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  • A: Objectives:

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Giáo án môn Anh văn 9 - Trường THCS Lao Bảo Period: 50 Preparing date: 1 . 3 . 2010 Unit 8 CELEBRATIONS Lesson 2: SPEAK AND LF 3,4 A: Objectives: I. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to: - Know how to give and respond the compliments and congratulation. - How to use adverb clause of concession with though, although and even though. II. Skills: Reading, listening and speaking. B: Procedures: I. Settlement: +greeting. +class-organization: II. Checking: - Write vocabularies. - Read the text and answer the questions. III. New-lesson: Teacher’s activities Ss’activities. I. Pre speaking. Activity 1: Pre teach 1. compliments: lời khen 2. to respond: đáp lại 3. well done/ congratulation: chúc mừng 4. a contest: cuộc thi 5. active: tích cực 6. to nominate: bổ nhiệm Checking voca: What and Where. Activity 2: Guiding questions How can you tell to S.O who achieves sucess S.T in Vietnamese. II. While speaking: Activity 3: Speaking T asks Ss to work in pairs, one gives compliment, another respond to it. T invites some pairs to presentate in the class. Ss take notes Ss answer T’s questions after eliciting. Ss repeat after T in chorus or indiviually Ss check vocabularies. Ss answer: Chúc mừng, tuyệt vời, xin hoan nganh, chung vui, ect. Model sentences: Give a compliment: - Well done/ congatulation - That’s a great/ an exellent . - Let me congratulate . Rspond to a compliment: - Thanks/ thank you. - It’s nice of you to say so. - That’s very kind of you. Giáo viên thực hiện: Nguyễn Thừa Giáo án môn Anh văn 9 - Trường THCS Lao Bảo T and Ss may comment or correct. Activity 4: Role play T asks Ss to play role in pairs according the situations in the textbook. T invites some pairs to practice in the class Activity 5: Free drill: T requires Ss to give some real compliments in the class to someboy. III. Post speaking: Language focus 3. Using though, although, even though: T asks Ss to combine the sentences useing adverb clauses of concession. 4. Gap fill: T asks Ss to look at the pictures and tell concession in each one. T calls some Ss to tell in the class. Ss take note. Expected answers: a. Mai: Well done Trang: Thanks b. Mother: That’s a graet cake. Huyen: It’s nice of you to say so. c. Friends: Congratulations, Tuan Tuan: Thank you a lot. d. You: This’s a beautiful picture. Hoa: Thanks. Ss practice on the groups. 6 Ss write on the board. Anothers Ss give ideas then take note on their notebooks. a. she helped Tuan with his homework. b. she watches TV. c. weather bureau predicts to be fine weather. d. Ba ate a lot of food e. she finished the letter. IV. Consolidation : - Repeat the vocabularies. - Review how to use adverb clauses of concession. V. Homework : -At home: +Learn the vocab by heart +Do exercises 3,4 (unit 8- Exercisebook) +Prepare for new lesson. Giáo viên thực hiện: Nguyễn Thừa

Ngày đăng: 07/07/2014, 16:00

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