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Sams Teach Yourself Web Publishing with HTML and CSS in One Hour a Day (5th Edition) P80 pptx

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Web Publishing Tools Web Publishing Tools Blogger http://www.blogger.com/ TypePad, Movable Type, and LiveJournal http://www.sixapart.com/ WordPress http://www.wordpress.com/ MediaWiki http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki Drupal http://drupal.org/ file:///G|/1/0672328860/app01lev1sec14.html [19.12.2006 13:50:28] Other Web-Related Topics Other Web-Related Topics Adobe Acrobat http://www.adobe.com/prodindex/acrobat/main.html Web security overview http://www.w3.org/Security/Overview.html file:///G|/1/0672328860/app01lev1sec15.html [19.12.2006 13:50:28] Tools and Information for Images Tools and Information for Images Barry's Clip Art Server http://www.barrysclipart.com/ Animation Factory http://www.animationfactory.com IrfanView http://www.irfanview.com/ GraphicConverter http://www.lemkesoft.de/en/index.htm file:///G|/1/0672328860/app01lev1sec16.html [19.12.2006 13:50:28] Web Hosting Providers Web Hosting Providers The List (worldwide list of Internet providers) http://thelist.internet.com/ file:///G|/1/0672328860/app01lev1sec17.html [19.12.2006 13:50:28] Web Indexes and Search Engines Web Indexes and Search Engines Google http://www.google.com/ Yahoo! http://www.yahoo.com/ MSN Search http://search.msn.com Ask Jeeves http://www.askjeeves.com file:///G|/1/0672328860/app01lev1sec18.html [19.12.2006 13:50:28] Appendix B. HTML 4.01 Quick Reference Appendix B. HTML 4.01 Quick Reference This appendix provides a quick reference to the elements and attributes of the HTML 4.01 language, as specified by the World Wide Web Consortium. It's based on the information provided in the HTML 4.01 Specification, W3C Recommendation 24 December 1999 (most current version at press time). The latest version of this document can be found at http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/. To make the information readily accessible, this appendix organizes HTML elements by their function in the following order: ● Common Attributes and Events id, class, style, title, lang, dir, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeyup, onkeydown ● Structure bdo, body, Comments, div, !DOCTYPE, H1 h6, head, HR, html, meta, span, title ● Text Phrases and Paragraphs acronym, address, blockquote, br, cite, code, del, dfn, em, ins, kbd, p, pre, q, samp, strong, sub, sup, var ● Text Formatting Elements b, basefont, big, font, i, s, small, strike, tt, u ● Lists dd, dir, dl, dt, li, menu, ol, ul ● Links a, base, link ● Tables caption, col, colgroup, table, tbody, td, tfoot, th, thead, tr ● Frames frame, frameset, iframe, noframes ● Embedded Content applet, area, img, map, object, param ● Style style ● Forms button, fieldset, form, input, isindex, label, legend, option, select, textarea ● Scripts script, noscript file:///G|/1/0672328860/app02.html (1 von 2) [19.12.2006 13:50:29] Appendix B. HTML 4.01 Quick Reference Note Table B.1, located at the end of the appendix, contains a list of character entities. Within each section, the elements are listed alphabetically and the following information is presented where applicable: ● Usage A general description of the element. ● Start/End Tag Indicates whether these tags are required, optional, or illegal. Differences between HTML and XHTML are noted. ● Attributes Lists the attributes of the element with a short description of its effect. ● Deprecated Lists deprecated attributes; that is, attributes that are still supported in HTML 4.01 and in most browsers, but that are in the process of being phased out in favor of newer techniques, such as style sheets. ● Empty Indicates whether the element can be empty. ● Notes Relates any special considerations when using the element and indicates whether the element is new, deprecated, or obsolete. file:///G|/1/0672328860/app02.html (2 von 2) [19.12.2006 13:50:29] Common Attributes and Events Common Attributes and Events The HTML 4.01 specification includes several attributes that apply to a significant number of elements. These are referred to as %coreattrs, %i18n, and %events tHRoughout this appendix and are explained in the following section. %coreattrs Four attributes are abbreviated as %coreattrs: ● id=" " A global identifier ● class=" " A list of classes separated by spaces ● style=" " Style information ● title=" " Provides more information for a specific element, as opposed to the title element, which titles the entire web page %i18n Two attributes for internationalization (i18n) are abbreviated as %i18n: ● lang=" " The language identifier ● dir=" " The text direction (ltr, rtl) %events The following intrinsic events are abbreviated %events: ● onclick=" " A pointing device (such as a mouse) was single-clicked. ● ondblclick=" " A pointing device (such as a mouse) was double-clicked. ● onmousedown=" " A mouse button was clicked and held down. ● onmouseup=" " A mouse button that was clicked and held down was released. ● onmouseover=" " A mouse moved the cursor over an object. ● onmousemove=" " A mouse was moved. ● onmouseout=" " A mouse moved the cursor off an object. ● onkeypress=" " A key was pressed and released. ● onkeydown=" " A key was pressed and held down. ● onkeyup=" " A key that was pressed has been released. file:///G|/1/0672328860/app02lev1sec1.html [19.12.2006 13:50:29] Structure Structure HTML relies on several elements to provide structure to a document (as opposed to structuring the text within), as well as provide information that is used by the browser or search engines. <bdo> </bdo> Usage The bidirectional algorithm element is used to selectively turn off the default text direction. Default text direction is left to right, but can be changed (to render Hebrew text from right to left, for example). Start/End Tag Required/Required. Attributes lang=" "The language of the document. dir=" "The text direction (ltr, rtl). Empty No. Notes The dir attribute is mandatory. <body> </body> Usage Contains the content of the document. Start/End Tag Optional/Optional (HTML); Required/Required (XHTML 1.0). Attributes %coreattrs, %i18n, %events. onload=" "Intrinsic event triggered when the document loads. onunload=" "Intrinsic event triggered when document unloads. Deprecated The following presentational attributes are deprecated in favor of setting these values with style sheets: background=" "URL for the background image. bgcolor=" "Sets background color. text=" "Text color. link=" "Link color. vlink=" "Visited link color. alink=" "Active link color. Empty No. Notes There can be only one body, and it must follow the head. The body element can be replaced by a frameset element. file:///G|/1/0672328860/app02lev1sec2.html (1 von 5) [19.12.2006 13:50:30] Structure Comments <! > Usage Inserts notes or scripts that are not displayed by the browser. Start/End Tag Required/Required. Attributes None. Empty Yes. Notes Comments are not restricted to one line and can be any length. The end tag is not required to be on the same line as the start tag. <div> </div> Usage Division element is used to add structure to a block of text. Start/End Tag Required/Required. Attributes %coreattrs, %i18n, %events. Deprecated The align attribute is deprecated in favor of controlling alignment through style sheets. align=" "Controls alignment (left, center, right, justify). Empty No. Notes Cannot be used within a P element. <!DOCTYPE > Usage Version information appears on the first line of an HTML document and is a Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) declaration rather than an element. Notes Optional in HTML documents, but required in XHTML 1.0. <h1> </h1> Through <h6> </h6> Usage The six headings (H1 is the uppermost or most important) are used in the body to structure information in a hierarchical fashion. Start/End Tag Required/Required. Attributes %coreattrs, %i18n, %events. Deprecated The align attribute is deprecated in favor of controlling alignment through style sheets. align=" "Controls alignment (left, center, right, justify). Empty No. file:///G|/1/0672328860/app02lev1sec2.html (2 von 5) [19.12.2006 13:50:30] . No. Notes Cannot be used within a P element. <!DOCTYPE > Usage Version information appears on the first line of an HTML document and is a Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) declaration. elements are listed alphabetically and the following information is presented where applicable: ● Usage A general description of the element. ● Start/End Tag Indicates whether these tags are required,. elements. These are referred to as %coreattrs, %i18n, and %events tHRoughout this appendix and are explained in the following section. %coreattrs Four attributes are abbreviated as %coreattrs: ● id="

Ngày đăng: 07/07/2014, 09:20