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The writing template book part 5 docx

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32 The Writing Template Book Notes • 1. So refers to the previous adjective; that is important, significant, prominent. 2. Use this template for any topic that features a major change. INTRODUCTION TEMPLATES mem Good introductions will have three components: some general statements) and perhaps background about the topic, a thesis sentence, and a roadmap of where the paper is going. The last of these, a roadmap, is optional, and in very short essays you do not need it. The term roadmap is metaphorical; it refers to the organization of your paper—what you will talk about and in what order. Unlike standard essay form in many countries (particularly in Europe), in the United States everything is stated at the beginning. There are no delicious surprises, no unexpected climaxes, and no suspense. Think of the prominent and often used American expression: Show me the money! Your American audience wants to see the most important things first. In effect, an introduction should be like a preview to a movie. Although the introduction comes first in the essay, you do not have to write it first. You might start with your introduction template and then revise it after you finish because you seldom know everything you are going to say before you attempt to say it. Author and teacher Michael Schoenfeldt offers some similar and sage advice: "I confess that my most effective introductory gestures have come from elements recycled from failed conclusions—as if only after the manuscript is written do I have the authority and knowledge necessary to provide a proper introduction to my work." 1 I. GENERAL INTRODUCTION TEMPLATES General Introduction Template 1 /- Truth be told, 1 has generated a lot of interest controversy discussion lately recently in recent years, in recent time Michael Schoenfeldt, "First Impressions and Last Thoughts," Profession, no. 1 (2005), 170-71. 33 34 The Writing Template Book The major that I will address in this essay topic(s) issue(s) point(s) is/are: . Question: Why have you selected Harrad College? Example Truth be told, Harrad College has generated a lot of interest lately. The major topics that I will address in this essay are 2 : the role of geography in my choice, the strength of the mathematics department, and the financial support offered by Harrad College. 3 Notes 1. Truth be told is an idiomatic expression meaning "if the truth is told." Since you are telling the truth, this is a good way to begin. The expression uses the subjunctive case, a rarity in English. Using the expression demonstrates a high level of diction and an under- standing of advanced structure. 2. In this case, you would use a colon (:) to introduce your list. If you have just one topic, then you do not have a list and therefore do not need a colon. 3. Because your list represents the three paragraphs composing the body of your paper, your organization is clear and you do not need a roadmap template. Introduction Templates 35 Question: Music is an important part of society. People like music for many different masons. Why do you think music is such an important part of people's lives? Example Truth be told, the part that music plays in people's lives has generated a lot of interest in recent times. The major topic that I will address in this essay is 1 why music is so important in people's lives.? Notes I 1. You do not use a colon here because you do not have a list; you have one major topic. Of course, how you will address this topic will be part of your roadmap. I 2. You have not mentioned any specifics of the body of your paper so you need a roadmap template now. Your Question: Your family just told you that it will send you to any country you want for the whole summer. What country would you like to visit for the whole summer? •Vhy would you like to go there? Your Example Your Question: Agree or disagree with the following statement: Smoking should be allowed in public places. Your Example 36 The Writing Template Book Simplified introduction Template r Truth be told, In the following paragraphs, I will the of point out elucidate illustrate role importance significance consequences Question: Relate the most humorous experience in your life. Example Truth be told, I have had a lot of humorous experiences in my life. In the following paragraphs, I will point out the significance of an experience I had at the age of four. Question: Parents are the best teachers for children. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Example Truth be told, parents are not the best teachers for children. In the following paragraphs, I will elucidate the importance of grammar school teachers and high school teachers in the lives of children. 1 Your Question: Some high schools require all students to wear the same uniforms. Do you think universities should also require students to wear the same uniforms? Your Example Introduction Templates 37 Note • 1. Again, a roadmap template is built into the introduction. Question: If you could change one important thing about your country, what would you change? Your Example 38 The Writing Template Book The most important questions about are simple ones. , and if so, ? how what where why when Only by answering these questions . ] (invert subject/verb order) Notes 1. In the last sentence, you must put the verb before the subject (can we, will you, etc.) because the sentence starts with Only by. This is advanced grammar, and if you use it correctly, you will impress your reader. Question: Recently, there has been a lot of worry about avian flu. Do you think this is a serious problem for the world? Example The most important questions about avian flu are simple ones. Can we be made safe, and if so, how? Only by answering these questions can we get a head start on planning for the disaster that everyone is predicting. General Introduction Template 2 Introduction Templates 39 Question: Do you think that the famous Thai resort of Phuket can recover from the ir.astation of the 2005 tsunami? Example The most important questions about the renovation of Phuket after the tsunami are simple ones. Can the resort and its beaches be made safe, and if so, how? Only by answering these questions can progress be made toward revitalizing the tourist trade. Your Question: What are some important qualities of a good school teacher? Use spe- : ~z details and examples to explain why these qualities are important. Your Example Your Question: Some music is very inspirational. Other music seems boring and mean- ingless. Which type of music do you listen to, and why do you think some music forms are much more popular than others? Your Example 40 The Writing Template Book • II, INTRODUCTION WITH QUESTIONS TEMPLATES What Is Introduction Templates Introduction templates 4-6 do not need a roadmap template because the questions you ask set up the organization for the essay. We will begin with, an introduction template that is just an extension of the thesis sentence templates you have done. This template is to be used when the topic is not a proposition but rather a question beginning with What is XI What is is a/an fascinating difficult tough thought-provoking interesting multi-dimensional provocative question. It raises further questions 1 : When Where ? How ? Why What Question: What is culture? 2 Example What culture is is 3 a provocative question. It raises further questions: Where do we find culture? How do we distinguish high culture from low culture? What is the difference between culture and ordinary behavior? Question: What is comedy? Example What comedy is is a fascinating question. It raises further questions: Why do we put plays into the categories of tragedy, comedy, and tragicomedy? When did people start writing comedies? Where was comedy first performed? Introduction Templates 41 Your Question: What is true love? Your Example Notes 1. You must decide what further questions will be raised. You don't need to ask three questions. You might just ask two. Or you could ask four. The template has the additional benefit of organizing the body of your paper, since you now have a paragraph to write for each question. 2. Use this template only with short What is questions like, What is culture? If you attempt to use it with longer questions like, What is the biggest risk you have taken in the last five years? the syntax becomes unwieldy and awkward. 3. Your computer's grammar checker may indicate that this con- struction is faulty because is is followed by another is. Your com- puter would be in error. The first is is part of a noun clause that forms the subject: What X is. This noun clause takes the verb is. Using this structure establishes your mastery of some sophisti- cated English syntax. This template is recommended for stronger writers. 4. Remember to begin with What X is is Do not use question form in this noun clause. In other words, do not say, for example, What is comedy is Your Question: What is air pollution? Your Example . than others? Your Example 40 The Writing Template Book • II, INTRODUCTION WITH QUESTIONS TEMPLATES What Is Introduction Templates Introduction templates 4-6 do not need a roadmap template. because the questions you ask set up the organization for the essay. We will begin with, an introduction template that is just an extension of the thesis sentence templates you have done. This template. think that the famous Thai resort of Phuket can recover from the ir.astation of the 20 05 tsunami? Example The most important questions about the renovation of Phuket after the tsunami

Ngày đăng: 07/07/2014, 13:20

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