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Đề&HD Anh ĐH 2010 số 29

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http://ductam_tp.violet.vn/ Test 29 Question 1:Choose the best answer a, b, c or d to finish the reading passage. One cold winter morning on December 17 th , a small blue car stopped on the bridge in a provincial town in northern Germany. Three men dressed in heavy black coats got out and stood on the bridge. While they 1 there, they kept on 2 over the side. Fifteen minutes later, a motor boat 3 past and drew up by the river bank. Three men got out of the boat and looked up the bridge. The men on the bridge silently walked down the stone steps 4 to the river bank. No words 5 when they met the men from the boat. After a while, the motor boat 6 off and three men returned to the bridge. Now only two of them 7 black coats. The third 8 in a light grey jacket. Anyone who 9 the scene might not have realised the two master spies 10 on that cold winter morning. 1, a-wait b-were waiting c-waited d-were being waited 2, a-looking b-having looked c-look d-to look 3, a-sail b-sailed c-sailing d-was sailing 4, a-led b-lead c-leading d-had led 5, a-speak b-spoke c-were speaking d-were spoken 6, a-was moving b-move c-was being moved d-moved 7, a-wear b-worn c-were wearing d-are wearing 8, a-dress b-was dressed c-dressed d-had dressed 9, a-watch b-had watched c-had been watching d-watched 10, a-exchange b-exchanged c-had been exchanging d-had been exchanged Question 2:Choose the best answer a, b, c or d to complete the following sentences. 1, Before he goes to bed, he makes sure all the taps are off tightly. a-shut b-stopped c-closed d-dripped 2, He’s drinker and can nearly always be found in the hotel bar. a-full b-strong c-high d-heavy 3, After his service to the country, he was with a knighthood. a-raised b-honoured c-improved d-granted 4,The professor’s book a new interest in local history. a-awakened b-disturbed c-startled d-upset 5, The men spent all day water out of the flooded houses. a-blowing b-sucking c-forcing d-pumping 6, He gave me a brief of his plans. a-border b-surface c-outline d-frame 7, I doubt whether he can keep his efforts much longer as he looked very tired. a-in b-up c-on d-on with 8, Can you take the day off tomorrow? -Well, I’ll have to get from my boss. a-allowance b-licence c-permission d-permit 9, He has recently got an interesting in a textile factory. a-employment b-job c-work d-occupation 10, The party starts at 8 o’clock so I’ll at 7.45. a-look for you b-fetch you c-pick up you d-pick you up Question 3: Decide which word ( a, b, c or d ) best fits each space. Clothing habits are a matter of 1 preference in the United States. Most people are free to wear 2 they want. Business people in large urban areas are 3 to wear suits or dresses, while clothing in rural areas is less formal. Most Americans tend to dress casually when they are not in formal or business situations. As eating, most Americans 4 a fork in the hand with which they write. Americans eat away from home often, and usually they 5 their own meals when they have dinner with friends. When Americans greet one another they often 6 a firm handshake. They may greet strangers on street by saying “ Hello“ or “Good morning”. Friends often greet each other 7 ”How are you” and respond “Fine, thanks”. Americans do not really 8 any other answer to the question ”How are you” because it is a way of saying hello. Except in formal situation, people address each other by their given names once they are acquainted. http://ductam_tp.violet.vn/ Although Americans are generally informal people, it is 9 to schedule an appointment before going to visit someone, especially in business. 10 an appointment has been made, it is considerate to be prompt. 1, a-person b-persons c-personal d-personable 2, a-what b-whatever c-which d-whichever 3, a-like b-alike c-liked d-likely 4, a-hold b-take c-bring d-carry 5, a-pay b-feed c-bite d-pay for 6, a-change b-exchange c-replace d-transfer 7, a-with b-by c-of d-about 8, a-want b-need c-expect d-predict 9, a-good b-well c-best d-the best 10, a-once b-when c-during d-because Question 4:Choose the best form of the word to complete the following sentences. 1, If you cut your finger, it will a-bloody b-bleed c-bled d-blood 2,The of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere is responsible for environmental pollution in this area. a-emission b-emitted c-emissaries d-emit 3, The hotel is famous for its arranged rooms. a-attractive b-attracted c-attractively d-attraction 4, I wasnt on going to the party last night. a-keenness b-keenly c-keen d-keenest 5,Life here is very a-peaceful b-peace c-peacefully d-peacefulness 6,You can your knowledge by reading newspapers. a-richly b-enrichment c-rich d-enrich 7, My son has given a great deal of to his future job. a-thoughtless b-thoughtful c-thought d-think 8, The most important thing is to keep yourself a-occupation b-occupied c-occupant d-occupational 9,Hundreds of have been involved in the research. a-scientists b-science c-scientific d-scientifically 10, The animals huddled together for a-warmth b-warmly c-warmed d-warm Question Question Question Key Question 1: 1-b- were waiting 2- a-looking 3- b-sailed 4- c-leading 5- d-were spoken 6- d-moved 7- c-were wearing 8- b-was dressed 9- c-had been watching 10- d-had been exchanged Question 2: ( VB tr.319 ) 1-a 2-d 3-b 4-a 5-d 6-c 7-b 8-c 9-b 10-d shut off tắt máy drip để chảy nhỏ giọt suck hút (vào mồm ) startle làm giật mình honour ca ngợi frame cấu trúc, cơ cấu keep on cứ vẫn tiếp tục ~ in: giữ cho ở trong nhà ~ up : giữ vững, duy trì, tiếp tục Question 3: ( T.A nang cao 12) 1-c 2-b 3-d 4-a 5-d 6-b 7-a 8-c 9-d 10-a http://ductam_tp.violet.vn/ casual b×nh thêng, ngÉu nhiªn schedule ['∫edju:l; 'skedʒul] đưa vào chương trình; sắp xếp (việc gì cho một thời gian nào đó) Question 4: ( Nguyen B Trang I tr.89 ) 1-b 2-a 3-c 4-c 5-a 6-d 7-c 8-b 9-a 10-a emit [i'mit] bốc ra, sự toả ra (mùi vị, hơi ) huddle [hʌdl]( (thường) + together) túm tụm vào với nhau; nằm rúc vào nhau Question Question Question . http://ductam_tp.violet.vn/ Test 29 Question 1:Choose the best answer a, b, c or d to finish the reading passage. One cold winter

Ngày đăng: 10/07/2014, 16:00

