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TEST LUYEÄN THI TOÁT NGHIEÄP 5 Năm học 2009-2010 PRONUNCIATION : Câu 1: A. father B. though C. thought D. thus Câu 2: A. book B. boot C. food D. shoot Câu 3: A. formal B. normal C. storm D. worm STRESS : Câu 4: A. bamboo B. desert C. tsunami D. umbrella Câu 5: A. conserve B. perform C. prefer D. threaten SENTENCES CORRECTION : Câu 6: There are a number of way to help save endangered species. A B C D Câu 7: By law, you are not allowing to drive a car until you are 17. A B C D Câu 8: Can you suggest a time which it will be convenient to meet ? A B C D Câu 9: I feel happy as my birthday is coming closer and as close. A B C D Câu 10: Rice was grown in Vietnam thousand of years ago. A B C D GRAMMAR : Câu 11: As we use more fossil fuel, we pollute the environment more. That is, …………. A. we use the most fossil fuel and pollute the environment the most B. we use as much fossil fuel as we pollute the environment. C. we use more fossil fuel so that we pollute the environment D. the more fossil fuel we use, the more we pollute the environment Câu 12: He worked hard, so he could earn much money. That is, …………… A. although he worked hard, he could earn much money. B. he worked hard because he could earn much money. C. he worked hard but he could earn much money. D. if he hadn’t worked hard, he couldn’t have earned much money. Câu 13: There is no need for you to shout. That is, ……………………… . A. you needn’t shout B. you mustn’t shout C. you shouldn’t shout D. you mightn’t shout Câu 14: He doesn’t speak English, so he can’t apply for this job. That is, ……………………………… A. if he speaks English, he can apply for this job B. if he spoke English, he could apply for this job C. if he didn’t speak English, he couldn’t apply for this job. D. if he had spoken English, he could have applied for this job Câu 15: John said that no other car could go ……………………… . A. so fast like his car B. as fast like his car C. as fast like the car of him D. as fast as his car STRUCTURES and VOCABULARY : Câu 16: Swimming and water skiing are both ……… sports. A. aquatic B. field C. freestyle D. blood Câu 17: ……… natural resources is of great importance. A. Preserve B. Preserving C. To have preserved D. Preserved Câu 18: Many species are in danger of extinction ……… the habitat destruction, commercial exploitation and pollution A. because of B. in spite of C. because D. although Câu 19: Columbus was one of ……… first people to cross the Atlantic. A. a B. an C. the D. Ø Câu 20: Susan didn’t study for the exam, ……….Sarah did. A. but B. however C. so D. therefore Câu 21: “ You ……… put the car in the garage. I’m going out in it later.” A. needn’t B. mustn’t C. haven’t D. can’t Câu 22: The sun ……… A. blows B. grows C. rises D. raises Câu 23: ……… they are native to tropical regions, some species of bamboo have adapted to temperature zones. A. Despite B. Nevertheless C. Although D. For Câu 24: The 22 nd SEA Games was a successful …… event. A. sport B. sporting C. sportyD. sportive Câu 25: I tried to solve the problem ……….the noise and interruptions. A. because of B. in case of C. in spite of D. according to Câu 26: Margaret did not remember what I ……… her the day before. A. would tell B. had told C. have been telling D. had been told Câu 27: “ I think married women should not go to work” - “…… It’s too boring to be housewives all their lives.” A. I quite agree B. I don’t agree C. Absolutely ! D. That’s a good idea Câu 28: Will everybody laugh …………… me ? A. at B. about C. for D. to Câu 29: I want to apply …… a job at that factory. I don’t know if I’ll get it. A. by B. for C. to D. with Câu 30: The bomb explodes. That means the bomb . . A. gets overB. goes off C. holds up D. turns up Câu 31: Hurry up ! The bus ……… . A. comes B. is coming C. was coming D. would come Câu 32: Phuket, Thailand ……by a tsunami in 2004. A. strikes B. is struck C. has struck D. was struck Câu 33: What’s the … ? – It’s “ The Lion King ”. A. author B. length C. opinion D. title Câu 34: Vietnam ……… the 22 nd SEA Games in 2003.A. did B. hosted C. housed D. made into Câu 35: As for soccer, player except the goalie can hold the ball with hands. A. Any B. Every C. No D. Some Câu 36: Meals for space flights ……… as pleasant as possible. A. ought to make B. ought be made C. ought have been made D. ought to be made Câu 37: Some books are to be tasted, ……… to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested. A. other B. the other C. an other D. others Câu 38: “ What do you think ? - “… , this is very difficult.” A. In my opinion B. By the way C. OK, so far D. Here you are Câu 39: By the end of the 22 nd century men ……… on Mars. A. have landed B. will land C. will be landing D. will have landed Câu 40: ………. ? - It is a wet, rainy day. A. How is weather B. What is the weather likeC. How is the weather as D. What is the weather as READING COMPREHENSION : Some people think that as more and more people have television in their homes, fewer and fewer people will buy books … 41… . Why read … 42… television can bring you all the information and stories with color, picture and action ? But, in fact, television has not killed reading. Today, more books of every kind … 43… than ever before. Books are still a cheap way to get information and … 44… , and you can keep a book forever and read it many times. Books in the home are a wonderful … 45… of knowledge and pleasure. Câu 41: A. read B. to read C. reading D. for read Câu 42: A. when B. during C. at times D. until Câu 43: A. sell B. sold C. are sold D. was sold Câu 44: A. entertain B. entertaining C. entertained D. entertainment Câu 45: A. build B. mean C. source D. way READING COMPREHENSION : When I injured my back I had to take a break from my running career. I decided to introduce more women to the sport, to show them how much fun it can be and to give them the confidence to get out and run. I decided to start a running club for women in my area because I was annoyed by the attitude of many race organizers. They complain about the lack of women in the sport but also use this as an excuse for not providing separate changing facilities. I put up posters and 40 women, young and old, fit and unfit, joined. All of them were attracted by the idea of losing weight but I don’t think they had really thought about running before. When or if they did, they had a picture of painful training. They didn’t think of chatting and smiling while running in beautiful places, like by a river. At first they ran for only a minute – now they can run for thirty minutes. They’ve also learned from other runners about diet and keeping fit in general. I want to do something for women’s running and I have had so much pleasure watching their progress – almost as much as they’ve had themselves. Câu 46: What is the writer’s main aim in writing the text ? A. to describe her own running career B. to complain about race organizers C. to talk about women runners D. to describe good running method Câu 47: What would a reader find out from the text ? A. the best kind of places for running B. how runners can avoid injuring themselves C. the progress made by the women in the club D. the teaching skills of the writer Câu 48: What is the writer’s opinion of the runners she trained ? A. They were too serious B. They needed encouraging C. They couldn’t develop their skills D. They were difficult to train Câu 49: Why did the women join the running club ? A. to have a good time B. to meet other people C. to help them lose weight D. to become top runners Câu 50: Which of the following would be the best title for the club poster ? A. Discover the Pleasures of Running B. Riverside Running Club for Women C. Athletics Competition How to Win D. Keep Fit by Training Hard HẾT . mustn’t shout C. you shouldn’t shout D. you mightn’t shout Câu 14: He doesn’t speak English, so he can’t apply for this job. That is, ……………………………… A. if he speaks English, he can apply for this. English, he could apply for this job C. if he didn’t speak English, he couldn’t apply for this job. D. if he had spoken English, he could have applied for this job Câu 15: John said that no other. TEST LUYEÄN THI TOÁT NGHIEÄP 5 Năm học 2009-2010 PRONUNCIATION : Câu 1: A. father B. though C. thought D. thus Câu

Ngày đăng: 09/07/2014, 18:00

