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monthly test

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MONTHLY TEST I.Phonetics AChoose the best word with th underlined part is pronounced differently 1. A.honourable B.honesty C.historic D.heir 2. A.machine B.warship C.parachute D.attach 3. A.conclusion B.decision C.television D.tension 4. A.measure B.pleasure C.ensure D.leisure 5. A.brother B.breathing C.either D.death BChoose one word whose stress pattern is different 1. A.comfort B.baseball C.shopping D.provide 2. A.vacation B.organize C.negation D.assistance 3. A.orphanage B.disater C.happiness D.difficult 4. A.participate B.volunteering C.disadvantage D.education 5. A.voluntary B.volunteer C.handicaped D.television II.Grammar and vocabulary. Choose the best answer to fit each gap 1. We can….the difficulty without too much effort A.get off B.get away C.get over D.get in 2. Alice heard Alley…….a song when he came into the room A.to sing B.sings C.sang D.singing 3. Gagarin was the first human……….into space A.flew B.flying C.to fly D.flown 4. We will spend two days……….Ha Long bay then return to Ha Noi A.visit B.to visit C.visiting D.will visit 5. Julia was seen ………some fruit at the market A.buy B.buying C.bought D.to buy 6. She is busy ……for her wedding' A.shop B.shopping C.to shop D.shopped 7. On the ……of our wedding, we would love to invite your family to our party A.opportunity B.chance C.anniversary D.birthday 8. ………these 1000 competions , only one can get the prize A.Among B.between C.during D.ysed 9. ……Air Asia's service is the best way to save money A. using Bto use C.use D.used 10.…….nonsense and you out nof the group A.keep talking B.keeping talk C.to keep talk D.keeping talked 11.I have no … to his coming here A.objection B.idea C.protest D.complaint 12.You are not allowed to ……private phone calls in the office A.phone B.call C.make D.do 13.… money is a simple way to do charity A.donating B.having donated C.donation D.donor 14.After running up the stair I was quite ……breath A out of B.under C.without D.beyond 15.It seems to be your boss who is ……fault in this case A.at B.under C.with D.for 16.It was very good ……you to help Dave with his work A.for B.to C.with D.of 17.These are the ……I bought in Thailand A.teapot B.teaspot C.teapots D.teapots 18.One of the sports that we do on ice is … A.skating ice B.ice skating C.ice skate D.skate icing 19.You have to pay two month's rent in … A.turn B.advance C.trouble D.harmony 20.He is my best friend. He always confides ……me A.on B.at C.in D with Choose the underline part yhat needs correcting 21.There are a lot of people learn Enhlish today A B C D 22.Finished my homework, I was allowed to go to the cinema with him A B C D 23.Do you know the boys sits in the corner of the class? A B C D 24.I am afraid of failing the exam because I am very bad in mathematics. A B C D 25.They don't allow to smoke in public places in my country A B C D 26.Because having seen the film twice, I don't want to see it tonight A B C D 27.Linh has a brother who working as a reporter for CNN A B C D 28.Have you heard of the accident happening at the city center yesterday? A B C D 29.She is tired of telling to do trivil things in the office A B C D 30.The bomb exploded in a bus , killed more than people on it A B C D III.Choose the best word or phrase to fit each gap The National Health Service in Britain has gone into(1)…….big organization that it now employs more people(2)…other in the country. (3)… efficient an organization like this may be , it is bound to (4)……sooner or later but (5)…… the public can do when they occur. The Patient's Association gives (6)….when they think they have not been properly looked after. Some time ago. the Association fought against the Government's idea (7)….general health centres for invidual doctors. It said it did not to tell the Heath service(8)….do but added that it (9)……spend more money on doctor's salaries.(10)….would be cheaper than building heath centres. 1. A.a such B.such a C.so D.a so 2. A.than any B.than some C.that any D.that some 3. A.for B.it doen't mind C.whatever D.however 4. A.make faults B.do faults C.make mistakes D.do mistakes 5. A.there is a few B.there is little C.it is few D.it is a little 6. A.to people advice B.to people advices C.people advice D.people advices 7. A.of substituting B.for substitute C.for replacing D.for replace 8. A.that it must B.that it is to C.what is to D.what to 9. A.should have to B.needs C.should D.ought 10.A.which B.who C.that D.it IV.Resd the paasage and choose the best answer. Between 1997 and 1981 , three groups of Americain Women , numbering 27 in all , between the ages of 35 and 65 ,were given month-long tests to determine how they would respond to conditions resembling those aboard the space shuttle. Though carefully selected from among many applicaints, the women were volunteers and pay was barely above the minimum wage. They were not allowed to smoke or drink alcohol during the tests and they were expected to tolerate each one 's company at close quarters for the entire period .Among oter things , they have to stand pressure three times the force of gravity and carry out both physical and mental tasks while exhausted from stenuous physical exercise. At the end of ten days, they had to spend a further twenty days absolutely confided to bed, during this time they suffered backaches and discomforts, and when they were finally allowed up, the more physically women were especially subject to pains due to a slight calcium loss. Results of the least suggest that women will have tosignificant advantages over men in space. They need less food and less oxyfen and they stand up to radiation better. Men's advantages in terms of strength and stamina , meanwhile, are virtualy wiped out by the zezo-gravity-condition in space. 1. For how long was each woman tested? A.4 days B .20days C.27days D.1month 2. Whwt was the average number of women in each in each group tested? A.9 B.27 C.33 D.51 3. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage? A.thw tests were not carried out aboard the space shuttle. B.the women involved had previous physical fitness training C.the women were tested once a year from 1977 to 1981 D.the test was carried out on women of mall ages 4. Which would be the most suitable title for pasage? A.older women can travel in space, too B.space testing causes backaches in women C.poor wages for space test volunteers D.tests show women suited for space travel 5. What can be said about the women who applied? A.there were 27 in all B.they were anxious to give up either smoking or drink C. they had previous earned the minimum wage D.they choose to participate in the test 6. According to the passage, physical and mental tasks were carried out by the women……. A.prior to strenuous exercise B.following strenuous exercise C.before they were subjected to unusal pressure D.after they were subjected to unuasal pressure 7. The calcium loss particularly affected…… A.all the women tested B.those who had been particularly active in the previous ten days C.those who were generally very active D.those who had suffered backaches 8. Which of the following is suggested as being laest successful in space? A.high resistance to radiation C.low food intake B.unusual strength D.low oxygen 9. Stamina means ………. A.strain B.resilience C.power D.might 10.The physical advantages men enjoy in normal condition are counteracted by……… A.conditioning B.virtue C.zezo-gravity D.food and oxygen DAP AN I. A. 1C 2D 3D 4C 5D B. 1D 2B 3B 4A 5B II. 1C 2D 3C 4C 5D 6B 7A 8A 9A 10A 11A 12C 13A 14A 15A 16D 17D 18B 19B 20C 21C 22A 23B 24D 25B 26A 27A 28B 29B 30C III. 1) B 2) A 3) D 4) C 5) B 6) D 7) A 8) D 9) C 10) A IV. 1) D 2) A 3) A 4) D 5) D 6) B 7) B 8) B 9) D 10) C . passage? A.thw tests were not carried out aboard the space shuttle. B.the women involved had previous physical fitness training C.the women were tested once a year from 1977 to 1981 D.the test was. pasage? A.older women can travel in space, too B.space testing causes backaches in women C.poor wages for space test volunteers D.tests show women suited for space travel 5. What can be said. MONTHLY TEST I.Phonetics AChoose the best word with th underlined part is pronounced differently 1.

Ngày đăng: 09/07/2014, 18:00

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