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Dictionary of tourism tài liệu, giáo án, bài giảng , luận văn, luận án, đồ án, bài tập lớn về tất cả các lĩnh vực kinh t...

DICTIONARY OF TOURISM LID EDITORIAL 2.000 entries Spanish - English - German - French - Greek Bulgarian - Portuguese Learn Foreign Language Anytime Anywhere by LinguaNet 2005-BG/05/B/F/LA-166019 DICTIONARY OF TOURISM This publication was produced with the support of the Commission of the European Communities under the Leonardo da Vinci Programme: 2005-BBG/05/B/F/LA-1166019 . The content does not necessarily reflect the Commission's position on the subject. The publication is also available on CD-ROM. URLs: http://linguanet.ecs.ru.acad.bg/ http://flagman.ecs.ru.acad.bg Author: LID Editorial Empresarial Coordinator: Beatriz Bernabé Translators: English: Jeanne Bracken German: Lothar Jurk French: Olivier Saint-Germes Greek: Christina Karkania Bulgarian: Paun Redzhev and Krasimir Stankov Portuguese: Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação - Consultadoria Empresarial e Fomento da Inovação, S.A Editors: Beatriz Bernabé Jeanne Bracken ISBN: 84-8356-043-7 EAN-ISBN13: 978-84-8356-043-3 Copyright ©© 22007 , 2005-BG/05/B/F/LA-166019 and Lid Editorial Empresarial. All Rights Reserved. Protected by the Copyright Law. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means without a written consent of the authors. Madrid, 2007 A a la carte menu DE: -la-carte-Essen (n) FR: menu la carte (m) ES: menỳ a la carta (m) PT: ementa a la carte (f) EL: ỡồớùý a-la-carte (ùừọ.) BG: ủõợỏợọớ ờợớủúỡửố (f) a la carte service DE: a-la-carte-Service (m) FR: service la carte (m) ES: servicio a la carta (m) PT: serviỗo a-la-catre (m) EL: ừỗủồúòỏ a-la-cart (ốỗở.) BG: ợỏủởúổõớồ ởờũ (n) abbey DE: Abtei (f) FR: abbaye (f) ES: abadớa (f) PT: abadia (f) EL: ỏõõỏồòù (ùừọ.) BG: ỏũủũõợ (n) abroad DE: Ausland (n) FR: ộtranger (m) ES: extranjero (m) PT: estrangeiro (m) EL: ồợựụồủộờỹ (ùừọ.) BG: õ ữúổỏốớ absenteeism DE: Abwesenheit (f) FR: absentộisme (m) ES: absentismo (m) PT: absentismo (m) EL: ĩóờùũ ụùừ ỡỏủ (ỏủú.) BG: ỏ-ùởợũ (m) access DE: Zutritt (m) FR: accốs (m) ES: acceso (m) PT: acesso (m) EL: ủỹúõỏúỗ (ốỗở.) BG: ọợủũỳù (m) access for the disabled DE: Zugang fỹr Behinderte (m) FR: accốs pour personnes mobilitộ rộduite (m) ES: acceso para discapacitados (m) PT: acesso para deficientes (m) EL: ủỹúõỏúỗ óộỏ ĩụùỡỏ ỡồ ồộọộờíũ ỏớĩóờồũ (ốỗở.) BG: ủ ọợủũỳù ỗ ốớõởốọố accommodate (to) DE: unterbringen FR: hộberger ES: alojar PT: acomodar EL: ồóờỏốộúụỵ BG: ớủũớõỡ ủồ accommodation DE: Unterkunft (f) FR: logement (m) ES: alojamiento (m) PT: alojamento (m) EL: ờỏụĩởừỡỏ (ùừọ.) BG: ùớủốợớ (m) accommodation resources DE: Unterkunftsplọtze (f) FR: offre hụteliốre (f) ES: oferta hotelera (f) PT: oferta hoteleira (f) EL: úụồóỏúụộờùò ỹủùộ (ỏủú./ởỗố.) BG: ốớõồớũ ỗ ớủũớõớồ (m) accompanied luggage DE: begleitetes Gepọck (n) FR: bagage accompagnộ (m) ES: equipaje acompaủado (m) PT: bagagem acompanhada (f) EL: úừớùọồừụộờíũ õỏởòụúồũ (ốỗở.) BG: ùốọúổõớ ỏóổ (m) acoustics DE: Akustik (f) FR: acoustique (f) ES: acỳstica (f) PT: acỳstico (m) EL: ỏờùừúụộờị (ốỗở.) BG: ờúủũốờ (f) activity organiser DE: Animateur (m) FR: animateur (m) ES: animador (m) PT: animador (m) EL: ồỡứừữựụịũ (ỏủú.) BG: ớốỡũợ (m) 5 activity organiser acute diarrhoea DE: akuter Durchfall (m) FR: diarrhộe aiguở (f) ES: diarrea aguda (f) PT: diarreia aguda (f) EL: íớụùớỗ ọộĩủủùộỏ (ốỗở.) BG: ợủũ ọốố (f) adapted diet DE: angepasste Diet (f) FR: rộgime adaptộ (m) ES: dieta adaptada (f) PT: dieta adaptada (f) EL: ủùúỏủỡùúỡíớỗ ọòỏộụỏ (ốỗở.) BG: ọùũốớ ọốồũ (f) additional service DE: Nebendienstleistung (f) FR: service supplộmentaire (m) ES: servicio complementario (m) PT: serviỗo suplementar (m) EL: ồộởíùớ ỏủồữỹỡồớỗ ừỗủồúòỏ (ốỗở.) BG: ọợùỳởớốũồởớ úủởúó (f) administration DE: Verwaltung (f) FR: administration (f) ES: administraciún (f) PT: administraỗóo (f) EL: ộùòờỗúỗ (ốỗở.) BG: ọỡốớốủũũốõồớ ợũọồở (m) advance payment DE: Vorauszahlung (f) FR: paiement anticipộ (m) ES: pago anticipado (m) PT: prộ-pagamento (m) EL: ủùờỏụỏõùởị (ốỗở.) BG: ùồọõốũồởớợ ùởựớồ (n) adventure holiday DE: Abenteuerurlaub (m) FR: voyage daventure (m) ES: viaje multiaventura (m) PT: viagem multiaventura (f) EL: ụỏợòọộ ồủộíụồộỏũ (ùừọ.) BG: õờớửố ủ ùốờởỵữồớố (f) aerial photograph DE: Luftfoto (n) FR: photographie aộrienne (f) ES: fotografớa aộrea (f) PT: fotografia aộrea (f) EL: ỏồủùửựụùóủỏửòỏ (ốỗở.) BG: õỳỗọúứớ ủớốỡờ (f) aerial view DE: Luftblick (m) FR: vue aộrienne (f) ES: vista aộrea (f) PT: vista aộrea (f) EL: ồớỏíủộỏ ốíỏ (ốỗở.) BG: óởồọờ ợũ óợồ (f) aerotaxi DE: Lufttaxi (n) FR: taxi aộrien (m) ES: aerotaxi (m) PT: aerotaxi (m) EL: ỏồủùụỏợò (ùừọ.) BG: ồợũờủố (n) Afghanistan DE: Afghanistan FR: Afghanistan ES: Afganistỏn PT: Afeganistóo EL: ửóỏớộúụĩớ BG: ụóớốủũớ Africa DE: Afrika FR: Afrique ES: frica PT: frica EL: ửủộờị BG: ụốờ air bed DE: Luftmatratze (f) FR: matelas pneumatique (m) ES: colchoneta (f) PT: colchóo pneumỏtico (m) EL: úụủỵỡỏ (ốỏởĩúúỗũ) (ùừọ.) BG: ớọúõồỡợ ởồóởợ (n) air conditioning DE: Klimaanlage (f) FR: air conditionnộ (m) ES: aire acondicionado (m) PT: ar condicionado (m) EL: ờởộỡỏụộổỹỡồớùũ BG: ờởốỡũốờ (m) air freight DE: Luftfracht (f) FR: fret aộrien (m) acute diarrhoea 6 ES: flete aộreo (m) PT: frete aộreo (m) EL: ỏồủùùủộờỹ ớỏýởù (ùừọ.) BG: ửồớũ ớ õỳỗọúứớố ùồõợỗ air hostess DE: Stewardeò (f) FR: hụtesse de lair (f) ES: azafata (f) PT: hospedeira de bordo (f) EL: ỏồủùúừớùọỹũ (óừớỏòờỏ) (ốỗở.) BG: ủũỵọồủ (f) air miles DE: Flugmeilen (f/pl) FR: milles aộriens (m/pl) ES: millas aộreas (f/pl) PT: milhas aộreas (f/pl) EL: ỏồủùùủộờĩ ỡòởộỏ (ùừọ.) BG: õỳỗọúứớố ỡốởố (f/pl) air miss DE: Luftfahrtzwischenfall (m) FR: quasi-collision (f) ES: incidente aộreo (m) PT: incidente aộreo (m) EL: ỏồủùùủộờỹ ọừúụýữỗỡỏ (ùừọ.) BG: ỗỡốớõớồ ớ ờợủỳỡ (n) air parcel post DE: Luftpostpaket (n) FR: poste aộrienne de colis (f) ES: correo aộreo de paquetes (m) PT: encomenda postai por avióo (f) EL: ỏồủùùủộờỹ ụỏữừọủùỡồòù ọồỡĩụựớ (ùừọ.) BG: ờợởồũớ õỳỗọúứớ ùợự (f) air rate DE: Luftfrachtzuschlag (m) FR: tarif aộrien (m) ES: tarifa aộrea (f) PT: tarifa aộrea (f) EL: ỏồủùùủộờị ụộỡị (ốỗở.) BG: õỳỗọúứớ ũốụ (f) air shuttle DE: Lufttransporter (m) FR: pont aộrien (m) ES: puente aộreo (m) PT: ponte aộrea (f) EL: ỏồủùỡồụỏửùủĩ (ốỗở.) BG: ữũỳ (m) air steward DE: Flugbegleiter (m) FR: steward (m) ES: auxiliar de vuelo (m) PT: comissỏrio de bordo (m) EL: ỏồủùúừớùọỹũ (ĩớụủỏũ) (ỏủú.) BG: ủũỵọ (m) air traffic controler DE: Fluglotse (m) FR: contrụleur du ciel (m) ES: controlador aộreo (m) PT: controlador aộreo (m) EL: ỏồủùùủộờỹũ ồởồóờụịũ (ỏủú.) BG: ờợớũợởỹợ ớ õỳỗọúứớố ũụốờ (m) airbed DE: Luftmatratze (f) FR: tapis de sol (m) ES: colchoneta (f) PT: colchóo pneumỏtico (m) EL: úụủỵỡỏ (ốỏởĩúúỗũ) (ùừọ.) BG: ớọúõồỡợ ởồóởợ (n) airfield DE: Flugplatz (m) FR: terrain daviation (m) ES: campo de aviaciún (m) PT: campo de aviaỗóo (m) EL: ỏồủùọộĩọủùỡùũ (ỏủú.) BG: ồợọúỡ (m) airlift (to) DE: fliegen FR: transporter par avion ES: aerotransportar PT: aerotransportar EL: ỏồủùỡồụỏửùủĩ BG: õỳỗọúứồớ ùồõợỗ airline identification code DE: Flugliniencode (m) FR: code didentification dune compagnie aộrienne (m) ES: cúdigo de aerolớnea (m) PT: cúdigo de linha aộrea (m) EL: ờựọộờỹũ ỏồủùóủỏỡỡịũ (ỏủú.) BG: ởốữồớ ờợọ ớ õốợởốớố (m) airlink DE: Flugverbindung (f) FR: liaison aộrienne (f) ES: conexiún aộrea (f) 7 airlink PT: ligaỗóo aộrea (f) EL: ỏồủùùủộờị úýớọồúỗ (ốỗở.) BG: õỳỗọúứớ õỳỗờ (f) airplane DE: Flugzeug (n) FR: avion (m) ES: aviún (m) PT: avióo (m) EL: ỏồủùởĩớù (ùừọ.) BG: ủỡợởồũ (m) airport DE: Flughafen (m) FR: aộroport (m) ES: aeropuerto (m) PT: aeroporto (m) EL: ỏồủùọủỹỡộù (ùừọ.) BG: ởồũốựồ (n) airport code DE: Flughafencode (m) FR: code daộroport (m) ES: cúdigo de aeropuerto (m) PT: cúdigo de aeroporto (m) EL: ờựọộờỹũ ỏồủùọủùỡòùừ (ỏủú.) BG: ởồũốựồớ ờợọ (m) airport hotel DE: Flughafenhotel (n) FR: hụtel daộroport (m) ES: hotel de aeropuerto (m) PT: hotel de aeroporto (m) EL: ợồớùọùữồòù ỏồủùọủùỡòùừ (ùừọ.) BG: ừợũồở ớ ởồũốựồ airport service charge DE: Flughafengebỹhr (f) FR: taxe daộroport (f) ES: tasa de aeropuerto (f) PT: taxa do aeroporto (m) EL: ữủíựúỗ ỏồủùọủùỡòùừ (ốỗở.) BG: ởồũốựớ ũờủ (f) airport system DE: Flughafensystem (n) FR: systốme aộroportuaire (m) ES: sistema aeroportuario (m) PT: sistema de aeroporto (m) EL: úýúụỗỡỏ ỏồủùọủùỡòùừ (ùừọ.) BG: ủốủũồỡ ởồũốự (f) airport tax DE: Flughafengebỹhr (f) FR: taxes daộroport (f/pl) ES: tasas de aeropuerto (f/pl) PT: taxas de aeroporto (f/pl) EL: ửỹủùộ ỏồủùọủùỡòùừ (ỏủú.) BG: ởồũốựớ ũờủ (f) airside DE: Fensterplatz (m) FR: entrepụt (m) ES: almacộn de aeropuerto (m) PT: loja de aeroporto (f) EL: ồỡùủồừỡỏụộờỹũ úụỏốỡỹũ ỏồủùọủùỡòùừ (ỏủú.) BG: ởồũốựớ ỗợớ (f) Albania DE: Albanien FR: Albanie ES: Albania PT: Albõnia EL: ởõỏớòỏ BG: ởỏớố alcohol content DE: Alkoholgehalt (m) FR: degrộ alcoolique (m) ES: contenido alcohúlico (m) PT: conteỳdo alcoúlico (m) EL: ồủộồờụộờỹụỗụỏ úồ ỏởờùỹở (ốỗở.) BG: ởờợừợởớợ ủỳọỳổớốồ (n) ale DE: dunkles Bier (n) FR: biốre brune (f) ES: cerveza tostada (f) PT: cerveja preta (f) EL: ỡỏýủỗ ỡòủỏ (ốỗở.) BG: ũỳỡớ ỏố (f) Algeria DE: Algerien FR: Algộrie ES: Argelia PT: lgeria EL: ởóồủòỏ BG: ởổố all inclusive DE: alles inklusive FR: tout compris ES: todo incluido airplane 8 PT: tudo incluớdo EL: ùởùờởỗủựỡíớù ỏờíụù BG: õủốữờố ồờủũố (ệồớũ õờởỵữõ ùờồũ ợũ úủởúóố) all inclusive rate DE: Pauschalangebot (n) FR: forfait (m) ES: oferta todo incluido (f) PT: oferta comum (f) EL: ủùúửùủĩ all-inclusive (ốỗở.) BG: ợỏự ợụồũ (f) all-cargo aircraft DE: Frachtflugzeug (n) FR: avion cargo (m) ES: aviún de carga (m) PT: avióo de carga (m) EL: ỏồủùúờĩửùũ ỡồụỏửùủĩũ ồỡùủồừỡĩụựớ (ùừọ.) BG: ũợõồớ ủỡợởồũ (m) allergic dermatitis DE: allergische Hautentzỹndung (f) FR: dermatite allergique (f) ES: dermatitis alộrgica (f) PT: dermatite alộrgica (f) EL: ỏởởồủóộờị ọồủỡỏụòụộọỏ (ốỗở.) BG: ởồọốữồớ ọồỡũốũ (m) allergy DE: Allergie (f) FR: allergie (f) ES: alergia (f) PT: alergia (f) EL: ỏởởồủóòỏ (ốỗở.) BG: ởồóố (f) almond DE: Mandel (f) FR: amande (f) ES: almendra (f) PT: amờndoa (f) EL: ỏỡýóọỏởù (ùừọ.) BG: ỏọồỡ (m) America DE: Amerika FR: Amộrique ES: Amộrica PT: Amộrica EL: ỡồủộờị BG: ỡồốờ American pool DE: Poolbillard (n) FR: billard amộricain (m) ES: billar americano (m) PT: snooker (m) EL: ỏỡồủộờĩớộờù ỡộởộĩủọù (ùừọ.) BG: ỡồốờớủờố ỏốởọ (m) amount DE: Betrag (m) FR: montant (m) ES: cantidad (f) PT: quantia (f) EL: úýớùởù (ùừọ.) BG: ủúỡ (f) amusement park DE: Vergnỹgungspark (m) FR: parc dattractions (m) ES: parque de atracciones (m) PT: parque de atracỗừes (m) EL: ĩủờù ọộỏúờíọỏúỗũ (ùừọ.) BG: úõồủồởốũồởồớ ùờ analysis DE: Analyse (f) FR: analyse (f) ES: anỏlisis (m) PT: anỏlise (f) EL: ỏớĩởừúỗ (ốỗở.) BG: ớởốỗ (m) Andorra DE: Andorra FR: Andorre ES: Andorra PT: Andorra EL: ớọỹủủỏ BG: ớọợ Angola DE: Angola FR: Angola ES: Angola PT: Angola EL: ớóờỹởỏ BG: ớóợở anteroom DE: Vorzimmer (n) FR: antichambre (f) ES: antehabitaciún (f) PT: antecõmara (f) 9 anteroom EL: ủùốĩởỏỡùũ (ỏủú.) BG: ữờởớ (f) antibiotic DE: Antibiotikum (m) FR: antibiotique (m) ES: antibiútico (m) PT: antibiútico (m) EL: ỏớụộõộùụộờỹ (ùừọ.) BG: ớũốỏốợũốờ (m) antiques DE: Antiquitọten (f/pl) FR: antiquitộs (f/pl) ES: antigỹedades (f/pl) PT: antiguidades (f/pl) EL: ỏủữỏòỏ (ùừọ./ởỗố.) BG: ớũốờố (f/pl) apartment hotel DE: Aparthotel (n) FR: apparthụtel (m) ES: apartotel (m) PT: aparthotel (m) EL: ồớùộờộỏổỹỡồớù ọộỏỡíủộúỡỏ (ùừọ.) BG: ừợũồở ùồọởóự ùũỡồớũố apple DE: Apfel (m) FR: pomme (f) ES: manzana (f) PT: maỗó (f) EL: ỡịởù (ùừọ.) BG: ỏỳởờ (f) apprentice DE: Auszubildender (m) FR: apprenti (m) ES: aprendiz (m/f) PT: aprendiz (f/m) EL: ỡỏốỗụồừỹỡồớùũ (ỏủú.) BG: ữốờ (m) apricot DE: Apfrikose (f) FR: abricot (m) ES: albaricoque (m) PT: alperce (m) EL: õồủòờùờù (ùừọ.) BG: ờộủố (f) April DE: April FR: avril ES: abril PT: abril EL: ủòởộùũ BG: ùốở aquarium DE: Aquarium (n) FR: aquarium (m) ES: acuario (m) PT: aquỏrio (m) EL: ồớừọủồòù (ùừọ.) BG: ờõốúỡ (m) Arabic baths DE: Arabisches Bad (n) FR: bains arabes (m/pl) ES: baủos ỏrabes (m/pl) PT: banho ỏrabe (m) EL: ỏủỏõộờĩ ởùừụủĩ (ùừọ./ởỗố.) BG: ỏủờố ỏớố (f/pl) archaeological monument DE: archọologisches Denkmal (n) FR: monument archộologique (m) ES: monumento arqueolúgico (m) PT: monumento arqueolúgico (m) EL: ỏủữỏộùởùóộờỹ ỡớỗỡồòù (ùừọ.) BG: ừồợởợóốữồủờố ùỡồũớốờ (m) archaeological reserve DE: archọologisches Reservat (n) FR: rộserve archộologique (f) ES: reserva arqueolúgica (f) PT: reserva arqueolúgica (f) EL: ỏủữỏộùởùóộờỹ ờỏụỏửýóộù (ùừọ.) BG: ừồợởợóốữồớ ồỗồõũ (m) archipelago DE: Archipel (m) FR: archipel (m) ES: archipiộlago (m) PT: arquipộlago (m) EL: ỏủữộíởỏóùũ (ùừọ.) BG: ừốùồởó (m) Argentina DE: Argentinien FR: Argentine ES: Argentina PT: Argentina EL: ủóồớụộớị BG: ổồớũốớ antibiotic 10 [...]... ES: bacalao (m) PT: bacalhau (m) EL: ìðáêáëéÜđïò (áđó.) BG: òðåđêà (f) 33 coffee DE: Kaffee (m) FR: café (m) ES: café (m) PT: café (m) EL: êáưÝò (áđó.) BG: êàơå (n) coffee with brandy DE: Kaffee mit Schuss (m) FR: café arrosé (m) ES: café con cac (m) PT: café com conhaque (m) EL: êáưÝò ìå êïíéÜê (áđó.) BG: êàơå đ êỵíÿê (n) coffee with cream DE: Kaffee mit Sahne (m) FR: café-crème (m) ES: café con nata... Reservierungsbestätigung (f) FR: confirmation de réservation (f) ES: confirmación de la reserva (f) PT: confirmão de reserva (f) EL: åðéâåâáßùóç ơçò êđÜơçóçò (èçë.) BG: ïỵòâúðỉäàâàíå íà ðåçåðâàưèÿ (n) boot DE: Kofferraum (m) FR: coffre (m) ES: maletero (m) PT: mala (f) EL: ÷þđïò áðïóêåõþí (áõợêéíÞợõ) (áđó.) BG: áàãàỉíèê (m) booth DE: Kabine (f) FR: cabine (f) ES: cabina (f) PT: cabina (f) EL: èÜëáìïò (áđó.) BG: êàáèíà... Businesshotel (n) FR: hơtel d’affaires (m) bypass motorway ES: hotel de negocios (m) PT: hotel de negócios (m) EL: ỵåíïäï÷åßï ãéá åðé÷åéđçìáơßåò (ïõä.) BG: áèçíåđ õỵòåë (m) business tourims DE: Geschäftstourismus (m) FR: tourisme d’affaires (m) ES: turismo de negocios (m) PT: turismo de negócios (m) EL: åðé÷åéđçìáơéêüò ợõđéóìüò (áđó.) BG: áèçíåđ òóðèçúì (m) business trip DE: Geschäftsreise (f) FR: voyage d’affaires... Kunstgalerie (f) FR: galerie d’art (f) ES: galería de arte (f) PT: galeria de arte (f) EL: ãêáëåđß ơÝ÷íçò (èçë.) BG: õóäỵỉåđòâåíà ãàëåðèÿ (f) artichoke DE: Artischocke (f) FR: artichaut (m) ES: alcachofa (f) PT: alcachofra (f) EL: áãêéíÜđá (èçë.) BG: àðòèøỵê (m) ascension DE: Steigerung (f) FR: ascension (f) ES: subida (f) PT: subida (f) EL: áíçưüđá (èçë.) BG: èçêà÷âàíå ashtray DE: Aschenbecher (m) FR: cendrier... ìðýđá (èçë.) BG: òúìíỵ ïèâỵ (m) black chocolate DE: schwarze Schokolade (f) FR: chocolat noir (m) ES: chocolate negro (m) PT: chocolate preto (m) EL: ìáýđç óïêïëÜơá (èçë.) BG: íàòóðàëåí øỵêỵëàä (m) black coffee DE: schwarzer Kaffee (m) FR: café noir (m) ES: café solo (m) PT: café simples (m) EL: êáưÝò óêÝợò (áđó.) BG: ÷èđòỵ êàơå (n) black meat DE: schwarzes Fleisch (n) FR: viande noire (f) ES: carne negra... butter DE: Butter (f) FR: beurre (m) ES: mantequilla (f) PT: manteiga (f) EL: âïýỡđï (ïõä.) BG: ìàđëỵ (n) butterfly pillow DE: Nackenkissen (n) FR: oreiller papillon (m) ES: almohada mariposa (f) PT: almofada borboleta (f) EL: ðỡóóüìåíï ìáỵéëÜđé (ïõä.) BG: âúçãëàâíèưà đ ơỵðìà íà ïåïåðóäà (f) button mushroom DE: Pilz (m) FR: champignon (m) ES: champiđón (m) PT: cogumelo (m) EL: ìáíéơÜđé (ïõä.) BG: ïå÷óðêà... (m) FR: cacao (m) ES: cacao (m) PT: cacau (m) EL: êáêÜï (ïõä.) BG: êàêàỵ (n) café DE: Cafe (n) FR: cafétéria (f) ES: cafetería (f) PT: cafetaria (f) EL: êáưåơÝđéá (èçë.) BG: êàơåòåðèÿ (f) caffeine DE: Koffein (n) FR: caféine (f) 24 ES: cafna (f) PT: cafna (f) EL: êáưåÀíç (èçë.) BG: êỵơåèí (m) cake DE: Gebäck (n) FR: tarte (f) ES: tarta (f) PT: tarte (f) EL: ơÜđơá (èçë.) BG: òỵðòà (f) calculation DE:... Blumenstra (m) FR: bouquet (m) ES: ramo de flores (m) PT: ramo de flores (m) EL: áíèïäÝóìç (èçë.) BG: áóêåò (m) bow DE: Bug (m) FR: proue (f) ES: proa (f) PT: proa (f) EL: ðëþđç (èçë.) BG: íỵđ íà êỵðàá (m) box office DE: Tickerschalter (m) FR: consigne (f) ES: taquilla (f) PT: recepção (f) EL: ơáìåßï èåÜơđïõ - óéíåìÜ (ïõä.) BG: êóòèÿ (f) brandy DE: Weinbrand (m) FR: cognac (m) ES: brandy (m) PT: conhaque (m) . Anytime Anywhere by LinguaNet 2005-BG/05/B/F/LA-166019 DICTIONARY OF TOURISM This publication was produced with the support of the Commission of the European Communities under the Leonardo da Vinci. DICTIONARY OF TOURISM LID EDITORIAL 2.000 entries Spanish - English - German - French - Greek Bulgarian. (ùừọ.) BG: ùớủốợớ (m) accommodation resources DE: Unterkunftsplọtze (f) FR: offre hụteliốre (f) ES: oferta hotelera (f) PT: oferta hoteleira (f) EL: úụồóỏúụộờùò ỹủùộ (ỏủú./ởỗố.) BG: ốớõồớũ ỗ ớủũớõớồ

Ngày đăng: 10/07/2014, 09:25