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Sams Teach Yourself Web Publishing with HTML and CSS in One Hour a Day (5th Edition) P83 docx

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Tables valign=" "Vertically aligns the contents of cells (top, middle, bottom, baseline). Empty No. <tr> </tr> Usage Defines a row of table cells. Start/End Tag Required/Optional (HTML); Required/Required (XHTML 1.0). Attributes %coreattrs, %i18n, %events. align=" "Horizontally aligns the contents of cells (left, center, right, justify, char). char=" "Sets a character on which the column aligns. charoff=" "Offset to the first alignment character on a line. valign=" "Vertically aligns the contents of cells (top, middle, bottom, baseline). Deprecated bgcolor=" "Sets the background color. Empty No. file:///G|/1/0672328860/app02lev1sec7.html (5 von 5) [19.12.2006 13:50:33] Frames Frames Frames create new "panels" in the web browser window that are used to display content from different source documents. <frame> Usage Defines a frame. Start/End Tag Required/IllegalSee note for XHTML 1.0 requirements. Attributes name=" "The name of a frame. src=" "The source to be displayed in a frame. frameborder=" "Toggles the border between frames (0, 1). marginwidth=" "Sets the space between the frame border and content. marginheight=" "Sets the space between the frame border and content. noresizeDisables sizing. scrolling=" "Determines scrollbar presence (auto, yes, no). Empty Yes. Notes In XHTML 1.0, this tag should take the XML form of <frame /> to ensure compatibility with older browsers. Margins should normally be set using Cascading Style Sheets. <frameset> </frameset> Usage Defines the layout of frames within a window. Start/End Tag Required/Required. Attributes rows=" "The number of rows. cols=" "The number of columns. onload=" "The intrinsic event triggered when the document loads. onunload=" "The intrinsic event triggered when the document unloads. Empty No. Notes Framesets can be nested. <iframe> </iframe> file:///G|/1/0672328860/app02lev1sec8.html (1 von 2) [19.12.2006 13:50:34] Frames Usage Creates an inline frame. Start/End Tag Required/Required. Attributes name=" "The name of the frame. src=" "The source to be displayed in a frame. frameborder=" "Toggles the border between frames (0, 1). marginwidth=" "Sets the space between the frame border and content. marginheight=" "Sets the space between the frame border and content. scrolling=" "Determines scrollbar presence (auto, yes, no). height=" "Height. width=" "Width. Deprecated align=" "Controls alignment (left, center, right, justify). Empty No. <noframes> </noframes> Usage Alternative content when frames are not supported. Start/End Tag Required/Required. Attributes None. Empty No. file:///G|/1/0672328860/app02lev1sec8.html (2 von 2) [19.12.2006 13:50:34] Embedded Content Embedded Content Also called inclusions, embedded content applies to Java applets, imagemaps, and other multimedia or programmatic content that's placed in a web page to provide additional functionality. <applet> </applet> Usage Includes a Java applet. Start/End Tag Required/Required. Deprecated align=" "Controls alignment (left, center, right, justify). alt=" "Displays text while loading. archive=" "Identifies the resources to be preloaded. code=" "The applet class file. codebase=" "The URL base for the applet. height=" "The width of the displayed applet. hspace=" "The horizontal space separating the image from other content. name=" "The name of the applet. object=" "The serialized applet file. vspace=" "The vertical space separating the image from other content. width=" "The height of the displayed applet. Empty No. Notes Applet is deprecated in favor of the object element. <area> Usage Defines links and anchors in a client-side image map. Start/End Tag Required/IllegalSee note for XHTML 1.0 requirements. Attributes shape=" "Enables you to define client-side imagemaps using defined shapes ( default, rect, circle, poly). coords=" "Sets the size of the shape using pixel or percentage lengths. HRef=" "The URL of the linked resource. target=" "Determines where the resource will be displayed (user-defined name, _blank, _parent, _self, _top). file:///G|/1/0672328860/app02lev1sec9.html (1 von 4) [19.12.2006 13:50:34] Embedded Content nohref=" "Indicates that the region has no action. alt=" "Displays alternative text. tabindex=" "Sets the tabbing order between elements with a defined tabindex. Empty Yes. Notes In XHTML 1.0, this tag should take the XML form of <area /> to ensure compatibility with older browsers. <img> Usage Includes an image in the document. Start/End Tag Required/IllegalSee note for XHTML 1.0 requirements. Attributes %coreattrs, %i18n, %events. The URL of the image. alt=" "Alternative text to display. height=" "The height of the image. width=" "The width of the image. usemap=" "The URL to a client-side imagemap. ismapIdentifies a server-side imagemap. Deprecated align=" "Controls alignment (left, center, right, justify). border=" "Border width. hspace=" "The horizontal space separating the image from other content. vspace=" "The vertical space separating the image from other content. Empty Yes. Notes In XHTML 1.0, this tag should take the XML form of <img /> to ensure compatibility with older browsers. <map> </map> Usage When used with the area element, creates a client-side imagemap. Start/End Tag Required/Required. Attributes %coreattrs. name=" "The name of the imagemap to be created. Empty No. file:///G|/1/0672328860/app02lev1sec9.html (2 von 4) [19.12.2006 13:50:34] Embedded Content <object> </object> Usage Includes an object. Start/End Tag Required/Required. Attributes %coreattrs, %i18n, %events. declareA flag that makes the current object definition a declaration only. classid=" "The URL of the object's location. codebase=" "The URL for resolving URLs specified by other attributes. data=" "The URL to the object's data. type=" "The Internet content type for data. codetype=" "The Internet content type for the code. standby=" "Show message while loading. height=" "The height of the object. width=" "The width of the object. usemap=" "The URL to an imagemap. shapes=Enables you to define areas to search for hyperlinks if the object is an image. name=" "The URL to submit as part of a form. tabindex=" "Sets the tabbing order between elements with a defined tabindex. Deprecated align=" "Controls alignment (left, center, right, justify). border=" "Displays the border around an object. hspace=" "The space between the sides of the object and other page content. vspace=" "The space between the top and bottom of the object and other page content. Empty No. <param> Usage Initializes an object. Start/End Tag Required/IllegalSee note for XHTML 1.0 requirements. Attributes name=" "Defines the parameter name. value=" "The value of the object parameter. file:///G|/1/0672328860/app02lev1sec9.html (3 von 4) [19.12.2006 13:50:34] Embedded Content valuetype=" "Defines the value type (data, ref, object). type=" "The Internet media type. Empty Yes. Notes In XHTML 1.0, this tag should take the XML form of <param /> to ensure compatibility with older browsers. file:///G|/1/0672328860/app02lev1sec9.html (4 von 4) [19.12.2006 13:50:34] Style Style Style sheets (both inline and external) are incorporated into an HTML document through the use of the style element. <style> </style> Usage Creates an internal style sheet. Start/End Tag Required/Required. Attributes %i18n. type=" "The Internet content type. media=" "Defines the destination medium (screen, print, projection, braille, speech, all). title=" "The title of the style. Empty No. Notes Located in the head element. file:///G|/1/0672328860/app02lev1sec10.html [19.12.2006 13:50:35] Forms Forms Forms create an interface for the user to select options and submit data back to the web server. <button> </button> Usage Creates a button. Start/End Tag Required/Required. Attributes %coreattrs, %i18n, %events. name=" "The button name. value=" "The value of the button. type=" "The button type (button, submit, reset). disabled=" "Sets the button state to disabled. tabindex=" "Sets the tabbing order between elements with a defined tabindex. onfocus=" "The event that occurs when the element receives focus. onblur=" "The event that occurs when the element loses focus. Empty No. <fieldset> </fieldset> Usage Groups related controls. Start/End Tag Required/Required. Attributes %coreattrs, %i18n, %events. Empty No. <form> </form> Usage Creates a form that holds controls for user input. Start/End Tag Required/Required. Attributes %coreattrs, %i18n, %events. action=" "The URL for the server action. enctype=" "Specifies the MIME (Internet media type). file:///G|/1/0672328860/app02lev1sec11.html (1 von 5) [19.12.2006 13:50:35] Forms onsubmit=" "The intrinsic event that occurs when the form is submitted. onreset=" "The intrinsic event that occurs when the form is reset. target=" "Determines where the resource will be displayed (user-defined name, _blank, _parent, _self, _top). accept-charset=" "The list of character encodings. method=" "The HTTP method (post or get). Empty No. <input> Usage Defines controls used in forms. Start/End Tag Required/IllegalSee note for XHTML 1.0 requirements. Attributes %coreattrs, %i18n, %events. type=" "The type of input control (text, password, checkbox, radio, submit, reset, file, hidden, image, button). name=" "The name of the control (required except for submit and reset). value=" "The initial value of the control (required for radio and checkboxes). checked=" "Sets the radio buttons to a checked state. disabled=" "Disables the control. readonly=" "For text password types. size=" "The width of the control in pixels except for text and password controls, which are specified in number of characters. maxlength=" "The maximum number of characters that can be entered. The URL to an image control type. alt=" "An alternative text description. usemap=" "The URL to a client-side imagemap. tabindex=" "Sets the tabbing order between elements with a defined tabindex. onfocus=" "The event that occurs when the element receives focus. onblur=" "The event that occurs when the element loses focus. onselect=" "Intrinsic event that occurs when the control is selected. onchange=" "Intrinsic event that occurs when the control is changed. accept=" "File types allowed for upload. file:///G|/1/0672328860/app02lev1sec11.html (2 von 5) [19.12.2006 13:50:35] . Java applets, imagemaps, and other multimedia or programmatic content that's placed in a web page to provide additional functionality. <applet> </applet> Usage Includes a Java. links and anchors in a client-side image map. Start/End Tag Required/IllegalSee note for XHTML 1.0 requirements. Attributes shape=" "Enables you to define client-side imagemaps using. nohref=" "Indicates that the region has no action. alt=" "Displays alternative text. tabindex=" "Sets the tabbing order between elements with a defined tabindex. Empty

Ngày đăng: 07/07/2014, 09:20

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