Lesson 23 - Plurals Select the plural of the word by clicking on the radio button, then compare it with the correct answer hidden under the answer button. 1. There are many ___ (thief) in the big cities. thiefs thieves 2. We should throw away these old ___ (tooth brush). teeth brush tooth brushes teeth brushes 3. ___(ox) and ___(goose) are animals. Oxes; geese Oxen; geese Oxen; gooses 4. Did you buy two silk ___(scarf) for your sister? scarfs scarves 5. The ___(chief) of those tribes decided to fight for their lands. chieves chiefs 6. You shouldn't base your argument only on your ___ (hypothesis). hypothesis hypotheses 7. We can't question people's ___ (belief). beliefs believes 8. Two ___ (wolf) are following the eskimo. wolfs wolves 9. Scientists are always studying the ___ (phenomenon) of nature. phenomenons phenomena 10. That hunter killed six ___ (deer) last week. deers deer . Lesson 23 - Plurals Select the plural of the word by clicking on the radio button, then compare it