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  • A. visit B. visiting C. visited D. to visit

  • A. bought B. buy C. buys D. buying

  • A. don’t B. doesn’t C. isn’t D. didn’t

  • A. Temple B. Museum C. Aquarium D. Pagoda

  • A. dressmaker B. hairdresser C. hair maker D. head

  • A. use B. using C. used D. to use

  • A. doesn’t go B. wasn’t go C. didn’t go D. not went

    • Write, not have, go, wash

Nội dung

jhklk TENSES: Stt Tenses Forms Adverbs Affimative (Khẳng định) Negative (Phủ định) Questions (Nghi vvấn) trạng từ 1 Present simple tense (Thì hiện tại đơn) S + V / Vs-es + O S + don’t + V S + doesn’t + V Do + S + V ? Does + S + V ? every, always, often, usually,… 2 Present progressive (Hiện tại tiếp diển) S+ am/ is/ are/ + Ving + O S + be not +V-ing + O (am, is, are) Be + S + V-ing + O? at present look! now at the moment 3 Future simple tense ( Tương lai dơn) S + Will + V + O S + Will not + V+ O Will + S +V + O? next, tomorrow 4 Past simple tense (Quá khứ đơn) S + V Past + (Ved/V_2) + O S + didn’t +V +O Did + S +V + O ? Last, ago, yesterday 2. So, too, either, neither: a. So, too:(cũng vậy) được sử dụng trong câu khẳng định + So đứng ở đầu câu: So do I + Too đứng ở cuối câu: I like bananas too b. Either, neither: (cũng không) được sử dụng trong câu phủ định + Neither đứng ở đầu câu: Neither do I + Either đứng ở cuối câu: I don’t like bananas, either. 3. Modal verbs: (động từ khiếm khuyết) can, must,should, ought to Can S + Should + V (-to) +……………… Ought to Must Ex: She can swim. a. Can: Có thể (can’t: không thể) + Can diễn tả khả năng Ex: She can speak English.(Cô ấy có thể nói tiếng Anh) b. Should= ought to: nên (Dùng diễn tả lời khuyên) Ex: You should go to bed early.(Bạn nên đi ngủ sớm) c. Must: (mustn’t) + Must: phải (Dùng diễn tả sự bắt buộc) Ex: The traffic lights are red. You must stop.(Đèn đỏ.Bạn phải dừng lại) + Mustn’t: Không được (Dùng diễn tả sự cấm đoán) Ex: You mustn’t forget to finish your homework before watching TV.(con không được quên làm bài tập về nhà trước khi xem tv) 4. Từ loại: * Danh từ: Danh từ là từ hoặc nhóm từ dùng để chỉ người (Lan, Hoa ), vật (chair, dog…), nơi chốn (Việt Nam, Singapore…)…. Ex: Hoa is a student (Hoa là một học sinh) (Hoa và a student là danh từ) * Tính từ: Tính từ là từ chỉ tính chất của người(tall, beautiful ), vật (long, new…)hoặc sự việc được biểu thị bằng một danh từ hoặc một đại từ. Ex: This is my new shirt (đây là áo mới của tôi) (new là tính từ) * Động từ: Động từ là từ hoặc cụm từ được dùng để diễn tả hành động hoặc trạng thái. + to be (am/is/are): Ex 1 : My mom is a nurse (Mẹ tôi là một y tá) (is là động từ to be) + Động từ thường Ex 2: My monitor studies hard (Lớp trưởng tôi học chăm chỉ) (studies là động từ) *. Love, like, enjoy, prefer + V-ing Ex: I love reading books Ex: She enjoys watching TV * Trạng từ: Trạng từ là từ cung cấp thêm thông tin về nơi chốn,thời gian, cách thức,hoàn cảnh,nguyên nhân, mức độ…cho một động từ,một tính từ,hoặc một trạng từ khác. Ex: He often drives carefully (Anh ấy thường lái xe cẩn thận) (often và carefully là trạng từ) * Giới từ: Giới từ là từ hoặc nhóm từ thường được dùng trước danh từ hoặc đại từ để chỉ sự liên hệ giữa danh từ hoặc đại từ này với các thành phần khác trong câu. + ON: ngày (on 5th, on 2rd…) ,ngày tháng (on June 6th, May 1st…) , ngày tháng năm (on 3rd March,2008 ) + IN:buổi (in the morning, in the afternoon ), tháng (in July, in May ),mùa (in the summer, in the spring ) nơi ở (in English 7/P1 the country, in the city…) + AT: giờ (at seven o’clock, at six forty-five…), mùa lễ (at Christmas, at Easter…) + BY: phương tiện (by bike, by bus…) * Mạo từ: Mạo từ là từ dùng trước danh từ và cho biết danh từ ấy đề cập đến một đối tượng cụ thể hay tổng quát, xác định hay không xác định. Ex: I bought a hat. ( A là mạo từ, hat là một danh từ) *. EXERCISES I. Choose the best answer 1, Le’t ………………… to Nha Trang (go, to go, going, went) 2, My mother ……………………a cap for me ( buy, to buy, buying, bought) 3, ……………….you do your homework yesterday? (Do, Are,, Did, Is) 4, How about …………… the movies?(see, saw, seeing, to see) 5, What about………………….to music? (listen, to listen, listening, listened) 6, I prefer…………………coffee and milk ( to drink, drank, drinks, drinking) 7, I like sugar. …………….does he.( so, too, neither, either) 8, My mother doesn’t like cooking meals ……………. do I. ( so, too, neither, either) 9, Tomorrow, I …………………visit my friends.( will, can, could, should) 10, You should …………… English harder. ( learn, to learn , learning, learned) 11, He’s interested…………….learning Math(, in, on, at, of) 12, How………… is the pen?-It is 1000 dong(far, much, long, heavy) 12. How ………………are you ? –I’m 45kgs(far, much, long, heavy) 13,Children shouldn’t………………in the street because it is very dangerous.( play, to play, playing, played) 14, He is a good student. He learns very ……………….(good, well,bad, badly) 15, My mother cooks very well, She is a …………………….cook(good, well,bad, badly) 16, I would like ……………… soccer in the evening( play, to play, playing, played) 17, You ………………go to the market two days ago.( don’t, didn’t, aren’t isn’t) 18, Math books are on the shelf………… the left( at, on, to ,for) 19, The medicines……………….the pain in my chest.( prevented, protected, worked, relieved) 20, I ………………my mother two days ago( meet, to meet, met, meeting) II/ Reading: 1/ Gap-fill: first , happy, went, Park , will , clearly , see , of Yesterday I ……………… to Ho Chi Minh City . It was the……………………. time I went there.I was very ……………… and I did a lot ……………… things.For example, I visited Sai Gon Water …………………. and Nha Rong Harbour. I could ……………… many Ho Chi Minh’s souvernirs and know his life ………………………… Next time I …………… visit Ha Noi and I will visit Uncle Ho’s Mausoleum. 2/ Reading and answer the questions: Do you have any close friends? I think everybody at least has one close friend in their life. And so do I . I have two close friends, Hanh and Mai. We are the same class at the primary school, and then secondary school.We are also neighbors so we spend most of our time in learning and playing together. Hanh is a girl with big black eyes and oval face. She is an intelligent student who is always at the top of the class.She likes reading and playing chess.Mai is very sporty.She spends most of her time playing sports.Mai is a volleyball star of our school I love both of my friends and I always hope our frendship will never die. Questions 1, What does Hanh look like? -> 2, What does she like? -> 3, What’s Mai hobby? -> 4, Which sport does Mai play in the school team? III- Circle the suitable word to complete the sentence: 1. I know how to take care _________ myself. A. off B. about C. of D. on 2. Lan and her parents _________ Da lat last summer. A. visit B. visiting C. visited D. to visit 3. They ________ a lot of gifts for their friends yesterday. English 7/P2 A. bought B. buy C. buys D. buying 4. Did your aunt make this dress for you? – No, she _____ A. don’t B. doesn’t C. isn’t D. didn’t 5. Tri Nguyen ________ is a famous place in Nha Trang. A. Temple B. Museum C. Aquarium D. Pagoda 6. Mrs Anh takes care of people’s hair. She is a ________ A. dressmaker B. hairdresser C. hair maker D. head 7. Hoa learned how _________ a sewing machine. A. use B. using C. used D. to use 8. Ba ________ to school yesterday because he felt tired. A. doesn’t go B. wasn’t go C. didn’t go D. not went 9. What is his ____________ ? – 60 kg A. heavy B. weighed C. weight D. height 10. Minh’s tooth hurt _________ he has a cavity. A. but B. and C. or D. because 11.It is an ___________book . A. interest B. interested C. interesting D. interestingly 12.How _________does the T.V cost ? A. far B. long C. often D. much 13.What ________you doing now ? _ I am washing my clothes A. are B. do C. does D. were 14.I’m not a teacher and _________ is he . A. so B. neither C. either D. too 15. Nam is a ________ student. He always gets good marks A. good B. well C. bad D. badly 16. You can’t eat these bananas because they aren’t _______ A. green B. ripe C. fresh D. blue 17. She was sick so she _________ to school. A. doesn’t go B. went C. didn’t go D. goes 18. I like oranges. ____________ A. I do so B. So am I C. So I do D. So do I 19. I prefer watching soccer at the stadium to ______them on TV A. watching B. watchC. watches D. watches 20. You ought ___________ your room. A. clean B. to clean C. cleaning D. cleaned 21. Would you like __________to the movies this week? A. goingB. went C. to go D. goes 22. _______the banana before you eat it. A. Cut B. Put C. Slice D. Peel 23. Hoa plays tennis _______so she often loses. A. well B. quickly C. badly D. carefully 24. How ________your vacation in Nha Trang last year ? A. be B. was C. were D. did 25. What _______they always do in the morning ? A. are B. do C. did D. does 26. _______ Liz ________a lot of souvenirs yesterday? A. Do/buy B. Does /buy C. Are/buy D. Did/buy 27. His Aunt________ cut his hair last week. A. doesn’t B. didn’t C. don’t D. isn’t 28. I need to know your height. _________were you last year? A. How old B. How tall C. What D. Which 29 Fred came to the meeting but Dick _______ A. didn’t B. don’t C. isn’t D. wasn’t 30. __________is he.? –He’s about 60 kilos. A. How B. How old C. How heavy D. How much 31. Would you like dinner with me tonight? A. have B. to have C. having D. has 32. My mother didn’t wash it but I ……… A. didn’t B. did C. do D. don’t 33. Vegetables are good …… your health. A. to B. with C. for D. at 34. How ………is Nga ? She is 36 kilos. A. high B. old C. heavy D. tall English 7/P3 35. I don’t like beef. My mother doesn’t . . . . . . . A. so B. too C. either D. neither 36. She ought to . . . . . . . her homework before going to bed. A. finish B. finishes C. finished D. to finish 37. She hates fish. . . . . . . . do I. A. too B. so C. either D. neither 38. There is a detective movie . . . . . . . . . . at the New Age Theater. A. in B. to C. for D. on 39. Stop please. That is too ………… coffee. A. lots of B. much C. little D. many 400. She doesn’t like pork, and …… does her uncle. A. too B. so C. neither D. either 41. You should ……….your hands before meals. A. to wash B. wash C. washing D. washes 42. We can learn about the underwater world thanks a diving vessel. A. on B. by C. to D. at 43. They . . . . . . . . Nha Trang last summer. A. visit B. visited C. are visiting D. to visit 44. When you have a toothache, you should go to the . . . . . . . . A. nurse’s B. doctor’s C. dentist’s D. hospital 45. Eating too much candy is not good for your . . . . . . . . . . . A. healthy B. healthier C. healthily D. health 46. Lan . . . . . . . . . a new pair of shoes yesterday. A. buy B. buys C. bought D. buyed IV. Complete the sentences. Use past tense of the verbs in the box Write, not have, go, wash Hoa is a good student in class 7A. She got up late yesterday. She breakfast. Then she to school. She and ironed her clothes. She received a letter from her Mom last week so she to her mom last night. V - Complete the dialogue: Your friend : (1) _______to go the movie this week You : (2) ______________ . What would you like to see? Your friend : There is a cowboy movie on at the City Theater. You : Ok. (3) ___________________________on Friday Your friend : Sorry, I'm busy. (4) _________________________? You : Yes. Let's go on Saturday evening. VI - Choose the most suitable phrases to complete the passage. There are more phrases than needed. A. go to the party B. read books and newspapers C. says “Happy New Year” D. wear beautiful clothes E. listen to the music F. stay at home G. eats a lot Jack’s birthday is on December 31st. He always has a big party at his house. All of the guests (1) ________. Jack prepares delicious food and everyone (2) __________ and drinks a lot of champagne. Jack’s parents don’t (3) __________. They celebrate New Year’s Eve at home. They (4) _________ and dance. At night, Jack (5) ___________ to all his friends. VII. Read and answer the questions. In the summer holidays, Mr. Hung, Mrs. Lan and their children, Lan and Ba often go to the beach for two or three days. They always go to Vung Tau in the south of Viet Nam. They usually stay in a small house or a flat by the sea, but sometimes they stay in a hotel. Last summer they went to Nha Trang. They stayed at the Sunshine Hotel for three days. In the morning, Ba played soccer with his father on the beach. Lan and her mother walked long the beach and built sand castles. They visited Tri Nguyen Aquarium and saw different kinds of fish there. They also bought a lot of souvenirs for friends. 1. Where does Lan's family often go for their summer vacation ? ________________________________________________ 2. How long do they often stay there ? ________________________________________________ 3. Where do they usually stay ? English 7/P4 ________________________________________________ 4. Where did they go last summer ? _______________________________________________ 5. What did Lan and her mother do in the morning ? ________________________________________________ 6. Did they visit Tri Nguyen Aquarium ? _______________________________________________ VIII. Read the dialogue and decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F), then correct the false sentences. Hoa: Would you like to go to the movies this week? Lan: That sounds good. What would you like to see? Hoa: There is a cowboy movie on at the New Age Theater. Lan: OK. Can you make it on Monday night? Hoa: Sorry. I have to go to the drama club. How about Tuesday? Lan: No. Sorry. I'm going to see a detective movie with my parents. And I'm busy on Wednesday, too. Are you free on Thursday? Hoa: No, I'm not. What about Friday? Lan: That's OK. Hoa: Fine. Let's go on Friday. _____1. There isn't a cowboy movie on at the New Age Theater. _____2. Hoa has to go to the drama club on Monday night. _____3. Hoa is going to see a detective movie with her friends on Tuesday. _____4. Lan is busy on Wednesday. _____5. Hoa is free on Friday. _____6. Hoa and Lan are going to see a cowboy film on Friday night. IX. Read the passage and choose the correct answer Nam ……. (1) a new student in class 7B. He is ………(2) Thanh Hoa. Now he lives with his uncle and aunt in Ha Noi at 23 Nguyen Trai Street. He is 13 now. He……. (3) 14 on Sunday, October 12 th . He will have a party for his birthday. He will invite some of friends in class 7B. The party is ……. (4) his house. It will start at 7.30 in the evening and finish at 9.30. Nam will get nice presents from his friends. He will be happy. 1.A.am B.are C.be D.is 2.A.from B.in C.to D.on 3.A.be B.will be C.is D.will is 4.A.in B.on C.at D.from X. Read the passage and answer the questions: Today badminton becomes a very popular sports activity. It spreads quickly from the city to the countryside. People need only a pair of rackets, a shuttlecock, a net and a small piece of land to play the game. Two or four players hit the shuttlecock over the net with their rackets. People can play badminton in their free time or in a competition. Now there are many badminton competitions and even a World Cup. One of the strongest countries in badminton is Indonesia. 1. Does badminton become a popular sport activity nowadays? 2. What do people need to play badminton? 3. Describe how people play badminton? 4. What country is the strongest one in badminton? WRITING XI – Write about your last holiday. These questions will help you 1. Where did you do? 2. Who did you go with? 3. What was the weather like? 4. What did you visit? 5. How was the food? 6. What did you buy? 7. How did you feel? 8. What did you like best about the trip? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ XII . What did you eat and drink yesterday? For breakfast, I ______________________________________ English 7/P5 For lunch, I _________________________________________ For dinner , I ________________________________________ XIII/ Match the questions in the column A with the answers in the column B A B 1. What do you usually in the evening? 2. Would you like to play tennis, Ha? 3. What is the matter with you, Ba? 4. Did you learn the lesson about healthy food? a. I have stomachache b. Yes, I did. c. We usually watch TV d. I’d love to, but I’m busy now. XIV. Write as the require in the parentheses 1. Hoa and Nga (visit) their friends last Sunday (Write the correct form of verb) 2. I/ have/ bad/ cold/ yesterday. (Use the cue words to complete the sentence) 3. My mother is 45 kilos. (Make question for underlined words) Write the correct form of verbs 1.Her mother …………………. dinner in the kitchen now. (cook) 2.They ………………… fishing next Sunday. (go) 3.Let’s ……………. at 7.30 in front of the movie theater. (meet) 4.Mr Lam is a doctor.He ……… care of sick people. (take) 5.Would you like…………… a movie? (see) XV. Read the passage and answer the questions below. In 1960s, most people in Vietnam did not have a TV set. In the evening, the neighbors gathered around the TV. They watched until the TV programs finished. The children might play with their friends and the older people might talk together. Vietnam is different now. Many families have a TV set at home and the neighbors don’t spend much time together. Questions: 1. Did most people have a TV set in 1960s? 2. What might the children do? 3. Is Vietnam different now? THE END English 7/P6 . loại: * Danh từ: Danh từ là từ hoặc nhóm từ dùng để chỉ người (Lan, Hoa ), vật (chair, dog…), nơi chốn (Việt Nam, Singapore…)…. Ex: Hoa is a student (Hoa là một học sinh) (Hoa và a student là danh. carefully (Anh ấy thường lái xe cẩn thận) (often và carefully là trạng từ) * Giới từ: Giới từ là từ hoặc nhóm từ thường được dùng trước danh từ hoặc đại từ để chỉ sự liên hệ giữa danh từ hoặc. từ dùng trước danh từ và cho biết danh từ ấy đề cập đến một đối tượng cụ thể hay tổng quát, xác định hay không xác định. Ex: I bought a hat. ( A là mạo từ, hat là một danh từ) *. EXERCISES I.

Ngày đăng: 09/07/2014, 08:00

