohoa; end; 8 : Begin clrscr; writeln(' Su dung phuong phap POLISH de bien doi trung to sang hau to '); Vâ Minh Phæ – Bæ m«n Khoa häc m¸y tÝnh 43 writeln; writeln(' va neu ro tinh trang cua stack va tung buoc bien doi cua hau to'); writeln; step:=0; writeln('Tinh bieu thuc s:=(a+b-c)*d/e-(f-g)'); writeln; writeln(' va s:=(d^e-f)*(g/h+i)-a/b+c'); writeln; writeln(' voi a=27,b=3,c=1,d=6,e=2,f=9,g=12,h=4,i=1'); writeln; write('Nhap chuoi bieu thuc s:'); readln(s); writeln; Writeln('Bieu thuc ban dau:',s); writeln; writeln('Buoc Phan tu Bieu thuc hau to Tinh trang stack'); writeln; kt:=Polish(s,s); writeln; if kt then begin writeln;write('Bieu thuc hau to:',s)end else begin writeln;write('Khong dung la bieu thuc theo yeu cau');end; writeln; kt:=Value(s,t); writeln; if kt then begin writeln;write('Gia tri tinh duoc:',t:0:2)end [...]... end; #59 : begin dohoa;end; #60 : begin dohoa;end; #27 : begin thoat;dohoa;end; end; until ch=#27; end; { -} Begin taonen; dohoa; end Vâ Minh Phæ – Bæ m«n Khoa häc m¸y tÝnh 44 . gotoxy(25,3+i);write('º',menu[i],'º'); end; gotoxy(25 ,4+ i);write('ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ'); t1:=1; textbackground (4) ; textcolor( 14) ; gotoxy(26 ,4) ;write(menu[1]); repeat ch:=readkey;. 34 writeln('±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±± ±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±'); end; { } Procedure thoat; var ch:char; begin textbackground (4) ; textcolor( 14) ;. gotoxy(26,3+t1); write(menu[t1]); if t1=9 then t1:=1 else t1:=t1+1; textbackground (4) ; textcolor( 14) ; gotoxy(26,3+t1); write(menu[t1]); Vâ Minh Phæ – Bæ m«n Khoa häc m¸y tÝnh 36

Ngày đăng: 13/07/2014, 07:20

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