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english for aviation in the algerian

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PEOPLE'S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ALGERIA MINISTRY OF HIGHER EDUCATION AND SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH UNIVERSITY OF TLEMCEN FACULTY OF LETTERS AND LANGUAGES DEPARTMENT OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES SECTION OF ENGLISH Thesis Submitted to the Department of Foreing Languages as a partial fulfillment of the Magister” Degree in E S P Presented by: Ms. GHANIA MEKKAOUI Supervised by: Dr. HAFIDA HAMZAOUI Academic Year : 2012/2013 English for Aviation in the Algerian context: The case of Pilots and Air Traffic Controllers in Zenata-Messalli El Hadj Airport. Jury Members: Dr. BENMOUSSAT Smail Dr.HAMZAOUI Hafida Dr. BENYELLES Radia Dr. MARBOUH Zouaoui Dr. BAICHE Ali Professor President University of Tlemcen M.C Supervisor Internal Examiner External Examiner Universityof Sidi Bel Abbe Internal Examiner University of Tlemcen University of Tlemcen University of Tlemcen M.C M.C M.C A A A A    '(',&$7,21 '(',&$7,21'(',&$7,21 '(',&$7,21      WRWKHRQHZKRDOZD\VHQFRXUDJHGPHP\VLVWHUIDWHPD PD\VKHUHVWLQSHDFH                   $&.12:/('*(0(176 $&.12:/('*(0(176$&.12:/('*(0(176 $&.12:/('*(0(176   &RPSOHWLQJ WKLVSURMHFWZDV RQO\SRVVLEOHEHFDXVHRIWKHKHOSJXLGDQFHSDWLHQFH DQG VXSSRUW IURP QXPHURXV SHRSOH )LUVW RI DOO P\ GHHSHVW JUDWLWXGHV JR WR P\ VXSHUYLVRU 'U +$0=$28, ZKR LV LQ HYHU\VHQVH RI WKH ZRUG D GHYRWHG WHDFKHU FDULQJ PHQWRUDQG UROH PRGHOWRDOOKHUVWXGHQWVDQGVRPXFKPRUHKHUSOHDVDQWSHUVRQDOLW\DQGWKHUHVSHFWVKHKDV IRUKHUVWXGHQWVKDVFHUWDLQO\PDGHWKLVMRXUQH\HQMR\DEOH,ZLOODOZD\VEHLQGHEWHGWRKHU IRU HYHU\WKLQJ VKH KHOSHG PH ZLWK KHU FRQVWDQW VXSSRUW HQGOHVV SDWLHQFH VKH UHDG HYHU\ ZRUGRIHYHU\GUDIWRIHYHU\FKDSWHURIWKLVZRUN,WKDQNIXOO\DFNQRZOHGJHWKHHIIRUWVRIWKH KRQRXUDEOHPHPEHUVRIWKHMXU\LQFOXGLQJ3URIHVVRU%HQPRXVVDW6PDLO%HQ\HOOHVV5DGLD 0DUERXK=RXDRXLDQG%DLFKH$OL ,¶PJUDWHIXOWR'U%HQ\HOHVVIRUKHUIXOOVXSSRUWRIWKLVUHVHDUFK,DOVRZLVKWRWKDQN'U 6HUULU'U'HQGDQH'U%HOPHNNLDQG0U$]]RX]IRUWKHLUHQFRXUDJHPHQWDQGVXJJHVWLRQV ,¶DPDOVRLQGHEWHGWRP\EHORYHGWHDFKHU0UV %DUEDUDIRUKHUYDOXDEOHVXJJHVWLRQVRQP\ UHVHDUFK6KHJXLGHGPHDQGJDYHPH FDUHHUDGYLFHDQGKHOSHG PHVKDSHP\GLVVHUWDWLRQ 7KLVGLVVHUWDWLRQRZHVDVPXFKWRKHUDVLWRZHVWRPH,DOVRZDQWWRH[WDQGP\WKDQNVWR0U *RUEROGZKRRSHQHGWKHGRRUVIRUPHWRH[SORUHWKHZRUOGRIWHVWLQJDQGWUDLQLQJLQDYLDWLRQ LQGXVWU\LQ$OJHULD 0\HWHUQDOJUDWLWXGHVJRWRP\SDUHQWVZKRVHXQFRQGLWLRQDOORYHDQGVXSSRUWKHOSHGPH WKURXJKRXWWKH\HDUVRIP\VWXGLHV, DPPRVWJUDWHIXOWRDOOP\VLVWHUVDQGWRP\EURWKHU $LVVDIRUWKHLUHQGOHVVVXSSRUWSUD\HUVDQGORYHDVSHFLDODSSUHFLDWLRQJRHVWRP\EHORYHG VLVWHUDQGWZLQ&KDKUDIRUKHUXQFRQGLWLRQDOVDFULILFHVORYHDQGFDUH:LWKRXWKHULWZRXOG KDYHEHHQMXVWDGUHDPIRUPHWRSXUVXHDPDJLVWHUWKHVLV7KHFRPSOHWLRQRIWKLVZRUNZDV DQLQFUHGLEOHMRXUQH\ ,DPWKDQNIXOWR&KDKLGD%HQVDLGZKRSOD\HGDYHU\LPSRUWDQWUROHEHFDXVHVKHZDVWKH ILUVWRQHWREHOLHYHLQP\SURMHFWDQGWRHQFRXUDJHPHLQVRPDQ\ZD\VWRSXUVXHLW,OHDUQHG IURPKHUHYHU\GD\DQG,DPSURXGWRFDOOKHUP\PRGHO 6SHFLDOWKDQNVJRWR0U0HJJHQQL0U6QDLQDWKHKHDGRIFRQWUROOHUVDQGWKH*HQHUDO 'LUHFWRURIWKH1$1$&ZKRSDYHWKHZD\IRUPHWRSXUVXLWWKLVUHVHDUFK DV ZHOO DV FRQWUROOHUV DQG SLORWV ZKR FRQWULEXWHG WR WKLV GLVVHUWDWLRQ:LWKRXW WKHP P\ GLVVHUWDWLRQ ZRXOGQRWKDYHEHHQSRVVLEOH0XFKDSSUHFLDWLRQJRHVWRWKH(QJOLVKWHDFKHUVRIFRQWUROOHUV ZKRRSHQHGWKHLUFODVVURRPV 0DQ\ WKDQNV WR 0UV %HQVPDLQH 0V %RXNKDWHP DQG 0V %HQDEHGHOOD IRU WKHLU VWDWLVWLFDOKHOSLQWKHWHVWDQDO\VLV )LQDOO\P\WKDQNVWRDOOWKRVHZKRPDGHWKLVMRXUQH\MR\IXOPHDQLQJIXOPHPRUDEOH I  ABSTRACT This study is a contribution to the field of ESP in aviation industry in an Algerian context. The current research was conducted in Zenta - Messali el Hadj Airport. It was a case study research that intended to explore the English language problems, Algerian pilots and air traffic controllers might face in their job. As well as identifying their needs, lacks, and wants. To suggest sollutions to overcome their difficulties, a needs identification and analysis was conducted, thanks to various instruments: interviews, a questionnaire, classroom observation, and a proficiency test. The results indicated that all informants involved in the current research were aware of the importance of English in aviation, as low profeciency in this language might lead to misunderstanding, and dangerous situations. Both pilots and air traffic controllers revealed their need to develop their English language profeciency namely in speaking and listenining skills with special focus on vocabulary and grammar. To conclude, the English language is important in aviation industry. A good mastery of this language helps avoid misunderstanding and keep aviation safety. Thus, Algerian pilots and air traffic controllers need to enhance their English language ability thanks to appropriate English courses and well trained ESP teachers. II  TABLEOFCONTENTS Dedication Acknowledgements Abstract I Table of Contents II List of Abbreviations III List of Tables IV List of Figures V List of Diagrams I GENERAL INTRODUCTION 1  CHAPTERONE:ENGLISHINAVIATIONINDUSTRY 1.1. Introduction………………………………………………………… ……….… 7 1.2. Definition of English for Specific Purposes (ESP)……………………… … ….7 1.3. English for Aviation as a Sub Division of ESP……………………… … …… 10 1.4. Phraseology and Plain English as Subset of English for Aviation… …… 10 1.5. The Need of English in Aviation Industry………………………………….… 13 1.6. The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) …………………………15 1.7. English for Aviation in Algeria………………………………………….……….17 1.8. Air Traffic Communication………………………………………….……….… 18 1.9. Air Traffic Comunication Involving English……………………… …….….20 III  1.9.1. Expectations……………………………………….…………………….…22 1.9.2. Code Switching and L1 Interference…………….…………………… ….25 1.9.3. Lexical Ambiguity…………………….………………………….… …….26 1.9.4. Paralinguistic Factors…………………………….…………………….… 26 1.10. Conclusion………………………………………………….………27 CHAPTERTWO:SITUATIONANALYSIS&RESEARCHDESIGN 2.1. Introduction……………………………………………………………… ….30 2.2. Zenata Airport -Messali Al Hadj………………………………………… …30 2.3. Navigation Companies in Zenata Airport…………………………….…….…31 2.4. Pilots and Air Traffic Controllers’ Responsibilities………………….…… 32 2.5. Gaining Permission to Access the Airport………………………….…… ….34 2.6. Research Design and Methodology……………………………………….… 37 2.7. Data Collection Instruments………………………………………….……….39 2.7.1. Interviews…………… ………………………………………………… 40 Pilots and Air Traffic Controllers’ Interviews…………….……….… 41 The General Director and the Station Managers’ Interview…….….….44 The Teachers’ Interview……………………………… …… ……….45 2.7.2. Air Traffic Controllers’ Questionnaire………………………………….….47 2.7.3. Classroom Observation…………………………………………………… 48 2.7.4. Test………………………………………………………………………….49 Types of Test…………………………………………………… …….49 IV  Description of the Test…………………………………… ……………51 2.8. Conclusion………………………………………………………………… ….54  CHAPTERTHREE:RESEARCHRESULTSANALYSIS& INTERPRETATION 1.3. Introduction…………………………………………………………… …….….57 3.2. Pilots’ Interview…………………………………………………………… … 57 3.3. Controllers’ Interview……………………………………………………… ….64 3.4. Interview of the General Director of the National Air Navigation Company and the Station Manager of the airport…………………………………………………….69 3.5. Controllers’ Questionnaire ………………………………………………………… ……71 3.6. Classroom Observation Analysis…………………………………………… …74 3.7. Teachers’ Interview………………………………………………………… ….80 3.7.Test analysis……………………………………………………………… ….…82 3.7.1. Qualitative Analysis of the Test………………………………………….…83 3.7.2. Quantitative Analysis of the Test…………………………………… ….…85 3.8. Summary and Discussion of the Main Findings…………………………… ….88 3.9. Conclusion……………………………………………………………………….90 V  CHAPTERFOUR:SUGGESTIONS&RECOMMENDATIONS 4.1. Introduction………………………………………………………………………93 4.2. Pre-Course Considerations…………………………….… ……………… … 94 4.2. 1. Needs Analysis……………………………………………………….… 94 4.2.2. Teacher Training…………………………………… ……………….….95 4.2.3 Using Texts and Well Designed Materials…………………….………… 96 4.3.2. Course Content and Teaching Techniques…………….………………….97 4.3.3. Teaching Aids……………………………………….…………… ……100 4.3.4. Collaboration between ESP Teachers and Subject Specialists…… …101 4.4. Suggested Syllabus for Pilots and Air Traffic Controllers……………… ……102 4.4.1. Objectives of the Syllabus……………………………………… ………103 4.4.2 Sample Unit 2………………………………………………………… ….105 4.4.3. Unit objectives ………………………………………… ……………… 105 4.5. Conclusion…………………………………………………………… … ……111 GENERAL CONCLUSION……………………………………………………….112 BIBLIOGRAPHY………………….………………………………………………118 VI  APPENDICES Appendix ‘A’: Procedures to Gain Access to the Airport Appendix ‘B’ Interviews Appendix ‘C’: Air Traffic Controllers ‘Questionnaire Appendix ‘D’: Test Components Appendix ‘E’: Copy of Achievement Test for Air Traffic Controllers in the English Training Program Appendix ‘F’: Examples of Course Activities in the English Training Program Appendix’G’ Calculating the Scores Appendix ‘H’: ICAO English Language Proficiency Requirements            VII   LISTOFABBREVIATIONS  ESP : English for Specific Purposes EAP : English for Academic Purposes EOP : English for Occupational Purposes ELT : English Language Teaching ESS : English for Social Sciences EST : English for Science and Technology LSP : Language for Specific Purposes ATC : Air Traffic Control ICAO : International Communication Aviation Organization. NANC : National Air Navigation Company ELPR : English Language Proficiency Requirements         [...]... of Teaching Materials Table 3.18 Controllers’ Self -Evaluation after the English Training Program Table 3.19 Table 3.20 Table 3.21 The Mandated Book Titles Textbooks Used In the Four Levels Book Division Table 3.22 The Distribution of Hours in the Four Levels of Instruction Table 3.24 Instances of French Interference VIII LIST OF FIGURES Figure1.1 Simplified Tree of ELT Figure1.2 English for Aviation. .. 2.1 Information on the Working Airlines Companies in Zenata Airport Table 2.2 Advantages and Disadvantages of Structured and Unstructured Observation Table 2.3 Test Format and Content Table 3.1 Participants’ Educational Background Table 3.2 Language Background Table 3.3 Country of Initial Training for Pilots Table 3.4 Pilots’ Difficulties Table 3.5 Importance of English Language Table 3.6 ESP Training... Skills Mastery Table 3.8 Instances of use of English Table 3.9 Testing Table 3.10 Misunderstanding Table 3.11 Country of Initial Training for Controllers Table 3.12 Language Difficulties Encounterd by Controllers Table 3.13 Self-Evaluation of Skills Mastery Table 3.14 Tests Table3.15 Causes of Misunderstanding Table 3.16 Degree of Importance Given To Language Skills in the ThreePreceeding Levels Table 3.17... Figure1.3 The Pilot-Controller Communication Loop Figure 1.4 Instance of Expectations: Shifting a Clearance or Instruction from One Parameter to Another IX LIST OF DIAGRAMS Diagram1.1 (Dudley-Evans and Maggie’s Sub Divisions of English for Occupational Purposes 2002) Diagram1.2 Complex Relationship with Phraseology and Natural Language (Stephanie 2011) Diagram 2.2 Data Collection Procedures Diagram 2.1: The. .. Occupational Purposes 2002) Diagram1.2 Complex Relationship with Phraseology and Natural Language (Stephanie 2011) Diagram 2.2 Data Collection Procedures Diagram 2.1: The Different Steps Taken to Gain Access to the Airport X

Ngày đăng: 11/07/2014, 13:56

