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UNIT 9: UNDERSEA WORLD I)The aims of the unit: 1) Skills: -Reading: + Read to understand a passage and know how to guess the meaning of the new words in the context. + Read and identify the main ideas of the passage. + Skim to find detailed information. + Summarize the reading in the form of writing and speaking. -Speaking: + Speak about the protection of the sea environment and sea animals. + ask and answer about the ways to protect sea environment in the future. -Listening: Listen to understand the content of the reading to choose T or F and answer the questions. -Writing: Know how to present the information from the table and express it into a paragraph. 2) Language focus: o Pronunciation: Sts can pronounce correctly three diphthongs /i /, /e /, /u / ə ə ə o Grammar and vocabulary: Sts know how to use Restrictive relative clause and nonrestrictive relative clause . o Teaching aids: + A tape and a cassette recorder. + Some pictures of sea animals. + Some card boards and handouts. II) Procedure of the unit: UNIT 9 : UNDERSEA WORLD LESSON 1,2 : READING Date: Class: I) AIMS AND OBJECTIVES : -Educational aim : Sts know more about the life of sea animals and oceans in the world -Knowledge : Through the unit , Sts will have the sense of protecting sea environment . II) TEACHING AIDS : -Pictures of sea animals( if any) ,a map of oceans in the world and a card board of ‘‘warm up’’. -A tape and a cassette recorder . III) METHOD : -Communicative approach . IV) PROCEDURE : 1 Teacher’s and students’ activities contents WARM –UP: (5ms) -Sts close their books . -T asks the Ss to think out some sea animals and write them in the card board ( Suggested answers: humpback whale, sea turtle, tar fish, sea horse,shark, dolphin, whale, crab, seal, salmon, jellyfish, …) -T introduces new lesson: To understand more clearly about sea animals and their environment, today we’re going to study lesson 1: Reading BEFORE YOU READ: (8ms) - Ssts work in pairs to match the pictures with the names ssome sea creatures. - - : sts work in groups to discuss which of them are in ddanger and need to be protected now. - T go round to help . -T correct the information in front of the class. WHILE YOU READ: - Ss open their books and read in silent by following the cassette recorder once to practise new words. Task a: (12ms) - Ss read in individual for three minutes. - T remind Ss of finding 8 words from the reading. - Ss tell the parts of speech of these words. - Ss skim to find out necessary information. - Ss interchange in pairs. -T goes round to check. - - . Answer keys: - . . 1g,6a . 2f,7d . 3c,8b . 4e .5h . Answer keys: whale and sea turtles need to be protected. Vocabulary : -blooded mammal (n) - rescue –v - stressful-adj - spirit-n . Answer keys: 1. t 2. f 3. t 4. f 5. f 6. f . 2 Sea animals Task b: (10ms) -Ss read the questions. - Ss read in individual and find out information from the passage. -Ss interchange in pairs. -T corrects them before the class. Task c: Ss interchange in pairs. AFTER YOU READ: (10ms) - Sts work in pairs to skim over the reading. -T suggests and asks Sts to do what he tells. - T corrects them before the class. - Answer keys: 1 They helped … 2. its purpose is to help people with … 3. after the progrtam, 4. dolphins can get 5. Because if . Answer keys: 1. mammals 2. take the easy way out 3. disturb 4. contact-n 5. bite the hand that feed 6. caution HOMEWORK: (2ms) - Read the passage again ,learn by heart new words. - Prepare “Listening” UNIT 9 : UNDERSEA WORLD LESSON 3 : LISTENING Date: Class: I) AIMS AND OBJECTIVES : -Educational aim:. Through the unit , Sts will have the sense of protecting sea animals. -Knowledge: + General knowledge: Ss will listen to the song about a whale + Language: Ask and answer WH- questions, choose T or F. II) TEACHING AIDS : a tape, a cassette player and a card board of “Warm-up”. III) METHOD : Listening -Communicative approach . IV) PROCEDURE : Teacher’s and students’ activities contents 3 WARM –UP: (5ms) What can you see in the picture? What is the man doing? BEFORE YOU LISTEN: (10ms) -Ss practice in pairs,asking and answering these two questions: 1. Do you think whales are fish? Why(not)? 2. Why do people keep hunting whales? - T lets Ss read the words ( will appear) in the tape script, pay attention to the way of pronunciation and the meanings (if any). - Ss read these words in silent. -T corrects them before the class. WHILE YOU LISTEN: Taskb: (10ms) - T asks Ss to read the song given - - T explains the sentences that Ss don’t understand. - T turns on the cassette player twice. - Ss work in individual, listen and fill in the blanks AFTER YOU LISTEN: Task3: (10ms) -Ss work in groups : ask and answerthe questions: Activity 1: Suggested answers: 1.Whales are not fish because they raise their young on milk. 2. Because they want to catch whales for food, oil, leather and other products. Activity 2: Listen and repeat -Moonlight –n - passionate wail-n - reef –v - squeak-n . Answer keys: 1.spring 2.recorder 3.singing 4.heart 5. harpoons ê 6. death 7. feel 8. save Suggested answers: HOMEWORK: (2ms) - Learn by heart new words, rewrite some whales’ special features. - Prepare “ Writing”. 4 UNIT 9 : UNDERSEA WORLD LESSON 4 : SPEAKING PERIOD : Date: Class: I) AIMS: -Educational aim : asking for and giving reasons or explanations -Knowledge:+ General knowledge: Ss will get some ways to protect our sea environment. + Language: Sentences and expressions for asking for and giving reasons or explanations II) TEACHING AIDS : a card board of task 2. III) METHOD : Communicative approach . IV) PROCEDURE : Teacher’s and students’ activities contents WARM –UP: (5ms) Sing a song PRE-SPEAKING: (8ms) Sts work in pairs ask and answer T explains expressions WHILE SPEAKING: Taska: (10ms) Sts work in pairs , find the reason to explain why Task b: (10ms) Sts work with a partner and talk about these activities. POST-SPEAKING: Taskc: (10ms) -Ss work in groups and describe what is happening in each picture. Suggested answers: Why ? How come ? -Because Vocabulary: - S -moonlight -switch on - - Ex: Do you like Why Because… Suggested keys: Ex: A: A crab / s getting out of its old shell. Why? B: / cos the old one is too small for it. 5 HOMEWORK: (2ms) -Learn by heart new words, structures and expressions. - Make 5 sentences about the protecting of the sea, using the structure “We should/ shouldn’t…” - Prepare “Writing”. UNIT 9 : UNDERSEA WORLD LESSON 5,6 : WRITING PERIOD : Date: Class: I) AIMS : -Educational aim: Ss will have the love of sea animals. -Knowledge: + General knowledge: Through the unit , Ss will know about the sperm whales and their special features. + Language: Ss know how to interpret the information from the table into a paragraph. II) TEACHING AIDS : a card board of “Warm-up”, a picture of a dolphin. III) METHOD : Communicative approach . IV) PROCEDURE : Teacher’s and students’ activities contents WARM –UP: (5ms) -Sts close their books . -T asks the Ss to play jumbled words: PRMES, EAHLWS, REA, THE, IGSTEGB, NMLSAIA, NO, ERHTA, HTAT, HVEA,ETHET. -T introduces new lesson: Today we’re going to study invitation letters BEFORE YOU WRITE: (8ms) Task a: Suggested answers: Sperm whales are the biggest animals on earth that have teeth. Vocabulary: 6 Activity 1: - T explains the new words and expressions. - Ss open their books and read in silent the letters. Then complete the table WHILE YOU WRITE: Task b: (10ms) - Ss work in groups to combine the fragments below to form two letters of invitation -T corrects these information before class. - T explains the style, vo, stru… task c. - T reminds Ss of referring to the description in task c - Ss Practice in groups to choose one topic then write a letter of invitation - T goes round to help them or gives the meanings of new words. (if any ) POST-SPEAKING: -T asks one S of each group to report to the class what his group has discussed. -T corrects these reports before class. Suggested answers: -going to Tri nguyen aquarium -Ann and John are passing through -to welcome back Pro. Ali -How obout going to the movies tonight? -Can you come to dinner on Sunday? …. Letter 1( informal) Letter 2(formal) Suggested answers: . HOMEWORK: (2ms) -Learn by heart new words and expressions. o Write a letter of invitation o Prepare “ Language focus”. UNIT 9 : UNDERSEA WORLD LESSON 7 : LANGUAGE FOCUS PERIOD : Date: Class: 7 I) AIMS: Word study: compound adj Grammar and vocabulary: Sts know how to use relative clauses II) TEACHING AIDS : a tape, a cassette player III) PROCEDURE : Teacher’s and students’ activities contents WARM –UP: (5ms) Word study: (8ms) Activity 1: word study T explain how to form a Compound adjectives, give example Sts do the exercises GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY: a. Restrictive Relative clauses: - Ss read the example carefully. - T explains the restrictive relative clauses -Ss practice in pairs. - T walks round to help (Exercise a- Page 124) b. Nonrestrictive Relative clauses: - Ss read the example carefully. - T explains the nonrestrictive relative clauses -Ss practice in pairs. - T walks round to help (Exercise a- Page 125) C. The passive voice (revision) Ss read the example carefully. - T explains the passive voice -Ss practice in pairs. - T walks round to help Suggested answers: Compound adjectives Noun + verb(pp)= Compound adjectives Ex: The date (which) I have in mind is June 20 Ex: While swimming with wild dolphins, we are disturbing these animals, which may get angry and bite the hand that feeds them. Ex: Dolphins are considered people / s friends. HOMEWORK: (2ms) -Learn by heart new structures. - Prepare “ Reading”- unit 10 - 8 UNIT 10: CONSERVATION Date: Class: I)Aims and objectives: Ss will have knowledge of preserving and safeguarding natural environment, they will know the causes that bring about environmental disasters and have the sense of conserving our natural environment. Vocabulary :Words dealing with conservation o Grammar: Sts know how to use the modal verb (should). o Teaching aids: + A tape and a cassette recorder. + Some pictures of some forests and forest fires. + Some card boards and handouts. II) Procedure of the unit: UNIT 10 : CONSERVATION LESSON 1,2 : REAding PeRIOD : Date: Class: I) AIMS AND OBJECTIVES : -Educational aim : Ss should contribute their parts to the protection of the natural environment. -Knowledge:+ General knowledge: Ss learn about the functions of ecotourism and about the safeguarding of natural environment. + Language: Sentences and expressions for making suggestions to protect natural environment. II) TEACHING AIDS : -Pictures of zoos or forests ( if any) , a card board of ‘‘warm up’’, some handouts. - Tapes and a cassette player. III) METHOD :Communicative approach . IV) PROCEDURE : Teacher’s and students’ activities contents 9 WARM –UP: (5ms) -Sts close their books . -T asks the Ss to think out some environmental problems and write them in the card board. -T introduces new lesson by asking questions: What is conservation? Conservation is the protection of natural things, such as plants and animals. BEFORE YOU READ: (8ms) Activity 1: - Ss work in pairs to look at the picture in page 126 and match the solutions with the pictures - T goes round to help . -T correct the information in front of class. WHILE YOU READ: Task a: (12ms) - Ss open their books and read in silent by following the cassette recorder once to practice new words. -Ss scan quickly the reading to find out the new words - T goes round to help Ss to guess the meanings of the new words in the context. Sts match the headings with the appropriate paras Task b: - Ss read the text in silence and do the task b. -ss match the words or phrase in column A with B - Ss interchange in pairs. -T goes round to check. - T corrects the information before class. Task c: - Suggested answers: -the extinction of the plants and animals - pollution, floods, droughts, volcanic eruption ,earth quakes, forest fire,… a.3 b.1 c.2 Vocabulary : -conserve(v) -ecosystem(n) -ecotourism(n) -fauna(n) - flora-n Answer keys of task a: 1C; 2D; 3A; 4B Answer keys of task 2: 1.c; 2.e; 3.a; 4.d; 5.b . 10 Environment al problems [...]... them some questions: 1/ Do you know who the musician was? 2/What do you know about him? 3/What are some of his songs that you know? Suggested answers: 1/He was Van Cao 2/He was born in Nam Ha, ín 192 3 He died in 199 5 His first song is Suoi Mo 3/They are: Suoi Mo, Lang Toi, Ngay Mua,… -T introduces new lesson: Today we’re going to listen to a conservation about a typical musician in Vietnam music: Van Cao... Activity 2: Listen and repeat ( page 116) Vocabulary: -threatened and endangered species: -attack(v) -ethnic minority: EX: Muong, Meo, Ede, Monong are ethnic minorities in Vietnam Answer keys of task1: 1. 196 0 2.160 km south west of 3 1oo,ooo visitors 4 about 2,000; 450 5 surprise attack Suggested answers of task 2: 1 2 3 4 5 20 - Ss work in pairs to discuss and prepare -Tasks some pairs of them to ask and... after T twice Activity 2: (Page 102) -Ss practice reading these sentences - T walks round to help GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY: * Conditional sentence type 3 : Structure: 25 Activity 1: ( Exercise 1- Page 1 19) - Ss read the example carefully - T presents the structure of conditional sentence type 3 -T tells Ss the difference between type1,type 2 and type 3, then asks Ss to give examples - Ss practice in groups... his sentence before the class -Ss practice in pairs to give the right form of the verbs in brackets - T walks round to help -Each S reads his sentence before the class Activity 2: (Exercise 2- Page 1 19) -Ss practice in pairs ,rewrite these sentences with conditional sentence type 3 - T walks round to help( clauses after “because” are used in if clause, in sentence 5 the main clause is used in conditional... loudly at the restaurant, I would have heard everything Mr Lee said during the dinner HOMEWORK: (2ms) -Learn by heart new structures -Make 5 sentences ,using conditional sentence type 3 - Review from unit 9 to unit 11 to do the test - UNIT 12: MUSIC I)Aims and objectives: -Ss will have knowledge of some kinds of music and composers -Ss will... HOMEWORK: (2ms) - Read the passage again ,learn by heart new words - Prepare “Speaking” - UNIT 12 : MUSIC LESSON 2 : SPEAKING PERIOD : Date: 29 Class: I) AIMS: -Ss can speak about kinds of music they like best, the reason why they like them, the time when they listen to them, the bands/ the singers they like best -Ss can compare their hobby... asks the Ss to think out some national parks in Vietnam and write them in the card board -T introduces new lesson: Today we’re going to listen about Cuc Phuong national park national parks in Vietnam 19 Suggested answers: They are Cat Ba, Cat Tien, Cuc Phuong, Bach Ma BEFORE YOU LISTEN: (10ms) -Ss practice in groups, asking and answering the four questions in task 1 page 115 -T turns on the cassette... repeat ( page 116) Activity 3: Suggested answers: accept for the adj “boring” Answer keys of task1: 1.F ( The guest is Quang Hung) 2.F ( He likes some Vietnamese musicians.) 3.T 4.F ( It was written ín 194 4) 5 F (He always feels proud of his country when he hears the song) 32 -Ss listen and decide whether the statements are T/F - T asks Ss to interchange the information they’ve heard with his/ her partner... 5-His tunes were wonderful mixture of classical European and African beats which were known as Ragtime 6-All in all, he wrote 50 piano rags, and was called the King of Ragtime 7-Scott Joplin died in 191 7 WHILE YOU WRITE: Task 2: (10ms) Suggested answers of task 2: - Ss work in pairs: Write sentences about the life 1d story of Van Cao orally 2.e -T suggests to the Ss that they should add some 3.c prepositions, . UNIT 9: UNDERSEA WORLD I)The aims of the unit: 1) Skills: -Reading: + Read to understand a passage. Some pictures of sea animals. + Some card boards and handouts. II) Procedure of the unit: UNIT 9 : UNDERSEA WORLD LESSON 1,2 : READING Date: Class: I) AIMS AND OBJECTIVES : -Educational aim. HOMEWORK: (2ms) - Read the passage again ,learn by heart new words. - Prepare “Listening” UNIT 9 : UNDERSEA WORLD LESSON 3 : LISTENING Date: Class: I) AIMS AND OBJECTIVES : -Educational aim:.