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Week: 21 Date of preparation: 03/01/2010 Period: 59 Date of teaching:04/01/2010 UNIT 9: THE BODY Section B . Faces (B4-B5-R) I/ Objectives: 1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, sts will be able to know how to describe facial features. 2. Skills: Listening, reading, speaking. 3. Behavior: sts will know to describe their face and appearance. II/ Preparation: 1. Teacher: Techniques: pair work, ask, answer question. Teaching aids: textbook, pictures, cassette, tape, adding board 2. Students: text book, workbook, note. III/ Procedures: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Contents 1.Class order: _Greets 2.Check up: _Check the previous lesson _Estimates and gives marks 3.New lesson: _Writes on the board *Warm up: _Gives picture (Miss Chi) and asks. *Activity 1: _Introduces the aim of the lesson. _Plays the tape (twice) _Ask sts to read the text. _ Ask sts to fill in the blank (adding board). _Corrects. _Feedback _Go to the board and write some newwords _Notice _Write down _Look at the picture and answer the questions _ listen and take note _Listen to the tape _Read aloud the text _Fill in the blank(Close your book) _Notice _Greetings _New words: black, white, blue, orange… _Describe the face UNIT 9: (Cont) Section: Faces (B3_4_R) Questions: _Is she tall? _What color is her hair? _What color are her eyes? 4.Listen and repeat: _The text P.101 *Fill in the blank: _Miss Chi is_____and thin _She has a______face _She has long_____hair _Gives the question and asks sts to answer the questions _ Ask sts to practice the question (P. 102). _Calls sts to ask – answer. _Corrects. _Reads the answers *Activity 2: _ Introduces the aim of lesson. _Plays the tape(twice) and asks sts to listen to the tape _Calls sts to give their answers _Plays the tape again to check the answer _ corrects 4. Consolidation: _ shows the pictures on p. 102 and asks _ asks sts to read remember and write on their book 5. Home work: _ gives the requests _Answer the questions _Work in pair _Write the answers on the board. _Write down _ listen and repeat _listen and remember _Listen to the tape _give the answers _Check the answer and write down _take note _ look at the pictures and answer _ read remerber and write on book _ take note * Questions: _Is Miss Chi’s face oval or round? → It’s round. _The question P.102 *Suggested answer: a.It’s long hair. b.It’s black. c.They are brown. d.It’s small nose. e.It’s full lips 5.Listen: _Tape transcript: 1.He has short hair. He has a round face. He has the big nose. He has full lips. 2.He has short hair. He has an oval face. He has the small nose. He has thin lips. 3. She has short hair. She has an oval face. She has the big nose. He has thin lips. 4. She has long hair. He has a round face. She has the small nose. She has full lips. * Suggested answers: 1-c 2-a 3-d 4-b - What color is her hair? - Is her face oval? Remember p. 103 - read the text and answer the questions. - learn by heart remember. - prepare unit 10 ( A1-A2-A3-A4). * Phần bổ sung:

Ngày đăng: 13/07/2014, 03:01

Xem thêm: ENGLISH6 UNIT9 (B4,B5,R)


