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Unit16: People and places

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Lessonplan E7 Wednesday, April 22 nd 2009 Period 96: Unit 15: People and places Section A: Famous places in Asia Lesson 1: A1, 2    *) Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use the simple present with Frequency adverbs to talk about famous places. *) Language focus: - Vocabulary: pilot, region, occasionally, fly, album. - Grammar / Structure: present simple tense *) Teaching aids: text book, *) Teaching procedure: Teacher's activities Students' activities ? How many adverbs of frequency that you learnt? ? What are they? - Checks and writes down. - Ask students to look at the postcard and the sentence in it: Greetings from Bangkok! Now answer the questions: ? Where is Bangkok? In Thailand. ? What do you know about Thailand? Thailand is a country in Asia. Besides Thailand, which counties and their capitals in South East Asia do you know? - Explains the meanings of the new words. - Reads and gets students to follow. - Divides class into two teams and play *) Warm up: Brainstorming. never usually sometimes regularly rarely often always - Look at the picture in the book and notice the sentence: Greetings from Bangkok! I. Presentation: 1. New words: + pilot (n): phi c«ng. + region (n): vïng miÒn. + occasionally (adv): ®«i khi, thØnh tho¶ng + fly (v): bay + album (n): quyÓn sæ ¶nh. - Read after teacher. QN – HS 2,quynhnga85@gmail.com Advebs of frequency Lessonplan E7 game ‘Slap the board' Now you are going to listen a conversation between Hoa and Ba and answer the question: Which places does her uncle fly to? - Elicits from students. - Asks students to practice the dialogue with their partner. - Make some questions in so that the students answer. ? What does Mr. Nghia do? ? Where did he send this postcard? ? Where is that? ? Where does he fly to? * Mr Nghia is a pilot. He sent this postcard from Bangkok. It is in Thailand. He flies to Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore - Asks students to read the dialogue again and do matching. - Gives feedback. - Corrects. - Has students read again these sentences. - Lets students to read again the dialogue and ask them to talk about Mr. Nghia, especially talk about the places *) Checking technique : Slap the board. 2. Presentation the dialogue: - Listen *) Model sentences: He usually flies to Hong Kong. He sometimes goes to Phnom Penh. => Form: S + always/often/usually + V II. Practice: 1. Practice the dialogue: - Practice - Answer 2. Mactching: - Do matching *) Answer keys: a-D b-F c-B d-C e-A f-E 3. Completing the table: QN – HS 2,quynhnga85@gmail.com fly thØnh tho¶ng pilot albu m region Lessonplan E7 that he usually flies. - Make questions for students: ? Do you know where these capitals are? (These capitals of the countries are in South East Asia). Which countries are in South East Asia? ‘Now you look at the box in the book. The words in the box are the names of some Asian counties; tell me which counties they are’. - Asks students to look at the table. ‘We have capital names of 7 countries in Asia. You complete the table by matching the names with the countries in pairs’ . - Gives feedback. - Corrects. - Uses the table as cues and gets students to makes the dialogue by using the advebs of frequency. - Models with some good students. - Asks students to work in pairs to makes the similar dialogue by repalce the underlined words. - Gives feedback. - Corrects students’ mistakes. - Divides class into two teams and lets them play “ Noughts and crosses” game. - Praises the winner. - Answer questions - Work in pairs *) Answer keys: Capital Country Bangkok Thailand Bejing China Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Phnom Penh Cambodia Vientiane Laos Yang on Myanmar Jakarta Indonesia 4. Drill: - Look at and listen. EX: A: Where does Ba’uncle fly to? B: He usually fly to Bangkok. A: Where it that? B: It’s in Thailand. - Work in pairs III. Further practice: “ Noughts and crosses” He/fly/ Bangkok I/not/travel/ Singapore She/go/ Phnom Penh You/visit/ Beijing They/send/ postcard/ Jakarta He/fly/ Hong Kong They/fly/ Kuala Lumpur He/go/ Vientiane She/travel/ Yang on QN – HS 2,quynhnga85@gmail.com Lessonplan E7 - Asks students to : + Learn by heart new words. + Do exercises in the work book. EX: He /fly/Hong Kong.  He often flies to Hong Kong. IV. Home work: - Write exercises. Period 97: Unit 16: People and places Section A: (cont) Lesson 2: A3,4 *) Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know about the pilot's schedule and understand the text in details. *) Language focus: - Vocabulary: attraction, acient monument, resort, culture, coral, admire, shadow puppet show. - Grammar / Structure: modal verb may *) Language skill: *) Teaching aids: text book. *) Teaching procedure: Teache r's activities Students' activities - Has Ss run through the table. - Calls S to check and corrects. - Explains the meanings of the new words. - Reads and gets students to follow *) Warmer: */ A3(P.156): Listening. - Listen and complete the pilot’s schedule with the correct place names (twice) - Share and compare. *) Answer keys: Monday Bangkok and Singapore Tuesday Singapor Wednesday Jakarta Thursday Bali Friday Bali Saturday Hong Kong Sunday back to Ha Noi I. Pre - reading: 1. New words: + attraction (n) : sù hÊp dÉn + ancient monument (n) : tîng ®µi cæ + resort (n) : khu nghØ m¸t + coral (n) : san h« + cultural (n) : nÒn v¨n ho¸ + shadow pupet show (n) : buæi biÓu diÔn móa rèi bãng ®en QN – HS 2,quynhnga85@gmail.com Lessonplan E7 - Asks students to read the text and answer the question. - Gives feedback and correct. - Gets students to work in pairs and answer the quetions (p.157). - Asks Ss to match the three kinds of tourist attractions that go with the activities. - Gives feedback and corrects. - Checks and corrects if necessary. + admire (v) : ngìng mé - Reads after teacher. *) Checking vocab . R.O.R 3. Open-prediction. ? Why do tourists like to visit South-East Asia? - answer. II. While-reading: 1. Reading and checking - Ss read the text and answer the pre-question. - Ss compare with their prediction. - Ss read the text silently and answer the comprehension questions. *) Answer keys: • Because South East Asia has many attractions, they could visit many acient monuments and temples. • They can enjoy traditions of different cultures 2. Comprehension questions: - Pairwork. *) Answer keys: a) The three kinds of tourist attractions mentioned in the passage are ancient monuments, shows, resorts and beaches. b) (Ss’ answer) 3. Matching. - match Three kinds of tourist attractions Activities. 1. Ancient monuments 2. Shows 3. Resorts and beaches a,You can swim and dive b,You may visit the Khmer Temple of Angkor Wat c,You can see colorful dances or shadow pupet shows. d,You may admire colorful corals & fish. e,You can listen to and enjoy traditional music during the performances. f,You can sail and enjoy a healthy outdoor life. *) Answer keys: 1-b 2-c,e 3-a,d,f III. Post-reading. */ Transformation writing. - Change the text from “ South East Asia” to “ Vietnam”, “ Khmer QN – HS 2,quynhnga85@gmail.com Lessonplan E7 -Asks students to: + Learn new vocab. by heart. + Do exercises 3 + 4 + 5 (P.100, 101, 102 – W.B) temples of Angkor Wat” to” Hue Ancient city”, “ the huge Buddish temple of Borobudur in Java” to “ Hoi An ancient street” (in paragraph 1) - Change the paragraph 3 from “ There are thoudands of resorts and thousands of kilometer of beach” to “ There are beautiful beaches in Nha Trang, Vung Tau, Quang Ninh and Hai phong” - write , then share and compare. IV. Homework. - Write exercises Period 98: Unit 16: (cont) Section B: Famous people Lesson 3: B1 *) Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to read for details about a famous person and a historic place. *) Language focus: - Vocabulary: quiz, battle, force, General, lead, defeat, be famous for. - Grammar / Structure: *) Language skill: *) Teaching aids: textbook, posters, tape, cassette. *) Teaching procedure: Teacher's activities Students' activities -Lets students to play game ' Jumbled words '. -Praises the winner. 1.Warmer: Jumbled words = attraction = ocean = coral = monument = shows = album QN – HS 2,quynhnga85@gmail.com tractionat Numoment anceo owssh ralco balum Lessonplan E7 - Explains the meanings of the new words. - Reads and gets students to follow. - Sets the scene: Ba and Liz are talking about Vo Nguyen Giap, guess which statement is true and which is false. - Gives feedback. - Has Ss read the dialogue silently and check their prediction. - Corrects I. Pre-reading: 2. New words: quiz (n) : câu đố battle (n) : trận đánh force (n) : lực lợng General (n): vị tớng lead (v) : lãnh đạo, dẫn đầu defeat (v) : đánh bại be famous for (v) : nổi tiếng vì - Read after tacher *) Checking vocab . R.O.R 2. T/F Prediction: (B1 P.158) - read the statements and guess T/F before reading. a) Lix know a lot about general Giap b) The peoples Army of Vietnam defeated the French in 1956. c) The peoples Army of Vietnam won the battle of Dien Bien Phu. d) General Giap was born in 1920 e) Ba does like history. f) Liz will lend Ba some history books. II. While-reading. 1. Checking prediction: - share and compare. *) Answer keys: Check Correction a F Liz doesn't know about General Giap b F The people's Army of Vietnam defeated the French in 1954 c T d F General Giap was born in 1911 e T f F Ba will lend Liz some history books. 2. Gap-fill: QN HS 2,quynhnga85@gmail.com Name: Vo Nguyen Giap Year of birth: 1911 Job: General/ Commander- in- Chief Famous for: Leading the Peoples Army of Vietnam The battle: Dien Bien Phu Lessonplan E7 - Has Ss read the dialogue again and fill in the form about General Giap. - Gives feedback and corrects - Asks Ss to write a short paragraph about General Vo Nguyen Giap. ( Using cues from the form and the dialogue) - Asks students to: + Learn new vocab. by heart. + Do exercise 1(P.102 – W.B) III. Post-reading. */ Write it up: - write individually. - share and compare. IV. Homework. - write exercises Period 99: Unit 16: (cont) Section B: (cont) Lesson 4: B2, (3). *) Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to further practice with “ Prefer, like, favorite” to talk about famous people. *) Language focus: - Vocabulary: - Grammar / Structure: *) Language skill: *) Teaching aids: text book, posters. *) Teaching procedure: Teacher's activities Students' activities ? Who are talking on the dialogue? ? What are they talking about? ? How many verbs are there? ( T points to the verbs on the box) ? What are you going to do? - Asks Ss to work in pairs to complete the dialogue. - Corrects. 1. Presentation. *) Predict dialogue. (B2 – P.158) - answer. - share and compare. KEY: 1. like 2. prefer 3. guess 4. favorite QN – HS 2,quynhnga85@gmail.com Lessonplan E7 - Controls and gives help if necessary. - Calls some pairs to practice before class. 2. Practice. *) Word Cue Drill: (on posters) - Pairwork. - Example Exchange: S1: Do you like Hong Nhung? S2: No, I prefer Thanh Lam. S1: Why? S2: Because Thanh Lam is prettier than Hong Nhung. 3. Production. *) Mapped Dialogue. (B2 – P.158) Do you like ? No,I prefer Why? Because she/ he is I guess so. What about you? My favorite is Really? Yes.She/ He is - Example Exchange: S1: Do you like Dan Truong? S2: No, I prefer Ly Duc. S1: Why? S2: Because he is very strong. S1: I guess so. S2: What about you? QN – HS 2,quynhnga85@gmail.com Hong Nhung/ Thanh Lam My Linh/ My Tam Hong Son/ Huynh Duc Hieu Ngan/ Thuy Hien Bang Kieu/ Quang Linh Ronando/ Backam Lessonplan E7 - Practice making more dialogeu using the formation above. - Prepare for the next lesson. S1: My favorite person is Lai Van Sam. S1: Really? S2: Yes. He is very clever. 4. Homework. QN – HS 2,quynhnga85@gmail.com [...]... did II While-reading 1 Checking: - read the text and check their prediction - Asks students to read the text and - share and compare check their prediction *) Answer keys: - Gives feedback and corrects Thomas Edison Hans Christian Andersen QN HS 2,quynhnga85@gmail.com Lessonplan E7 - Gives out some answer and asks Ss to make questions - Gives feedback and corrects a bulb, a an actor an author, gramophone... Reads and gets students to follow + author (n) : tác giả + fairy tale (n) : câu truyện cổ tích + actor (n) : nghệ sĩ, diễn viên nam + establish (v) : thành lập - Read after teacher *) Checking vocab Slap the board 2 Open-prediction - Predict - Introduces about Thomas Edison and Thomas Edison Hans Christian Hans Christian Andersen Then asks Ss Andersen to predict whatThomas Edison and Hans Christian Andersen... role: A: Reporter B: Hans Christian Andersen III Post-reading *) Listen and complete the table: - Introduces: We are going to listen to a text about Uncle Ho Do you remember - guess which places Uncle Ho travelled to Keys: Africa, England, America, London, Paris, - Has Ss listen to the atpe twice and Moscow, Guangzhou check their prediction - Gets students' answers and corrects if necessary QN HS 2,quynhnga85@gmail.com... time - Listen and complete the pilot's schedule with the correct place Tape transcript On Monday, I flew to Bangkok and then to Singapore I stayed Monday and Tuesday nights in a hotel Then on QN HS 2,quynhnga85@gmail.com Lessonplan E7 Wednesday, I flew to Jakata I stayed overnight and on Thursday I flew to Bali I stayed there Thursday and Friday On Friday night, I went to a cultural show and saw some... was 21 years old, he left Viet Nam and travelled to Africa, England and America After this, he worked in a hotel in London in early 1900s then moved to Paris in 1917 He spent six years in Paris, one year in Moscow and then moved to Guangzhou He founded the Indochinese Comunist Party when he was living in Guangzhou During the 1930s , Ho Chi Minh continued to travel and after his return to Viet Nam he... he will always be remembered by the Viet Namese people QN HS 2,quynhnga85@gmail.com Lessonplan E7 Period 97: Unit 16: (cont) Section A: (cont) Lesson 5: A3,4 *) Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to listen and read A3 + A4 P156 - 157: Write the Pilot's schedule; Answer comp questions *) Language focus: - Vocabulary: People and places - Grammar / Structure: Modal "May" *) Language... HS 2,quynhnga85@gmail.com Lessonplan E7 - Has Ss run through the table - guess and complete the missing information - listen to the text again and check their - Gives feedback andcorrects students' prediction mistakes - share and compare *) Answer keys: Year Place Date of birth 1890 Kim Lien Left Viet nam 1911 Africe, England, America Worked in a hotel 1900s London Went to another 1917 Paris country... bulb c) The gramophone and motion pictures d) A Danish author e) An actor f) Novels, plays poetry and travel books g) The first central power station h) The fairy tales - Ss discuss in pairs then give out the questions Questions: a) Who was Thomas Edison? b) What was his famous invention? c) What did he establish? d) What other inventions did he invent? e) Who was Hans Christian Andersen? f) What did... details about a famous person and talk about their biographies *) Language focus: - Vocabulary: bulb, invention, grammophone, motion picture, author, fairy tale, actor, establish - Grammar / Structure: *) Language skill: reading, listening *) Teaching aids: text book *) Teaching procedure: Teacher's activities Students' activities *) Warmer: Chatting ? Do you know any famous people? ? Who are they? Can... Bangkok and Singapore Tuesday : Sinapore Wednesday : Jakarta Thursday : Bali một hòn đảo nhỏ nổi tiếng Friday: Bali của Indonesia Saturday : Hongkong Sunday : Back to Hanoi III Pre - reading : 1 New words: + an attraction (n): sự thu hút, hấp dẫn - Explains the meanings of the new words + an ancient momument : tợng đài cổ : tập tục, truyền thống + shadow puppet : Múa rối bóng đen + resort - Read and gets . about Thailand? Thailand is a country in Asia. Besides Thailand, which counties and their capitals in South East Asia do you know? - Explains the meanings of the new words. - Reads and gets students. 97: Unit 16: People and places Section A: (cont) Lesson 2: A3,4 *) Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know about the pilot's schedule and understand the text. “ There are thoudands of resorts and thousands of kilometer of beach” to “ There are beautiful beaches in Nha Trang, Vung Tau, Quang Ninh and Hai phong” - write , then share and compare. IV.

Ngày đăng: 07/07/2014, 11:00

