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Secure PHP Development- P170 pot

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  • Secure PHP Development

    • Front Matter

      • Preface

        • Is This Book for You?

        • How This Book Is Organized

        • Tell Us What You Think

      • Acknowledgments

      • Contents at a Glance

      • Contents

    • Part I

      • Chapter 1: Features of Practical PHP Applications

        • Features of a Practical PHP Application

        • Employing the Features in Applications

        • Summary

      • Chapter 2: Understanding and Avoiding Security Risks

        • Identifying the Sources of Risk

        • Minimizing User-Input Risks

        • Not Revealing Sensitive Information

        • Summary

      • Chapter 3: PHP Best Practices

        • Best Practices for Naming Variables and Functions

        • Best Practices for Function/Method

        • Best Practices for Database

        • Best Practices for User Interface

        • Best Practices for Documentation

        • Best Practices for Web Security

        • Best Practices for Source Configuration Management

        • Summary

    • Part II

      • Chapter 4: Architecture of an Intranet Application

        • Understanding Intranet Requirements

        • Building an Intranet Application Framework

        • Creating a Database Abstraction Class

        • Creating an Error Handler Class

        • Creating a Built-In Debugger Class

        • Creating an Abstract Application Class

        • Creating a Sample Application

        • Summary

      • Chapter 5: Central Authentication System

        • How the System Works

        • Creating an Authentication Class

        • Creating the Central Login Application

        • Creating the Central Logout Application

        • Creating the Central Authentication Database

        • Testing Central Login and Logout

        • Making Persistent Logins in Web Server Farms

        • Summary

      • Chapter 6: Central User Management System

        • Identifying the Functionality Requirements

        • Creating a User Class

        • User Interface Templates

        • Creating a User Administration Application

        • Creating a User Password Application

        • Creating a Forgotten-Password Recovery Application

        • Summary

      • Chapter 7: Intranet System

        • Identifying Functionality Requirements

        • Designing the Database

        • Designing and Implementing the Intranet Classes

        • Setting Up Application Configuration Files

        • Setting Up the Application Templates

        • Intranet Home Application

        • Installing Intranet Applications from the CD- ROM

        • Testing the Intranet Home Application

        • Summary

      • Chapter 8: Intranet Simple Document Publisher

        • Identifying the Functionality Requirements

        • The Prerequisites

        • Designing the Database

        • The Intranet Document Application Classes

        • Setting up Application Configuration Files

        • Setting Up the Application Templates

        • The Document Publisher Application

        • Installing Intranet Document Application

        • Testing Intranet Document Application

        • Summary

      • Chapter 9: Intranet Contact Manager

        • Functionality Requirements

        • Understanding Prerequisites

        • The Database

        • The Intranet Contact Manager Application Classes

        • The Application Configuration Files

        • The Application Templates

        • The Contact Category Manager Application

        • The Contact Manager Application

        • Installing Intranet Contract Manager

        • Testing Contract Manager

        • Summary

      • Chapter 10: Intranet Calendar Manager

        • Identifying Functionality Requirements

        • Understanding Prerequisites

        • Designing the Database

        • The Intranet Calendar Application Event Class

        • The Application Configuration Files

        • The Application Templates

        • The Calendar Manager Application

        • The Calendar Event Manager Application

        • Installing the Event Calendar on Your Intranet

        • Testing the Event Calendar

        • Summary

      • Chapter 11: Internet Resource Manager

        • Functionality Requirements

        • Understanding the Prerequisites

        • Designing the Database

        • Designing and Implementing the Internet Resource Manager Application Classes

        • Creating Application Configuration Files

        • Creating Application Templates

        • Creating a Category Manager Application

        • Creating a Resource Manager Application

        • Creating a Resource Tracking Application

        • Creating a Search Manager Application

        • Installing an IRM on Your Intranet

        • Testing IRM

        • Security Concerns

        • Summary

      • Chapter 12: Online Help System

        • Functionality Requirements

        • Understanding the Prerequisites

        • Designing and Implementing the Help Application Classes

        • Creating Application Configuration Files

        • Creating Application Templates

        • Creating the Help Indexing Application

        • Creating the Help Application

        • Installing Help Applications

        • Testing the Help System

        • Security Considerations

        • Summary

    • Part III

      • Chapter 13: Tell-a-Friend System

        • Functionality Requirements

        • Understanding Prerequisites

        • Designing the Database

        • Designing and Implementing the Tell- a- Friend Application Classes

        • Creating Application Configuration Files

        • Creating Application Templates

        • Creating the Tell-a-Friend Main Menu Manager Application

        • Creating a Tell-a-Friend Form Manager Application

        • Creating a Tell-a-Friend Message Manager Application

        • Creating a Tell-a-Friend Form Processor Application

        • Creating a Tell-a-Friend Subscriber Application

        • Creating a Tell-a-Friend Reporter Application

        • Installing a Tell-a-Friend System

        • Testing the Tell-a-Friend System

        • Security Considerations

        • Summary

      • Chapter 14: E-mail Survey System

        • Functionality Requirements

        • Architecture of the Survey System

        • Designing the Database

        • Designing and Implementing the Survey Classes

        • Designing and Implementing the Survey Applications

        • Developing Survey Execution Manager

        • Setting Up the Central Survey Configuration File

        • Setting Up the Interface Template Files

        • Testing the Survey System

        • Security Considerations

        • Summary

      • Chapter 15: E-campaign System

        • Features of an E-campaign System

        • Architecting an E-campaign System

        • Designing an E-campaign Database

        • Understanding Customer Database Requirements

        • Designing E-campaign Classes

        • Creating Common Configuration and Resource Files

        • Creating Interface Template Files

        • Creating an E-campaign User Interface Application

        • Creating a List Manager Application

        • Creating a URL Manager Application

        • Creating a Message Manager Application

        • Creating a Campaign Manager Application

        • Creating a Campaign Execution Application

        • Creating a URL Tracking and Redirection Application

        • Creating an Unsubscription Tracking Application

        • Creating a Campaign Reporting Application

        • Testing the E-Campaign System

        • Security Considerations

        • Summary

    • Part IV

      • Chapter 16: Command-Line PHP Utilities

        • Working with the Command-Line Interpreter

        • Building a Simple Reminder Tool

        • Building a Geo Location Finder Tool for IP

        • Building a Hard Disk Usage Monitoring Utility

        • Building a CPU Load Monitoring Utility

        • Summary

      • Chapter 17: Apache Virtual Host Maker

        • Understanding an Apache Virtual Host

        • Defining Configuration Tasks

        • Creating a Configuration Script

        • Developing makesite

        • Installing makesite on Your System

        • Testing makesite

        • Summary

      • Chapter 18: BIND Domain Manager

        • Features of makezone

        • Creating the Configuration File

        • Understanding makezone

        • Installing makezone

        • Testing makezone

        • Summary

    • Part V

      • Chapter 19: Web Forms Manager

        • Functionality Requirements

        • Understanding Prerequisites

        • Designing the Database

        • Designing and Implementing the Web Forms Manager Application Classes

        • Creating the Application Configuration Files

        • Creating Application Templates

        • Creating the Web Forms Submission Manager Application

        • Creating the Web Forms Reporter Application

        • Creating the CSV Data Exporter Application

        • Installing the Web Forms Manager

        • Testing the Web Forms Manager

        • Security Considerations

        • Summary

      • Chapter 20: Web Site Tools

        • Functionality Requirements

        • Understanding Prerequisites

        • Designing the Database

        • Designing and Implementing the Voting Tool Application Class

        • Creating the Application Configuration Files

        • Creating the Application Templates

        • Creating the Vote Application

        • Installing the Voting Tool

        • Testing the Voting Tool

        • Summary

    • Part VI

      • Chapter 21: Speeding Up PHP Applications

        • Benchmarking Your PHP Application

        • Buffering Your PHP Application Output

        • Compressing Your PHP Application Output

        • Caching Your PHP Applications

        • Summary

      • Chapter 22: Securing PHP Applications

        • Controlling Access to Your PHP Applications

        • Securely Uploading Files

        • Using Safe Database Access

        • Recommended php.ini Settings for a Production Environment

        • Limiting File System Access for PHP Scripts

        • Running PHP Applications in Safe Mode

        • Summary

    • Part VII

      • Appendix A: What's on the CD-ROM

        • System Requirements

        • What's on the CD

        • Troubleshooting

      • Appendix B: PHP Primer

        • Object-Oriented PHP

      • Appendix C: MySQL Primer

        • Using MySQL from the Command- Line

        • Using phpMyAdmin to Manage MySQL Database

      • Appendix D: Linux Primer

        • Installing and Configuring Apache 2.0

        • Installing and Configuring MySQL Server

        • Installing and Configuring PHP for Apache 2.0

        • Common File/Directory Commands

        • Index

        • Wiley Publishing, Inc. End-User License Agreement

Nội dung

For example, the following are equivalent: upload_max_filesize = 2M upload_max_filesize = 2097152 upload_tmp_dir The load_tmp_dir directive defines the temporary directory location for files uploaded via PHP. It is customary to set this to /tmp on UNIX systems; on Windows systems, this is typically set to /temp or left alone, in which case, PHP uses the sys- tem default. Syntax: load_tmp_dir directory Common File/Directory Commands This section describes a few commonly used Linux file and directory commands. chmod Syntax: chmod [-R] permission-mode file or directory Use this command to change the permission mode of a file or directory. The per- mission mode is specified as a three- or four-digit octal number. For example: chmod 755 myscript.pl The preceding command changes the permission of myscript.pl script to 755 (rwxr-xr-x), which allows the file owner to read, write, and execute, and allows only read and execute privileges for everyone else. Here is another example: chmod -R 744 public_html The preceding command changes the permissions of the public_html directory and all its contents (files and subdirectories) to 744 (rwxr-r-), which is a typical permission setting for the personal Web directories you access using http://server/~username URLs under Apache Server. The -R option tells chmod to recursively change permissions for all files and directories under the named directory. Appendix D: Linux Primer 821 34 549669 AppD.qxd 4/4/03 9:28 AM Page 821 chown Syntax: chown [ -fhR ] Owner [ :Group ] { File . . . | Directory. . . } The chown command changes the owner of a file or directory. The value of the Owner parameter can be a user ID or a login name in the /etc/passwd file. Optionally, you also can specify a group. The value of the Group parameter can be a group ID or a group name in the /etc/group file. Only the root user can change the owner of a file. You can change the group of a file only if you are a root user or you own the file. If you own the file but are not a root user, you can change the group only to a group of which you are a member. Table D-3 describes the chown options. TABLE D-3 CHOWN OPTIONS Option Description -f Suppresses all error messages except usage messages. -h Changes the ownership of an encountered symbolic link but not that of the file or directory to which the symbolic link points. -R Descends directories recursively, changing the ownership for each file. When a symbolic link is encountered and the link points to a directory, the ownership of that directory is changed, but the directory is not further traversed. The following example changes the owner of the file to another user: chown bert hisfile.txt cp Syntax: cp [-r] source destination Use the cp command to make an exact copy of a file. The cp command requires at least two arguments. The first argument is the file you want to copy, and the sec- ond argument is the location or file name of the new file. If the second argument is 822 Part VII: Appendixes 34 549669 AppD.qxd 4/4/03 9:28 AM Page 822 an existing directory, cp copies the source file into the directory. The -r parameter recursively copies a directory. cp main.c main.c.bak The preceding example copies the existing file main.c and creates a new file called main.c.bak in the same directory. These two files are identical, bit for bit. grep Syntax: grep [-viw] pattern file(s) The grep command enables you to search for one or more files for particular character patterns. Every line of each file that contains the pattern is displayed at the terminal. The grep command is useful when you have numerous files and you want to find out which ones contain certain words or phrases. Using the -v option, you can display the inverse of a pattern. Perhaps you want to select the lines in data.txt that do not contain the word the: grep -vw ‘the’ data.txt If you do not specify the -w option, any word containing the matches, such as toge[the]r. The -w option specifies that the pattern must be a whole word. Finally, the -i option ignores the difference between uppercase and lowercase letters when searching for the pattern. Much of the flexibility of grep comes from the fact that you can specify not only exact characters but also a more general search pattern. To do this, you use what are described as regular expressions. find Syntax: find [path] [-type fdl] [-name pattern] [-atime [+-]number of days] [-exec command {} \;] [-empty] The find command finds files and directories, as shown in the following example: find . -type d The find command returns all subdirectory names under the current directory. The -type option is typically set to d (for directory), f (for file), or l (for links): find . -type f -name “*.txt” Appendix D: Linux Primer 823 34 549669 AppD.qxd 4/4/03 9:28 AM Page 823 The preceding command finds all text files (ending with a .txt extension) in the current directory, including all its subdirectories. find . -type f -name “*.txt” -exec grep -l “magic” {} \; The preceding command searches all text files (ending with the .txt extension) in the current directory, including all its subdirectories for the keyword magic, and returns their names (because -l is used with grep): find . -name ?*.gif? -atime -1 -exec ls -l {} \; The preceding command finds all GIF files that have been accessed in the past 24 hours (one day) and displays their details using the ls -l command. find . -type f -empty The preceding command displays all empty files in the current directory hierarchy. head Syntax: head [-count | -n number] filename This command displays the first few lines of a file. By default, it displays the first 10 lines of a file. However, you can use the preceding options to specify a different number of lines, as follows: head -2 doc.txt # Outline of future projects # Last modified: 02/02/99 The preceding example illustrates how to view the first two lines of the text file doc.txt. ln Syntax: ln [-s] sourcefile target ln creates two types of links: hard and soft. Think of a link as two names for the same file. Once you create a link, you cannot distinguish it from the original file. 824 Part VII: Appendixes 34 549669 AppD.qxd 4/4/03 9:28 AM Page 824 You cannot remove a file that has hard links from the hard disk until you remove all links. You create hard links without the -s option: ln ./www ./public_html A hard link does have limitations, however. A hard link cannot link to another directory, and a hard link cannot link to a file on another file system. Using the -s option, you can create a soft link, which eliminates these restrictions: ln -s /dev/fs02/jack/www /dev/fs01/foo/public_html Here you create a soft link between the directory www on file system 2 and a newly created file public_html on file system 1. locate Syntax: locate keyword The locate command finds the path of a particular file or command if updated script was run at an earlier time using cron job or manually. locate finds an exact or substring match. For example: locate foo /usr/lib/texmf/tex/latex/misc/footnpag.sty /usr/share/automake/footer.am /usr/share/games/fortunes/food /usr/share/games/fortunes/food.dat /usr/share/gimp/patterns/moonfoot.pat The output that locate produces contains the keyword foo in the absolute path or does not have any output. ls Syntax: ls [-1aRl] file or directory The ls command allows you to list files (and subdirectories) in a directory. It is one of the most popular programs. When you use it with the -1 option, it displays only the file and directory names in the current directory. When you use the -l Appendix D: Linux Primer 825 34 549669 AppD.qxd 4/4/03 9:28 AM Page 825 . location for files uploaded via PHP. It is customary to set this to /tmp on UNIX systems; on Windows systems, this is typically set to /temp or left alone, in which case, PHP uses the sys- tem default. Syntax:

Ngày đăng: 07/07/2014, 07:20


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