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Đề tham luyện thi đại học môn Tiếng Anh - Đề số 31 ppsx

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http://ductam_tp.violet.vn/ Test 31 ( Thêi gian: 120 phót ) I. Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage with one suitable word. Sometimes you just know thing about people the first time you see them-for example that you want to be friends with them or you don’t trust them. But perhaps this kind of intuition isn’t as hard to explain 1 it may seem. For instance, everybody gives out body language signals 2 the time. The 3 you hold your body, head and arms tell people about your mood. If you hold your arms tightly at your sides 4 fold them across your chest, people will generally feel that you 5 being defensive. Holding your head on one side shows interest in the 6 person, while 7 relaxed, “open” posture indicates that you are self-confident. All this affects 8 we feel about someone. Also, a stranger may 9 you of a previous meeting with someone. This may be because of 10 as example as the fact that he or she is physically similar 11 someone who treated you well or badly. But your reaction doesn’t 12 to be the result of the memory of a person you previously met- your feeling about the stranger could 13 influenced by a smell in the air that brings to mind a place 14 you were happy as a child. Since even a single word can bring back a memory 15 as that, you may never realize it is happening. II. Choose the best answer to complete sentence. 1, There is only one student in the classroom his lesson.…………… A. prepares B. to prepare C. was preparing D. preparing 2, Now my brother .a car of his own.………… A. is having B. are having C. has D. had 3, After he had broken his leg, Henry could only go up and down stair……… A. hardly B. in difficulties C. with difficulty D. hard 4,The mouse family avoided .by coming out only when the house was empty and the two cats were outside… A. catching B. to be caughtC. being caught D. to have been caught 5, I .cakes for the whole morning. Would you like to have a piece?……… A. have been baking B. was baking C. have been baked D. will be baking 6, Children and old people do not take kindly to having their daily………… A. habit B. method C. routine D. custom 7, They bought the land with a to build a new office block.………… A. view B. purpose C. goal D. reason 8, Have you taken a single word I’ve been saying to you?……… A. over B. up C. in D. off 9, He had such a bad stomachache that he was with pain.……… A. bent down B. folded over C. doubled up D. snapped off 10, Linda wanted to be an actress, so when they offered her a part in the play, she it.…………… A. burst into B. seized on C. ran after D. jumped at III. Read each of these sentences in such way that it means the same as the sentence printed before it. 1, He will marry her and he doesn’t care how she is. / No matter . ……… ………………………………… 2, The people who are in group one will have to move to room 106 on the ground floor. /Those … …… 3, I meet him for the first time in 1985. / I hadn’t .………………………………………………………… … 4, Rudyard Kipling himself was the first English writer to whom the Nobel Prize was awarded. /It is……… http://ductam_tp.violet.vn/ 5, What particularly impresses me was her excellent command of English. / I .…………………………… … 6, These new machines have put an end to queuing. / Before these ………………………………………… 7, I didn’t know you were coming so I didn’t wait for you. / If……………………………………………… 8, When I picked up my pen I found that the nib had broken. / On…………………………………………… 9, The news that he would be going to university pleased him very much. / The news of ……………… 10, He felt ill to get up. / He did not………………………………………………………………………… IV. Complete the following sentences with a correct preposition. 1, Carol doesn’t have a very good relationship .her sister.………… 2, Many young people become addicted drugs through ignorance.…… 3, Helen had great admiration .her history teacher.…………… 4, My hands were blue cold when I got home.…………… 5, I’d like to exchange this car a new model but I can’t afford it.………… 6, The party went on dawn.…………… 7, Your lungs are your chest, and your rips are your lungs.……………… …………… 8, It’s easy to get drunk brandy.……… 9, I’d like to be on this scheme.…………… V. Find out one mistake in each sentence and correct it. 1, People are taking the train to Paris must go to platform three. 2, Having looking through my drawers, I found an albums. 3, I’m going to try and get some sleep tonight. 4, It’s time for the children went to bed. 5, The window was dirty enough to see through. VI. Use the correct form of verbs in brackets. 1, It rained, which spoiled our picnic; but if it (not rain) it (be) a great success. 2, I live in a pleasant room (overlook) the garden. 3, I hope they (repair) this road by the time we come back next summer. 4, The book is divided into five parts and each of these (have) three sections. 5, Can you be at the station to meet us? We (travel) on the 10 a.m train, which (arrive) in Edinburgh at 15.30 6, I hate (wait) for buses. You (wait) for ages and then three (come) at the same time. 7, John was exhausted because he (work) in the garden all day. 8, I (not be) at work tomorrow. I’m taking the day off. 9, Did you remember (send) your aunt Mary a card when you (be) on holiday? 10, Sorry. I didn’t mean (stand) on your foot. VII. Supply the correct form of the word given in brackets. 1, Peter’s . got worse as he returned to wear glasses. ( eye )…… 2, I’m not used to smoking. A few puffs on a cigarette make me feel quite ( light )…… 3, Apparently, eating fish and lots of vegetables greatly increases your life ( expect )…… 4, The thing I hate most about him is his . ( selfish )…… 5, The local TV company stopped to ask their opinions about the new shopping centre. ( pass )……… 6, A lot of people keep up their English by listening to radio (broad )…… 7, You’d better read the government on setting up a business abroad. (guide )… ®¸p ¸n ( Thêi gian: 120 phót ) I. Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage with one suitable word. http://ductam_tp.violet.vn/ 1- as 2- all 3- way 4- or 5- are 6- other 7- a 8- how/ what 9- remind 10- something 11 to 12- have / need 13- be 14- where 15- such posture t thÕ II. Choose the best answer to complete sentence. 1-d 2- c 3-c 4- c 5- a 6- c 7- a 8- c 9- c 10- d A. burst into B. seized on chép lÊy C. ran after D. jumped at chíp / n¾m ngay lÊy doubled up gËp ngêi l¹i v× .… III. Read each of these sentences in such way that it means the same as the sentence printed before it. 1, No matter how she is, he will marry her 2, Those who Those who are in group one will have to move to room 106 on the ground floor 3, I meet him for the first time in 1985. / à I hadn’t met him until1985. 4, Rudyard Kipling himself was the first English writer to whom the Nobel Prize was awarded. It is Rudyard Kipling who was the first English writer to whom the Nobel Prize was awarded. 5, What particularly impresses me was her excellent command of English. I was particularly impressed by her excellent command of English 6, Before these new machines were invented people had to queue. 7, f I had known you were coming, I would have waited for you. 8, On picking up my pen, I found that the nib had broken. 9, The news of his going to university pleased him very much. 10, He felt ill to get up. à He did not feel well enough to get up. IV. Complete the following sentences with a correct preposition. 1- with 2- to 3- for 4- with 5- for 6- until 7- in ( inside ) / outside 8- on 9- in Rib x- ¬ng sên scheme (n) kÕ ho¹ch V. Find out one mistake in each sentence and correct it. 1- are takingà taking 2- Having looking à Looking 3- try and get à try to get 4- for the à the 5- dirty enough à too dirty VI. Use the correct form of verbs in brackets. 1- hadn’t rained / would have been 2- overlooking 3- will have repaired 4- has 5- will be travelling / arrives 6- waiting / wait / come 7- had been working 8- won’t be 9- to send / were 10- to stand VII. Supply the correct form of the word given in brackets. 1- eyesight 2- light-headed bÞ mª s¶ng 3- expectancy 4- selfishness 5- passers 6- broadcasts 7- guidelines life- expectancy: tuæi thä tb VIII. Choose the best answer to complete sentence. (30points) 9, the invention of the steam engine, most forms of transport were horse-drawn.……… A. A kin to B. prior C. in addition to D. with reference to 10, The of two houses proved such a financial burden that they were forced to sell one.……… A. upkeep B. upshot C. upsurge D. uproar 11, My husband’s continual .keeps me awake at night.……… A. sneering B. sniring C. snarling D. snoring http://ductam_tp.violet.vn/ 12, There was a of brakes as the car took the corner too quickly.………… A. squawk B. squelch C. screech D. scream 13, I’m afraid I’d rather about the existence of ghosts.…… A. sceptical B. partial C. adaptable D. incapable 14, He was at the of his career when he was assassinated.…… A. pride B. height C. glamour D. power 15, My brother I really too kind; everybody takes of him.…… A. profit B. advantage C. cost D. example 16, One person .seven in the world speaks perfect English.……… A. from B. within C. for among D. out of 17, It was at Badinh Square .President Ho read the Declaration of Independence.……… A. where B. which C. when D. that 18, Is it necessary that I here tomorrow?…… A. were B. am being C. be D. would be 19,He was lucky when he fell off the ladder. He himself.…… A. had hurt B. should have hurt C. must have hurt D. could have hurt 20, In my view the change to the education system have been to good .……… A. influence B. outcome C. upshot D. effect 21, He always felt that he was living in the of his famous father.…… A. dusk B. gloom C. shadow D. mist 22, This song is not .as original as their previous ones.………… A. almost B. virtually C. nearly D. practically 23, He had such a bad stomachache that he was with pain.……… A. bent down B. folded over C. doubled up D. snapped off 24, Linda wanted to be an actress, so when they offered her a part in the play, she it.…………… A. burst into B. seized on C. ran after D. jumped 25, She has fifty-five cats. I don’t know how she .them all.… A. looks for B. stand by C. keeps to D. copes with . word. http://ductam_tp.violet.vn/ 1- as 2- all 3- way 4- or 5- are 6- other 7- a 8- how/ what 9- remind 1 0- something 11 to 1 2- have / need 1 3- be 1 4- where 1 5- such posture t thÕ II. Choose. preposition. 1- with 2- to 3- for 4- with 5- for 6- until 7- in ( inside ) / outside 8- on 9- in Rib x- ¬ng sên scheme (n) kÕ ho¹ch V. Find out one mistake in each sentence and correct it. 1- are takingà. 1 5- such posture t thÕ II. Choose the best answer to complete sentence. 1-d 2- c 3-c 4- c 5- a 6- c 7- a 8- c 9- c 1 0- d A. burst into B. seized on chép lÊy C. ran after D. jumped at chíp / n¾m

Ngày đăng: 12/07/2014, 03:20

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