1. ‘reserve <v> reser’vation (n) 2. delay (v) delay (n) deplayed (v past) 3. week (n) weekend , weekly 4. free (v) freedom (n) freely (thoải mái) 5. compete (v) competition (n) competitor (n of person) competitive competence (n ) năng lực, khả năng 6. permit (v) permittance permittance (n) permissible 7. pay – paid – paid pay (n) (v) payable (adj) 8. bake # fried bakery (n) 9. act (v) action (n) actress (n) actor đóng vai ??? 10. assist (v) Assistant (N) Assistance (n) 11. advertise (v) Advertisement (n) Advertiser (N) 12. musician (n) Musical (adj) 13. lose (v) Loss Loser 14. employ (v) Employee Employer 15. second Secondary school Second 16. safe Safety (n) 17. oil painting Painter Paint 18. special Specialize In the English Write in ink Write in pencil Live on food On horseback In the world In bed In the sky In the newspaper Speak to, talk to (with) Similar to Different from Smile at Borrow some money from sb. A book by Heming way Receive a letter from John Write to SB Send something to someone Xin chào mọi người, sau đây mình xin nói về những dự định trong tương lai! Trong thời gian hiện tại tôi đang cố gắng học thật tốt những môn học trên trường và học thêm anh văn và sửa chữa máy vi tính. Sau khi tốt nghiệp tôi sẽ cố gắng tìm một công việc phù hợp với chuyên ngành. Nếu không thì tôi có thể tìm một số công việc khác phù hợp với năng lực của mình… với số tiền lương thu nhập được, tôi sẽ cố gắng tiết kiệm để lo cho cuộc sống sau này. … Hello everyone, I would say the following about the plan in the future! In the present time I am trying to learn English and computer repair. After graduation I will try to find a job suitable subjects. If not, I will find some other jobs suitable with my capabilities with wage income, I will try to save enough to care for later life. that’s all Thank you for listening! Hello everyone, I would say the following about the plan in the future! In the present time I am trying to learn the subject well in school and learn English and computer repair. After graduation I will try to find a job suitable subjects. If not, then I can find some other jobs suitable to their capabilities with wage income, I will try to save enough to care for later life. Circumstance durian grapes ! !" # $%&'())