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954 Index /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf file (continued) AddDefaultCharset directive, 525, 536 AddHandler directive, 525, 535, 536 AddIcon directives, 525, 535 AddIconByEncoding directives, 525, 535 AddIconByType directives, 525, 535 AddLanguage directives, 525, 536 AddOutputFilter directive, 525, 540 AddType directive, 525, 535, 540 Allow directives, 532–533, 592 AllowOverride directive, 532 Apache startup process and, 520 BrowserMatch directives, 536 for CGI, 543 default server configuration directives, 524–527 default server configuration discussion, 530–536 default server configuration listing, 527–530 DefaultType directive, 526, 534 Deny directives, 532–533, 592 <Directory></Directory> block, 526, 530–531, 540–541 DirectoryIndex directive, 526, 534 DocumentRoot directive, 526, 530–531 ErrorLog directive, 526, 534 forcing Apache to reread the file, 540 global behavior configuration, 521–524 Group directive, 526, 530 HostNameLookups directive, 526, 591 KeepAlive directive, 521, 523 KeepAliveTimeout directive, 521, 523 LanguagePriority directive, 526, 536 Listen 80 directive, 521, 523 LogFormat directives, 527, 534–535 MaxClients directive, 521, 523–524, 591 MaxKeepAliveRequests directive, 521, 591 MaxRequestsPerChild directive, 521, 591 MaxSpareServers directive, 521, 523 MIMEMagicFile directive, 533, 534, 535 MinSpareServers directive, 521, 523 number of directives for, 520 Options directives, 531–532, 540, 541, 592 Order directive, 532–533 ScriptAlias directive, 527, 543 ServerLimit directive, 522, 524 ServerName directive, 527, 530 for SSI implementation, 540–541 StartServers directive, 522, 523 TimeOut directive, 522, 591 TypesConfig directive, 527, 534, 535 User directive, 517, 530 UserDir directive, 527, 533 virtual server configuration, 537–539 /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf.rpm new file, 892 /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf.rpm orig file, 892 /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf.rpm save file, 892 /etc/idmapd.conf file, 279–280, 290 /etc/inittab file, 136–137, 197–198 /etc/issue file, 168 /etc/issue.net file, 168–169 /etc/krb5.conf file, 867–868, 870 /etc/logrotate.d/named file, 586–587 /etc/mail/sendmail.cf file, 474–475, 587–588 /etc/mail/sendmail.mc file, 475, 476 /etc/mime.types file, 520 /etc/modprobe.conf file, 886 /etc/motd file, 168 /etc/named.conf file acl statement, 451, 455 caching DNS server configuration, 461 caching-only server example, 449–450 client performance tuning, 583–585 comment lines, 450 described, 449 example configuration, 583–584 include statement, 451, 454 key statement, 451 46_599496 bindex.qxd 8/30/05 7:34 PM Page 954 Index 955 logging categories, 456–457 logging statement, 451, 455–457 options statement, 451–454, 584–586 primary master DNS server configuration, 462–464 restarting named daemon after changing, 464 secondary master DNS server configuration, 462 server performance tuning, 585–586 server statement, 451, 457 zone statements, 451, 457–458 /etc/nsswitch.conf file DNS name resolution and, 445 /etc/hosts file and, 236, 330, 445–446 example configuration, 192–193 hosts line in, 192, 236 NIS client daemon setup, 330–331 /etc/ntp.conf file, 397–401, 403–404 /etc/passwd file. See also user accounts creating LDIF files from, 860–861 entry example, 709 /etc/shadow file and, 709, 711 fields, 709 format, 708 gecos field, 709 overview, 708–709 parsing with Bash, 933 removing ftp user from, 501–502 shell field security measures, 709 /etc/postfix/main.cf file, 480–481, 482–483 /etc/postfix/master.cf file, 588–590 /etc/postfix/transport file, 588 /etc/profile script, 165–167 /etc/raidtab file, 161 /etc/rc.d/init.d/named script, 449 /etc/resolv.conf file, 236–237, 446, 461 /etc/selinux/config file, 842–843 /etc/services file, 849 /etc/shadow file. See also user accounts creating LDIF files from, 860–861 /etc/passwd file and, 709, 711 fields, 710–711 Kickstart Configurator setting, 84 password expiration information in, 710 passwords stored in, 709 removing ! from password in, 711 /etc/squid/squid.conf file, 409–411 /etc/sudoers file, 733–737 /etc/sysconfig directory. See also specific files and subdirectories files and configuration options, 175–176 storing configuration scripts in, 164 /etc/sysconfig/apmd file, 176 /etc/sysconfig/apm-scripts directory, 187 /etc/sysconfig/authconfig file, 177 /etc/sysconfig/clock file, 177 /etc/sysconfig/crond file, 178 /etc/sysconfig/daemons directory, 187 /etc/sysconfig/desktop file, 178 /etc/sysconfig/firstboot file, 178 /etc/sysconfig/grub file, 178 /etc/sysconfig/harddisks file, 178–179 /etc/sysconfig/hwconf file, 179 /etc/sysconfig/i18n file, 179 /etc/sysconfig/init file, 179–180 /etc/sysconfig/iptables file, 180, 195 /etc/sysconfig/irda file, 181 /etc/sysconfig/kernel file, 181 /etc/sysconfig/keyboard file, 181–182 /etc/sysconfig/kudzu file, 182 /etc/sysconfig/mouse file, 182–183 /etc/sysconfig/named file, 183 /etc/sysconfig/netdump file, 183 /etc/sysconfig/network file, 184, 190, 237 /etc/sysconfig/networking directory, 187 46_599496 bindex.qxd 8/30/05 7:34 PM Page 955 956 Index /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts directory ifcfg-eth0 file, 235, 250 ifcfg-networkinterfacename file, 196 ifup and ifdown symlinks, 196 network configuration files in, 188, 196 /etc/sysconfig/ntpd file, 184 /etc/sysconfig/pcmcia file, 184–185 /etc/sysconfig/resolv.conf file, 191 /etc/sysconfig/rhn directory, 188 /etc/sysconfig/samba file, 186 /etc/sysconfig/selinux file, 185 /etc/sysconfig/sendmail file, 186, 587–588 /etc/sysconfig/static-routes file, 195 /etc/sysconfig/system-config- users file, 185 /etc/sysconfig/system- logviewer file, 185–186 /etc/sysconfig/vncservers file, 186–187 /etc/sysconfig/xinetd file, 187 /etc/sysconfig/xinetd.conf file, 193–194, 438–439 /etc/sysconfig/yppasswdd daemon, 315, 321 /etc/sysctl.conf file, 409 /etc/syslog.conf file, 172–174 /etc/vsftpd/ftpusers file, 495, 496–497 /etc/vsftpd/user_list file, 495, 496–497, 502 /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf file configuring vsftpd features, 497–501 described, 495 enabling anonymous uploads, 504, 505 enabling guest user accounts, 506 running vsftpd over SSL, 508 /etc/xinetd.d directory, 438, 441 /etc/yp.conf file, 326–330 /etc/ypserv.conf file, 315, 316, 317–318 Ethernet cards. See NICs (network interface cards) e2fsck command, 683, 687 exclamation mark (!) in /etc/group file, 720, 721 in /etc/shadow file, 711 to reverse Bash set notation, 907 as Sudo shell access command, 737 exportfs command, 285, 287–288 Extended File System (XFS) of SGI, 148 Extended Industry Standard Architecture (EISA) bus, 31 extended partitions on x86 machines, 156 ext2 (extended 2) file system ext3 compatibility with, 145 overview, 146 resizing, 683, 687 special attributes, 691, 692–693 ext3 (extended 3) file system, 145–146, 683, 687 F failover clustering, 24 FAT file system, 147, 661 fatal signal 7 or fatal signal 11 message, 902–903 fault tolerance clustering solutions for, 24–25 cost issues, 24 defined, 9, 23 disaster recovery plan and, 9, 23 questions to ask, 24 fdisk command, 155, 683–684 Fedora Extras Web site, 769, 780 FedoraProject.org site, 769–770 feed.rss file, 570 FHS (Filesystem Hierarchy Standard), 141–142 FibreChannel disk arrays, 419 File Management Preferences dialog box (Nautilus), 115–116 file sharing. See NFS (Network File System) file system quotas creating quota files, 739–740 enabling capability for, 738–739 46_599496 bindex.qxd 8/30/05 7:34 PM Page 956 Index 957 for mailboxes, 472 need for, 737 programs for managing, 695, 738 set per file, not per disk, 738 setting and modifying, 740–742 steps for initializing, 738 turning on, 740 viewing utilization, 742–744 file systems. See also backing up; Nautilus File Manager (GNOME); NFS (Network File System) accessing Windows file systems, 890 checking and repairing, 683, 687 choosing type for partition, 50, 79 commands for creating and manipulating, 683, 685–691 commands for working with files and directories, 691–695 creating on a device, 683, 685–686 deleting files, troubleshooting, 889 disk management, 155–162 ext2, 145, 146 ext3, 145–146, 683, 687 FAT, 147 FHS, 141–142 fstab configuration file for, 169–170 IBM JFS, 147 icon in GNOME, 100 importance of understanding, 141 Internet services performance and, 582 kernel configuration options, 660–663 LDAP performance and, 582 maintaining from the command line, 683–696 managing disk space usage, 695–696 mounting, 46, 683, 688–690 moving data to another partition, 142 network file systems, 662 NFS performance and, 419 NTFS file system, 147 partition creation and manipulation commands, 683–685 pseudo-file-systems, 662 quotas, 472, 737–744 reiserfs, 146 reporting disk usage for, 938–940 resizing ext2 and ext3 file systems, 683, 687 root directory (/), 143–144 root user powers restricted by, 730–731 SGI XFS, 148 Sistina GFS, 148–149 structure, 141–144 symbolic links, 135, 683, 688 SystemV, 147 troubleshooting, 888–891 ufs, 147 unmounting, 683, 690, 694–695 Veritas FREEVxFS, 145 VFS layer, 145 virtual file systems, 149–154 Windows versus Linux, 143 file test operators (Bash), 917–919 file transfer protocol. See FTP files. See also configuration files; specific files Bash file test operators, 917–919 commands for working with, 691–695 deleting, troubleshooting, 889 displaying PIDs using, 691, 693–694 identifying files opened by a process, 691, 694–695 managing in Nautilus, 114–115 modifying ownership, 691, 692 modifying permissions, 691–692 opening in Nautilus, 112–113 showing detailed information, 691, 693 special attributes on ext2 files, 691, 692–693 static, 142 variable, 142 Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS), 141–142 finger service, 435 firewalls. See also Netfilter (iptables) firewall configuring during standard installation, 56–58 creating, 847–851 dedicated hardware appliances, 847–848 defined, 847 46_599496 bindex.qxd 8/30/05 7:34 PM Page 957 958 Index firewalls (continued) egress control, 847 for email security, 487 /etc/sysconfig/iptables file, 180, 195 ingress control, 847 Kickstart Configurator settings, 86–87 modifying rules for Squid, 411–412 NFS security improved by, 305–306 payload examination by, 847 planning the network and, 23 running Postfix behind, 482–483 SMTP connections and, 488–489 VNC server configuration, 384–386 FireWire (IEEE 1394), 649, 781 Firstboot, 65–70, 87, 178 flash memory cramfs virtual file system for, 149 other backup media versus, 781 floppy disk drives boot floppy creation, 35–36, 93–94, 618–619 booting from, 32 device is busy error message, 890 file names for, 45 icon in GNOME, 100 other backup methods versus, 781 support for, 32 flow control (Bash) case structure, 920, 924–926 for statement, 920, 922–923 if statements, 920–922 overview, 919–920 select control statement, 920, 924–925, 926–928 until statement, 920, 923–924 while statement, 920, 923–924 folders. See directories or folders; specific folders font server, X performance and, 417 for statement (Bash), 920, 922–923 FQDN (fully qualified domain name), 311 free command, 805, 806–808 FREEVxFS (Veritas file system), 148 freshrpms.net site, 768 fsck.mount program, 169 FTP (file transfer protocol). See also vsftpd (Very Secure FTP Daemon) core RFC, 492 ftpd daemon, 436 kernel source download via, 625–626 Nautilus for accessing sites, 113 NcFTPd for, 492 optimizing services, 590 outsourcing FTP hosting, 20–21 overview, 434 ProFTPD for, 492–493 scp as replacement for, 431, 434 sftp client for, 433, 510 sftp-server for, 509–510 FTP server. See also vsftpd (Very Secure FTP Daemon) firewall configuration for, 57 help for, 434 kickstart installation from, 76 not required for remote access, 5 ftpd FTP daemon, 436, 493 fully qualified domain name (FQDN), 311 functions (Bash), 928–929 fuser command, 691, 693–694 G gateways default, 232 defined, 246 IP forwarding, 246–247 routers, 232–233 running Postfix behind, 482–483 getenforce command (SELinux), 842 getopts command (Bash), 934–935 Gettys, Jim (“X Window System Network Performance”), 416 GFS (Global File System) of Sistina, 148–149 GFS (grandfather-father-son) tape rotation, 784 GIDs (group identification numbers), 718 GMT (Greenwich Mean Time), 59, 74 GNOME (GNU Network Object Model Environment) Actions menu, 109–110 Applications menu, 103–104, 107–108, 109 46_599496 bindex.qxd 8/30/05 7:34 PM Page 958 Index 959 Computer icon, 99–100 configuring, 118–119 date and time display, 101 as default desktop, 87, 97 Desktop menu, 106–107 home directory icon, 101 Kickstart Configurator setting, 87 logging out, 119 managing applets on the panel, 102–103 Nautilus File Manager, 99, 110–118 panel overview, 101–102 performance costs, 416 Places menu, 105 RHEL versus Fedora Core, 99, 101 showing and hiding windows, 102 shutting down from, 138 starting applications, 109 switching programs in, 102 switching workspaces in, 102 system volume setting, 101 trash icon, 101 VNC xstartup file and, 387–388 gpasswd command, 719, 720–722 GPG (GNU Privacy Guard), 599, 600–601, 606 GPU (graphics processing unit), 416 Grand Unified Boot Loader. See GRUB grandfather-father-son (GFS) tape rotation, 784 graphical user interfaces. See GUIs Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), 59, 74 grep command finding ports and protocols used by services, 849 for keywords in configuration files, 202 for NTP-related system log entries, 405 piping rpmquery output through, 765 for ssh server PID number, 150–151 Groth, David (Network Plus), 235 group accounts. See also user accounts adding administrator to group, 720 adding users, 720, 722, 723 administrative commands, 719 assigning administrator for, 720 changing passwords, 721 creating, 719, 728–729 deleting groups, 723, 729–730 deleting users, 722 /etc/group file, 501–502, 718 excluding nonmembers from joining with newgrp, 719, 721 GIDs for, 718 joining with newgrp, 721, 723 modifying with User Manager, 729–730 shadowed group files, 720, 722–723 user accounts versus, 718 user private groups (UPGs), 723–725 group identification numbers (GIDs), 718 groupadd command, 719 groupdel command, 719, 723 groupmod command, 719, 720 GRUB (Grand Unified Boot Loader) Advanced Boot Loader Configuration screen, 53–54 boot floppy for kernel upgrade, 618–619 Boot Loader Configuration screen, 52–53 boot process and, 128–132 command-line interface, 131–132 configuration file, 139–140, 170–171, 670 installing with Red Hat, 51–54 kernel selection by, 129, 130 Kickstart Configurator settings, 77 location for, 53, 77 OS selection using, 129, 130 passing arguments at boot time, 178 passing kernel parameters, 130–131 password for, 52–53, 77 stage one process, 129–130 stage two process, 130 updating for new kernel, 670 using during boot, 130–132 GUIs (graphical user interfaces). See also X Window system; specific GUIs command line versus, 673–674 XFree86 server for, 5 gunzip command, 773 gzipped tarballs, 771 46_599496 bindex.qxd 8/30/05 7:34 PM Page 959 960 Index H Hacking RSS and Atom (Orchard), 573 hard drives. See also file system quotas; file systems; partitioning hard disks Apache performance and, 593 boot process and, 128 buying, 32 changing drive order, 53 configuration file for tuning, 178–179 disk failure and metadevices, 156–157 distributing NFS exports across, 272, 419 file names for, 45 kernel configuration options, 648–649 kickstart installation from, 76 LDAP performance and, 582 managing disk space usage, 695–696 mirrored disks for backups, 783 NAS devices, 420 NFS performance and, 419 other backup media versus, 781 reporting usage for mounted file systems, 938–940 support for, 32 hardware clock. See also date and time, system; time server setting, 697–698 for time server, 395, 405–406 Hardware Compatibility List, 893 hardware RAID, 160. See also RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks) hardware support database, 20, 34 hash character (#) for comments, 139 Hesiod authentication, 85 home directories defined, 6 icon in GNOME, 101 NFS and, 266–267, 272 opening in Nautilus, 112 of root user (root), 144 Samba configuration for, 343–344 shell configuration scripts in, 164–165 home directory, 143 host DNS server tool, 464 hostnames entering manually when installing Red Hat, 56 local file of hostname to IP address mappings, 191–192 managing hosts, 261–262 name service resolution order setup, 192–193 obtaining information automatically via DHCP, 56 setting up, 190 HP JetDirect print queue configuration, 223 ht://Dig /etc/htdig/htdig.conf file, 575–576 features, 574–575 for files that are not straight HTML, 576 further information, 578 fuzzy searching algorithms, 574–575 installed by default, 574 rundig script for, 575–576, 578 rundig.cron script for, 578 start_url statement, 575–576 testing, 576–578 troubleshooting, 900 updating search databases, 578 HTTP Configuration Tool (Apache), 539 HTTP protocol firewall configuration for, 57 HTTP acceleration feature, 406 overview, 436 HTTP servers. See Apache Web server; Web servers HTTPS protocol, 57 hubs versus switches, 420 hwclock command, 697–698 I Ibiblio.org site, 770–771 IBM JFS (journaling file system), 147 MCA bus support, 31 Token Ring system, 16 46_599496 bindex.qxd 8/30/05 7:34 PM Page 960 Index 961 IEEE 1394 (FireWire), 649, 781 if statements (Bash), 920–922 ifconfig command assigning multiple addresses to single NIC, 238 loopback device configuration, 234 NIC configuration, 234–235 viewing current network configuration, 233–234 IMAP4 (Internet Message Access Protocol version 4) cyrus-imapd startup error, 900–901 file system quotas for mailboxes and, 472 overview, 471 POP3 versus, 472, 485 server setup, 485–486 SquirrelMail with, 563, 564–565, 566 indeterminate loops (Bash), 923–924 Industry Standard Architecture (ISA) bus, 31 InfiniBand support, 660 infrared devices, 181 init scripts default /etc/inittab file, 197–198 defined, 196 managing by hand, 198–200 managing using chkconfig, 200–202 runlevels and, 196–197 starting network services from, 194–195 initialization scripts for NFS server, 274, 285–286 for Squid, 409 initrd directory, 143, 144 install program, 777–778 installation verification. See rpmquery command installing. See also kickstart installation; RPM (Red Hat Package Manager); standard installation AMANDA, 796 BIND, 446–447 dhcpd program, 248–249 KDE, 120 kernel RPM, 619–620 kernel SRPM, 621–623 Kickstart Configurator, 72–73 mt-st package, 785 new kernel, 669–670 packages built from RPMs, 763 RPMs, 756–757 Samba, 340–341 software from SRPMs, 771–778 Squid Web proxy, 407 Intelligent Input/Output (I2O), 649 Internet connection IP masquerading configuration, 263 modem connection, 257–259, 893–895 NFS and security of, 270 NSFv4 and, 268, 269 sharing, security and, 14 Internet Message Access Protocol version 4. See IMAP4 Internet Printing Protocol (IPP), 220 Internet protocols, 429. See also specific protocols Internet resources Apache configuration information, 520 Apache history, 512 Apache MPM information, 517 Axel Thimm’s RPMs (ATrpms) site, 768–769 BIND (latest release), 446 CAs (certificate authorities), 554 database server optimization tips, 425 email security information, 487 Fedora Extras site, 769, 780 FedoraProject.org site, 769–770 FHS standard information, 141 freshrpms.net site, 768 further information, 492 Hardware Compatibility List, 893 hardware support database, 20, 34 ht://Dig project site, 578 Ibiblio.org site, 770–771 installation manual, 29 kernel mirror sites, 624 kernel source code, 623 kernel update information, 620 LCAP site, 731 LDAP information, 852 Linux Journal site, 573 Linux Performance Tuning site, 422 Mailman project site, 556 46_599496 bindex.qxd 8/30/05 7:34 PM Page 961 962 Index Internet resources (continued) NcFTPd site, 493 NFS information, 269, 422, 896 NIS configuration information, 315 NIST site, 395 NTP information, 396, 406 NTP pool time servers, 397 OpenLDAP FAQ, 583 OpenSLP, 319 PPP configuration information, 894 print driver information, 225 ProFTPD site, 492 RDF information, 568 Red Hat Network site, 605, 608–614 Red Hat site, 608 Red Hat/Fedora Repository site, 768 RFC information, 246 RPM PBone Search site, 768 rpmfind.net site, 769 rpm.livna.org site, 769 RPMs, third-party sites for, 768–771 RSS information, 568, 573 RSS tools, 573 Samba, 340 security mailing list, 23 SELinux information, 58, 845–846 Sendmail performance tips, 588 sound card configuration information, 886 SquirrelMail project site, 567 SSL information, 546 troubleshooting help, 879 VNC information, 382–383 vsftpd information, 492 “X Window System Network Performance,” 416 X.500 standard information, 852 XFree86, 903 Internet services. See also optimizing Internet services; specific services centralizing, 581 defined, 429 disabling unnecessary services, 581 iptables firewall package for, 441 less secure services, 434–436 secure services, 430–433 server protocols, 436–437 standalone services, 440–441 TCP/IP as basis for, 429 xinetd server configuration, 437–439 xinetd-started services, 439–440 Internetwork Packet Exchange protocol, 348 InterNIC domain database, 232, 238 interrupt requests (IRQs), 152–153, 154 I/O activity monitoring, 822–826 I/O redirection (Bash), 929–932 I/O scheduling algorithms, 647 iostat command checking overall task load, 825–826 default output, 822 described, 805 getting current information, 822–823 interpreting output from, 823–824 per-disk statistics, 824–825 per-partition statistics, 824 syntax, 822 sysstat package required for, 822 IP addresses assigned to network interfaces, 238 device aliases, 260 entering manually when installing Red Hat, 56 finding for specific domain name, 464 IP forwarding, 246–247 IP masquerading, 263, 851 local file of hostname to IP address mappings, 191–192 for loopback device, 233–234 multiple addresses with one NIC, 238, 260 network classes and, 231–233, 234–235 Network Layer addresses, 230, 232 for NIC configuration, 234–235 obtaining information automatically via DHCP, 56 reserved network numbers, 235 reverse lookups, 465–466 setting up, 189–190 static, aliases for NICs and, 238 static, configuring, 260 subnetting, 238–247 unusable addresses, 241 46_599496 bindex.qxd 8/30/05 7:34 PM Page 962 Index 963 IP forwarding for NICs, 246–247 for Squid, 408–409 IP masquerading, 263, 851 IPP (Internet Printing Protocol), 220 iptables firewall. See Netfilter firewall ipxutils package, 348 IRQs (interrupt requests), 152–153, 154 ISA (Industry Standard Architecture) bus, 31 I2C support, 654–655 I2O (Intelligent Input/Output), 649 J JetDirect (HP) print queue configuration, 223 JFS (journaling file system) of IBM, 147 job control with Bash scripts, 936–941 joystick support, 653 K kadmin.local command (Kerberos), 869 kdb5_util command (Kerberos), 868 KDC (Key Distribution Center) system, 865 KDE (K Desktop Environment) Applications menu, 122–124 checking if installed, 120 installing, 120 Kickstart Configurator setting, 87 Konqueror File Manager, 124–125, 432–433 logging out, 123, 126 managing applets, 121–122 overview, 119–121 panel, 120–121 performance costs, 416 running on Windows via VNC, 391–392 selecting at login, 98 switching programs in, 121 switching workspaces in, 121 VNC xstartup file and, 387–388 kdestroy utility (Kerberos), 866, 870 Kerberos authentication service authconfig applications and, 872–873 core utilities, 866–867 development of, 864 enabling clients and applications, 870–871 KDC system, 865 Kickstart Configurator setting, 85 for login authentication, 871–873 machine roles, 865 overview, 864–865 packages, 865–866 realms, 865 reliability, 865 server configuration, 867–870 starting Kerberos-related services, 870 terminology, 865 timestamps, 864 as trusted third-party service, 865 kernel. See also customizing the kernel; kernel configuration options boot process and, 129, 132–133 changes in latest version, 615 compiling, 666–667 configuration file for packet-filtering services, 180 configuring, 629–637 deciding to upgrade or not, 616–617 defined, 615 displaying memory usage, 810–812 enabling IP forwarding, 408–409 installing kernel RPM, 619–620 installing new kernel, 669–670 NCP support, 339, 349 obtaining the kernel source, 620–628 overview, 615 passing parameters in GRUB, 130–131 patches, 616, 623, 627–628 preparing to upgrade, 618–619 pristine RPM for, 623–628 Red Hat-blessed, support and, 617 selection by GRUB, 129, 130 size considerations, 667–668 SMB support, 339 source code site, 623 SRPM (source RPM), 621–623 startup log, 879–881 updating GRUP for new kernel, 670 upgrading versus customizing, 618 up2date utility and, 181 46_599496 bindex.qxd 8/30/05 7:34 PM Page 963 [...]... issues, 270–27 1, 305–307 NIS+ improvements, 334 NTP autokey encryption, 399–40 1, 403–404 policy, 22–2 3, 27 Postfix mail server, 482–483 Samba, 34 3, 344 secure NFS, 290 security log, 2 7, 28 Sendmail, 478 server and service issues, 5–6 shadow password system, 8 4, 70 9, 710 SMTP, 488–489 SSL, 507–50 9, 546–554 system administrator duties for, 4, 10–12 for system configuration files, 163–164 update procedure,... box, 606–607 Up2date Login Page, 606 Web site, 60 5, 608–614 Red Hat Network Configuration dialog box, 599–602 Red Hat Package Manager See RPM Red Hat Web site, 608 Red Hat/ Fedora Repository Web site, 768 redirecting I/O (Bash ), 929–932 redundancy, disaster recovery and, 26 Index Redundant Array of Independent Disks See RAID registering with Red Hat Network, 605–608 reiserfs (Reiser file system ), 146... startup log, 879–881 LDAP performance and, 582 for mail messages, 173 NTP-related entries in system log, 405 Postfix mail server, 482 by sar, 826 security log, 2 7, 28 SELinux messages in system log, 840–841 Sudo log file, 733 syslog.conf configuration file for, 172–174 system log, 40 5, 73 3, 840–84 1, 879 tracking system changes, 761 as troubleshooting resources, 879–882 as variable files, 142 viewing, 881–882... avoiding, 775 capability bounding set, 731 defined, 4–5 etc directory files and, 163–164 home directory (root ), 144 logging in as, 5 for MySQL, 355 NFS and root squashing, 27 1, 277–27 8, 306–30 7, 730 overview, 730–731 password lost or forgotten, 884 restrictions on powers of, 730–731 setting password, 6 1, 75 shutdown privileges and, 138 system administrator as, 4–5 route command, 23 4, 23 8, 247 routers, 232–233... tuning, 422 RAM versus swap space and, 3 1, 47 running X across a network and, 391 Samba networking, tuning, 423–424 system administrator duties for, 9–10 tmpfs virtual file system and, 149 usability and security balanced with, 415 Web services, optimizing, 590–593 X Window system, tuning, 416–418 performance monitoring CPU usage, 679–68 0, 817–82 1, 829–830 I/O activity, 822–826 memory usage, 806–81 2, 827–828... wildcard, 906–908 quota command, 69 5, 73 8, 743–744 quotacheck command, 69 5, 73 8, 739–740 quotactl command, 695 quotaoff command, 69 5, 738 quotaon command, 69 5, 73 8, 740 quotas See file system quotas quotastats command, 695 R RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks) command-line tools, 162 getting information about, 161 hardware versus software, 160–161 kernel configuration options, 64 6, 649 levels, 160... user accounts, 713 resetting for users, 883 root, lost or forgotten, 884 root, setting, 6 1, 75 Samba, 342–343 shadow passwords, 8 4, 70 9, 710 shadowed group files and, 723 updating only expired tokens, 713 patching the kernel, 61 6, 62 3, 627–628 See also upgrading the kernel PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect) bus, 30–3 1, 643–644 PCI-X (PCI extended) bus, 64 3, 644 PCMCIA configuration file, 184–185... message, 889–890 Nottingham, Mark (“RSS Tutorial for Content Publishers and Webmasters” ), 573 Index Novell kernel support for NCP, 33 9, 349 network connection, 33 9, 348–350 networked print queue type, 222–223 NSA (National Security Agency) as SELinux developer, 83 5, 83 6, 837 SELinux-related Web sites, 5 8, 845 NSCD daemon, 85 nss_ldap package, 856 NT file system support, 661 ntalk real-time chat protocol,... accessing file systems, 890 file systems support, 661 running KDE via VNC, 391–392 using Linux VNC server from, 390–391 Mills, David (NTP implementation programmer ), 396 MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions ), 470–47 1, 520 minus sign (– ), deleting files starting with, 889 mixed networks, 1 8, 19–20 mke2fs command, 68 3, 685–686 mkisofs command, 787 mkswap command, 68 3, 686–687 MMC card support, 660 mnt... Extensions (MIME ), 470–47 1, 520 mutt email client, 46 9, 766 $mynetworks configuration variable, 484 MySQL anonymous user, 355 checking if installed, 354 client programs, 359–361 deleting anonymous accounts, 358 mysql command, 356–35 7, 361 mysqladmin command, 355–35 6, 359–360 mysqlshow command, 35 5, 35 6, 360 packages, 354–355 as part of LAMP, 353–354 popularity of, 35 2, 353 PostgreSQL versus, 362–364 restoring . links, 13 5, 68 3, 688 SystemV, 147 troubleshooting, 888–891 ufs, 147 unmounting, 68 3, 69 0, 694–695 Veritas FREEVxFS, 145 VFS layer, 145 virtual file systems, 149–154 Windows versus Linux, 143 file. information, 568 Red Hat Network site, 60 5, 608–614 Red Hat site, 608 Red Hat/ Fedora Repository site, 768 RFC information, 246 RPM PBone Search site, 768 rpmfind.net site, 769 rpm.livna.org site, 769 RPMs,. directive, 52 5, 536 AddHandler directive, 52 5, 53 5, 536 AddIcon directives, 52 5, 535 AddIconByEncoding directives, 52 5, 535 AddIconByType directives, 52 5, 535 AddLanguage directives, 52 5, 536 AddOutputFilter

Ngày đăng: 07/07/2014, 09:20